Newspaper Page Text
/TJEORGiA, VJ praisers Crawford county:— apart Ap
assign to Mrs. appointed al 1. sawyer to set year’s and
therefore port have made their retlirn: '1 his is
to cite all persons concerned to
show cause, if any they haVe, before me
On or befdfe the first Monday should in August
hext, made the Why tueir return of the court of not Ordi¬ be
Judgment hartd
nary. GiVen under m.v and official
signature this, July R 2nd, iS89.
O, P . W I GHT; Ordinary.
HkoRGIAi W. Crawford M. 'Taylor, County—Td ail
tor Concerned : deceased, administra¬ dtie
of Buf.Us Cartel 1 ; has in
fornt belonging applied for leave to sell the lands
to the estate of said deceased :
This is therefore to cite It ail parties con*
Cerned to show cause, aiiy they have,
before me on the first Monday in August;
next, be granted why said application should not
hand as pfaved for. Given Under
This tny July artd Official signature. t>.
2nd, 1889. O. Ordinary. WRIGHT;
/'JKOKGIA, VJ sold befote CraWfort. tne Coiii't cotinty—Will lioflse door be in
the town of Khoxvillej said county
in the legal hours of sale On the
itig Tuedsay in September mixt, the follow
two ptopetty to Wit: Fouf mules and
oxen; two-horse also one oiie-horse wagbn alid
Otie wagon ; the above beiilg
the property set out in mortgage n fa
Ulliler Which the same was levied. L. Horn Levied
oil ns the property of j.
frdih end by the virtue Superior of a mortgage said fi fa issued
favor court or county
Of .Goleiriau & Ray. All parties
This Concerned AllgUst legally notified. B; HARTLEY,
Printers 2; 1889. A. Sheriff-.
fee 83
Mome council,
W« lake pleasure in eNlliug th* attentioti el
fiiotliers to ft, home cure for all ilirtaaea of the
(Stomach and bowels, a medicine So long Deeded
to catty children safely thfotifh the firiticaj
fa kn incaiculahle blessing to mother and eliitd.
It is an ihstftnt relief td colic of infants, a dis¬
ease with Which they suffer so mttcb the first
fonr months of their life. It gives sweet test to
the sick ftiid fretful child, aud strengthen*
and builds up tini weak; gives appetite and
flesh to the puny, collects drain form ths
bowels, cUres diafvbM aiid dysChtary. A
panacea ftor ehlldreii. Try oilo bottle. Ii
Costs onp Twenty-Five Cents a bottle,
For »«!• *.* 1 * WSVCSf
‘JCS A 'D'DYCl Organic weakness
m Decay ,nnd n umorous
A ftAblCAL CURE FORm^/tOO fre£ Jnduluenco, or
A SffSiS
Organio Weakness, v: i
tesl X
THOU SAND CAS ES* B E> BSSESB Pis*?; Ey directanp^cafioD
Jmw - s to tUo Boat ot'diseaso Its
fOBft 2 urril functions of the fin.
* MfiVinsr rAtiimU Ba j j 0 iTbo man organism auunating, is elements rerto^ed.
rS&.-JsJlia'SS R
^IC 0 CEli < ?«^ 5 Sa»BUPT 0 B?
F>r After Forty
SfOTfVjdVRB jean*
mlJUlIflfl experience prepavution of itf th*h
eSTABl more
than One Hundred
Th6'ushnd applications for patents in
the United States arid Iio'fG'Jen conn*
tries, American the publishers continue %S of kpi the fts Scientific solicitors
4 for patents, caveats, trane-riiarkw. copy
fighr-B, etc., for the ITnftdd Staten, and
Germany,' oi>tam patents all in Canada. (tounttied England. Thoir Franco,
ie arid other facilities? experi¬
ence unoq'uali’d autitheir Me uusur
. Drawings mid specification^ pr^pafftri and filed
In the PvUf&t Cnficeoh sfeovt notice.. Terms very
reason able. No charge ftfr exatriiaaticrAI oriuodoU
tn Fat-ent* .drawings obtained Advice through by Mnnp<fcOQ.arv»noticed ,
fnthe the . lar^stoironlation SCIENTIFIC arid AMKIlIC is the most AW. influential which has
The hewspaper adtsifttag^s’ of iui kind Such published t'otied in the pateutae world!
« every
inderstAriGs. if.Aat-raf-ed
h . This published Urge and WKKKLi spUndidl j «t $3.00 newspaper and is
a year,
admitted to be the best piper devotod to fcienco, and
fnechani66 t inventions, ^ngineerjpg works,
lished 6ther departroGnts of rnaustrial progress, pub¬
in any country, it oout.ain^ the names of
All each patentees and title of every invention patented
week. Tfy it four ruonths for one dollar.
Sold by all havo newsdealers. invention writA
if you ari to patent to
Munn <fe Co., publii'Uors of Scientific Ajr.crlcaa,
OlBro&dway, BdDdbook. Nev. York mailed froe.
about patents
m Sffc'fy
kvely /A?.—My darling, you look frriesistibly
to-night 1
She .—Do I? Thanks very rffttch! you
etc handsome as-a Prinoe, Gharley.-in your
dress suit.
He .—Give the credit to the Diamond
S hirt, my love, which I wear for the first
ti'fne to-night; toilette. it is that its which gives (slip¬ tone
to my Here is prototype
her ping finger).- the Diamond engagement ring on
file She .—May of onf loVe be as enduring ii
“ The Diamond Shirt.’
■WAMSUTTA Cflctu-rad^ «
M sfcsm
m s® MILLEB&C 2
* 'If your dealer does hot keep it, send his address
<o Daniel Miller & Go., solomauufr lurers, Balii*
ffiorey Mdj
What the Talking People About. are Doing and
Society .tews and Neigliborii
hotfil Sqtes-Versenai
Read notice of naW bill to he presented
to the legislature to ptoveht the sale of
whiskey Within five miles of Fort Valley.
We return thanks to Mr. Beeland, Mrs.
McCrary, Mrs. Long and Messrs. Harris
and OulvCrbous for frnitse.
Mrs; Johh Jackson, Mrs. Nash and
Miss Willie Nash are visiting relatives at
Stone Monutain.
Miss Lucias, of Taylor county, is visit¬
ing friends in Knoxville
We lloai- that Mr. Henry Hancock died
at Sandy Point on Wednesday night. He
Was buried at the family burial ground ou
EclifcConnee creek, so we are informed.
Mr i Crawford Fierce went to At¬
lanta this week on a business mission. He
has returned.
A limited number of the celebrated um¬
brella China trees—one year old—for sale
by the editof.
Mr. doe -Jordan had five calves killed
by a flash of lightning a few days ago.
As soon as the news aboUt lightning’s
striking Col- Smith's house had been pub¬
lished a rod agent made his appearance;
and he is getting work too.
Knoxville hue! quite a sevefe little storm
on Sunday afternoon- Shade trees were
blown down in various parts of towfi.
Mr. A. J. Danielly is trying to Work up
a reunion of the old Confederate soldiers;
declares his Intention of starting a list
next Wednesday.
The project of wofkitig Up an agricul¬
tural display fori tho Alliance dinner was
started too lath. The people it) this county
could have a good fair if given time.
A First Class new Sewing Machine' for
sale at nearly half price. Apply at the
printing office.
Mrs. PieriCe will hate ohO tnfire bargain
day this season, the 14th and 1 Qtb. Come
and get cheap goods.
It took the A. & F. cannon hall train
only four hotirs to run frofn Fort Valley
to Knoxville on Thursday.
Next week We will publish an interest¬
ing tetter from “Baker” about events that
happened long ago in this county.
Miss Emma Andrews relumed to her
home hero on Thursday, after a visit of
a week in Macon.
Mr.- W. H. Andrews,- who'has a position
in Mafiou with E. L. Burdick, is visiting
his relatives in the burg.
Mr. B. P. Wylie, a prominent grocer
of Atlanta, was here recently.
The yofing people had a pleasant socift*
ble on Thursday night at tiro residence of
Mr. I*. H. Wright in honor of Miss Lucas,
Who is visiting there.
Don’t forget to corns to sec Mrs. Pierce
the 14th and 16th. I have a few
patterns of dress goods at Cost.
For a safe and certain remedy for fever
and ague 1 use J)r JH McLean’s Chilis
and Fever Cure, it is warranted to cure,
Mrs.-Frank Wright aird several children
arc visiting friends at Byron.
Mr. James SnitiVafr. of jkbtflofr, r* in'
toft'ti,- the guest oi Mr.- F.- Darnelly.
Our Alliance (tfrtfisf will bo tho biggest
thing of the kind in Georgia.
The wife of Mr. William Smi'tfc, after a
protracted illness, died at her home near
Sandy Point yesterday.
It is impossible to comprehend why it
is that the Macon & Birmingham R. R.
Co. keeps Working on a line up in Monri e
county, unless it is that the expect to have
the charter changed so that the road can
be tun by Atlanta.
We Very much regret our inability to
publish an excellent letter received from
Ceres this week;
Laces, Pitching, I-latS mid Flowers at
Cost at Mr*. Pierce’s. Now is the time to
get goods' cheap’. I Want room fori my
fal! stock.
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of Wcafi ness
and lassitude. To dispel this feeling take
Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla; it will
impart vigro and vitality.
ThAKe Arie times Whena feeling of lassi¬
tude wlilf overcome the most robust, when
the system craves for pure blood, to fur¬
nish the elements of health and strenght.
Tho best remedy for purifying the blood 1
is Dr J. II. McLean's Sarsaparilla.
Per AnniLii;
Ordtnary’ii Clourt;
The following business was transacted
in the Ordinary’s cotirt on Monday;
Teat’s support set apait to Mrs. M. 1.
Sawyer acid children.
Wi M. Taylor, administrator on estate
of Rufus Carter, deceased! granted leaVe
to sell lands of said estate.
Will of Thomas J. Sanders, deceased,
proved in comhidn form aild admitted td
Also a number of antludi retflrns by ex¬
ecutors and administrators approved and
admitted to record
This county furnishes a large portion of
the beef cattle used in Macon, and at this
time they arc unusually flit.
N O 'ft' 1 V K.
Georgia, CraWford county Notice is
hereby given that during tile present
session of the legislature of ho Georgia there
will be introduced a bill to entitled “An
act to prevent tlie sale of alcoholic or
spirituous liquefs within five miles of the
Male and Female Institute in the tofril of
Fort Valley, and for other ptirposSes.
To the secretaries of sub-AllidnceS i If
you have not rrtado youri quarterly report
for the quarter ending June SOth, piease
do so at once so that 1 may report to the
State Secretary. You citli repoft in pefsofi
on the 14th Instant, 0. li. CAtlSF.t,
Icc ci-Cafii audlieMonadrii
We are requested by the ladies to state
that there will be an ice-cream stand on
the ground where tho Alliance dinnef is to
held, from which will he dispeficed a
bountiful supply of delicious ice-cream and
lemonade for all; The proceeds from the
same are to be donated for repairs being
made on the Baptist church;
A yotmg man near this toWC had ah
eatiug cancer on his face, Which bad de¬
stroyed liis nose and Was eating towards
his eyes. As a last resorit I put him oh
-Swift’s Specific, and it has cured him en¬
tirely'sound and well.
M F Crumley' M D Oglethorpe,-Os.
ST. LOUIS, MO., proverbially Post-Dispatch healthy says
“Indian women are
and strong, oiten marching fori days In With
their babies Upon their backs. after fact,
they frequently go the day before ahd
Confinement, with their tribes, upon the
march. These women acquire this great
strenght and power of endUrafice by using
a weed that grows in their locality, out of
which a medicine is now being made, and
kept hv the druggists, under the name IN¬
DIAN* WEED (Female Medicine.)
Faults of digestion cansfi disorders of
the liver,- arid the whole Bystem becomes
deranged.* Dr. J. II. McLean’s Sarsapa¬
rilla perfects the process of digeotion and
ssimitation, and thus makes pure blood.
Neuralgic Persons
And those troubled with nervousness relieved by resulting taking
frbm cure or ovirivork will be
Brown’s Iron Bitter*#, ocimine
has trade mark and crossed red lines Oh Wrapper.
j. s. m c gee
At Ceres ori McElmttfray’s old stand
Klim For and Fine Gin Whiskies,- e«neral J^ran )y,!
and Gho-I !
cenes. j.-vij'vtbing r.i ,i • at - ir Macon
'Hie White is King.
7000,000 NoW In Use.
f/' v
j'k- .
wmmsw I
Gcutlemen, uo you want to please your
Ladies do yoU desire to lighten yourlabors?
Dealers do yon wish to satisfy your cus¬
tomers ?
If so, Buy THE WHITE.
Tho one and only verdict of the people at
is that tho White fills the bill 1 in' ev¬
ery respect.
We Know You Want The Best.
A Golden Opportunity For Dealers.
'Yhite Sewing. Madfcne Co., Cleveland 0
Ci'aivfol d
i'He Alliance Committee.
liy request, the Alliance committee < f
afrangdinents met onrWednesdav and re¬
considered their action as to the solection
of grounds for the dinner on the 14th.
The grove around the tharches was
chosen, as it was considered the choice of
the majority and mos corivenicnt location.
'there was no Other business transacted,
the rnerhbferS of the committee present
were; M. U. McElmurray, J. P. Blasiu
game, Charles Knight. II. F. Sanders and
A; J. ihinielly.
The committee and the marshals will
mfeet at the Court house at 9 o’clock on
Wednesday 'the morning.
committee docs not consider that
it previously Went beyond its instruction*
in selecting a location, but a member of
the committee informed us that the change
of places was made in dolTerence to the
wishes of the majority of Alliancemen.
Pltiin History.
Swift’s Specif! is a simple vegetable
co'lnpound, prepared from roots gathered
freshly from the forest and contains noth
iug of the mineral kingdom or any poison¬
ous substance or any article at all which
comes ftom the chemist's iabratory.
The formula of the remedy was obtained
from the Creek Indians in Middle Ga. by
reliable white men, who had witnessed the
Wonderful cllre's made by that tribe of
Indians of blood disease. Mr Hugh L
Dennard of Houston Co Ga, began using
Swift’s specific in 1829 and continued its
Use all his life and asserted that ne had
never known it to fail to cure any case of
scofUlit blood taint or contagious blood poi¬
son. This testimony has been cofrobaru
ted fcvefy day for years. The present Com¬
pany wad formed in 1879 and have since
made known to the world the virtUreS of
Swift’s Specific and to-day it is sold in ev¬
ery city, towu and country stole all over
America Great Britiar;, and many other
portions of the world.
I have seen Swift’s Specific used and
kntrtvif of many cases of the worst foim
of blood diseases which have been cured by
it I know the proprietors to be gentlemen
of the highest type and utmost reliability.
I reccoftimCnd ii as a great blood remedy
unequalled by anything that 1 know of.
Bastot M B Wharton,
1st Baptist Clinch, Montgomery Ala.
gjggr* . kou THE blood,
Blliousnmtete^ Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion and
iron B'TTF.US.
It cnreB quickly. For sale by all dealers in
medicine. Get the genuine.
In It are COtS
iiin^ th« fin.
est mechanic
til skill, thei
most useful
And practical
Vantages that
riUake a sew.
} "^ «>*!hine'
desirable to
ugQ ,
»MU*y »& Wholesale Office, Belvidere, III
971 Wabash Ave., Chicago,
$9 Broad Street, New Toths
37. 'R. HIC'KS. ‘
Whenever you come ‘to Mmon :B-xiifiliant and want samethiu'g good to eat a'nEi something
good to dfinkgou wiil ’fiud (Jae the 'best zplzzce in town of the kind.
Eehoes from Elam.
We are having glorious fains just at time: Some saj too much, but one
thi. g sure it is the very life of corn, peas,
potatues and turnips, and I don’t think it
has hurt cotton much yet. Rust in places,
but better wet rust than dry rot. Ou the
whole you may say crops are good to date,
We are having a good deal of sickens,
Mr. D. Ft. Humph lost hia infant son,
Sammy, on the 3rd inst. The little dar
ling had stayed with its parents about one
year—just long enough to nearly crush
their hearts to lose him. Weep not father
and mother, Sammy is in Heaven !
I see that there has been a bill intro
duced by our Representative, W. W.
Johnson, to create tax assessors for Craw¬
ford county. We, as a mass, in our sec¬
tion of country, are opposed to the bill;
from the simple fact its taking rights away
ftom the parties who have the tax to pity,
or in other words it’s as much as to say
we don’t believe the parties who give in
their taxes under oath. Then again we
are opposed to creating new offices for a
few impecunious offiee seekers.
p VJ BORGIA, Crawford count)—By vir
tue of ari order regularly granted
by the court of Ordinary of Bibb county,
Georgia, in September 1 will sell ou before the first the Tuesday
house next, court
door in the city of Macon, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder at public outcry, the following
property Two to wit : The East half of lot
number (2) in the Seventh district
of said Crawford county, containing one
hundred acres, more or less. Bounded
North and East by lauds of estate of
Vince Nichols, south by lands of Robert
Bryant, and west by by other half of said
lot number 2 owned ELI Dunn- -Said
property to be sold as property of
estate of Alford Wilborn, late of said
of Bibb said county, estate. deceased, to pay the debts
Terms cash.
Executor of B- L. JONES;
Alford Wilborn.
The most delicate constitution can safely
ues Dr, J. H, McLean's Tar Wine Lung
Balm. It is a sure remedy for coughs, loss
of voice, and all throat and lung troubles.
SICK headache, biliousness, nausea
costiveness, are promptly and agreeably
banished by Dr. J. II. McLean’s Livur
and Kidney Fillets (little pills.)
Oi. MatietVs TEETHltiA (Teething PowderO
Bum Allays Irritation, Airis Dlr^gtion, Child, RRRUlates tfce
els, Strengthens tbe makes Teething
Aftsy snd Costa onlj^ 25 Cents, Teeth ilia cures
Eruptions the and Soree, ,and iiothifig Equals it for
i48afeandeur6. bummer troubles of Children? yoti of tiny. a§ti It
Try it and will hev«»r .be
without 1 TEKTHINA as long &s there are
Keu In the House. Ask your Druggist.'
Many Persons
Are broken down from overwork or homeholS
cares Browu’s Iron Bitters
rebuilds the system, aids digestion, removes ex¬
cess of bile, and cures malaria. Get the genuine.
Or you are It. all is worn general out, dehilitv. really good Try for nothing
It will cure you. and give a good appetite . Sold
by all dealers in medicine.
-redd* j.w no ssnji par passom pne ijretn span swj
anjnuao -jt pos sr-nvop |jv -}t puaoimooaj suejo
Ts-iUd 'AllliqaG iBjonof) pm -ssonsnosjON ‘vu
•vibK 'vjsdaas^a ‘ssottBUOiua ‘uops83jpoi samp
'alik 1 ,..'.
i r iTNtSl jm[l BUST 1 ' K E ^-4 I
®) _ s l3)fef - >
NfW.HOMf jfWmG •MACHIgf (° ORANGf -MS?f
*32®-- S!*gSi
S7.LOUIS.MO - nriaBdijesiatra dah-ms-tex. I
J. W. Blasiiig.imo, Knoxville, Ga.
Having bought out Mr. Holzendorf’s business, we are pre'
' pared to supply our friends with the best Liquors cigars and
Tobaccos the ma:ket.affords at living prices. NOW whenever
you come to town come to see Cmm Hicks.
/^JEORGIA, VJ sold before Crawford the court county—Will house door bd in
hours Knoxville, of sale Georgia, within the in legal
on the first Tuesday Au¬
gust, 1889, the following property to wit:
One hundred and fifty acresof land, iuorc
or less, in being parts of lots numbers 141
142, bounded the Seventh District of said county; Harris;
north by laud of Daniel
east by lands of Proctor, south by lands
of Posted and west by lands of iliil-
levied on as the property of defendant
rior by virtue of a fi f i issued from the Supe
court of said county in, favor of M.
G. Bayne. Hardeman and Davis against
Rachel Jefferson. July 4th, 188&
B. A . H ARTLE Y, Sheriff
W rapping paper for sale afc
this office at 4cts per poand
DIZZINESS, nausea, drowsiness, dia
tress after eating, can be cured and pra-'
yer)ted by t(Ain „ Dr. J. H- McLean’s Live/
and Kidney fcifctf (littl6 p ; lls )
Ik health and life are Worth' aiiythinff
and yon are feeling ont of sorts and tired 1
out, tone up your system by taking Dr. J
II. McLcan’s Sarsaparilla,
INDIAN WEED (Female Medicine) has
proved a great blessing to the weak .deli¬
cate, over-worked women of onr large citing
for it is that all who use it kaep robust and
Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly spits*"
sorcs, and ulcers, abscesses and tumor*;
unhealthy discharges, such as cajarrh. ec¬
zema, ringworm, other forms of skin dis¬
eases, are symptoms of blood impurity
J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla;
No need to take those bigcathartic pills:
one of Dr. J. II McLean’s Liver arid Kid*
ney Fill, U is quite sufficient and mor*
hade by Harwuod M’f’gfij
To Replace Broken Cane.
Anybody c*.n apply «*
fie Mechanic needed.
soi® nr
Furniture &
In buying new Chaire^aek tor thoia With
Hab-vood’s Refi Leather Finis'll Seat*.
gamsm hnpotency, Corcurial ASTsotioas. Organic Weakiw**. tionorrto®*, Syphilitic in*
remedies; I>eformitie#«;Tr_oaU‘.l. Scwdu^ treatment; Call dale for and «wa
laesHoristo be anawegff-tty or write list mitiL off
:hot-o desiring treatmeiH by
tfPervtfn's snffcriniflWm Rnptur* should send their nddrsasA
^andlearr sonu-lfcin-toifat-ir aivaatace. It i« not a tr iusj
|pdrc-ss Chtr&l MeUtt Dr. C. L. Sun;. T.aBARGK, Institute, I*Wt 920 Lot and Physician Loata.■«• In Cham Dr. Butt*’ Disreuavy nst st.. St.
EsUUlabeil SO luia
New improved high arm, new mechanical prineU
aadrobiry action,cylinderehnttle, movemepts,automatic,directaad
feed, springs; few self-setting parts, minimum! needle,’
“ tantrums,” no friction; capacity no noise, unlimited, no wear, no fatigue;
always in or-'
richly satisfaction. ornamented, nickel plated, and gives!
Send for circulars. Address;
RT2 Broadway, N«w York.'
mm only
^ orFailing Manhood, Nervousasa
Weakness* vi^or Lack Development* of Strength,
by ind; soretions. exoGases, «to Benefit* In *
Cures usually within, amoirth. No Do^eptioa
Qiuvpkery. Positivo Proofs, fu) 1 dosoriptloa and
mS5& rtGtGd A and favorite successful prescription of one of thf
moas. specialists in tho U.
(now re tired) lor the cure of Xrrvou* JOrbilUy 9
Etust 3f suftMif, IFfaSitewaml Eeeay. Sen*
to plain sealed envelope fro*, DruKglstecanfllllu
Address Dft WARD & CO.. Louisiana. Mo,
H. S I’KKNtv n< I- .L~ FD .Fii-,. in an intftewwMnKatl. '
iiripnD-nt loin* n:i» ir our _> *' r»»i»ly to mqui -
- win *Hy it\»* ilpir* i' no r,vith>noe of
thin Or ; i ■_«)•> r -*h-» ;»■ I re rriisura ftro r wry
in dor «>nil. 1 iCitr<>r.i<-rt i>«»y*.-nru«"*u'uvgAt"^ttT!»^
ttivmg till t.articplnrs 1 »t luiiir^pwlnif Emit
a , hIA ..^uno* M
& Best Business College College lexicon. the World's *y.
Honor »nd Gold Medal over 8ook-KeeplB| oil other CoU*S**» nj
Exposition, J3ualne«* Education. for Svetem or 80(50 (iradotte* M** ln^
10 Teacliern employed, dost of Board,about Full Bnrine**
including Tyvc-Wrltlnic Tuition. Stationery Telegraphy, and KpeoialUea.'
Vaoatlon. SnierJ(ow. (JraduatfiRGuariintoedSncceBs. Principal,
For circular-., addretf* Ephraim W. Smith, Lcxiaztoh/hJH o*
Wilbur H. Buiittu E’rvtidwt,