The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, August 17, 1889, Image 1

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iYJ jOEORGlA, praisers appointed Crawford to county:— set apart and Ap Assign have to Mrs. made M 1. Sawyer .a year’s sun port thereforp to cite all their persons return concerned : i his to is phow cause, before if the aiw they Monday have, before me &n or first in August next, why .tlieir return should hot be made the Judgment of the court of Ordi¬ nary. Given under my hand and official signature this, O. P. July 2nd, 188!)., ______ WRIGHT, ORDINARY. I GEORGIA, CitXwROitu County—To all tor poncurned Rufus : \V. M, Taylor, administra¬ Of Carter, deceased, lias iii due form applied fdr leave, id sell the lands belonging This is therefore to tUe estate of saicl deceased : tt> cite ail parties eon, Cerned to.shpw (, if any they have, before me on the first Monday in August, next, be granted-as why said application GlVen should not hand and prayed for. . under my official signature. This Jdly 2 nd, 188!). O. P. WRIGHT, Ordinary. iVJ Y'JEOKGIA, sold befare;tlie Crawford Court county—Will house dour bo in the town of Knoxville, said county with¬ in the legal hours of sale on the first fTued’say in September next, the follow¬ two ing, property aiso to Wit: Four mules and oxen, two-horse ; ono one-horse wagon and bne wagon ; the above being the property set out in saorlgagn fi fa under Which the same was levied. Levied son as the property of .1. L. Horn under from the vittue Superior of a mortgage fi fa issued favor court of said county in Concerned of Colomau & nay. AU parties plis.AUgUSt legally 2,^1889. notified. IfA|TLl^V R. A. T , HUME COUNCIL, ,Vc • ,,,We take pleasure in calling the attention cl papthers to a UopW cure for all di-easoR lijiijf of the ftomach and bowels, a medicine so npeded |e cany children safely through the Criticaj (tags of TEETHING. .. i » PITTS’ O ARM ] NATIVE, 1 !----- |s an incnlctfiablc (hisknt relief bleiwing. tn.mother and child, ft is an. to colic of infnnts, a dis¬ ease wjtfi mouths .which of they suffer It so much the first lonr thfeir fife. gives sweet reel to the aick *iid, fretfit] child,: ftnd fitrcr.gSiom end builds up, .the weak, gives appetite ami flash .to tlii! puny,., corrects -drjln form th« bowels, cures, diarrhea aiffi dysentary. A panacea jS*r children. Try ofio bottle. Jt coat* orff Twenty-five Outs a bottle, For rvie l t, .WWSJGBa -rw 1 VlGQR&U^H^i^EN. ^ARRIS’ *¥*£$**,.*■ f D X ;0Uf " romydics for these Brmic - • WcakflfiSs.® '^fartVnvfoR^kSsS! $£$£*§%&$£ ^PHYSICAIG tessssasfe&“asg iHOU3AND CA3£v>a ra^Splci- By-directnr.j)li::utiC:4? scot r f akcise Us '9f.tpcc.iilc !iii!uV;)C;i m fcU paaus nw. au m <ffllC0GE!i c !^»^;2^RU?TliS : II ‘‘ITVwnwV.r After Forty years* the fu! “V.'jHm in experience "RiP in ^ -mr rU 1 . <i inrlM A ) iry lian 'P ai One n Hundred of more t fji the Thonsand Unit-cd applications--ia Hiates and Fore 2 3 tries, Sei«vntiiwj ;;n ooon* H the pwb'idhpTS of t'Ae Amorienn co’ntinno to art- n« pnlieitcrs ■ for paten 1 s, eaveate, t-rado-ria tV.n. eopy- ni\d tb obtain im«kb rijrow. etc., for.tke United Stales. France, Germany, paten (r in Canada, connirics Engiend, and all ofiViet TRoir-eyperv 1 - afeice i* unequaled and their facilities aro uusur f DraxfNifri tho Fjutent find Ol^ce specTfit-a'tions rhort prepared 't’frrnw. and filed m on noi.ic'-. very Ml asonalebi No cluit ae for fc*nminatiof*'6f models «rdrawsiifts . Advice by raaii free the largestcircuUtii)n and is t ue most, influential XHBwspapcr of ita’kiu.l imhiished inr the world, ^dva fThiy■Urgejinii u^acca of suck a no'ico i'.'.rsfrated every patentee puKRarhed WEKtCBY spUndid’y ne.WEiVr nml or is at a year, medko^Scs.MftVrtltior.y. adinjtrtf.d tij hp|-he beptii.-ipor .Vincdpeering devot-ed, works, to sojoikfi?. end S3p88S»t&; Munn \tt you have Ch.?, ftublRhero un invention cf Scieutilic fo patent AiuericA*, write to ftlBroudwiy.^cw « York /■V Handbook About patents mftiiod freo. ill Lilli ON THE EASIEST TERMS llVEil OFFERED IN CRAWFORD COUNTY The Dndersignel is now prepared to land money at 8 per rent, internet per im num. No cash commissions charged bor¬ rower. All that borrower is required to jmy in advance is my fee h r negtiating Iftbn and cost of roe rding necessary papers. Sums of $800 and upwards loan¬ ed on improved real esta e !or five years time. It you want money at cheap rates come and see mo, and get every dollar that you give a note for and save heavy CO omissions. Respectfully, O. P.'WRIGHT. Jommerciai College Sjbdfit neapost & Best Business College in the World, tor*u Honor nnd €Jo>d Ucdal or?r mlfotfttr Colleges, at enernl * Exposition, Birulnesn Eduoatlon. for System of 8©0(> licnk-K^epInx and iaalnoM. lOTeachcrB Gradnfti.d* in »nr«o.lncru<linR employed. Oort ofVuIl Buslnew Tuition. Buuiooerx *ud £uwd,about Ikort-lfoud, Vacation* Typt^-Writing SnterNow. It Tedder Ad ay, epeciAltlea, »o for drouUrs. Address ICphrKrm (irariufttna(:uarrjitac(JSticc®?s. W. Smithy Principal, or " WUbo r K. Smith. President, Lcxtnicton, Kf Many Persons Jtre broken down from overwork or houaehcAl c»n» Brown’s iron Bitters nfiinfifis of bile, tho.systeta, and aid* dlgcution, removes ex oes* cures uudarla. uet the genuine. TEE KNOXVILLE VOLUME II. TOWN AND COUNTY. What the People are Doing cliid Talking About. THE TIMES IN CRAWFORD Sioeieiy .Slryvs and R'eiglillor. Icootl i7«tea-l*ei-sbnttl iUenilon. A^r. -John McKown, of Jonesboro; is in town. ]$ia. Evpii Lumpkin and ■ daughter,came out from Columbus to the Alliance dinner. Miss .Minnie.Leo Long, of Fort Valley, visited friends here yesterday. W. II. Esberts came out from. Augusta this week to spend a short while with his relatives near hero. A limited number of the celebrated um¬ brella China,trees—one year old—for sale by the editor. Mr. J. 15. Wilson has quit clerking in Macon aud is at home again. lie speaks of opening a store near the depot. . Misses Mintde and Attic Moore, of the Central City, hqve ;bpei):.Spending some time here with relatives this week. A First Class new Sewing Machine fop sale at nearly half price. Apply at the printing office. W. II. Dent and B. A. Hartley visited Macon several days ago. 'Mr. Addiel Jackson is no longer, located at Pejres- 4,1c jfpeaks of going into, busi¬ ness in Atlanta. Foi'a safe and certain remedy for fevpr and ague; use ,Df JH McLean's Chills and Fever Cure, it is warranted to cure. Laces, Kuching, Hats and Flowers at cpijt at Mrs. Piferce’a. Now is the tiioe to get goods cheap. I want room for my fall slock. - - ;■ • , ■!* Col. 0 . I’. Wright is advertising in this issue to lean money oft better terms than the agent of any other company has ever offered. Bead his ad. I lev. Mr, Waller, of Br.r:.o«vif!p, will lie here Monday to assist tjie. pastor. Mr, W'ellons, jn conducting, the revival nieot ing which is started today. Even tJje <! -most, vigorous and hearty people Jinvs at times h failing of weariness and lassitude. To dispel this feeling take J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla; it will vigro and vitality. The young people had a, danco after thfj. at the I’arvit Louse- At night the delegation enjoyed a pleasant hop at the Dent House. h Mrs. Goodwin sent, in -the first, matured potatoes that we have seen. They were sent in about the fOth. Mrs. Wes Dent presented the Editor with a pitcher of .the mqst uleiicious niilk the world. Many Thanks. Thebe aro times wheffa feeling of lassi¬ wdj overcome the most robust, when tiie system craves for pure blood, to fur¬ the elements of health and streright. best remedy for purifying tlie blood Dr J. II. McLean’s Sarsavarilla. $ 6 * £ 211 WAJIFS Will be paid f«r return of one Jersey short black horns—pule fawn color in flunks aud under belly—grey on tieck aud forehead with white tip on the tail. F. if. WEIGHT. FOK DYSPEPSIA. Usp Brown’s Iron Bitters. Physician.? recommend it. All dealers keep it. $1.00 per bottle. Genuine has trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Either of the following engravings, “ Evangeline,” “ Bayard,” “ Monarch of tlio Glen” or “The First Step,” without advertising given with on them, size 20x24inches, one 50 cent or two 25 cent bottles of Ideal Tooth Powder. These are not cheap Bowman, lithographs, but works of art. A. D. Dentist, Nicliolia, Idaho, says, I am using your Ideal Tooth Powder, and find it superior to all others. Tlio engraving 24th “Evangeline” arrived safely on tbo of December, making it seem’ lik@ a Christmas gift. Trusting that Ideal Tooth Powder luay flourish, I remain, yours Col. reSpeqtfully, Elois Ear¬ nest, Denver, One of these engrav¬ ings retail without is given advertising with each on it 25 worth cent bot¬ $1 two tles of Ideal Tooth Powder. ’ I find Ideal Tooth Powder is without exception the -best. I have ever used. With and., white, its aid which I keep my tooth Unable ■ very clean do I was to with any other powder I havp ever tried before,j So says Ferdinand E. Chartard, Baltimore, Md. 1 .*» ’■ * •?;* - By tho way, will you buy and tlso Ideal Tooth Powder ? We can thoroughly rec¬ ommend it, R, E. Nichols, Dentist, Sa¬ fina, Ivafisas, says, Ideal Tooth Powder is : in my estimation, just what its name indicates. An engraving 2p.x24 is given with .each two bottles. Price 25 cents per bottlo. WEAK/UNDEVELOPED OPl'.t tin-ail MAM liliov nNf.AltGkU.lIKVBfr i, S I't< InIt h,N f b)l) f p i yeatiwom -nt lomi njn fiioro in our nnnwr. 3u rm»ly to humbug (oanl ri«>.u-4 will hut thtat i-i no evidepco of iri>on: this On th>» poptMiry, the HflvertifWVB qro'v^t^ highlyindofsert. Itttp.rHr-lpri pomniHninrgnt r rn g{unfcnb Hctiilitfs. i>y ndrtrwi aamn ' " ib iifti m ijd'aI. < jiV, N; VFyw f.CEUfii GEOI.G1A. /t’Gl’Sl 17,..1881. man m 1J(’;F”ij{ar..z ‘ i . .. i ’1’lie Alliance limner. And wo had the big Alliance picnic on Wednesday. Ben Terrell, tbo National Lecturer, was hero and made two Speeches duriug the day. This is not news, because everybody knows it. There is;no good in taking up time With d -tails, tint there is much that is interesting which might be said about this occasion. •I i It; is important and worth while to re¬ mark that everybody present seemed to enjoy the day. There was,.p sprinkling of Upson county people, 8 cioi'd of Taylor county folks and numbers, from Bibb and Monroe counties. Those , visitors came to have a good time and they Were not dis¬ appointed- ■ o Lecturer Terrell made quite a pleasant and versatile speech, in the morning, but some of his remarks in the afternoon did not please everybody who heard them, Re declared the Olive bill, to be a bad meas¬ ure. lie said the farmers did not .under¬ stand it, and said “If I were to. tell you that the Olive bill proposes to take awav tlfa, charter from any railroad company that enters into a combination, with any competing company to do away with com¬ petition, you would not understand, it” Probably he thinks pur pcoplo do, not know what a charter is. Maybe they ; ,do not know what is meant by a .combination of competing lines. This scums to be the natural, conclusion. Terrell has a wonder¬ ful amount of cheek, or he would riot talk this way when almost every AdPauce in state has studied this bill and endorsed it. it o 4's & k. hereby Georgia, given Crawford tliat during county ,-the ifi-Nytice present is session of the legislature o!. Georgia there will be introduced: jt bill to tie entitled “Aft act to prevent .the side of alcoholic or spirituous liquors within five nijles of the Male and Female Institute in tho towii of Fort Valley, and for oilier purposes,. ■ _ ■ . -I ;0 A young njiib near this’ town hjd &n eating cancoT qn hip face, w’njcty had ^67 stroyed his note and was eating ,towards his eyes. Asa last resort I put him,pp Swift’s Specific, and it lms cured him en¬ tirely sound and well. Ivl F Crumley* M I) .Oglethorpe,Gi. ST. ; LOU.lS, MO., pwverbiully I’ost-Dispatch “Indian women are marching ] -healihy with and strong, often for. days their hapies upon their- .banka. In fact, they frequently go the day before and confinement, with their tribes, upon - the march. - These -woftien acquire this rreat strenght ftnd power of endurance by using: a weed that grows in' their locality, out of which a medicine is now being-made, and kept bv the-druggists; under the name IN¬ DIAN" WEED (Female Medicine.) Faults of digestion causo disorders of the l.ivev, and the whole system becomes deranged. Dr. J. II. McLean’s Sarsapa¬ rilla perfects the pfoeess of digeotion and and tans makes pure blood. Xcuralffic Portions And those troubled with nervousness relieved by resulting taking from care or overwork will be Jirou'n’s Iron Bitters. Genuine has trade mSrkand crossed red linos on wrapper. : CALL CN J. S. M C G.E E , A t Ceres or McElmurray’s old stand For Fine /Whiskies, Braiiiy, Kura and (Jin and goneral (Jio prices. ce;cie>. .Everything at Macon The White is King. OVLB TP ■; - 7500,000 Now In Use. • * ►j-JLf L yjif ’ iigw sr.______ p* 4 \ ii KV'Si-f * m 7, Gentlemen, do you want to please your wives? Ladies do yon desire to lighten ,your labors ? Dealers do you rvish to satisfy your cus¬ tomers ? If Si\ ; Buy THE WHITE. The one aud only verdict of the people at large is that the White fills the bill ift ev¬ ery respect. We Know You Want Tho Best. A Golden Opportunity For Dealers. Madfcnc ADDRESS, . Sewing Co.,' Cleveland O Crawfoi d THE OLDEN DAYS. .When Crawford County wa3 First Settled. i In my laSt letter I; was made by the printer to say that I’olk was the whig candidate for president in 1844. I did not shy that. Clay for the whigs and Polk for the democrats. The last militia muster under the old regime was had in,Knoxville in tho winter 1851. I think this is whit was known As a general muster. All the militiamen the copnty were called together on a appi luted by the officer having .the military affairs of the county in charge, ane those general musters were held an nually„;, Then was the time that there was Cpnceivabie {^considerable garb, show,,. with All .carpel in every all kinds of arms, l'ttles, shotguns, corn stalks, sticks and umbrellas, and a more molly crowd could scarpely be lountl in any oouxitry. most of them looking very much like Fnl^wFs icgibiciit. The orderly seargents had the most-trying time of all. The. drym was souii'cled,about 10 o clock in the morning, and ifithoy succeeded in getting the R (ill in line By 12 , they were in good luck, The orderlies -.pouhl he heard all over town trying to form their companies; Oh yes! oji yes! ajl who belong to Captain James’ cstfipariy"fall into line) . Come, gentlemen, faU ip! , Here, I make yci a line! (inert¬ ing a fine across the street in the sand) Gome g*nllemen 1; jt’s getting late and we will waht to go homo soon ' The liioi) would ^stand about in groups and talk, and after an hour or so tire sergeante" would '-finally get them into a sort »t trim—then some would sit down, some . would kneel down, while others wotdd-stand up-rrsome facing ope way aud pome another, ffiit all talking and laughipg and keeping up a general com motion. -Alter so long a time they would them into two ranks and march them old field and hove them drilled, such drilling I Finally the colonel would appear upon the scene and review treiops and have them dismissed, and was the last of a general muster far; /a ml just here I must remark by way of j.arohthes’s, that these musters proved a great factor ip bringing out so many col chel^in Georgia.;. .. The law made it the duty of the govern¬ or,to visit eacl) county in the state once a year . and .review the troops. Of course the governor could not do this, so he ap¬ pointed some one in each county to repre¬ sent him, .and «fve him jhi rank of colonel.„ Aence the large crop of colonels that was grown every year, for the gov¬ ernor was cleared -annua !y ami each new governor appointed a. new set of colonels. title one?, obtained reninim-d wiih the jippomteo for life. .So in lima ah. ut tenth man was colonel. , But of militiamem,. arc. they good for war 7 Kot much. It does a little good to-have the militia organised, for the rea son .that you have the men subject t> mili¬ dmy, tbcif namCs enrolled —y u know, tho'r places of abode and h w many have, but as to such tiair.iug being of use ju war, these militiaineu are no good. The last colonel was Vil iam H Corbin, son of a very wealthy planter, Peter Cur-! bin. Colonel Corbin came in grand style ' pern the field, to review ibe troops. un j >rm was a very liandsome ouo, with : epaulets nearly as large as a pock la! measure. lie wore a continental a Washington hat wi.h a loag .-treaming plum a His horse was richly capaajsoucd s mietvvhat .afler the tr ental style. Ho iftfieed prt saited an imposing appearance. H was the last militia colonel—the last of, a long line—and as such is entitled to move than a passag notice. The writer of this sketch was p’orsoti ally acquainted wiiJV W. II. Corhiii. lie a man of fino worth, lie was a per¬ fect type of the southerp gentleman of the olden tipie. Surfoutides), with wqalth, lie enjoyed all the advantages; .highly cultured, noble in ,bearing, a bandsoine man—such was tjie last colonel of the mi¬ litia of Crawford, But La, with his regi mept have passed pff the stage of lite. The olf flint lock rifle, the old shot gvn. all that pertained to ,the times and the OGGi\ sion are gone. But very, few wbp, wore , present at the last muster of Crawford’s militia are now in life. The mjlitia , made a very good home , It served the purpose for which it was created. The recruits of it passed and so passed nwgiy the militia muster, ops of Georgia’s earliest institu tiops. Butono thing I cannot account for. cplotiels still remain, There seems to be about uB.neapy of them as ever. Does title pass frpm father tp son as an in¬ or docs custom keep the ranks ? I wish I did know how wo get so colonols. LADIKS * _ Needing . a tonic, children that want bniidkig or It is BROWsis plcusunt I'ron'iuttbhb. r and Biliousness. tp t«kc, AU etm.s Afnftiriii, keep Jndiacs- ‘ dealers u. NUMEKR 20 A Kmart I® I g . E. T. Harris has a pig that is twice as large as its mates, although are ail fat little shoats. Recently pig was,seen sucking a cow which juct about, boycot'ed the hotel with her supply of milk. Harris figures out a profit of 50 per cent in the transforma tion of milk into pork, and the smart is not disturbed at bis tii k. Tbe most delicate constitution can safely ties Dr, J. II. McLean’s Tar Wine Balm. It is a sure remedy for coughs, of voioe, and all throat and lung troubles. SICK headache, biliousness, nausea costi vino.*), are promptly, and agreeably banished by Dr. J. II. McLean's and Kidney Fillets (little pills.) VJ /NEORGIA, Crawford county—By vir tue of an order regularly granted by the court of Ordinary of bibb eountv, Georgia, in September I will sell on the first Tuesday house door in the next, before the court the hours city of JJaeon, between bidder legal of sale, to the highest at publie outcry, the following property to wit: The East half of lot number Two (2) in the Seventh district of said Crawford county, containing one buadre.i acres, more or less. Rounded North ami East by lands of estate of A ince Nichols, south by lauds of Robert Bryant, lot -and west by other half of said number ;! owned by l:i,i Dunn, iSaiil property to be. sold as property of the estate (if Alford Wilboru, late of said Bibb county, deceased, to pa. the debts Of said estate. Terms cash. lb L. JONES; Executor of Alford Vilborn. 8 ®T BROWN'S (ROM BITTERS Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mala? ria. Nervousness, and General Dehilitv. Fiij-si ciaas recommend it. Ail dealer:? sell iu Genuine lmfi trade mark: and crossed red Ilneij or wrapper. Bu Maiieti’s TEOHiM (liiaflilng Powders) Bovaig.btruEjrth.Dna Allay* Irritation. AltH Dlffpslion, Regulates tfte Assy the CMjt’aUmnkes Teething and CosU only £ii Ceirr,. Teethina curei; ^-ruptlons tuebumnier and troublosof oorea, and Children nothing o/any equals it for Ii is are. without safe and TEST tn/re. HINA Try it long and you vU\ never be as hr, there r-TQ child* ■Ga.iu the House. you-“ Druggist. - • ASK FOR iT! THE SELF-THREADING ££ J? In it 6T0 COEi- &L'?S biaed the fin¬ est mechanic¬ mm al skill, the most useful and practical elements, and all known ad¬ vantages that ipake a sew¬ ing machine desirable to sell or use. ELDREDQE RJ3FQ. CO. factoiy end Wholesale OlEce, BelviSero, JU. 871 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 39 Broad Street , New York . WSirWmi ! : ! f iNESf THE wm ’ *^7 60 ;" 2 a UN? atlanta. eAiI'-^Sai ! ST,l,otJI:s ' wa 0SSS" _Jj QAI.LAS.TEX. j W. Blasiogame, Knoxville, Oa. ! HICKS 85 'PARKER, . —-MACON, GA., DEALERS 1N——- '» V ‘ WHIka, , h 7‘ W IN E, TOBACCO .’ ._ _ &C;;_ . v' Having bought out TVII'.‘ *Holzenldorf’s business, we are pre vg‘pared t’i‘obaoc‘os’fhe’ to supply our friendswith the'best Liquors cigars and market‘affords 'at living prices. ‘ Now whenevef’ .jifou cums‘to town come to See Grum‘Hicks. ' /"JEOKtHA, sold before Crawford the court comity—Will bourn door Knoxville, Georgia, the- witliin the legal' hours of sale on first Tuesday in Au¬ gust. One 1 HH!t, the following property to lnortj: hum! red and fifty acres of land , or less, being parts of lots numbers 141 142, in the Seventh District of said county, bounded north by land of Daniel Harris, east l»y lands of Proctor, south by lands of Posted and nest' piojieity by lands of fllil levied onus the of defendant l>y virtue of a ii f t issued from the hupe rior court of udd county in favor, of ii. G. Rachel Payne. Pardetnan and Davis against Jefferson. July 4th, 1 RHH _B.A. il ARTLEY , t'HKnir r _ _ Wrapping paper for sale at this office at 4cis per pound-- '»v* DIZZINESS, nausea, drowsiness, dis¬ tress after eating, can be cured and pray vented by taking Dr.J. IP MoLeau’s Liver and Kidney Pilletf (little pills.) IJ health and life are worth anything and you are feeling out of sorts and tired . out, tone up your system by taking Dr. J II. McLean's Sarsaparilla. INDIAN WEED (Female Medicine) lias; proved a great blessing to the weak,deli¬ cate, yver-worked women-of our large cities for it is that all who use it kocp robust and healthy. . . j ... Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly spMs sores and ulcers, abscesses ami tumors, unhealthy discharges, such as catarrh, ec¬ zema, ringworm, other forms of skin dis¬ eases, are symptoms of blood impurity Take L>r. J. II. McLean’s Sarsaparilla.. No need to take those bigratliarlie pills; one of I)r. -I. H McLean’s Liver and Kid ney Billets is quite sufficient and more CHAIR.SEATS HARWOOD’S fiEEEFEcEFEE‘Ei BOSTON. WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY To Keplace Broken Cane. RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. Aiybcd)- apply- Li-.. can rt iuni. 'til.* U; I No Mcelmulc ueadefi. 31 SOID BY Furniture & O': Hardware ' TRADES. In buying new Chairs, ask for those with EiBwooD’s Red Lea’ther Einish beats. tnipolonsy, tV.-cr rial AffecHor.4. Organic 'Vcakncw-?, Scierjtiflj <Jmorrlifpa, grphllitle eafe 5 ftincGics. ; Deformities Treated. treatment; Call and tura by thot-c or -rritc for lint <4 luesiionstc be a^stvjrod Of^irinp rre&tmcnt bjmaiJL fisud suCTerincrfrnns’re sJar'nV. ened their tears eomethlmgfo iheir advautnirn. 11 Li not a tna*.0 latlrefis Or. C. L. T»a31AliGK, lVsi'i and FlijaleUta la Ckirn Mitral X-d. £s Hurs. Inst If n:». C20 Locust «t., St. UaMto,*. lr Ux. Hu:w Dispenagjar fcoahliaiied Iw* AVERY mv 4 m 5W1FT | I SURE | ifia SIMPLE I SILENT Ji IlJL' STRONG : SI- FiN’iN'; f.N'i rV>jb'j _ New improverf high enn, new sutlefaction. crE»inent^ Send 7 nldsd^wla,*ma for circulars. Adar&Mp machine. 8 IS Broadway, STew York, 3 THE BRILLIANT - SALOON A ND RESTAURANT; AND " IS OWNED BEING mm BY » £3. E... ~ 222% {QKE Whenever ynu come to Miami and want snmathiug gnud to eat and something good to drink you wi.l find the Brizlidut the bust pluuc‘iu town u: thu kind. ipi ' mm • i* • :‘AGENTS: WANTED;