The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, August 31, 1889, Image 1

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ON THE EASIEST TERMS EVER OFFERED IN CRAWFORD COUNTY The nndersigneil is now prepared lend money At 8 per cent, interest per an nurn. No cash commissions charged bor rower. AU that borrower is required to pay in advance is my - fee tor negotiating loan and cost bf recording papers. Sums of $300 and upwards loan¬ ed on improved real es'tate lor five years time. If you want money at cheap rates come and see me, and get every dollar that you give a note for and save heavy commissions. Respectfully, : o. p. Wright. /fJEORGIA, v? sold before Crawford the Court county—Will house door be in the town of Knoxville, said county with¬ in the legal hours of sale on the first ing Tuedsay m September next, the follow¬ property to wit: Four mules and two oxen, also one one-liorse wagon and one two-horse wagon ; the above being the property set out in mortgage ii fa under which the same was levieti. Levied on as the property of J. 1j. Horn under and by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior couii, or said county in favor of Colemau & Ray. All parties concerned legally notified. This August 2, $3 1889. 13. A. HARTLEY, P rinter’s fee Sheriff, _ /GEORGIA, vT tun of Crawford county—By vir an order regularly granted by the court of Ordinary of Bibb county, Meorgia, September I will sell on the first Tuesday In next, before the court house door in the city of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder at public outcry, the property to wit: The'East half of number Two ( 2 ) in the Seventh of said Crawford county, containing one hundred acres, more, or less. Bounded North and East by lands of estate "Vince Nichols, south by lands of ltob.-i Bryant, and west by other half of said number 2 owned by Bi J Dunn. property to be sold as property of estate of Alford Vilborn, late of Bib’* county, deceased, to pay the Of i 1 f*st te. Terms cash. • L. .lONET * lbcr —Mass from Flowers in the — LAND OF FLOWERS! DOUSSARTS Sweet Soeth In I os. Sprinkler-Top Bottles, EACH 65 CENTS. ALSO OUR EXTRA FINE SPECIALTIES: m D£s mm i snmz mmi mum IMPERIAL PINK! ROUSSEL ROSE EDEN BOUQUET! LILY OF THE VALLEY! am go cents per bottle. P8CC80LA I The most delicate and moat lasting odors made. Our trade-mark patented on every label. ••Delicate as a cobweb. hills.” Lasting as the Amount HTIfytnr to drugglct and will don't forward keep them prepaid* send m we OOUSSAN FRENCH PERFUMERY CO., 40 Chartres St,, New Orleans, ha. ASK FOR IT! THE SELF'THREADING ELDREDGE “B” In It are com¬ bined the fin¬ est mechanic el skill, the. most useful I end practical elements, end ell known ad¬ vantages that make a sew ing machine desirable to > •ell or use. ■LDREDGE MFC. GO. fkeUqr aai Wholesale Office, Bslrliere, Hi, 911 Wabash Ave„ Chicago, 99 Broad Street, New York. W 1 W 00 DWCF 8 £Sf^ V s -V or, V,f /.fVING MAf HINT O’ d.RA I PR- \SWE-i 8 Y, i i.iisi ga ii e. Kl«*:cvill: 0 . 1 . Mfmr r -rir isW. j|®| mml v ■ ^ ' r ! O v j $Sj j J&jr Ail, g j |L - • jPnmmerniol VllllllllClllldl Pnllaea^IX vUllsgC LEXINGTON, KY. j Cheapest Bonn* & Best Business College ;n Me World, l^'iru! iSSSf^iaaSftw? 'soor^dSSiMtf.*^ over . 11 .th.r Cre.egw.u; WUbiuf X,eiU.w..-i, fcjr MOXYILLE VOLUME II. TOWN AND COUNTY. What the People are Doing and Talking About. THE TIMES IN CRAWFORD Socfeiy Tews and neighbor, boot! Sotes-Personal mention. A bale of cotton sold here on Thursday for $70.52. Mr. Dick Williams came cut from Macon and spent Monday here. The meatfles has about “played out” in Knoxville. Knoxville is crowded with new goods. It is surprising how cheap they are. The people about the depot are rejoiced over the prospect of the erectiop of a new grist mill. A limited number of the celebrated um hrella China trues—one year old—for sale by the editor A First Class new Sewing Machine for sale at nearly half price. Apply at the printing office. J. W. Hkiingamo baa greatly increased his stock of 'roods. U<-cays he will keep ’ » good stock and sell at bottopi prices. J. \\ . Blasingame has just received a nice lot of shoos aud dress goods. K-- >x-. Tie Is r *v solid r, : a c ’t •< nv .* ;l l.o, . main.! bi„ film m cof-i-n tovn will have a buyer hers next week. Mr. Johu Stroud has probably beaton all the fruit men at growing LeConte pears. Ho brought in some fine ones the other day. one of which weighed 1 ) lbs. With two Atlanta and one Savannah cotton exporting firms represented here, this is as good a cotton market as there is in this section. Mr. Watson Burnett and his charming s'ster, Miss Aurora, spent apart of this week in town. The scooi examination at Faiarview on Thursday passed off pleasantly. The 75 scholars acquitted themselves creditably aud the picnic dinner was a big suocess. Professor Power and lady returned from a pleasant visit in various parts of the up country. School commences Monday. Mr. J. J. Hanes made a business trip to Union Springs, Ala., this woek. lie ex [sects to gd into a large business with his uncle at that place. Three years ago today this country was t m>wu into a state of excitement over the effects oi a terrible earthquake. Experts have predicted that this will be repeated during September. For a safe and certain remedy for fever and ague* use Dr J H McLean’s Chilis and Fever Cure, it is warranted to cure. Even the most vigorous and hearty people have at times a feeling of weariness and lassitude. To dispel this feeling take Dr. J. H. McLean’s and Sarsaparilla; it will impart vigro vitality. There are times wliena feeling oflassl tnde will overcome the most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to fnr uish the elements of health and strenght. The best remedy for purifying t.he blood is Dr J. II. McLean’s Sarsaparilla, nKWAitu Will be paid for return of one Jersey heifer, short black horns—pale fawn color —white in flanks and under belly—grey on nook aud forehead with white tip on the tail. F. H. WRIGHT. Ftm DYSPEPSIA Esc Bro wn’s Iron Bitters. j. iiv,,eii.lis reuomxaumt It. has All trade-)jartand Scalers keep it. SI .00 per tedlinesonwrapper. bottle. Genuine cratsed Either of the following engravings, " Evengcline,” “ Bayard,” “ Monarch of the Glen ” or “ The First Step,” without given advertising with on them, size 20 x 24 inches, one 50 cent or two 25 cent botttes of Ideal Tooth Powder. These are act cheap lithographs, but works of art. A. 1). Bowman, Dentist, Nicholia, Idaho, says, and I am using your Ideal Tooth Powder, find it superior to all others. I ’ JBJ*dr, yours respectfully, EJois .Ear nest, iJonrei, Cob One of these engra-;-; mgs iviCiout advertising on it worth $1 is given with each two 25 cent bot* ties of Ideal Tooth Powder. I find Ideal Tooth Powder is without the best 1 havo ever used, its aid which I keep my teeth ur-Hc very clean md white, I ms *•> d<> '/itc rny otlicr p *wc’cr • ha vei tried u.ii've. ho t ay3 Ftmintaad K CU*iV«d, i Baltimore, Md. Tooth By the Powder way, will ? Wo you Buy thoroughly and use Ideal | ommond it. K. Nichols, can Dentist, rcc- K.i- 1 E. \ Kna, Kansas, says, Ideal Tooth Powder is ill my estimation, just what its name I P er boUltf ’ I | GEORGIA. AUGUST i), 1889. Price Per Aunu..j. Tvs Similar Casualties. One day this week Mr. J. S. Sandefur got his hand caught in a threshing machine and several fingers were badly lacerated, as was also the fleshy part of the hand. He suffers a good deal yet. but is able to look after his business. About the same time Mr. John I. Champion was doing some work on his gin engine, and in placing some machin¬ ery his hand was caught and crushed. Tire large part of bis thumb was terribly maugled. K,ni*g;e <»x lor sale. I have for sale a very large young steer Is gentle and works any where. Apply to James E. Wright. lla<l Teeth When ISoru. Rev. A. P. Spiders informs the Editor that our worthy Tax Receiver. R. H. Knight, is the father of a baby just two weeks old. which had two teeth pivject- 1U ° ' fs 8 ,lms when it was born, Mr. Knight has nine daughters, all of whom were horn on Friday ----—— Pluin Mislo. y. Swift’s Spet'G is a simple vegetable compound, prepared from mi- adhered fros,il >' Il ' 0m tiu forest and noth '°f> of t!l '- ‘ ' x a ous substance or any article at all which CO nies from the chemist’s labratory. * . The formula of the remedy was fVom the Creek Indians in Middle Ga. lofirdde vvlfife ;■ . • tm* ..ii >•> *1 ,;h;• 'AMttdi'i fill- i 'T f *i* -<•■* * diV.-jvte. j*. r i: j ;. Deunard of Houston C*» Ga, began using Swift’s Specific in 1829 and continued its use all his life and asserted that ue bad never known it to fail to cure any case scofula blood taint or contagious blood poi¬ son. This testimony has been corrobara ted every day for years.,The present Com¬ pany was formed in 1879 and have since made known to the world the virtures Swift’s Specific and to-flay it is sold in ev¬ ery city, town and country store all over America *Jreat Britian, and many other portions of the world. I have seen Swift’s Specific psed and known of many cases of the worst .foim of blood diseases which have been cured by it I know the proprietors to be gentlemen of the highest type aud utmost reliability. I reecommecd ii as a great blood remedy unequalled bv anything that t know of. M B Wharton, Pastor st Blaptist Clinch, Montg.unerAla^ Oiirllabv. Our baby when two months old, was at¬ tacked with Scrofula, which for a longtime bestroycn her eyesight entirely, and caused us to despair of her life. The doctors sailed to relieve her, arid we gave S. S. S. which soon r ujed her entirely, and she is now hale and hearty. E V.DELK. Will’s Point, Tex. JOHN SMITH, THE BARBER, At Knoxville asks von to give him a call. Polite attention, sharp razors. CALL ON J. S. MCGEE At Ceres or McEltnurray’s old stand For Fine Wliiskies,, Bum and Gin and general Gro¬ ceries. Everything at Macon prices. The White is King. OVER 7000.900 Now In Use. v ire } P*™™ 5 w p fti urn i/AeftAv'''.' «Si^. jvt jSflLg vi: " ' , ^ - '-j do you want to please your I do you desire to lighten yourlabors ? do vou wi«’’ to satisfy your cus J.UP- : If SO, Buy THE WHITE. l ' 10 <1,le >">d only verdict of the people at is that die VV hite fills the bill in kv fV ' r( 1 _ , vVe Know Yc-u W;^t The Rest. Golden Opportunity F<m Dealers. ADDRESS. Sewing Madbine Co., Cleveland O Oawfoid County’s Organ. Rev. Mr. May Mead. Rev. P. L. J. May an aged Methodist minister, died iu Macon and was btrried at the cemetery here the first of the week. Jle was once a resident of this place and was highly esteemed for his humble Christian character and upright walk. <aoo«l lor Judge McMnnut*. Mr. T. S. Lowry, Macon. Ga., Gen¬ eral Agent of the Union Central Life In¬ surance Co. Poar MirI hereby ac¬ knowledge the receipt oi the Company’s check in full payment of my claim under Policy No. 47,022 for $ 1,000 on the life of my late husband. John A. McManus. The check is dated tliirteea days after the of his death were received at th e home office*. To all who contemplate buying life life insurance, I heartily com mend the Union Central for fair, honrabU dealir.g and prompt.settlement of losses. Respectfully, Telitha A. E. McManus. • Ititricily Knsiness. What is the Swift Specific Company . Who compose the ovgomzatinn ? Is it, a clap-trep patent medicine humbug, gotten up-to deceive and re d e money out of the people f Vhe«o <>nm:*>ns v** think are nnsw-..ed by the officials and citizens of 01U ' r t > $«**• Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. 10 1888. Vic know the gentlemen composing the Swift Specific Company. They are proni incut citizens of our State, men of meaans •• i to * n 1 k .! . j 'rr Paul li nnaie, Vice-Pies. Nat Bank. L J Uiil, Pres. Gate City Nat. Bank. <Jno B Gordon, Gov. of Go* rgia. Alfred 11 Colquite, IT S Senator. J T Cooper, Mayor of Atlanta. H Vi Crady, l-ditor Atlanta Constitution. 'I’lio Best In he H'oald, * J think Swift’s Specific is the best blood remedy in the world. I have known it to make some wonderful cures of patients who were considered incurable. 1/ M Grayson, Cromvillc, La. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co; Drawer 3,Atlanta, Ga. httin dancer. Swift’s Specific has cured a cancer on my face, and has almost made a youcg min of me. Waci-sn, Fla. T J Teate. A servant has hocti afflicted many years with a cancer on her nose, which resisted all treatment. She has been entirely cur¬ ed by Swift’s Specific. Thomson, Ga. Jut* Hill. Swift’s Specific has cured my ranee* - , which was very bad. I am now in fine health—never better. Have gamed 25 pounds since I begau taking Swift's Spe¬ eitio. lt S llradf.rd. Tiptonville. Tenn. E. VANWINKLE & CO., ATI.BXTA, GA. Kell the bps Gins, Feeder arid Condensers. ! ig nii ':h a; iff prepnrnfion of more wj,ex on TbouRand tiiRn Ono Hundred Rt $8 ap; Mcalicn*? for*> m fUa t*he United sin tea end Foreign coun j M tries, American vbe publishers continue of act th«> Scientific solicitors to as for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy to obtain riprhis. etc., for tho United Kngland, States, and Germany, and paten's all other in Canada, Tut ireYpyri- France, is thoir countries euce passed. uno^ualcd and iacilitioa are unsar Dra win fir and «peoi.1c -Mons prenared and filed in tho Patent Office on short notice- Tonus very reasonable. No charge for oxn mi nation of modoU or Patents drawings Advice bv mail free In obtained through Morin*noticed the SCIENTIFIC AMERICA which Hm the l.irjrest* circulation and is tho most influential newspaper of its kind published iu the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. This largo erd splendidly i'.'.ustrated rowspaper is admitted published be lVKKKIil the f*o devoted -fR.00 r. year, am! 13 to best paper to science, other mechanics, departments inventions industrial engineering works, ami of progress, pub¬ lished in any country. It contains tho names ot each ell Li.tentoea and title of eve >ry invention pnter.ted week. Try it four m outha for one dollar. Bold If by all havo newsdealors. you an invention to pn'ont* write to Munu A Go., Sew publishers ot Scientific Amenoaa, fiUI Handbook Broadway, York mailed fro*. about patents m m JL -nGCi? tJ re' !f c e. m SSi#|§fl mm ’3h ; i jmsM A OoB pfCTE-'P SSSi *'**•- UtHT.ONXaPliCA'ICR> iflL : 1 i ttil 1 i ' liipa |«we"T«F» r uvMitLaiuat ,Tr| .TK'j* . TAYLOR MF6. CO. I {*”.(019 Chambersburg. Pa. j Mention this rapt/*') NUMBER 32 TO THE FARMERS Of Crawford and Adjoining • Counties. Knoxville, Ga. Sept. 1 st, 1880:—In presenting tnis circular I take great pleas¬ ure in informing the farmers that I have been employed by Messrs. S. M. Inman & Co., of Arlanta, to buy cotton for them during the coming season. I will be assisted by Messrs. Wright & Allen, and have also tjie co-operation of the other merchants of Knoxville. My facilities tor handling cotton are the best, and will enable me to pry such prices as will make it to your advantage to market your cotton at ibis place. S Respectfully yours. C. E. Barksdale. GEORGIA, Crawford county—Apprais¬ ers appointed to assign and set apart from estate of W. \V. Scott, deceased, a year's support for M rs. F. E Scott and her minor children, have made their retur*. This is therefore to cite ail parties roue>i reed to show cause, if any they have, before me on or before ike first Monday in October next, why such return should not be made said fhp judrmenl of the court of Ordinary of county. Witness my hand officially O. P. WBIGIIT, Ordinary. f> EORGlA. \ Irawfor.i'h • V M/Jtlie.*,,. ....... .nhnin.sitator of James A. Mathews, deceased, has mane application ; for Lave to sell tlu. lands belonging to the | estate of said deceased : This is to < ite all concerned to show cause, if any they* have. on or uefore ’ the first Monday in October I w sai ap-fica' in should not hi ,isf nv « l o i‘ i v. s ... ,m i‘. ■■Ri .in, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Crawford county—Will be sold before the court house door in the : town of Knoxville, said countv, within the ■ legal October, hours next, of sale, the on tallowing the first Tuesday io j wit: Lot of land number property to j j tic in the 7y> district, of said county, containing 202 £ acres, more or less. Levied on as the 1 virtue property of of William fi Carter under and by j a fa issued from the county i court of said county in favor of James H. I Turner, aministrator of estate of Allen W. j Turner, deceased, vs. said William GVter, I said fi fa having been.' transferred to B. H. Ra.v. All parties at interest legally noti¬ fied. Witness rny hami officially, this August 29th 1S89. B. A. HARTLEY, .Sheriff, GEORGIA. Crawford conntv—By vir-i of m order of the court of Ordinary oi j notice said county door I the will Mil ot Wore Knox villi*, toe curt! eaidt id town couutv, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, ncxr, the following land to wit: All of Jot number 162 and tm acres of lot number 1 S 1 iu the seveith district of said county, being in the being aggregate place known 212 . more or ’less, same as the Rufus Carter home place. Sold for the purpose of dis triVt oa among the heirs of Rufus Carter, de eased, and for paying debts against (he e tile of said deceased. Terms cash August 29, 1889. W. M.TAYLOR, Administrator. GEORGIA, Crawford connty—By virtue of the power 'eared in ma by the hist will ° r, d testament of Elijah Enba..ks I will sell hi ‘lira the courthouse door in Knox— ■de. s,ii*i eor.rity, withiu rhe legal Hours of sale ou t.h : Ii: -L Titusdav in October, I tho following lauds, to wit. East! of lot number 41, wist, half of loti 66 and 15 acres of lot number 155 :u distribution the 3rd district of said the com, heirs ty. of Soflj said; Terms among i cash, August 26, 1889 W. K. EUlSANKtS, Executor. 1 r --- . Cr. Melt's TEETIIIHAdeetiilns Powders) I‘IICI{S & 1"} 1 xxBIXER, 4: 7’ -—~M:\.~’r=\', 6A., numms 1N..— W T HISKY WINE r-\ iOB ACCO &C .' J y L J- ’ - pared Having bought out Mr. Holznndmi’s business, we me pre Tobaccos to supply ma=ket our friends with fine best Liquors cigars and the affords at living pzices. Now whenever you come to town come to see Cmn; Hicks. ” EOKGXA, sold Crawford county— Will before Vue court bouse door hours Knoxville, of sale Georgia, within the legal on the first Tuesday in gust, 1889, the following property to wit : One hundred and fifty acresof land, more or less, being parts of lots numbers 141 142, in the Seventh District of said count', bounded north by land of Daniel Harris, of east Posfeii by lands and of Proctor, south by lands levied west by lands of Uiil- on as the property of defendant by virtue of a fi f i issued'from the Supe¬ rior court of said county in favor of M. (i. Dayne, Hardeman and Davis against Rachel Jefferson. July 4t,h, insti¬ ll. A. HARTLEY, Sheriff Wrapping paper for sale at this office at 4cts per pound DIZZINESS, nausea, drowsiness, dis¬ tress after earing, C3n be cured and pre¬ vented by taking Dr. J. H’ Mu Lean’s Liver and Kidney Pilletf (little pitlsj If health and life arc worth anything and you are feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone up your system by taking Dr. J H. Md^an’s Sarsaparilla. INDIAN WEED (Female Medicine) has proved a great blessing to the weak,deli¬ cate, over-worked women of our large eitiea for it is that all who use it keep robust and healthy. Pimples,blotches, scnlv skin, ugly sp:*ts sores and ulcers, abscess* - tumors, unhealthy discharges, stie’i as cajanir. ec¬ zema, ringworm, other font:? of -skin dis¬ eases, arc symptoms of !,lor.; impurity TakeDr. J. H. McL»au’s Sarw.narifla. No need to take those higeat: u-’i • pills; one of I)r. J. II McLean's Liver and Kid¬ ney Fillets is quite sufficient and mote agreeable. HARWOOS’ mm mm: 5.1); Made byI-Iarwood We ’1} Co. _WEBOSTON. ' WANTED IN EVERT FAMILY To R eplace Broken RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. Anybody can apply THEH. No Mechanic needed. SCLD B7 Fonutureft Hardware TRADES. tfv/a In bnying new Cbgire, ask for those With Harwood’* Bed Leather Finish Seats. ImpsL'm;-, cwrwisl ACettnv. Orgn^te Aicstiita ■> u„ - saf. .,.4 tte nnen , r.i,J »u » toe*a.Jse'sei“rwj.Vti.■* : *&**&*•* l*.iSu\z+'i-'u-'-usn * \—n AVE&Y t i m m 12. jiKW SWIFT ® m ‘ Hill Lr , ■ t :S t Mi 'f LMailil SURE ¥ : SIMPLE I SILENT 1 II STRONG %jpf ^llgSEg 5 S.... H(9 .& A . rat rfllll ArtlH VIjiIiIITA fTf/^nln|P ■i ^*ll '*HU 11 «Ik M New improved high arm, new mechanical prim* and lot ry movements, automatic, direct *n4 MACHINE GO* r :{flliflfi 6‘51”“ ~f’.:’.ill§.‘:‘é “raw 1"} #3.}.ngth g; 9 N SA-Ea r \i‘g)_fi ‘ ‘ 7 14 \g' L3 r x: «3m 2%. .. "~' U " R-4A)‘5 7* T J -u JAR) 'L . ls owxm) xiii" u: = n; 2:'?.\' 1:? ' J. R.- ?:‘fii. .h, 5: ‘ -V ._ ~‘..a;£.n‘l*g.$:f‘¥q 1m? Fag Wlmnevrr you came to Mew" .mri wa‘r‘ s‘l. wing gun] to eat an? s-‘rrnthing ge'md to drink yuu will find the: 3.: Hunt 1hr; L p'usn in $.st7101 the km]. y-Aiyt- t AGENTS WANTED.