The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, September 18, 1889, Image 1

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S ON THE EASIEST TERMS EVER OFFERED IN CRAWFORD cbuatir i The nndersigncd is, no\v prepared to lend money at 8 per rent, interest per an num. No cash conVtriWsns charged bor rower. Ail that borrower is required to ^ay in ajvance is my fee tor negotiating loan and , cost of , recording necessary papers. Sums of $300 and upwards loan ed on improved, real estate tor five years time. It you want riVonty at cheap rates come and Bee me, arid get every dollar that you give i. ijote for and save heavy commigsiomi. Respectfully, 0. P. WRIGHT., ^PERFUMES^ J rao « F^srs in ths— LAND OF FLOWERS t bOUSSAN’S In X ox. Bprlnklor-Top Bottle.. .! EACH 65 CENTS. , ALSO OOR INGAi EXTRA \ FINt/sPECIAI/TIXS: lYS DES SPRING MIST l MASS XEVAGA! IMPERIAL HOUSSEL PmK ! ROSE * EDEN BOUQUET i . lijly Of the valjley i JkM AO cwtti pet* bottle; PICCSOLA 1 Tho febrtdollcato and mofit lading odors aoade^ Our tr&do*mark patented on every label. “Delicate nsACObwebt fhe Lasting as hills.’ ( CFIfyonr dmzgMt dpn’± keep them seiid amount to ns and wo will forward prepaid* DOUSSAN FRENCH PERFUMERY CO., 40 Chartres St., New Orleans, Isa* m WOODWOPIK^Syg 5 AfTACWMEllK eil N-tW ^-CMf 5tWN5 MAetiiNf ro^. ; 5AtE .BY J. W. Blasingame, KnoxviU?, Ga. ri.: & ■M ...■■•ill j UK M \ ,-vy' Commercial College S™;ky: vheOntst* Best Business College in no World. ttlghaM Kin Honor *ml Gold Medal ever all ether CoUesee, onJ r.t Deaerul Eneutloa. tor Sritem of Book-KeontnE Graduates in HuUeUe Ontlneu Education. 8C00 ISuBlncwt 10 Teschern employed. Oont of Full Sonne. Typewriting Tultton, Stationery Telegraphy* And Board, about »p«clAltt«*. $60. BkOH.Hmd. fibYaostSon. Or»IluAti*K Guarantocd Snccos*. KaUirNow. Principal, por circular*, Enhaalm Wth. PrefcideDt,Lexlneton,IU*‘ W. Smith, or - PFybui* IL A WISE WOMAN BofiUght the Spfdndld HIGH ARM JUNE SINBER , SEWING MACHINE Because it was the best. A V. ij f ROW TREY ALL WIRT IT Cor It doe* Cuch beautiful *ork. Sampla Mfhchfna a^Factory Price. EVERY KACHINE WARRANTED FOE 5 YEARS. Apts f anted It Unoocnpled Territory. ME IWAfMiM CO, 8/X.VIIDSRC. ILL. HOME COUNCIL, W* take ptensurc in calling t]ic .vttsntidBftiJ <9 mother* to a home cure for, all tli.-eases the .tomach andjbovrels, a meclioinc bo long needed *9 99PT: TITHING. children .Bafely through tlio critic,ij Itage of PITAS’ OARM 1 NATIVE, fean inca\butab'6 hlvBftiag to mother *nd cliikL ii U an-Instant folicf to colic of infants, a die ease with -which they suffer so much, the first, ti^e finr monthsqf t,toil- life. It gives sweet rest t* sick and fretful child, and strcngtieBf Sind build* np tiie weak,, gives appiittte an^ the fjpsh to tfie puuy, corrects and drain dysentery. form ' - vela, cures diarrhea I taeca iter ohildron. Try one bottle. It tm ML VOLUME IT. TOWN AND COUNTY. WLat the People are. Doing and Talking About. THE TIMES IN CRAWFORD Society Aew* Olid it! el Iff lilt or ho«d Netels-Periittlial Mentions Miss Lilia Persons, ot Macon, is visiting relatives here. b..... Mr. Wyatt Elasingamo, of Thomaston is visiting relatives here. Mr. .1 nd Williams, of Georgia, is stop ping at the Dent House. Mr. Oscar Hanes is visiting friends at Jouesboro, Miss Willie Richardson, of Ceres, is Visiting friends in this city. Air. Collier is having a nice house built oti his place three mileij above town. professor J. C. Blasingame, of Zubiilcro, spent some time this.week in town. Dr. Black has joined the crowd and is talking insurance to almost every roan lie meets. Col. L. D. Mborq, of Mticon, Was here looking after professional business first the week. Knoxville has hotels and public ! more stables than any town of its size this side of Florida. J. 4 , ft If,.. limited number of the celebrated , A um brella China trees—orie year Old—for sale by the editor. A First Class nevv Sewing Machine foj sale at nearly half price. Apply at the printing office. A spire 30 feei l ,high will be, raised upon the Baptist church here before tlio associa tion iu October. The • old Sjtembridge ?. } [ y . ! has beep . , c.orner purchased by B. H Ray, and a large store building wiil be built by this enterprising business man. For ft safe and certain remedy for /ever and ague* use Dr JH McLean's Chills and Fever Cure, it is warranted to cure. The death of Col. Huht, of Barnesvillc. was sad news to many of onr citizens. He had a host of friends and admirers iu this couiity. Next week ‘ * will '"'j '■ publish another we ar ticle from our Baker correspondent about the olden days in Crawford. Even the most vigorous and hearty people have at times a feeling of weariness and lassitude. To dispel this feeling tako Dr. J. H. Alt-Lean’s Sarsaparilla; it will impart vigro and vitality; •• £■ - J 4 .' Ex-Governor Colquitt and his wife pass ed through towu on Wednesday en route to the home of Air. 0. B. Howard iu this county Mr. and Airs Hines visited at Jonesboro’ during this week. They will move to Al abama abfrio tinio iii October, We potlce that Mr., J, ,\V. Jack spends most of bis time now. bqhind the counters in Air. Blasingamo’s store. Mr Jack his clerked before. t; . ,u ■ Quite a crowd of .primitive, Baptists attending the associationi at Salem church three miles above town. Primitive A" holding The baptists are ati -association at Union church in the south eastern portion of the county., //he reason -for there being two assoolaffqns of the same kind at one time is becauso the Echeconnce Association has been divided and two associations made from it. Tho Missionary Baptist association, that is to be held' here in, October, will the third association to be held In Crawford county this year. . ■ * * ■ ■’ v 1 .■ t Look out for considerable imprvemont in the next issue of this paper. I find Ideal Tooth Po^vdor is without exception the bqst I have teeth ever used. With and white,, its aid whiph I keep I my was,unable very to dean do with any other powder I have etver tried betoro, So says Ferdinand E. Chartard, Baltimore, Md. By the way, wjll riou buy and .use Tooth Powder ? Wa can' thoroughly rcc ommend it. R, E. Nichols, Deritist, Una,. Kansas.'says, Ideal Tootlr Powdor is in my estimation, just wliat its name indicates. each.two , An engraving bottles. 20x24 Price 25 is given with cents per bottle. i Either of the following engravings, the “Evangeline,” Glen ” ".The "Bayard,” "Monarch of advertising or them, First Step,” without on size 20x24 inches, given with one 60 cent or two 25 cent bottles of Ideal To’oth Powder. These are not cheap D. Bowtoan, lithographs, but Works of art. A. Dentist, Nicholia, Idabo, Powder, says, and I find am using y.pur Ideal. Tooth it superior to all others. ™ fkPsftk ^sAtfer, . safely on like Christmas of gift.-Trusting maktag it seem a that Ideal Tooth .Powder may .flourish, ings without advertising on Ft worth retail ties is 1&»1 given with each tw s?p 2o dent of Tooth Powder. GEORGIA. (SEPT. ,1 3 1339 . Price $1 Per Annu.u. Important t !■ Alliance .Ucctlng. On the 28th of .this month the County Alliance will meet hore. That is the day set by the cotton committee, and the same day was appointed by President Clark as the day.for the regular meeting, in place of (he usual time. There will be considerable business 6f importance to bu transacted. The same delegates who served at the last meeting of the Comity Alliance will serve also at this meeting, so we are informed, but not officially, state Lecturer Beck may be lime with us. i—*: Trade Improving. , The Journal is glad to note signs of improvement in the trade of Knoxville. uq thing which, is conspicuous is the greatly increased Stock in the store of J. W. Blasingamb. He has recently received a great variety of dry goods, shoes ami litany things not usually handled, there. Hp will .soon have for sale harness and otter leather goods. Mr. Blasingame says that he will continue to enlarge his stock. He is not a man to brag, but he gave the writer to understand that from this time on lie, proposes to run .a firs} class store, anti sell at prices that will draw an in creased custom to his house. flairs Iliniorr. . Stvift’s Specifi is a simple vegetable compound, prepared forest from roots gathered freshly from the and contains noth ing of the.piineral kingdqmyr apy.poison oUs qitbstnnce or gny • article at all which comes from the chemist’s labratorv. The formnla qf, the remedy was obtained from the Creek Indians in Miifille Ga. by reliable white men, who had witnessed the Indians Wymlefful cures made by that tribe of of blood disease.. Air Hugh L Deunard pf Ilouston, Co, Ga, began using Swift’s Specific in 1826 and continued its U,sp all his life and asserted that ne had jicycr .known it to fail to euro any case o£ scoftlla Wood taiijt or contagious blood poi son., This t.estiriiony hiis.-been porroljara ted every day for years. Toe present Com pany was formed in 1873 and have .since made known to the woijct tjie vjrjtures pf Swift’s Specific jitid to-day it is ev ery city, town {ind country store-aR over America Great British, and many other portions of the world. ... ,, I h'avp seen Swift’s Speiif c used arijl, known of inany cases of the worst foim of blood diseases.vvlijch have been cured by it. ,1 know theprpprietors to lje geutlemep qf the highest type and utmostj reliability. I reccommend ii as a great bipod remedy unequalled bv anything that I know of. AI B Whartop,.. Pastor st Blaptist Chuch, AIonigorncfA-laiC. i$ ur f/ntty. Orif baby when t7o“month?oR -it-' tapked with Scrofula, which for a longtime heStrovyn l;pr eyesight entirely, anti caused ns to despair of her life.,The doctors whicl" sailed to telieve her, and ,wg ga,ve S, S. S. soon .cured her entire! .* v,“and she .D$LK. is now hale and hearty. E V. Will’s Poi nt, .Tex. the ... JOHN , SMITH; barber, At Knoxville asks you to give him a call. Polite attention, sharp razors. -GALL ON J. S; MCGEE At Ceres or McEhnurray’s old stand Rum For and Fine Gin ^Whiskies, and general JBranJly, Gio cei-ies. Everything at Macon prices. 'The White is King: OVER 7000.pOO Now In Use. I | I | 1 i • * I / B |R ii ... H It .rj — Gentlemen, bo you want to plcaao your wives” * Ladies do .- you desire . . j to lighten .. . yourlabors 7 Dealers do you wish to satisfy yonreus tomers? 0 If so, Buy THE WHITE. one aT, <* ot1 >' verdict ot tbo P eo U le at lafgo js that the White fills the bill in ev ftry rospect t < A Golden Opportunity Fc* Dealers. ^ ADDRESS ' Cj u , vcliwd 0 (JUawfoi d (Jounty’s FOR S ALE Cheap Building Lots in Booming Musella. . V. . ' . • ■ - . 't o. Orange Groves in Slarion Co. Fla., Offered. Hie new Town of Musella (formerly known as ceres sta tion), situated on the Atlanta & Fla. R. R. midway between Knoxville and tiulloden, has been laid off and lots are offer * . 1 d ■ . ed at Extremely tow Prices. Fertile and healthy section, intelligent people. Best location in the state for a large mercantile business, steam gin etc. Soil pre-eminently adapted to Fruits all kinds—especially the peach. Two stores there doing a tine business, W i.U, have a Post Office in a few days with double daily mails. Sites have been nated for school and church buildings, and the citizens propose erecting them. Building is row being done on stveial new lots, an in the near future the sound cf the saw and hammer will .echo among . the surrounding hills. I have also 370 acres good Farming Lands lying immedi ately arbltnd the station which I will Soil cheap in quantities to suit purchaser, also a good 200 acre farm on Ulkahatchee cheek, 2§ tolled distant. Also ORANGE GROVES In Marion county, Fla. on easy terms. I can be found at Knoxville or Musella for the next 10 days. After that address hie at Anthony. Fia. or call on H. Finch Sanders, uij; agent at Cores, Ga. Respectfully. . McD. STROUD. Musella, da., August 2(j, 38S9. DEAD. On Thursday Mrs. Mary Ann Kennedy . Hied n*ffir Bandy Point at the age of 74. Early this week Air. John Burnett lost aii pilaut daughter. The family of Mr. Elisha Harris mourn the loss of a girl baby, whose death oc curred about the tame time. U ' ^ J AAvitteafJo Hold Colton, Editor Journal •—Please keep it be fore the minds of the farmers that there wili he plenty of cotton bagging for their nSe—a little patience is all tiro; is neccssa ry... There are hut very fevviiojes that fall Oytoher i§, and most farmers CeiU,n ' y Md until their notes are 4^ e u J* , so .doing, it is possible that th «.&"<»' ^ coLUm.riiay be enhanced. The »'* i ‘ Wers f“; futures have. soki cotton t " U »* » C8r ^? ‘ i,oc « an<1 if ” 10 farmers, will hold awhile rum may Stare the gamblers fn the face. ; y. i Let every, farmer (Jemiijcl ilit; 8 pounds, rebate, before, he sella his cotton, the dif furenpe in weight bet ween cotton bagging find jute. Most of the negroes are buying jute, and reason^. we ate F*rst, ■ not- surprised at it for several they are ignorant and are ,easily .daped and cannot see heyoqd the'ir nolpps, ,A few of, our white farmers are Using juta. \}’c believe selfi shness, prejudice .or, some wrong motive, governs them, for they, are lot ignorant ot the. Sftuation-r-at least some of them are not—a fid to leave their bethren in the hour of severe test to fight a stupendous, money combine is not a.t all commepdable In them. To save a feW cents par baje, thereby up the jute trust is tike cutting •off the nose to spite the face. We ought to drop every raerchaut that sells jute bag ging-and every public ginrter wild uses it. Hurrah for cotton bagging and the right. Alliance. BrarSS/ TW-oirs pP £R ^ p ’ •v ■ VC :i ■ 'i'lGEn -mm MTMitrpucXnoir. 14 lOUROUrOFFENQINC *%saWmiilo*ucc - IS A FUEL iP W;, s £S Address, TAYLOR MFC. CO. C notaeraburg, Pa, ‘hi \ >■ 32 TO THE FARMERS 1>f Cravtfefd nitd Adjoining CS?intiei, Knoxville, Ga . Sept. 1st, 1889In presenting thjs cirqular I,take great.pleas ure, iajnforming- the .formers tha)t I have been employed by Jddsara. S. M. Inman & Co,, of Arlantn,. to buy cotton for them during the coming Reason'. ■>- 1 I will be assisted by Messrs. Wright & Allen, and have also the cooperation of the other merchants of Knoxville. . My facilities for hand'ing cotton gre the best, and will enable me; to pty such prices as will make it to ypur advantage to market your cotton at this place. Respectfully yours, C. E. Barksdale. GEORGIA, Crawford county—Apprais ers appointed W. to assign and ret apart from estate of W. Scott, deceased”,' a year’s support for Mrs. F. E Scott and her'minor children, have made their return. This is therefore to cite all parties concerned to show cause, if any they have, before me on or before the first Monday in October next, why such return should not be made the judgment < f the court of Ordinary of said county. Witness,m.y hand officially. O, P. WRIGHT, Ordinary. ■ GfeORGIA, Crawford county—J. Mathews, administrator of James N. Mathewa, deceased, has made application for leave to Ceil the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased : This is to cite all concerned to show cause, if «ny they have, on or before the first Monday in October next why said application should riot be granted. Witness my hand officially, this August 30th 1889. O. P. WRIGHT, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Crawford county—Will be sold before the .court house door in the town of Knoxville, said countv, Tuesday jvithin the legal hours .of sale, on the first ia October, licit, the Hiowing property to wit: Lot of land number 6C in the- 7th district of said county,’ containing acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of William Carter underand by virtue of a fi fa issued from the county court of said county in favor of James H. Turner, auiinistrator of estate of Allen W. Turner, deceased, vs. said-William Carter, said fi fa having bcon transferred to B. H. Ray. All parties at interest legally, noti fied. Witness my hand officially, this August 29th 1889. B. A. HARTLEY, Sheriff. GEORGIA. Crawford county— By vir tue of an .order of the court of Ordinary of said county I will sell before the court house door in the town of Knoxville, said county, within the legal Irotrrs of sale on the first Tuesday in October, next, the following land to wit,: All of lot number 182 and ten acres of lot number ltil in the seventh district of sa'.d county, l>eiug in the aggregate 212. more or less, same being place known as the Ilufns Cartel home place. {johl for the purpose of dis tribution among the heirs of Rufus Carter, deceased, and for paying debts against the estate of said deceased. ■ Terms cash. August 29, 1889. W. AI. TAYLOR, Administrator. GEORGIA. Crawford connty—By virtue of the power vested iu mb by the fast will arid testament of Elijah Eubanks l will sell before the court hmrie .door in Knox ville, said county, within the legal' hours of sale on ■ the first Tuesday in October, next, tho following lands, to wit. half of lot/number 41, west half of lot number.68,,nid-G-6 acres of lpt number 155 all,in the 3rd district of said county. Sold for distribution among the heirs of said deceased. -Terms cash August 26. 1889 W. K, EUBANKS, Executor. % iMeii's TEETBJUA (Teetlilr.g Powtfars) Ayy nrustiflus and and Costs Sores, only and S& Onus. nothin? Teethlua equals cures It for the Summer t roubltts of Children anyone. II Utafa without end TEETHINA sure. Try It and you will never ha as lost at as there aro chlld ten IntiiaMousu. Ash your Urnsrls*. ?=HICI{S - & :«PARKER, r ‘_ ' :1 ' "m—MAQON, 6A., DEALERS m+— _ - 1 << w: "TOBACCO 1&0" ”Haring ’bq'cght' 6111; erj Holzbndérf’s buéinéss,“wé alepafej ‘ , flared lobaccos-fihe to supply our ket irien‘fis {xfi'ox‘ds With zit living the ”prices. best ‘LiqtiOrs' : NOW cigars whéuemr and 3?. ' 11:31 1 you come to town comets seeCrum-Hicks. , ‘ 7 VI GPROUS^ttEALTHtW EN r?3,OF. _.KEBiroBSDEBIUTY, HARRIS’ raKja ft r\AOtCAl C - f?E FOB too free indulfranoe, or Kt'R.VOITCi **WVVUta vtr over brain work. Avoid D£32lZ<2mr. A Ithelmpciitiojiot tious remedifa for preten- three tenia Yfeakness, M V ‘^cu^.s^Trir/rfA'? £PKYStCAJ< m> nT DECAY, , ri . w * incut elsewhere. Toko A V SURE II EM Kl>Y that 1( Aft **s@SBSf A SSSSS l WSSSK Thousand Cases. 3 SR I R. E [pics. iiliSap By direct application $pxe$ ~ s to the ;ocat of dioeaae H* H will j T functionaof the ha. “packet , fl 0 flffSSESSirSSS teas yma s^Mjsteg Bmg«riB E R 8BS"» WlCflCELE^S^ffiS^auPTI® ” If health ahd life arc -Worth anything and you -are feeling.out of sorts • and. tired otit, tone- up your system Aiy taking Dr. J H, McLean's. Sarsaparilla., .. INDIAN WEED ^Female MwiicineV baa proved a great blessing to the weak,deli cate, over-worked women of.our.largwciti** for it is that all who use it kaep robust and healthy. . . , , ‘ ' * ri i • ’ ■. - Pimple's,blotches, and ahscessits scaly skin, ti’gly spris sorcs. ulcers, - and- tufnors, unhealthy discltarges,' such as catarrh. ec zema, ringworm, other forms of shin dis eases, are symptoms of blood impurity TakeDr. J. II. Mc-Lean’s-SarSaf artRar- • •* HARWOOD’S, SEATS Made by Harwood wry. 010.1 -. BOSTON; ‘ . v —_ ’ £ • • WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY To Replace Broken Cane. ftE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. Anybody ten apply THEM. ' ■ , No Mechanic heeded. • SOM) By Furniture & - Hardware TRADES. _ In baying new Chairs, ask for those ndth Habwo*»'i Bed Leather Finish UspotMi«, Gercrirlal AffWtlou. Orranle Heekntws, f^ienttUc Gonorrhoea, 8yphUKi« tiff* u4 remedies. Dcformiae* Treaty treatment; Call amt nit 4 luasfioCato be byihoto or write for liat answered dedriug treatment bj oho.' tfFenpns stand tears safferinr eomdrtjln^ from te Uephrreshould <btlr sdrosUa*. sen<3 ftUnnf UmIc triw J ■ Andrew*.I>r. ifotmt Med. C. A L. Bar«. L«BARGS, Ttuiltats, rr™\ 920 Locnnt *a<t VhjaleUa st., St. LeafcjK* (n CkM* «coewoLtc Dr. liutU'Dispecj^j >*tabH*ba4 M% Xnn> , t'^> M w l • - qi'T - -j SWIFT; '-■/■ ri'y-ri i m# m ill SORE 1 IB SIMPLE J STROHCJ SILENT , fM 1 , New and Improved high arm, mew amomatle, mechanical prfieSt," aa4’ roury movements, direct action, cylinder springs, shuttle, self-setting nec4i«y' f«ed, no few parts, nilnltaoa' faCIgneE tantrums,” no friction, capacity no noise,no unlimited; wear, always no b “ Of richly satisfaction. ornamented, Send nickel for cfrculan. plated, and BO Aiinm, glTOv 8l!l MACHINE !?•* Tot cS Broadway. ‘1' SALOON A ND RESTAURANT - ls OWNED AND '13me "RUN m1 "1 J. . R. "HICKS. 1. Whenever you come flud’ to Mmon and want Szametbin‘.’ gm»; to ’03; and kind. paintbing ‘ good to drink you \vizl tbs Bli Hunt the bust. place in {own ol'thu , EAGnu'rswmm.