The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, October 02, 1889, Image 1

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ON THE EASIEST TERMS EVER OFFERED IN CRAWFORD COUNTY Tlie nndersigned is now prepared to lend money at 8 per cent, interest per an¬ num. No cash commissions charged bor Tower. All that borrower is required to pay in advance is my fee tor negotiating loan and cost of recording necessary papers. Sums of $300 and upwards loan¬ ed on improved real estate 1or five years time. It you want money at cheap rates Como and sea me, and get every dollar that you give a note for and save heavy commissions. Respectfully, O. P, WRIGHT, ^■petnais rgr_ .— Mads from Fi.owees n? ten— Lm® OF FL®Wlf}?S l - DO ^*5 sis! larth lu 1 on. E£6M 05 CmTS. ' ■ ALSO CPU EXTEA FIK'fi GP3CIALTISS: iys m ims 1 tnm mi i Imperial mm 1 mm 1 pskk i . KCLTSSSL ROSE . ED5N BOUQUET! -LILY or fME VALIUSY! Alt GO e on ta per* ftatM a. f»!OCsOEoA S The most UelMat* aad most lasting odors raatto. Our trade-mark patented on ovary label. “Delicate ILasting ao tha a cobweb, as > tw-rcyo nr «!r -U'-;..- ad <-■- .:'l tcoetr I 'ivri nest's ^inoTifit t-« ana u wo wtit iV'v p.-.-viiig. DBUSSASSS FRESSH PSBpy^ERY SS., 40 Chartirets fit-* I-Je’iw OrSeaiiK, JLa> MM,m\ ''Wlliil I ® I y fi&Szm. wsk sTAoutam j bfSSFtvv- " “ J. W. Blasingame, Knoxville, Ga. r»««at=«»JiKS»SSI»I^3KaiSl>TO«» jffiaetB ; ill ii -'. ■=. ft-'. j r-KSfl C3 the Thouaar.ct United appIJcatjoriri Matos and i Fcrei<;n w* pt; m'G.v.ji ct n tries, tins po!n;aut»ra of the »y.oi-.m'.-'‘..o <aw w Aworic-ia cod' >ti’u to act. kBi:.'-.-rs aacasBPsS g for rixhv*. paioni*, r'ot cho United Statws;. cor->w r.uc. io obtain e.U., C.*,pada. .Un.?;*•> Germany, and parents all ctbur m j-a, c. enoo 'is unequalr.d audtb.eir faeiiitittj trc uuyur In tho Patent anti <)&oe BpsdRonVione r-hevo pvap&rvd 'x'-rru-v, on v • v - reaeonablf*. So for cxiMwicjit-iou of medsis 4jr drawings. Advice by r.w:ii th.olargestoirvdaR'.or* urn*. > : ■ v. " ftewspapor Tho cf its hi »moh ad pI uoJoo n »..* • '• •: advantages oi a evury ^.',.., 1-00 ilmv-cp*:’ -i~r 1h admitted to ha the best pa. : shechanico, departments invoutions, of in.;- ^ - • . ! other liebed iu any eouutiy. • -:iVM!-.3d nil patentees «’.d title of c i - 1 enca jgoldby.all week. newsdqfllere. Try it four :.u .. io',' oi;o i dollar. If ha irvonf-ion f v/nto . to you ve an- o JH'tmu 6 s Co., pabiiiH-.w.-i of FioientitV’ Americfca, f moiloa t**. ---- CALL ON--- •T: o Oo M « G E S At Ceres or McElmurruy’a cld stand -n Uor line -rn- J-.T, Whiskies,- ■ 1 Brailiy, T-, -I Rum and Gin and mi era i ceries. ■ lhveryt.ii 17l - - mg at Maccn - prices. The White its King. OVER 7000,000 Now In Use. gn. % warn -1 •mJ £mmm Sjk .*m m J Geutleiuen, uo you want to picase your wives? Ladies do you desire to lighten your labors? Dealers do you wish to satisfy your cus¬ tomers ? If so, Buy THE WHITE. The one nod only verdict of the people at large is that the White fills tho bill in ev¬ ery respect. We Know You Want The Best. A Golden Opportunity F’oy DettlcrA r f "171 H k grasaac^ Til u 1111 !,■ H r m- J 'I J\ a LJ i d l/Lit V i JL - % V a - VOLUME TOWN AND COUNTY. What the People are Doing and Talking About. THE TIMES IN CRAWFORD Soe&esy Sews asul fteigluteor [iowsl f!otes-Pm»naI Mention. Dwelling houses are in great demand at Knoxville. The town was full of people and trade was unusually brisk on Saturday. Court "week and the Baptist association como about the same time at Knoxville. The town will be lively iudeed during week after next.j It is said that Mr. A. A. Mathews, the upper part of the county, will to town shortly. Miss Ehoda Danielly is visiting in Columbus. Mr. Westley Blaringame has . gone Atlanta to finish his course in the of Dentistry. The Baptist church looks greatly proved under a coat of paint. It will completed as soon as the cupola is ed. The superior court will conveno one week from next Monday, and will likely to continua nearly 1 W 0 weeks. Mr. Joe! Hortmaa raised about bushels of curn this summer on a patch without working the corn at all, This is the best country in the world. A limited number of the celebrated brella China tress—one year old—for by tho editor. A First Class nevv Sewing Machine sale at nearly half price. Apply at printing office. Mr. W. J. McAfee now holds forth in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Hanes. Ordinary farm lands several miles from town sold at $8 and ■$ 10 per acre at lic salo Tuesday. This country is proving. Knoxville continues to grow. The la¬ test is said to ha a ton cents store to be 0 - peaed soon on the old Allen corner. The sweet potato crop is immense. This : s good bows, for the potato crop ao important one Mr. William Carter, of Macon, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. T. Lowe, who is living at Daw¬ son, was in town among old friends on Tuesday. Mr. Wade Mathews .has had a spell of fever, hut is almost well again, we are glad to say. Miss Emma Brown has suspended school at Goshen Valley, aad is some time in Fort Valley. Mr. John V*. Blasiugamc has the big new Hanes store and is having it finished. It is tho best store building in town, For a sofo and certain remedy for and ague' use Dr JII McLean’s and Fever Cure, it is warranted to cure. Even (he most vigorous and people have at tiffiesn fevling of and lassitude. To dispel this feeling Dr - J v tj -. : ' icLeua ’ s «ampariii»; it impart vigro and vitality. . That enterprising firm, Coleman, & Co., have a new uevertisement in issue. Read it all ye farmers! Professor Willie Pierce, of Rohloy, bean spending several days in town. Major McAfee, colored, bought a at public Bale on Tuesday for about §1,600. Ho owns.another place worth about the l '* mo i"'b' 0 linu , peacable -, and , , with all his promises. There are too fevr negroes like Major. Professor F. II. Dali is in town for the purpose of teaching a c'a.-3 iu penmanship. He exhibits a through knowledge his art, and comes well reccommemled. Professor Ball i:«u already worked up r, class of at least a dozen pupils, aud will likely have a good many more. The colored people’s camp meeting at this place was attended by about two thou sand negroes on Sunday last All kinds of edibles were sold at stands by auction¬ eers, loud voscea and the scent of whisky defined that sanctified place, yet there was no lighting or fussing. Tueke arc times wheiia feeling or lassi¬ tude will overcome tho most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to fur¬ nish the elements of health and strenght. The host remedy for purifying c od is Dr. J. 11. McLchuV .Sar.-avariUa. IW BRVm’S IRON BITTERS (vijjfcs Indigestion, Biliousness, DvRpepsin., Main* rin, .Nervousness, and Genergl DebUit^ KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA. OCT. 2, 1889 Price $1 Per A.rmu:n. TTbe dotiiaty AtHnsicc. On last. Saturday the town was alive with tbo"""leading farmers of the county, who had come to attend the meeting the County Alliance It was a pleasant meeting and some Ierv important business was transacted. In the afternoon the body was treated to a speech by Dr. Dickey, a gentleman who was raised in this county but homo is now in Texas. His speech er:! him to bo possessed of considerable formation upon leading public questions, and his reasoning was sound and Dr. Dickey made the heat speech of kind tho writer ever heard. J© JJ3 AD. On last Saturday Mattie Lou spirit passed from earth to the realms the blest. She had suffered a few witt. consumption, having inherited the disease irom her mother. Mattie . Lou T was ]usfc , _ budding it* into *x womanhood, , • and . was J a most f loveao'e child, lier associates must fed , , that , , . t lia for „ , having . . k , her. m ' 6 aro PP 101 ' nown * K8K»XVSS.S-ffi JEAKK.BT. Just received a car load of Texas Ityet Proof Seed Oats which offer at 50 cents-a bushel. Flour from $4,00 to 0,00 per barrel. Granulated Sugar at 10 cents per lb. 1*0 lb. sacks of Salt at 90c. r. Geoigia o oeed 3 T> R_\c - ,g>l. ff. 1 2o nr per i bushel i i California Hams at 10 cents per lb Meal at 70 cents per 1 bushel Meat at Ci per pound by the side Bran at $100 per hundred pounds Checked , , rT Homespun at 6 cents . Four-four Sheeting at 7 cents a yd Ladies Shoes from $1,00 to 3,00 ’ per 1 pr 1 Gents Shoes from $1,00 5,00 ” ” We have just received a lartre lot of Gents ready made Clothing which we bought direct from manufacturers that we offer at price never bcCte lo thi. tion and other SS.-rchandiso, Hats Notions in fact everything kept in a first class gen eral store. We cordially onvite Ibc public to call and examine our Stock and wo are dent we can give satisfaction both in qual tty and prices. lie peel fully, Wright & Allen Yv r rapping paper for sale at tfiis office at 4cts per pound The American Accident Go, $100,000 deposited for protection policyholders. louisvile, K Y. TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE! #©“BETTKtl INSURE TODAY“fD 8 ( No medical examination required. A man is not '.visa who will not protect self and family in mbs of accident when it •costs only four cents a day. For only few days disahiiitv you receive more than it posts to insure for a year. An Policy enables you to command the medical attentten at once, for ioss of time, protects your family dependent you me helpless and leaves those who of upon you provided for in accidental death. One person in seven is killed or injured every year. tistics show tuat there are more than accidents to one fiie, and yet no one regrets having property insured. . IV. W. SSB.A43K, Eg. Knoxville, Ga. R5irrT«> IBS cukscss, Til Malaria, Si BBGOE>, XnciigcEtioa & v. TlUiousne?.' 1 , talve BROWN’S IRON KTOTERS. ii cures quickly. Tor sale by all dcale: 5 reiriicino. Get the ceuuino. J find Ideal Tooth. Powder is without exception tho best I have even- used. With its I keep my teeth very clean and white, which I was uuabio to tried do with any other powder I have over before. «So says Ferdinand B. Chur lard. Baltimore, Md. Tooth By tho Powder way, will ? We you buy thoroughly and use Ideal can ommend it. E. E. Nieholf., Dentist, Ba¬ haa, Kansas, says, Ideal Tooth Powder is in my estimation, just what its indicates. each An engraving bottles. 29x24 Price is given with two 26 cents per bottle. pnm CTS733WCA Ui?c IVrowi>’» y Pi.a jlltiura. rijjvlflaiK-i TtfOjffimcnU it. All dcrien ke*’ 7 > it. *1.00 pov bottle. Genuine lias tradcpinark mid cr^;aed rod lines on wrapper. Either of tlm following Ongrurings, the “Evangeline,” Gleu” “The “Bayard,” First Step,” “Monarch without ot or advertising-on thorn, sizo 20x24 inches, given with one 50 cent or two 25 cent bottles of Ideal Tooth Powder. Those uro not A. cheap D. Bowman, lithographs, Dentist, but Nicholia, works of art. Idaho, says, I find am using superior your Ideal all Tooth Powder, and it to others. The engraving 24th “Evangeline” December, arrived safoiy on tiio of making it scorn like a CJhristmas gift. Trusting that Ideal Tooth Powder may flourish, I remain, yours respectfully, Elois Rai¬ no se engrav li).u (Jrawfoid. County’s Organ AceoJuiaoileitta All Arsiic'l. Rev. P. L. J. May, who was buried in the cemetery at this place not long ago, was a very good, but rather eccentric old gentleman. Mr. Frank Wright relates a rather amusing incident illustrative of the oie gentleman’s disposition and usefulness. Yeats ago Mr. May lived at Oglcthopo He was a very mnustrious and enterpris¬ ing man. lie was a pre chc-r, ran a hotel and was Ordinary of the county, He also owned a ferry on Flint rriver. One day while Brother May was at the ferry, and his ferryman had gone off for v. short while, a young man and a girl came np iu a buggy. “Canyon direct me to the man who owns this ferry,” said the young man. " v. Brother li 13 . T may. . , ,,,, , '° U a ° r0S After crossing the young asked him who , , . „ do,”7ddBrothelMa^' T7 He wanted A , his , * . horse and , , bmrgv cared for c and , asked , , who , -. kept , a imbue stable, x iCT ‘I do. A „ said . w> brother . ,, May. v 1T lie then Bald , that 4| he , and . the , girl ... had ° nm avvay t0 gel lnai . riedj and wa nted t0 CC6 0ldinary t0 £ at Hceuso. “I am the Orainarv,” said tho old man. After issuing the license the young man asked to be shown a preacher. “I am a preachc-r and vvi'i marry you at once,” said Brother May, which ha did. GEORGIA. Crawford county—Under and by virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of said county I will sell before the coort house door in Knoxville, said county, within the lawful hours of sale, on firet Tuesda / l 11 N ° ven - bor t!ie following property to wit: fourteen seres. more or less, of lot of land number 144 !n second district of said county, lying adjoining to lands of Mrs. B. H- Ray. R. Knoxville J>. Smith and and Z. also, T Harris milch in said town lot of ; one cow, a , >1 °'. t * "'echiuffcs tools and some kitchen furniture , &c. Said property belonging to estate of Mrs. M. S. Stembridga, deceased, iiu< ^ sold for the purpose of paying debts d -«- ^ <listributUm am90g Qji. II. M. BURNETT, 2nd, 1,880. Administrator, p n F6fDr. J. II McLean’s liver and Kid uey Billets is quite sufficient and mors agreeable. IF TOVIt HACK Aimxa Or you arc all worn out, realty gcod for nothing it Is general debility. Try BUOIVIPX I&ON V.ITl'imS. It. will cure you, and rtive a nood appetite. Sold by all dealers in medicine. I j 1 > j* £ CC s Vd' frMltMt \ \ j- J ^MikMrL /■"$ il I '/ / --~8:'.:y.;.Vy.AA;:.-| \ ; u mm, , /*•.—My darling, you look irresittiblj lovely to-night! S.U .—Do I ? Thanks very much! you jw i/nnsorao us a iTince, Charley, in yow drew suit. I/e ,—Give the credit vo the Di&MOSi 'Shut, my'iove, which i wear tor the fir time to-night; toileiip. it io that which gives (slip ton ■ t.: my Hero is its prototype ring the Diamond engagement Log on fur finger). She .— May our love he ax enduring at • the fame of “ The Diamond Shirt.’ 'Tableau, ■ f3 If ycur duller dries not korj> it, send br, addrcpi to Diiuel MiUar Sc Co., sole mauul :iirer< i iu t-iti. MARWOCTC SEATS’ fiafib hytéarw§$3 Eff; 8.2... BGS‘E’OE‘L m. |i WANTED tti EVERY FAMILY To Eoplaco Erokea Cane. HE-SEAT YOUR CHAIHS. Anybody eiui apply gif jy TUICd. No Heciisaic neodotl. % soi.n its em S: AGENTS WANTED. NUMBER £2 “llS deceased, I will sell at public outer*;, h ip the court house door, in the town Knoxville, said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in vdmber next, the following described lands to wit: Whole lota numbers J29 and 29 in the sixth (Glh) district of said county, containing each 202$ acres, and in the gregate 405 acres, more or less- Sold purpose of paying indebtedness of aaid de¬ ceased and for making dirtribution legatees under said will. Terms cash, Witness my hand— Thos T. Dickson, Rx of Mrs- IvT. Alien, deed. Sept 26.'1889. GEORGIA, Crawford county—Apprais ers appointed to assign and set apart from esta? ® of v,r - w - Scott, deceased, a year's cr: „ -1'; B Scott and her minor s “PP ' ’ or rs children, have made their return. This re therefor. to cite ail parties concerned to show cause, if any they have, before 1113 or before the first Monday in October nest, why such return should not be made the judgment of the court of Ordinary said county. Witness my hand officially. O. P. WRIGHT, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Crawford couDty— -J. vV. Mathews, .administrator of James N. Mathews, deceased, has made application for Isays to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased : This is to cite all concerned to show cause, if any they have. od or before the first Monday in October granted. n< xt why said application should not be Witness my hand officially, this August 80th 18S9. O. P. WRIGHT, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Crawford coufity—Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Knoxville, said countv, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu October, next, the Fallowing property to wit: Lot of land number 8(3 in the 7th district of said county, containing 202| acres, more cr less. Levied on as the property of "William Carter under and by virtue of a fi fa issued from tho county court of said county in favor of James H. Turner, an.iaistrator of estate of Allen W. Turner, deceased, vs. said William Carter, said f- fa having been transferred to B. II. Ray. Alt parties at interest legally noti¬ fied. Witness my hand officially, this August 29ih 1889. B. A. HARTLEY, fjherifikt ----:--- cwAy— *-5 ------ 4 * GEORGIA* Crawford of By vir of an order (Tie‘K.iiiTVfOTdiuafv of said county I will sell before the house door in the town of Knoxville, county, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday hi October, nest, the following land to wit: All of lot IC2 and ten acres of lot number 161 in tho sevca.h aistncf: or sstiii cop. u tv. He ag^atr* h.m»wn 212. more t‘> or Kutun 1«, Oii’t^r tame • c H': * Ut. aa j Lome place. Sold fir the purpose ofdis tributiou among the heirs of Rufus Carter, doceasud, and for paying debts against the estate of said deceased. Terms cash. August 29, 1889. IV. M. TAYLOR, Administrator. GEORGIA. Crawford county—By of tha power vested in mo by lire last will and testament of Elijah Eubanks 1 wili sell before the courthouse door iu ville. said -county, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, next, the following lands,, to wit: East half of lot number 41, west, half of lot number 56 and 16 acres of lot number 155 n'd m the 8rd district of said comity. Sold fi*r distribution among the hairs of said deceased. Terms cash August 2C. 1S89 W. K. HUB Executor, Tfliiny Poi-sotta j Arc broken town from overwork or honschold ! Byot-fii’s Stow ff.-Hisrh TGbniiOL tliO system, u:-i - mi;. ' ce*.o tf' ; iie, and c.niv uv-tar 1 il . Q vl i tin t - VU 1 ? Jfff O.ttK'3 Vf ; ' ,s, • <;«*«»•»?ia>s. Misj ' i: ;d, Ju;. :-t:ur.btc q bao^swereJ >y t h. -•r.u rf«?!rup- by xuaM j *pi V A ulit » dJgUlfeftewt IU 5 ' mam .j 1 0.5 o PABKuB, 1;: V r . wfi mg “MACON, GA., DEALERS 119—2.. . . WHSKY a 5. 1 ,‘ WINE ’ , 1“ .l BA» j I j I.:f‘.‘.‘iilg‘ bought out Mr. Holzmulorf’s busztsess, we'are 5111523 pared t0 :51: pp] y 0111' h-mnds with the best fig {103's cigars afifi ‘i‘omccm Um mazhet affords :tt "lining, prices. Now Whéném you come to town (732216 to see {1211111 Hicks. w, v FOB SALE ! iQhsa;) B ERS il 105, 0 & Lots in t> 53 a Kf'uui Grange Grovan iu Marioa Co. FIa„ GfTersd. The new Town of Musella (formerly lmow fl as seeks sta ' v ‘' v 'h SitilSCeu OH tj© jftuSlltft . , URL ii. -on K. midway • t 1 between > I-HONVille .... 8lid t/lUloden, 088 ' been laid off and lots ai‘fc offer eel at Extremely Loiy Prices. Fertile and healthy section, intelligent people. Ihst location in the state for » large mercantile business, steam gin etc.' Mod pre-eminently, adayied to Fruits of all kinds—especially the peach. Two stores there doing a line badness. Will have a Post Office in a few day* with double daily mails. Sites have been do¬ nated for school and church buildiugs, and the citizens propose erecting them. Building is now being done on stveial new iota, an in the near future the sound cf the saw and hammer will echo among the surrounding hills. I have also 870 acres good Farming Lands lying immedi¬ ately around the station which I will sell cheap in quantities to suit purchaser, also a good 2C0 acre farm on Ulkahatchee creek, 2$ mik-s distant. Also ORANGE GROVES in Marion county, Fla. on easy terms. > : I can be found at Knoxville or Mnsellit for the next 10 days. After that address me at Anthony, Fia. or call on II. Finch Banders, my agent at Geres, Ga. Respectfully, McD. STROUD. Musella, Ga., August 26, 1889. t-*b- -7 • min inn h mi 11 ——^ If health and Ufa are worth anything and you are feeling out of sorts and . tired out, tone up your taking Dr. J H. McLean’s Cr.rsaparilla. INDIAN WEED (Female VIcdicin#) has prove over-worked 1 a great Lies-lug to tho weak,deli- citied cate, v.-omeu of our large ior it is that tali who use it kaep robust aud healthy. Pimples.blotches, scaly skin, ugly spot» so«j!j cud ulcers, (abscesses and tumor*, unhealthy cfaliurges, such as catarrh, ec* s*n*. riti’gwnrmpother forms of skin dis ( ’f s . r -S are symptoms, of blood impurity . RikcUr. J. II. McLean's Sarsaparilla. — — K : s fcl;M s STEh 4 i^M(TWftl8g?8Wi3rt> J-i^^S^i'r^In-itafica, Al-*.»EHt<**tloa, Befntate* tli« * and Bort*s, at>ii unthing: eqn&is It tor • ir. .,r i TK ht KI2f Aaa!«»aK as there ar« cfetUU J*KV»*S>«usM, aix j m i^u rsmuuj mats ASK FOR ITi THE SELF-THRZADINQ , fes3 ^ H 'fJs P? i E Etn ■ 1 |<T GSE3 J El£3 ki (.afcj '£&> SSb >-iiM £}' 3 99 In it are corn bleed the ii li¬ est mechanie- 9 si skill, ilr~j , Wj|"1f most nsnfu 1 end practical )s|fegS»ii e3ement8i and all known ad \ make vantages a sew- that i ing machine desirable to ,VJ i cell or use. ELDREDGE R 7 FC. CO. I i ? 6 rtC 7 and Wiiolasala 0f3ee, Sslriden, Si 371 Wabash Are., €h(caff&, 50 £roa<& Street, New York* ' THE BRILLIANT ‘ SALOON A IV D RES I‘AU RANT; :g IS OWNED AND BEING RUN BY . . ‘ fl := 23.: 3%" ' 4 03'. fifia’r v Eua.§w.m@. x 3"} ww- _ * ' Whenever you came wi.1 to Mama the B11 and iiant want. sxmbtifing best- sonii .to eat of the and kind; sume/thifigf: good to drink you find the thce in town 4 _