The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, November 23, 1889, Image 1

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ON THE EASIEST TERMS BV1R OFFERED IN CRAWFORD COUNTY *Jhe nndereigned is how prepared to lind money at ft per rent, interest par an¬ num. No cato,.commissions charged bor¬ rower. All that borrower is required to bay in and advance is niy fee tor negotiating loan cost of recording necessary ed £ apart. improved Sums of $3<i0 real cgtatdf^BW^s antMLgja^ls loan¬ on years tiro*. tf yoii Grant money at cboap' rates toms and see me, and get every dollar that yoii gibe a note for anil savo heavy tommissionR. Reapeetfntiy, O. V. WRIGHT. ^PERFUiiS tr -—Map* vrom Flowers in thi— Land of flowers i DOUSSAN’S Sweet South Bit i M. S*i»rln X me-TcF Buttles, Each es gents, Also oca Extra fine specialties: ITS DES mm f SPRSNflMfttS mm i mm i IMPERIAL I ROUSSEL RdSE . EDEN BOUQUET! Uly 3 . of ThE Valley i . Ah SO AA»t« pe r bott le. PSCCSOLA 1 Th» must delicate and moat lasting odors made. Oar trade-mark patonted on every label. ••Delicate Lasting as the ft dobweB, bills.” as . SOT- ir yonr draestst anti don’t keep them prepaid. seSti usssnt to us we will forivarB B 0 USSAN FRENCH PERFUMERY CO., M Chartres St., New Orleans. La. m zjX mrmv JgHUn f I j a 9 * 1 „ jJjSj ^” 5 ||| w ill AT.LOUJS.M0. p- niHVi-msivBY | DALLAtS.TOC J. VV, Blasingame, Knoxville, Qa. TSl After Forty yo nth* UMi experience r.lrhotn in Uv« than pr«j>arat)on One Hundred ------ Thonsai uii*te5 d ATjpUcationB for Foreign patent* in the Stntefi and conn* trie?«. thd publishers of tho Scientific Anicricnn continue to act ns goliowors for patents, caveats. trmlo-nmrk>, copy* rights, etc.., for tne United t'lfltea. ana tj# Ctetroftny, obtain and patents alV other ip CflQiula, .ppnatric# England, Their France, wperi Ance is unequaled and tlieir facilities aro uusur« j Drawing find fipecificationo prepared nnd ^led t& tbo Patent. Office on short notice. Terms v*«ry paaeouablo. No’fihurco for exi»urination of inodeJa Dr Patent* dtawtagR obtained Advice hronsrh-.M by mail true'' noticed t nun the BCIRNTIFIC * cU has e largo«teironl^t.ion of kind and pub'.i is tne V ‘d ni-r-l in tiic i ’- mantir-i world paper its of U advantages such n notice every patentee ^ fodpndidVv j:>v -}fo>1 j This law* and WKfiKLEtV A rrwspaper W pablished at >• •”•'), * '•< to 1 K.’ienco. . •'*»'! v > KS l.tid 4thnr ilsned «bne<3 departments of '■ 1 yi ■ ■■'r.r ■■a. puo- nf gr in -any and country. of.«s\rw.: It . •>.’ r.s • ' • ;M‘ ‘i ■tonte^o jreck' title Months • ’ ni ion on it-.v. by all newsdealers. Try it four fvi oie Obo tioriar. d , Alt you & have an invention invent to patent AmoriwuL write Nunn ?a^Sbodk Co.-, publishers jlishrrs of Scicntiiic y cbout mailed fro*. patents — CALL ON J. S< MCGEE At Ceres or McEInmrray's old stand For Fitl’e Whiskies, Bran Kutri ah'd; Gin and general.GlO ceries. Everything- at Macoh prices; The White is King OVEIl 7000.flOO Now Tn Use. t V' iSifSWSi m i i prik w ■ «2 • GeU'leuien, du you want to p.ease yottr wives? Ladies do you desire to lighten your labors 7 Dealers do you wish to satisfy your cus¬ tomers ? ft no, Buy THE WHITE. The one and only verdict of the people at litrge la that fl.j White fills the bill in ev- 7 L ue Know „ Want m the . Best, „ A Golden 0|it;ortun ty For i 'eah-rs ADUKJ!&.\ uiuoueo Waite « Madiuoe THE KNOXVILLE VOLUME II. TOWN AND COUNTY. What the People are Doing and Talking About. ___ THE TIME S IN CRAWFORD Society Molea— and Neighbor! tio«4i Personal Mealioa. All the teacher* of the county will be in Knoxville on the 30th. Cravi’ford coufity blight to have an oil mill for the benefit of her farmer*. Mr. James Z. Smith is reported lobe very sick with typhoid pnbuthoftiii. \ Splendid new milinery goods tit Mrs M. B. Pierce’s at lowest cash prices. Gland bargains in dress patterns at Mrs. M. B. Pierce’s. Come and sec them, Knoxville youngsters will now take a vacation of some length. School closed on ysstciday. Mr. L. F. Collier has decided to move from his large farm near HawkinaviUe : and live near Knokvillo, Almost aaything you want can he found at Blaeingamc’s store, and everything at reasohnblc prices. Good Havners at J. \Y. Blasingamc’j store at and below Macoft prices. On Novehrber 80th the building lo's, belonging to the A. & F. R; U. Ctl., neai the depot, will be sold at auction. Z. T. AuUtfi'an toot the curbing but of a w.;!'; the oth»r day,' which hact been there 60 years. lie was surprised to find the most of it psrfectly sound. Let us haf6 more dwelling houses built to rent in Knoxville. There is a gttst demand for dwellings. The people of this county need a fruit canning cataoliahmeut and a rotton seed oil thill worie than anything else. Isn’t it true ? Mr. Wesley Blasingame spcht Satffrdav and Sunday last in town, taking a short vacation from his studies itt the dental col t J Atlantd. fge u The White, the Singer and Eldredge machines arc all first class roacliines and tbe Editor has one of each to sell at about half price. Quite crowd 1 attended the Oyster a supper last night. There were about two hundred 1 present. Mr. J. tf. Irby caught a trout one day recently in Mathews’ pond tVhieh weighed ten pounds. Mr. Henry Burnett bought it for a dollar. Every mechanic in this community is employed and many wlib catnd in from other parts have found tv or* readily. We are moving with th tide. That a dtimmy line frodi tbe ros:in part of town to the depot would pay. there • an I | be no doubt. Thu amount of freight, to say nothing of tile passenger tr . llii-, UO b,i • give the littlo road a good httsTbcss. proved INDIAN greiii^bleasing IVEpD ^female Medicine) has a to the weak,deli¬ cate, over-ivortfed women'of our largo cities for it is tho'falT who use if ksep robust and health^. A I’plerdid entertainmenr will be given !h.Knoxville ».me time during the Cbrist mas holidays. I't will be by long odds the best thing of the kind ever presented Here. Titc Flftnes btiildiytg wili soon be ready for occupancy of lU new owner Mr J. W. Blasiiigcibh. Frank Wright, junior, has becn cnnfinod to his bad for about a week with a billions attack. He 'Teems to hhve gone tltrcngh with the wonit of the attack. From the ^ort Valley. Enterprise wo learn that Mr W. R. Thames, a well known cirizen of this" county', is clerking j.or Mr Challie Moore of that town There will be much there budtness done next year than eve- before. This town is getting there from center to suburbs. The cvnhlh^ Actory and oil thill air what Crawford county needs, and we pro¬ pose to’keep on talking about’ them . TJ:o young ladio's olearcd $ 17.68’ofi t! 4 i:tert:iiimient gfv'en Str the ii -oefit of the iJaptist oltinch: Are broken down Maiiy Wwom , from overwork or household cures jirowii’s Iron Sitters rebuilds the system, aids digestion, removes ex¬ cess of bile, and cures malaria. Oet the sonulna. I find Ideal Tootlf Fowdcr is without; exception the ,bcSt I iiavo ever u;-'d. With its aid J keep my teeth very clean and white, yvliich I' wap unable t’o do. with any other’ powder I have ever tried before.' So Mai says Ferdinand E. Ckartard, Baltimore, By the ..... will buy ( ' ' • way. you and fitte Ideal Tooth onimend Powder it/ R. ? E. We Nichols, can thoroughly Deiltixi, rec- 8a linn, Kansas, cstifuanom, Kays, Ideal Tooth Powder i* «<» my just wha t its n.imo indicates. An engraving20 xM is given -fit/1 each two bottles. I’rico To cetto rer bottle. KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA. NOV . 1889 Price $1 Per Annu^; OawioicL County's Organ HlARttlEii, On Sunday last, in the 6th district of this county, Mr. Ed George and Miss Emma Barfield. Rev. A. P, opilltds of Seated. Look (HU Children ! Will receive m a few days a large lot ol Children’s Toys and Candies, wliitli in connection with my present stock of Notions will enable me to supply the town and surrounding conntry. J. W. Blasixgame. Coinmlssioucr SSooU Cooiinj;. County School Commissioner Sanders wishes it stated that tbe State School Commissioner will be here on Saturday the 80th iust. Teachers will be pairoff on that day. Let every body come out. Judge Hook will make an address to the public at large, as well as tho tbachers, on the subject of education. Board will mret at a A.M.‘and arrange foi- address at 11 A. M. ff’oi-Sale s The Green Al. Jackson farm, co 7 iDg 507} acres, £ miles from Byroa B be sold cheap on long time, Address ; C. P. N. Baekek, Room 32 i'hi det-j Bank, Atlanta. HOME COUNCIL, We take pleasure jfi calling tlie attenti<qfpf nuthets to a. botne cure for ali dReases cSjf the t macl: and bowels, a mediums to long needed -,o carry children safely through the crit’Caj ’tage of TEETHING. riTTS’ CARMINATIVE, r.r. jncalcifiahlr i)lrRpjngf to mother «m7 cb?M. r> iri mi cipts’iid; i f !i .-; ft? colic of infant?, a Ri:> Oftsesvith ......... vriven (h-r.v ;v.r<-v u^rr±2 the sick and fretful child, and strengloeaf and builds up the Weak, gives appetite and Besh tuthe puny, corrects drain form ths bowels, cures diarrhea and dysentery, A panacea children. Try one bofcfcin. It Twenty-Vivo Gouts a bottlt, ‘C’or gal# r- r WEAK7 u¥ 0EV£LDP?Q ^art-s of t'h^.KirH N Roi)y~RscAAnafto oK;vwi^ T . > VPKit. SfHl-.NfT Uii r.N !■,!>. p; tv ., nt^rtiBting nri yfisfi88-n”Ht unit; run in n fr cap**r7- : )ti fi»piy minouj. l-ff.-, w.. w< jl-w-gx that IllGrfl id Ho taYirloiK-^ of hlnnlrtlD! «no.i<-thi«..*(tthirci5Su5 kwht. lau^yrt^^ : v..(it«n.iv„rti»»;»Ar ^,iA MEN 'masmssmsm ONty «as. YrtreaKness, t»aojiic<^x Sj'fcz’oagtltj ur.yiOara.asaaiiv m *pSis5s isa£as?*as^. ta . within amontb. Ko Decoctioa * 1 VKrar*L0&. K'TkwnW §*»•}<>NX ASK FOR IT! THE &£iF*THREADSMG ELDREDGE it ■:,1 ii it are enm SMed tfie fin¬ est mechanic¬ al skill, thee most, useful I end pracfical | E elements, and ad-™ fill known vantages that make a sew !pg mschino desirable to sell or use. eLbeaeDCE tv. pc. co. factory and tOMesala Office, Selvld^ife, 2£L 37J li’ahajsl} Ave. f C/rCcdf/o. B& £>rc>titi£ Street) Neth Tork. f figg‘g - «4.; 3&3ng rmx— 90’ . $2: 11* . t“ ,3 ' l ' ~ . Vi; 1&4}; ”jfi\ 1“ €3.44 a K 91‘3“"4?‘ .- 3-7: ‘ (3&7 .£21,’\.¢§‘$V 7’2513/2" > {‘25 55321322? ’3 -’ . . . -‘: ‘\ ”???llfi . Loves! ME 1' ALL STYEES ‘ " \ 7*: «’4‘»’ Ho smsmzs. nucx;§e:¢agf&~‘cm¢s. Bfigfiies,s'urreys, Wt‘p}_ f ,._- ‘ BUYER Th'::-£_;.s SAVES: ‘ - ,‘_-._ .1 _ We afieisfisczhi.»-mnac “'2 use mm ’21:“. mm; ??"AYEYEIYIE MEN'Ts pr for cAsI-I , om 3-2391 A 93?W£‘§%R§fi§%¥ man mums.” mm mm 23‘. $5.39 M, BMW Hum mean m. m. GENERAL NEWS. Gold has been found on <J. S. jartioe’s place in Newton comity. * The Idtn Jones college at Car teas vide will pass into tbt hands ot a receiver, and will probably be sold to the city. The now cotton f.ictory which is being built at Gray’s mill in Elbert cotinty, is about ready to commence work. Air Diedson of bibb county,who it will be remembered was badly injured in the Hazzard district a few days ago by a f u n. ing tree, died at bis-homo Monday eve. mi,. luQ ifmerlcan AOCldent a „ Go, $100,000 deposited for protection of noliev polity holders holders. r. o v isvi l fe. K T. TO LUalulvivU mop bow VV xfiV M AI or BE lYK, IOO LA l E ! Bfirr.MTF.h tvstiUE T0i)AV“©ft ^ . No T medical examination required. A man is not wise who ivill not project him- 611 all(1 Gimiiy in case of accident when it costs only four cents a day. For only a few days disability you receive more than it costs to insure for a v*ar; An A cruder i meuoal BBrsty*••....... atte.irtc,. at. once, compensates oi helpless time, protects and leaves y- ;;r those family while you a;o wco are dependant -UkjJs.4. upon von (',«i. providci’, tor in case seven is killed ot liijurcu evciv year. St tistitis show tnaf there are more than fmtv accidents to one fiie, and yet uo one ever regrets having w.'Atocii, property insured. ». «, T OR THE RLOOn, Uiliousneas. IVeakness, take- Malaria, Iudigest!o» and BROWN’S IRON RITTERS. it cures quickie. For sale hy all dealers in medicine, uot the nenuine. FOR DYSPEPSIA Use llrotrn’0 Iron Hlttnrs. Physicians recommend it. All dealers keep it. $1.00 pe- p bottle* Oenuine has trade-Dmrk and eroded 2ed lines ci wrapper. nij : ; . str^ngjiie'-.s tin; V-hcn, wh* :, ’Uethi.' Eruptfoos and’Srwsf ftMd’noi’hinlr^fii'iair lt U fr L-so/arure“ without tfethin U T.V° tt°aMd ion a as v as there are ehtld. tc Q la tDu House, Ask your L'ruu r :?t* ■Jtnpote*cr, «ere bpI»! OrRMJto WeaLuPsit, Scielitiffc Goaortbox*, trvutxucut; BjrwLllU5« go2a and tmwlies. Etefoimitie* Treaie,!. CgU turt utosuoneto be answered by t ho*a or vri<c for I^t c* desiring treat most by -. S”*~’ tr &r. Bet^Daur-r-or to I*-.-' iksssssss BFmmwwk FFf cfti»e«»anrt Deeav. !>en; —---------- -- -------------- -TJZTl INTlENATIONAL TYPEWRITER! m ^IUbPi 1 >ss5S*i | 0! A strict It first-Gifts* mnchiijc. Fully v?zY\ ranted. Madetfrom very best, material. )»}• skilled workmen, and with the best tools that have wpt, bveu devised for the purpose. Warranted lu d«. all that can be reasonably expected of the very words’per best typewriter nfirttiue’—or *udiairt. --, ’apalde ore—according of writing Che 1 L to ability.ot tho operator. .Price $ 100 . 00 ; If there is lip .agent in your town, ad" dress tlie mauufacturcrs, THE PARISH ag(j$!. C^., AaeM* Waritof. FAMISH, if. t. FREE STKNOCtRAFflr auu TVPldviOT o |NO FRKK. . t'ii’st elas^facilities and lie^fc Q/\te wicket '.s.^^^dd^cs^uut for return postage, HARWOOD’S . 753139 Bififiiéim‘fi; BOSTOX. ^ WANTED SN EVERY FAMILY . To Replace Broken Cane. RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. Aiyhody tan apply THKM. So Met hinic neaded. SOLID BJ U m HarJware TI>VA»E3. Is. bcjicg 287,• Chsltc, isifcrteota-jtth XMorfico e Tied Lsithct Fiat'-h “cate. : AGENTS wmmi NtJMBER «2 O RGIA, Crawford count}— . By * of- the direction* ,Jo the last will and testament bf of Thoinas J. handers, late said; county, deceased, we will sell at public outcry to the highest bid¬ der for cash on the first Tuusnav in Dft* cein her next before the coin t house door in KnoXTil'e the folio wing .lauds belong ing to said estate, situate in tUe 3rd dis triet of said county, to wit: whole Lot of Land No. 163—159 ancl’oue-half acres Lot No 138, being the soqtn part, of said lqt—skV.enty Sf Lot eight acres in south east ctirnfir No, 131—67 acres In north west corner of Lot No. 162 and 11 acres in northeast in body corner of lot No. 106—ail lying One and contouring 61* and one half acres more or less. Terms made known on day ot sale- , Oct 26, 6889. Augustus M. C handers, Janies Sanders, Executors /’BORGIA, VA and virtue Crawford of the county power vested us .lautos by the last will and testamenr of t h highest Roberts, deceased, will be sold eo'vrt S House bidder door for tbe cash before the vllle m town of Knox on the.first Tuesday in December next the following discribed pioperty to the Obe hundred acres of lot u, said in 2 n<l District being dower of said Airs. property Margaret Roberts, set apart ceased, hold for distribution lately he ' rs - J- I. Champion, rict :5 MU ikro • 5= _ _ « ^ ’BORGIA. Crawford county—H ill lie 80 before tbe Court house odor in Dumber Tuesday in Decmber next, Lots of Sand 88end :>J3 ft: the 2nd district ft S£,< ^ county, each eontaismz 202 ?.:i one-, ; ! a ^ aeres > acre or less. Levied on as S;„rSL,;:; , Jones to satisfy a ft fa issued from Craw- | j fQJ'd Superior Court .n fator of K.N.Britt '* derson s - Al-uy Lucia Jones Jordan, .Mattie J. An-, \N . R. aiul D.,). Jones and | . s-A.HiRTj.iv, GEORGIA, Claw ford county- Will be, sold before the < oil r t house door in the ! to-'it of Knoxville, Ga„ between the ! l«ca I hours of sale Oil the first Tliesilav I in January uexi the following property j to wit : Lots ot land number 327 and 98 • tornv.r (except sixty acres in the south-west lot nfitiiber .of, said in loty, tfb'e anil 2nd district, nerth half of !26 of said county. Levied on tinder ami by virtue of a mortgage H fa issued, from CraWford Superior court in favor Of J. W. Coombs Also at same-’time and place Lot of Crawford Land pttnibtn ctftmty. 101 in Georgia, the. 8th being district the of} land conveyed by B. W, Sanford to J- T.; Levied Hartley on ‘Jotb ,:lay bf January, 1382.1 I On as thfc property of John T. j Hartley under fi fas and by from virtue Crawford of three mortgage issued court in favor VanSicfcle of M. Nusshutint i Co., Nussbnum & Tindall i Small <fc Mallory vs. said John 'X. T’etiants in possession notified. Terms cash. UCt. 30th, B. 18S“. A- HARTLEY, Sheriff. ,. Admihistrato** Sale: Georgia, Crawford Countt. Under ancl iiy virtue (.1 an Order IgI, Idd, 15 (, 158, 159 and 150, contain iu " twu *** <*>* •*«» u, acres, more or less, east: one hundred eighteen (118) acres, being parte of uumbeDK 129 and 130! .one hundred f the Northeast portion of lot toO, all in the 7th District of said and eighteen (18J) acres of the Southeast oartpfhd Ji2-h. the si'nd Dis-..i<;t of said ref. the jmrposc of pacingdelrts of estate and for distribution among the heirs at law said deceased. Oct. 31,1889 J. IV Milt hews, THE BRILLIANT SALOON a ND RESTAURANT 1'S OWNED AND BEING RUN BY frrv w,7-« ’* ■ m a Whenever you come to M’s too and want aamctlfing good to eat and snrr.sth ood to drink you wi 1 find the Bri liant the best tt’ace in town of the kind. ■JMBUr.Vr. W Mr g m r HlCkS & PARKER, —MACON,''GA., DEALERS IN WHISKY, WINE,;^TOBACCO" Haviiig boiigbt orrt M r - Holzendovf’s business, we to Supply the om* ket friends with the best Liquors cigars and ma : affords at living prices. Now whenever come 16 town come to see Crum llielcs. rwi R ■5 -IN 03 .it ftuna. cooKiae and roistoh. ——IS ATTAINED BY TUB USE OF TIIE CELEBRATED-. •it: m NEW SUNSHINE RANGE, . - tobirli w.e m.alse lo fou r anwc wlfh or without KifiH shelf, mea closet, im closet s wsteb-mck. Cars heal your house thorough* v., ly, HEALTHFULLY end £CO- 'B A s* t MOMIC^LLY with the TORRID STEEL DRUM F 0 RNAC& Those who FURNACE uoe JhoT^RFIJD always praise, Send for BOOK givinghcat capacity and prices. [p A FAINTER' 10 S„ RueiHG, p k p^s THE PROPOSAL A. OT a // // »/> *> r sf=lr_iX. ./pr m 15iu SM | 7 /> i L i yam acao. htbZf'% L-o/yyTDJQfc fitVT /- g raft ’ f "JiA M * Iff.— My darling, you look irresistibly .ovely to-niglu! . •SAc.—Do I ? Thanks very much! yon are handsome is a Prince, Charley, m your dress suit. . AS?.—Give the credit to the Diamond S hirt, my love, which 1 wear for the first date to-night; it is that which gives tone to my toilette. Here is its Jteototype (slip x DiiUMnd engagement. ring on rf the AAe.—May , . our love be as enduring u fame ot “ The Diamond Shirt.’ taMn*. ...... WArJeUTTA Itpo UNCN. wm 'mm Vr 4 " 'j?®! "** ’“*!> ’L **»< hi* f ' 7 " ■ r’ „<=—-as. 0oti!m8r5ial8o!iege ot L «x,m, TOB C( i ecp$st&Best Business CoUago in a SmJhom- TeacDers employed, of Full *” AM rfought UjAU ih’4 Splenafd * ADM ^ - f - ■ • PSSaKP>rai _ §t W Afi BhSLhmMSC,, WAi S8®Bl!l> saPs) S s*£? RewiN^ OBml.lli MAnilHr BECAUSE ST WAS THE V: • ■v, *v _ SfSW THEY ILL fm - For It does such faeautlfhl wdrk. . Sample Machine at FactoryPriaae ws law is mm H MANUFACTURING CO,’ 6 f>LVeoeRE. ILL.