Newspaper Page Text
■ revolving wire screen, which makes
It of a uniform, fine quality, then en
mra the hopper of the press and is con*
Ifeyed to the moulds where it receives
Pvo blows from a hammer or ram,
|w eighing about 1,000 lbs.) and in ad-
Biition is subjected to two powerful
pressures, when the bricks are deliv
ered by the Machine, put upon bar-
Imvs, wheeled to the kiln and at once
pet ready for burning. Each brick
■laving exerted upon it a mechanical
Jjbree of at least one hundred tons, and
||he air being entirely displaced, it be*
worries nearly as dense and smooth as
■olished marble. Clay cannot always
He dried uniformly. The surface of
Humps will be quite dry while the
■renter is damp.
It must, however, be dried sufficient*
Hy to grind in the roller and sift through
»lte screen. During this operation it
pveomes completely mixed, and enters
it he machine in a line, uniform, dampen
led powder. The machine is so oon
[ structed that one is enabled to regu
late the amount of clay in a moment,
should more or less be required as it
varies from damp to dry. The ma
chine forms six bricks at each revolu
tion, and makes seven or eight revolu
tions per minute, turning out 2,500 to
2,800 bricks per hour. The machine,
pulverizers and screens, complete, cost
$3,200 and weigh over 20 tons. It is
all of iron, single, massive and compact,
and moves with as much accuracy as
an ordinary steam engine. The bricks
are more smooth, true and uniform in
diape than pressed bricks. Heavy,
strong, very dense, having no cavities,
they absorb little moisture and with
stand the frosts of the severest cli
mates. — So'. Jour, k Courier.
Test of Love. —As a woman wa s
walking, a man looked at and followed
•• Why,” said she, “do you follow
*• Because I have fallen in love with
“ Why so? My sister, who is com
ing after, is much handsomer than I am.
Go and make love to her.”
The man turned back and saw a wo
man with an ugly face, and being great
ly displeased, returned and said, “Why
vou told me a story.”
"She answered, “Neither did you
(tell me the truth, for if you are in love
with me, why did you look for another
woman ?”
The people who send money to the
newspaper offices, with a request to
“send the paper as long as the money
lasts." are respectfully informed that,
generally speaking, the money don't
Jast long.
A gentleman talking to another on
the subject of marriage, made the fol
lowing observation: “I first saw my
wife in a storm: carried her to a ball
in a storm: married in a storm: lived
in a storm all her life; but thank heav
en, I buried her in pleasant weather.
“Where is the hoe, Sambo?”—
“ Wid de rake massa.” “ Well, where
is the rake?” Why, wid de hoe!” —
“Well, well—where are they both?”
“Why, both togedder, inassa—you
'pears to be berry ’ticular dis morning!
COTTON.—There lias been none offering in our
market for the past week, except a few small lots at
high prices. Consequently there have been no
sales, and we are unable to give quotations.
BAGGING. .Gunny $ yard 16 (5 16
Kentucky none.
-BACON.. Hams lt> 12 @ 13
Shoulders jSllb 7 (0. 8
Sides lb 10 (oj 12
Ilog round ylb 10 (0 12%
BUTTER. .Goshen y lb none.
Country ft lb 10 @ 16
BRICKS.. ft thousand 650 @7 00
CHEESE. .Northern ylb 12 @ 15
English Dairy ft lb none.
COFFEE. .Rio y ft> 14 % 16
Java y It) 16 (ii} 18
DOMESTIC GOODS..Shirt’, ft yd 5 @ 12)^
Sheeting ft yard 15 (0 30
Osnaburgs ft y’d 9 @ 12
FLOUR. .Country, y barrel 750 (0 825
Country ft sack 350 (0 400
GRAIN. .Corn y Bushel 100 (0 110
Wheat y Bushel 125 (pj 140
IKON. .Sweeds ft lb 6 % (0 7
English ft lb 6 (0 7
LARD..|t lb 11 (0 13
El ME.. Northern ft Barrel 250 (0 300
LUMBER, .ft thousand feet 12 00 (((13 00
MOLASSES. .Cuba $ ga110n.... 35 <0 37
New Orleans ft gallon.. 40 (pi 45
NAILS, .y Keg 675 (0 750
OILS. .Lamp ft gallon 150 (Pi 250
Train y gallon 100 (0 125
Linseed ft gallon 125 @1 30
Castor ft gallon 225 (0 250
RICE, .ft It) 6 (0 8
ROPE.. ylb 10 (0 11
LIQUORS. .Gin, Northern ijt gal 50 (0 75
Kutn, N. E. ft ga110n.... 50 (0 75
Whiskey ft gallon 50 (0
Brandy, cognac 300 (0 700
Gin, ilolland 200 (0 300
SUGARS. .New Orleans ft lt>... 7 (0 9
Porto Rico “ft lb 9 (0 10
Loaf ft lb 11 (0 13
Crushed ft ft 12 (0 12
Refined ylb 10 (0 11
SALT..ft Bushel 90 (0 100
Salt y Sack 250 (0 800
SOAP. .Colgate, pale ylb 12 (0 15
Yellow ft lb .». 8 (0 10
Country ft lb 8 (0 10
SHOT..ft lb./. 12% (0 12 'A
ft Bag 250 (0 275
.1 TTO II .V/; !• .IT l.i ll\
>lhv IS, 1354.
C» ?ci> era l A bvr tis cm ntfe.
Mliolrsale Mi)
Sells Country Produce on Commission
East comer Jefferson St., Ta ton ton, Oa.
April 18, 1851.
No. 4,Carter & Harvey’s Range,
April 23, 1854. Eatonton,* Un.
s. W. BRYAN,
OFFICE up stain*, adjoining the Printing Office,
where lie may ho found dnriu r the day, and at
night at the residenoo ot V . A. Dj vis, unless pro
fessionally absent. All calls lor medicines or atten
tion promptly attended to.
Reference TIIY HIM.
May 30th, 1851. 4ly
i', tsmu f>*v. i ßtj i: tjeiMj o n
ll r K warrant to please all who wish the latest
\\ style of dress. Shop up stairs, adjoining the
Printing Otliee.
April 18, 1854.
n,\ r?rna. n n » nq \ {VCTCQ X H' I pn njT * Lino
i liuiuilo 0C HUilUlllLl'i 10,
No. 94, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga.
npENDEK their services to l’lanters, Merchants,
.1 anddealers in the solo of Cotton and all other
country produce. Bel up connected in business with
Hopkins, Hudson it Cos., of Charleston, the establish
ment of an oflk's in tliif. city will afford our friends
choice of markets Strict attention will be given to
business, and the usual facilities afforded, customers.
J. K. Hudson, j i Lambeth llopkivs,
tV . 11. Fleming, - Augusta.
Savannah. ) (J. J. Cohen-, Charieson.
Juno Gth, 1848. 7—i y
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine
IS issued invariably on the first day of the month
in which it is dated. Each number will contain
44 octavo pages, in double columns ; each y ear thus
comprising nearly two thousand pages of the
choicest Miscellaneous Literature of the uyd. Eve
ry number will contain numerous Pietovk 1 Illustra
tions, accurate plates of the Fashions, a copious
chronicle of current events, aud impa .•tjal notices
of the important books of the month. The vol
umes commence with the numbers for June and
Terms. —The Magazine may be obtained of book
sellers, periodical agents, or from the j publishers.
Three Dollars a year, or Twenty-five feats each,
as, furnished by the Agents or Publishers.
The Publishers will supply speci men number
gratuitously to Agents and Postmasters, and will
make liberal arrangements with them for circula
ting the Magazine ; they will also supply Clubs on
liberal terms and mail and city subscribers, when
payment is made totliem in advance. Numbers
from the commencement can be sue plied at any
time. •
ESsF Exchange papers and periodicals are requested
to direct to “ Harper’s Magazine, New York.”
The Southern Eclectic.
ECLECTIC will be composo l of carefully
X selected articles, from the leading Periodicals
of Europe, with one or more original papers in
each number from the pens of Southern writers.
We will be in regular receipt, hly mail, among
others of the following standard Foreign Journals:
The Edinburgh Review, The Nora),i British Review
The Westminster Review, The London Quarterly
Review, The Eclectic Review, The Retrospective Re
view, Chamber’s Edinburgh Journal, Eliza Cook’s
Journal, Household Words, United Service Journal,
Colburn s New Monthly, Dublin ; University Mag
azine, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Ains
worth’s Magazine, Fraser's Magazine, Hood’s Mag
azine, Sharp’s Magaz-ine, Talt's Magazine, Gentle
man's Magazine, Blackwood's (Lady’s .Magazine,
Tiie Repertory of Arts and Inventions, Bentley’s
Miscellany, Rev a Jcs deux Nlionds, llogg’s in
structor, Annuls of Natural History WciserZeitung,
London Literary Gazette, The Spectator, The Critic,
The Athenanun, The Examiner, The Times, Punch,
&c. These rare and costly publications which sel
dom, in their original form, find their way into
the hands of American readers,, and yet are know
ledged to embody the latest and choicest pro
ductions of the best writers of Europe, will be care
fully examined, and their most attractive and valu
able articles will be reproduced in the pages of
the Eclectic. Tims, for a mere fraction of the
cost of any one of these work:., the readers of the
Eclectic will obtain the select portions of all of
With the ample resources thus at our command,
in the British and Continental Journals, together
with such assistance as we c;;pcct from our native
writers we hope to publish a. Periodical which shall
prove, in every respect, acceptable to the cultivated
The Eclectic is the only, Magazine of the class
ever attempted in the South, and is designed to
supply an obvious void iAi our literary- publica
tions: Vve need scarcely u dd, that it will bo con
ducted with a special regupd to the sentiments, the
institutions and interest or the Southern people:
While no topic will be (excluded from its pages
that comes properly witijin the scope of literary
journalism, particular attention will be given to
such subjects as arc of practical and permanent im
portance: <
The Eclectic will bo published at Augusta, Ga.,
the first ot every month—each number containin-g
8b large octavo pages, : .i double columns, on good
paper and new type, mating two volumes of 480
pages, each, in the year:'
TERMS for one" year One copv, §3 00—Six
copies, §1500; always inadvance:
the first volume can be had at the reduced price
of One Dollar, by earay implication to the Edit:or
Augusta Ga.
r P" G Months after elite application will be made
-L to the Court ot Ordinary, of Putnam County,
for leave to sell tin. undvided real estate of Robert
Bledsoe, late of said cotnty, deceased.
June 6th, 1854.
J. F. Castellaw, passiig himself as a printer, left
this place on last Tuesday night, “between the usual
hours of leaving” with.ut settling his board bill,
and other accounts. Jud before leaving, and while
making bis arrui lgemojss, he purchased a bill of
goods, of one of our mediants, without paying for
them, and has not bcei seen or heard of since.—
The newspapers should land his name around, that
honest people way knov the rascal, “and govern
themselves accordingly.'
Eatonton, May 25th,' :sf>4.
M*. I '(i 1
cpIIOSE who are indbted to rue bv note or ac
-1 count, during the latter part of the year 1853,
will please come forward immediately and settle
them, for mone y is nettled, and money I must have.
Z. W. LITTLE, Drugist.
Eatonton, Mny 30, 1,8(4 gt
Taik \v aUN I N(L
PERSONS 1 laving gniieuts in my shop must call
and get them within tu days, or 1 will sell them at
public auetior .
May 80th, 1 854. L. 11. JORDAN.
OAA LB:'. Country Lard just received, and for
OUU sale by McMANUS ,t DURE,
May 30, 11 54. in near R. Road Depot.
1 A U’DS daily effected to arrive, and for sale on
iV reasonable terns by McMANUS & DURE.
May 30, 1854. m near R. Road Depot.
s£> house on the road between Eatonton
f aiid£liili«on, about the 13th Inst., a
Dog above the ordinary
fiK&sizeAjout live years old—white face—
ears lately rounded-breast white—-white extending
down his legs oa tin- inside—Jiind and lore feet
white up to, or aba.-, the first joint—4 or five inch
es of white on theflp of the tail—and a white ring
extending partly, <j entirely round the neck. II is
name is Mete, anafhe is well acquainted with his
name, and would!,, ne to it. He is probably mak
ing his way back tithe house of G. L. F. Birdsong,
Esq., near Thomaebn, in Upson county, who lately
gave him to me. Tin above reward will be paid to
any one delivering tlis dog at my house, or giving
certain information, B , that 1 can gethim.
Futnapi County, M ;r , go, 1851. if
Xrgitl Stoftemcnts:
YN as .Nut-hail Bass applies for j letters of adtriinis
trillion on ihe undevisett portion of the estate of
Robciit Blrid’Hoe, Into otTetuam county, deceased :
These arc, therefore, to cite anc|. admonish all and
singular the kindred aiulWeditoni of said deceased,
to be and appear at my ollice within the time peer
scribed by law, to show Ausc, ifiiiiv they liuve, why
said letters of administration should n<ot be granted.
Given under lnv hand kt otliee,' this March 24th,
1854. WM. p. CARTER, Ordinary.
VI sa \\ illiainG. Lee applies for! letters of admin
istration on the estate of Dolly- Bat! es, late of said
county, deceased—
-1 hese are therefore tp cite mad admonish all
concerned to be and appear at my office, within the
time prescribed by law, to show muse if any ex
ists, why said letters should not be'granted.
WM. hi. CARl'i'.R, Ordinary.
May 1), 1854.
Georgia, Putnam County.
Mni/ Term qf the (hurt o‘ Ordinary if said (Jaunty.
IT appearing t<> the Co'irt from the petition of Me
rida Kendrick, executor of the wil. of Henry All
lord, deceased, late of said county, that he lias
Billy discharged the duties of his mild otliee, and
praying to be discharged therefrom--
That notice) of his said application he
published in terms of the law, and that all persons
concerned show cause, if any they con, on or before
the first Monday in November next,! why letters of
dismission should not, at that time, be granted to
said executor.
True copy from Minutes of Court.
W. B. CARTER. Ordinary.
May- 16, 1854.
GJ EOIIGIA, Putnam County, —Court of Or-
I dinary of said county, December Term, 1853.
It appearing to the Court upon the petition of Mu
than Bass. Joel E. Hurt, uni John M. Flournoy, ex
ecutors of the last will and testament of J osiali Flourr
nov, late of said county, deceased, that they have
executed the will of their said testament, l»v pay
ing the debts of said deceased and the legacies con
tained in his said will, and praying tube dismissed
from their said executorship— '
Ordered, that notice of this, their application,
for letters dismissorv he published in one of the
public gazettes of this State for t)ie space of six
months, and that all persons interesteu file their
objections, if any they have, on or before the first
Monday in June next, and show cause why said let
ters should not be granted on the first Monday in
June next.
WM. B. CARTER. Ordinary.
FITNAM SlieriiPs Sales.-Will be sold be
fore the Court-house door in the town of Ea
tonton, Putnam county, on the first Tuesday in
May next, witthin the legal hours of sale, the follow
ing property, to wit:
A negro woman Scaly, aged twenty-two years, and
a negro boy named Sylvester, agetl between 3 and 8
years; levied on to satisfy an execution issued from
Putnam Superior Court in favor of David R. Adams
against Hicks J. E. Rosser and Janies Rosser. Levi
ed on as the property of Hicks J. E. Rosser. Prop
erty pointed out bv plaintiff in fi. fa.
JOHN B. FITTS, Sheriff.
YYTILL BE SOLI), under an order of the
VV Court of Ordinary, on the first Tuesday in
July next, before the Court-house door in Eatonton,
between the usual hours of sale, one and one-half
acres of wood-land, belonging to the estate of Ezra
S. Howard, late of said county, deceased, lying in
said county, and sold for the purpose of distribution.
May 9, 1854
UNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary, of
thecounty of Putnam, will lie sold, at the
Court House door in the town of Eatonton, on the
first Tuesday iu June next, within the legal hours of
sale, one negro man named Nicholas, about sixty
years of age, the property of Cclestia G. Sadler, or
phan of O. W. Sadler.
LEWIS LINCH, Guardian.
April 18, 1854.
r PWO months after date application will be made
1 to the Court of Ordinary of Putnam county for
leave to sell the real estate of Nancy Johnson, late
of said county, deceased.
May 1(5, 1854.
rr\WO Months after date application will he made
X to Court of the Ordinary of Putnam eontuy for
leave to sell the real estate of James Wilson, late
of said county, deceased.
WM. A. WILSON. ) v ,
May 23rd. 1854. 1. N. WILSON. i rs>
.4 Lij persons indebted to Woodlief Scott, late
of the county of Putnam, deceased, are request
ed to make immediate payment, and those huvjng
demands against the said deceased are requested
to present them as by law required.
J. ADAMS, Adm’r.
March 7, 1854.
liotice to Debtors and Creditors.
A LL persons indebted to Ezra Howard, late of
iV the county ofP.itnam, deceased, are request
ed to ms,ke immediate payment, and those having
demands against the the said deceased, are request
ed to present them as by law required.
J. I>. DIOMATARI, Adm’r.
April 25, 1854.
To the Creditors of Lorenzo Bird, deceased.
ALL persons holding claims against Lorenzo Bird,
deceased, and who desire to share the benefit of
the litigation now pending in Morgan Superior Court,
touching the interest of said deceased, in the estate
of Goo. L. Bird, deceased, are notified that unless
they hand in their claims to the undersigned with
in ’6O days from this date, they will be unrepresen
May 11, 1854.
Attorney for Creditors.
Ready-made clothing Wc would
inform our friends of Putnam County that we
have opened the largest assortment of reaclv-madc
clothing for Spring and Summer that lias ever been
in the Eatonton market, which we will sell upon
reasonable terms. We have more of the same good
bargains we always sell our customers. Call and
examine our stock in the Temperance Hall.
April, 18, 1854,-tf. COXE & DENNIS.
/"t I). PEARSON & Cos., would call the at
\J» ten tion of the public generally to their large
stock of dry goods, fancy and domestic, groceries,
crockery, hard-ware, &c. Their goods are all new,
having been recently selected with great care in the
New York and Philadelphia markets. They flatter
themselves they can give their customers as good
bargains os can be bought in middle Georgia. Al
: 10, call and examine onr stock of ready-made Cloth
ing. We will ondea- vour to fit all in garments and
'in prices.
T INCH & DAVIS, Eatonton, Ga.— Dealers
1 j in Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Shoes,
Hats, Drugs. Medicines, patent Medicines, Hard,
Hollow ana Wood ware, Cutlery, Powder and Shot,
Candles, Soaps, Crockery, Fine Liquors and Wines,
and various other articles. Call and examine before
purchasing elsewhere. Bargains can be had.
April 18, 1864.
pi YSbru.-m®7Nel”®®b*:®®; L|
l AND ] I'll
OUR promptness and personal attention to all
business entrusted to our charge, having met
with approval, we beg leave respectfully to say, our
office is continued at the old stand. Plantation and
Family supplies forwarded at the lowest market
prices, and liberal advances made on Produce in
Store, or upon Railroad Receipts.
P. 11. BEHN.
Savannah, May 16,1854. 4—ly
sx jypn mw&m*
rpilE proprietors of the Steam Mills formerly own-
X ed by F D. Ross, would announce to the citi
zens of Putnam county, and the country generally,
that they are prepared to fill promptly all orders
for lumber, at the rates annexed. Their position up
on the Milledgeville and Gordon Railroad, 12 miles
from the former and 5 from the latter place, affords
facilities for conveying lumber from their mills with
promptness and dispatch to all sections of the coun
Lumber, (generally,) per thousand feet $lO 00
Flooring and weather-boarding 11 25
May 23,1P54. ts
To the Citizens of Putnam County.
HAVING permanently located in Eatonton, I re
spectfully tender you my professional services:
I have spent the last four years with an old and ex
perienced physician of the reformed school, and have
during that time, treated under his supervision, many
cases of most of the diseases incident to this section
of country:
My motto is, that “ Poisons are not medicines.”
I use such remedien only, as act strictly in harmony
with the known laws of the animal economy: These
1 select from every kingdom of nature, but with a
careful and discriminating hand:
Office up stairs adjoining the printing office, where
I may be found during the day. and at night, at the
residence of W. A. Davis.
8. W. BRYAN, M. D.
Eatonton, April 25, 1854. ts
PiKtumuMs IpMrti«wwnta.
fflfcjift*®® i.rsx.
npIlE next Agricultural Fair will be held in Aug
1 usta, Ga., on the 23d, 24th, 25th, 2(>th, 2ith,
and 28th days of October, 1854. We append such
parts of the Premium List as are, of more general
interest: „„„
1 For the largest drop of Cotton produced upon two
acres of upland, with the mode of cultivation, the
amount and kind of manure used, the period ot
planting, the number of times plowed and hoed,
tho kind of Cotton ; the land to be measured and
the Cotton weighed in the presence of three dis
interested and reliable witnesses, with certificate
from them, pitcher, §SO
2 For the largest crop of Cotton produced upon
two ucres of low land, ( the same requisition as
upon an acre of upland,) _ 50
3 For the largest crop of Pea Nmo Hay, raised
on 2 acres, one bale to lie sent as it, sample,
with a certificate of quantity made, silver cup, 20
4 For the largest crop of Native Grass Hay, raised
on 2 acres, the same as above, * 20
5 For the largest crop of Foreign Grass liny, rais
ed on two acres, the same us above, 20
6 For the largest crop of Corn grown upon two
acres of upland, not less than 75 bushels per
acre; the period of planting, the mode of cul
tivation, kind of corn, times plowed and hood,
the amount and kind of manure applied; the
land and corn measured in the presence of three
disinterested and reliable witnesses, with their
certificates —a silver pitcher worth 50
7. For the largest crop of com grown upon two
acres of lowland, not less than 100 bushels per
acre (requisition as upon upland Corn) 50
8. For the largest crop of Wheat (broadcast)
grown upon two acres of land, not less than 20
bushels per acre, nor under (50 pounds per
bushel: the land and wheat to be measur
ed, and under the same requisition in all
things as above 25
9 For the largest crop of Wheat (drilled) grown
upon two acres of land, not less than 20 bush
els per aero, nor less than 60 pounds per bush
el, (requisition the same as above,) • 25
10 For the largest crop of low land Rico, on one
acre, not less than 100 bushels, _ 50
11 For the largest crop of Oats, kind, &c.,
raised per acre, _ 20
12 For the largest crop of Rye, kind, Ac., rais
ed per acre, 10
13 For the largest crop of Barley, kind, &e., rais
ed per acre, 10
14 For the largest crop of sweet potatoes raised
per acre, one eighth of an acre to be dug, and
certificates of the yield by disinterested per
sons furnished, 20
15 For the largest crop of Irish Potatoes raised
per acre, < 20
16 For the largest crop of turnips raised per acre, 10
17 For the largest crop of Ground Peas, or Pin
ders, raised per acre, 10
18 For the largest crop of Field Peas raised per
acre, 10
19 Best, box of chewing Tobacco, Southern raised 5
20 Best box of Cigars from Southern raised To
bacco, 5
21 Best.sample of Southern raised Smoking To
bacco, 5
22. For the greatest quantity of Corn produced
on an acre of land by irrigation, with the mode
of cultivation, time of planting, irrigation, Ac. 25
Exhibitors of all the above crops must state in
writing in full to the Secretary, all the requisitions
as laid down for Corn. Cotton, Ac., as above, when
the articles are entered upon his books for exhibi
tion ; with the witnesses’ certificates for the mea
surements oflands and pounds, and bushels per
acre; without which the Judges will be required to
withhold their awards, and exhibitors not comply
ing with these requisitions willu ot he allowed to
compete for the Premiums of the Society.
1. For the largest quantity of Indian Corn grown
by any white boy under 16 years of age, upon
aii acre of land, a patent level'silver Watch, 25
The rules in relation to field crops to be com
plied with.
2 For the largest quantity of Cotton produced by
any white boy under 16 years of age upon an
acre of land —patent lever silver Watch, 25
The rules of field crops to be complied with.
1 The best variety of Bread Corn, with two bushels
as sample, §lO
2 Best variety of Corn for stock, two bushels as
samples—tested by weight, 10
3 Best variety of Wheat, with a bushel of grain
as sample, 10
4 For the best variety of Sweet Potato, sample of
two bushels, 10
5 For the best variety of Field Peas, sample of
one bushel, 10
6 Best variety of Upland Cotton, two stalks as
samples, 10
7 Best variety of Sea Island Cotton, with two
stalks as samples, 10
8 Best bushel of Rice, 5
9 “ “ Oats, 5
10 “ “ Rye, 5
11 “ “ Burley, 5
12 Best bushel of Irish Potatoes, 5
13 Best variety of grass seeds adapted to the South
for 1 lay or Grazing, 10
Exhibitors of crops, must give in writing to the
Secretary a full account of eacu crop offered,its adap
tation for profitable cultivation, Ac.
1 Fertile best 20 bales of Upland Cotton, §2O
2 “ “ 10 “ “ “ 15
3““5“ “ “ 10
4 u “ \ U 14 44 5
5 11 “ 5 “ Sea Island Cotton, 20
6 Best bale of (400 lb) Sea Island or Black beed
Cotton raised on Upland, 25
The Cotton must be on the Fair Ground during the
Exhibition, to claim the premium.
1 For the best 100 oranges, open culture, grown
at the South, $5
2 For best one dozen Pine Apples, 5
1 For best and largest variety of Table Apples, 10
1 “ “ and largest collectmn of Southern Seed
ling Apples, each variety named and labelled, 10
3 For best late Seedling Apples, for all purposes,
with description of the Tree, history of its
origin, keeping, Ac., one dozen Apples to by
exhibited, 5
1 For best and largest variety of Pears, 10
2 “ “ collection of Southern Seed
lings, 8
3 For best single Seedling, for all purposes, with
description of the Tree, history, Ac., hull
dozen specimens to be exhibited, 5
1 For best collection Seedling or others, process
of keeping, Ac., " 10
2 For best collection of Quinces, 5
3 For best collection of Native Grapes, with his
tory of keeping, preserving, Ac., 10
4 For best Foreign Grape for table, 10
5 For best Foreign Grape for Wine, 10
6 For best dozen specimens of the Lime, Lemon,
or other Southern fruits not named above,
each, 5
1 For the largest collection of Southern Seedling
Apple Trees, each variety labelled, with spe
cimens of the fruit, 20
2 For the largest and best collection of Peach
Trees budded or grafted, each variety describ
ed and labelled, ' 20
3 The largest and best collection of Pears, de
scribed and labelled as above, 20
4 For the greatest variety and best collection of
Strawberry Plants, 5
5 For the greatest variety and best collection of
Raspberry Plants, 5
6 lor the best specimen of native Gooseberry (so
called) raised in garden, * 10
1 For the largest collection of Osage Orange, or
other plants, (Georgia raised) with a description
ot the best met hod of planting, trimming and
training the hedge, 20
2 For the best collection of Osier or Basket Wil
_ low, Plants, or Cuttings, 20
3 lor the best basket of Southern grown Osier
Willow, 10
4 For the best Basket, Mat, or other work of
Wire Grass, 49
1 lor the best and most economical method,
(based on actual experiment) of resuscitating
the worn out land of the South, by a system
ot turning under green crops, liming, Guano,
Super-phosphate, or otherwise, 25
2 For the best essay on Agriculture, by a pupil of
any School or College in the State—Pitetter 25
1 For best Plowing by white man, §5
2 “ “ “ “ slave, 3
3 “ “ “ “white boy 13 to 16 years old, 5
4 “ “ negro “ “ “ “ 5
The Plowing Match will come off during the Fair.
Grounds will be prepared for tho same, and en
trance open to horses, mules aud oxen.
Judges in this department will be governed in
awards by the depth andjwidth of the furrow slice
turned by the plow ot each competitor, and the
employ de to complete his work.
1 lows must be deposited at the Secretary’s ollice
on the first day of tho Fair. Those of Southern
construction and manufacture, it of equal merit,
to have precedence.
USf”As many articles of merit in tho various de
partments of labor, art, Ac., which are not spe
cially provided for in the Premium List, may be
presented for exhibition and premium; a committee
on miscellaneous articles will be appointed to ex
amine and report, upon, and award premiums upon
all such articles worthy of premium.
The Society have ottered premiums to the amount
of five thousand dollars, embracing nearly every
thing valuable in Agricultural and Mechanical In
dustry, Art, Science and Taste. The Premium List
will bo furnished by application— postage paid—to
the Secretary, or to the Cultivator office, or Soil of
the South,.
ADAMS & BROTHERS, Eatonton, Ga.,
invite the attention of the citizens of Putnam
and the adjoining counties, to their large stock of
PRY GOODS and GROCERIES, confident that they
can please them in style, quality and prices.
Special attention will bo given to all orders.—
Cash paving customers wi'l find it decidedly to their
interest to give- us li call.
April 18,1854,
HUE Subscriber will attend to all kinds of
PsL watch work, repairing, &c. lie is prepar-
VLubim c*.l to mend and repair Jewelry, and pledges
himself to be faithful in the execution of all jobs
left till his hands; Terms, cash. Office next door
below Blade’s Comer. JOEL BRANHAM, Jr.
May Hi, 1854.
Ttl KIsOR,
KEBPECTFULLY informs his customers, and
i the public generally, that he still continues the
Tailoring business. From his past experience in
the business, he warrants to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with a call, both in price
and manufacture. Office over Carter & Harvey’s
May 10, 1854. sm.
mmm mmmmm
ascdlb ceiiaai*
A SMALL lot ofSupcriorSt. Croix Sugar, Rio Cof
fee, Stult/.’s and Morgan’s best Chewing Tobac
co, Common Tobacco, arid 8,000 Ilavanna Begars,
choice brands.
-15,000 pounds Bacon, hog round, choice articles, and
3,000 bushels Corn, prime; which will be sold on a
credit, until Christmas, tor approved notes. Also,
Corn on consignment, which will be sold low, for
cash. W. A. DAVIS.
May 9, 1854 3 it
MM H :HC •
4IPDS. of Choice Bacon, Shoulders, received and
for sale low down for Cash.
East corner Jefferson st., Eaton ton, Ga. ts
, rplIE undersigned having jußt received a
1 large stock of goods, selected lute in
the season at reduced prices, and with a
view to the deficiencies in the market is
prepared to to sell them at corresponding rates.
for Spring and Summer wear. Also, a fine stock
of Fancy and Domestic Articles, for sale, low.
Liberal deductions to cash purchasers. All pers
ons, especially the ladies, are respectfully request
ed to call, and examine for themselves.
May 16, 1854 4tf
*AAe'‘ BUG IKS, Two-llorse Wagons, &c.
YI7E keep on hand articles of the above descrip
\ V tion, fitted up in good style, of different quali
ties, of our own manufacture, which we are wil
ling to sell on reasonable terms, or any of them
will be made to order, and upon short notice.
Repairing will also be done in the best and
most approved style, on reasonable terms, and up
on shortnotice.
Eatonton, May 23, 1854.
■JiiiLuu 'aniiiii m 'Jim • | ®e miiin 1 Mg? •yp lip ilB
AVe have received our SPRING STOCK of
Ajj* / A LOTI UNO, and a general assort
ifej Y J ment of articles adapted to this ۤ3s
market. They liave been selected with
unusual care, and we flatter ourselves that our ex
perience will authorize us to say also, with good
Prices reasonable and regular. Call and examine.
May 16, 1854. ts
rpAILORING.-L. 11. Jordan takes this
A method of informing his friends, and the pub
lic generally, that he still continues the Tailoring
Business in Eatonton, where he is prepared to exe
cute all work in his line of business, in a neat and
workman likea manner as can be done in the State.
All work will be warranted in every particular, as
regards cut, style and workmanship. Shop up stairs,
over N. S. Pruden & Cos. Store. Thankful for past
favors lie hopes to receive a continuance of the same.
April 18, 1854-ts
W r ILL give their attention to the practice of law
in the counties of Chatham, Liberty, Mcln
tosh, Glynn, Wayne and Camden, of the" Eastern
Circuit; Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Chariton and Ap
pling of the Southern circuit; and also, Nassau,
Duval, and St. John’s counties, Florida.
Trios. T. Long. [ Trios. W. Cobb.
May 9, 1854 3 —ts
I TOR SALE.—Lot No. 197, Ist dist., Coweta;
. also lot N0.355, 9th dist., formerly Appling,
now' Ware. Any person wishing to purchase either
of the lots can do so bv applying to the subscriber,
living 8 miles below' Eatonton, on the Milledgeville
road, Dennis’ P. O. Putnam county.
In its Serious Branches ,
fIAVIFG a number of bands in connection
infill, witli me, I am prepared to do jobs not only
in Putnam but in the adjoining counties. Any com
munication from abroad will reach me through the
Post Office here. lam also prepared to execute pa
pering with neatness, and on goodtenns.
April, 18, 1854. JEFFERSON WRIGIIT.
niiiiiii mill!!
IID’S. N. O. Clarified Sugar. Superior article.
80 Bb’ls Stewart’s A B A C Sugar.
25 do Boyle’s Superior Whiskey.
10 do Monongahela do
30 Bags Rio Coffee.
20 do Java do
20 Boxes Adamantine Candles.
15 do Sperm do
15 do Tallow do
15 do Family No. 1 Soap.
J ust received, and for sale by
May 9, 1554
I UMBER, Bricks and Shingles, for sal eon liberal
_j terms by JAS. C. DENHAM.
Putnam county, May 9, 1854 3
If' AAA prime White Corn, in
»J« \‘ V' V* fincorder, just received and for sale
Raton ton, May 9, 1854
r 000 ibs. Choice Bacon just received on
fj . Con signment, and for sale low for cash, by
1 W. A. DAVIS.
rpilE subscriber, wishing to curtail his farming in
-1 terest, offers for sale a valuable’plantation, on
Murder Creek, eight miles South-west of Eaton ton,
containing 513 acres—22o of which are woodland of
superior quality and weed timbered. The rest, with
some little exception, is well fenced, and in a high
state of cultivation, with a good dwelling house, sev
eral negro houses, corn cribs, gin house, packing
screw and almost every desirable convenience. The
houses are all new, having been built in the past
four or five years. Any person wishing to make fur
ther enquiries, will call on me living one mile north
east of the land, or address me at Eatonton, Ga.
May 23, 1654. 41
•W ./m.. mr r ;nn:mu: ■ •
IMMEDIATELY, at this place, two first rate Jour
neymen Tailors, to whom steady employment
and liberal wages will be given. Apply to
L. 11. .'IORDAN.
Eatonton, May 9, 1854 3 ts
THE undersigned would respectfully inform his
friends in Putnam County and Eatonton, and
the citizens genarallv, that lie has returned to Eaton
ton, and again opened an Estahlish
ment for the repair and sale of Watch
es. From bis long experience in the watch-making
business, and his known promptness and fidelity,
ho hopes a continuance of the liberal patronage for
merly bestowed upon him. Work done ana war
ranted, with the usual moderate charges. On hand,
a tine assortment of Jewelry, and gold and silver
watches, of my own selection, and warranted to bo
equal to those found in any Establishment in the
country. ' JAMES SUPPLE.
May 23,1854. ts
The Georgia University Magazine,
IS conducted by the senior class of Franklin Col
s lege. It is pu during the Collegi
ate terms. Five numbers complete one volume
two volumes a year. 4 *
Tekms - —One dollar per year, invariably in advance-
Single copies, twenty-five cents.
CitffS Fflii THE PEQPEE.
JOSIAII PERIIAM submits to the People of the
United States, bis THIRD
In connection with the Exhibitions of his Magnifi
cent and Immense
At ACADEMY HALL, 663 Broadway, New York.
£3T100,000 Tickets Only, at $1 Each,.J£l
Will be sold. Each Purchaser of a Ticket for the
To the Exhibition, will be presented with a Num
bered Certificate, entitling the Holder to One Share
in the following 100,000 Gifts. ,
A FARM, located In Harrison Township, Gloucester
Cos., New Jersey, and within 15 miles of Philadel
phia: It embraces over 100 Acres of Land, in a high
style of cultivation, with Dwellings, Burns ; and
other necessary Out-houses, in good repair: There
is a large Orchard of choice Fruits: Title indis
putaole: Valued at $16,000:
(Any information in regard to the Farm can be
obtained of BELAN KEDFIELD, tenant on the
A Perpetual Loan without security or interest, 5000
it “ “ “ “ 2,000
tt u it “ “ i,ooo
2 it ‘i “ “ “ SSOO ca 1,000
jq tt tt tt tt tt 1(lrt it j ;( )00
The Celebrated Trotting Mare, ‘‘Lilly Dale,”
who can trot, in harness, a mile in 2. 40—
valued at 1,500
5 Rosewood Pianos, valued at SSOO each, 2,500
5 tt it tt S4OO “ 2,500
(A portion of the pianos are T. Gilbert & Co’s.cel
ebrated jEolians. Others of liullett, Davis, & Co’s.
Splendid Instruments.)
Trie Splendid Series of Paintings known as
the “ Mirror of New-England and Cana
dian Scenery,” and now realizing a hand
some income by its Exhibitions in the East
—valued at 22,000
3 Light and beautiful carriages, s22s.each, 675
10 Gold Watches, 100 “ 1,000
40 “ “ 50 “ 2,000
100 “ Pens and Cases, 5 “ 500
5,000 “ Pencils, 8 “ 15,000
94,819 Pieces of Choice, Popular and Fashion
able Music, 25 cts. each, 23‘705
1000,000 Gifts, Valued at $96,380
One Gift for Every Ticket.
In order to insure to all concerned a perfectly
fair and satisfactory disposition of the above named
Gifts, Mr. Pebham proposes that the Shareholders
shall meet together on Thursday Evening,
June 22(1, 1854, (or sooner, if all tlie tickets are
sold—due notice of which will be given,) at some
suitable place, hereafter to be cesignated, and ap
point a committee of five persons, to receive the
property, which they may dispose of in such man
ner —by lot or otherwise —as the Shareholders, in
general meeting, shall direct, the Committee giving
good and sufficient bonds, if required by the share
holders, for the faithful performance of the duties
required of them.
Shareholders residing out of the city of New
York, will stand upon tlie same footing as resi
dents, and whatever may fall to their shares will
be forwarded to them in such manner ns they may
direct, after the partition has taken place.
jCgPAII orders for Tickets, by mail, should be
addressed to Joseph Perham, Academy Hall, 663
Broadway, New York. If it should happen that
all the Tickets are sold when the order is received,
the money will be returned, at our expense for post
age. Correspondents will please write distinctly
their name, residence, County and State, to prevent
errors. Or, if convenient, enclose an envelope with
their directions on it in full—in which, such Tickets
as they may order will be returned.
Departure of Cars on
Two Passenger Trains Daily.
Evening Train —Leaves Savannah at 8 P. M., and
arrives in Macon at 5% A. M., connecting with tlie
South-Western Railroad to Oglethorpe and Colum
bus, and by stages tlienee to Tallahassee and other
points South West.
Morning Train —Leaves Savannah at 8 A. 51., and
arrives in Macon at 6}.j P. M., connecting with the
Macon and Western night trains to Atlanta, Mont
gomery and Chattanooga, and with the Augusta and
Waynesboro’ Railroad (clay train) to Augusta ; mid
(going East) with Railroad to Milledgeville from
S. Western Railroad.
STATIONS. ' XhlQ v. tV ' ,m
Macon, 0
Echeconee 12
Mule Creek, 20
Fort Valley, 28
Marshall ville, 35
Winchester 38
Marthasville, .42
Montezuma, 48
Oglethorpe, 50
Muscogee Railroad.
Fort \ alley, 28
Butler,... i la
Station No. 7, 59
*" “ 6, 64
“ “ 5, 69
“ “ 4, 73
“ “ 3 76
“ “ 2, 79
‘ “ “1, 90
Columbus, 99
Stage Line—Columb
to Opelika, 28.
M.&W. P. Railroad.
Opelika, 0
Auburn, 4
Lochapoea, 9
Notasulga, 16
Chehaw, 23
Franklin, 29
Fort Decatur, 36
Shorter’s, 42
McGar’s, 46
Tippecanoe, 63
Montgomery, 64
Central Railroad.
Savannah, Ga 0
Station No. 1, 9
Bloomingdale, 13
Eden, 20
Reform, : 30
Egypt, 40
Armenia. 46
Ilalcyondale, 50
Scarborough, :.. .70
“‘Milieu, 79
Cushing ville, 83
Birdsvinc, 90
Cuyler, 94
Holcombe, 100
Spear’s Turnout, 112
Davisboro’, 122
Tennille, 136
Oconee, 147
Emmett, 152
McDonald, 160
fGordon, 170
Griswoldville, 183
Macon, 191
tMilledgcville & Eaton
ton Railroads.
Gordon, 0
Station No. 1, 8
Milledgeville, 17
Meriwether, 25
Dennis, 30
Eatonton, 38
The Proprietors of the ‘Post’ in again coming be
forethe puolic, would return thanks for the gener
ous patronage which has placed them far in advance
of every other Literary V eekly in America. And,
as the only suitable return for such free and hearty
support, their arrangements for 1854 have beeii
made with a degree of liberality probably unequal
ed in the history of American newspaper literature.
They have engaged as contributors for the ensuing
year, the following brilliant array of talent and ge
iiious: Mrs. Southworth, Emerson Bennett, J ire.
Dennison, Grace Greenwood and Fanny Fern.
In the first paper of January, we design commenc
ing an Original Novelet, written expressly for our
columns, entitled The Bride of the Wilderness, by
Emerson Bennett, author of “ Clara Morland,” Ac.
This we design following by another called The Step-
Mother by Airs. Mary A. Dennison, author of “Ger
trude Russell,” Ac. We have also the promise of a
number of Sketches by Grace Greenwood. Mrs.
Southworth will also maintain her old and pleasant
connection with the Post. The next story from her
gifted pen will be entitled Miriam the' Avenger ;
or the Fatal Vow, by EmmaD. E. N. Sontliworth,
author of the “ Lost Heiress,” etc. And last, but
not least, we are authorised to announce a series of
articles from one who has rapidly risen vray high in
popular favor. They will be entitled a Few Series
of Sketches, by Fanny Fern, author of “Fern Leaves,”
We expect to commence the Sketches of Fanny
Fern as well as the series by Grace Greenwood ill
the early numbers of the corning year.
Engravings, Foreign Correspondence,—Agricul
tural articles, The Nows, Congressional reports, the
markets, etc., also shall be regularly given.
Cheap Postage.—The postage on the PosTtonny
part of the United States, —when paid quarterly
in advance, is only 26 cents a year.
The terms of the Post are §2,00 in advance.
4 copies (and 1 to the getter up of the club). .§5 00
8 - “ “......10 00
13 “ “ “ " ....15 00
20 “ “ “ “ ....20 00
The money for clubs always mustbe sent in ad
vance, subscriptions may be sent at our risk. When
the sum is large, a draft should be procured if possi
ble, the cost of which may be deducted from the
Address, always post-paid
No. GO South third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
N. B. Any person desirous of receiving a copy
of he Post, as at sample, can be accommodated by
notifying the publshers by letter, (post paid.)
Splendid Engravings, only 50 cents per W
nme. The illustrated record of Agriculture, Me
chanics, Science, and Useful Knowledge, publish
ed monthly by Alfred K, Reach, Every Number
contains 32 largo pages of Letter-Press, beautiful lv
printed on fine paper, and profusely illustrated with
engravings, forming at the end of each half year a
Splendid Volume of two hundred pages, illustrated
with over 200 elegant Engravings, the entire cost be
ing only a Half Dollar,
Fanners, Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers
and people of every profession, will find in the
People’s Journal a repository of valuable knowl
edge, peculiarly suited to their respective wants.
To subscribers, 50 cents a volume,* Two volumes
are published annually. Subscriptions muv be sent
by mail in coin, post office stamps, or bills, at the
risk of thp publisher. The name of the Post office,
County and State whore the paper is desired to be
scut, should be plainly written. Address
No. 86, Nuss.n-St., York
ic «tj-jr /Bk
£J. G. Rankin, Wm. Murdock, Geo. L. Summers,
rpIIJS Establishment lms been in successful opera
-1 tion fora number of years. The Quarries are
well opened, and the Marble iesuperior to any in tlie
United States.
We have so perfected our facilities for getting out
and finishing work, that wo furnish Jlouuments,
Tombs, Tablets, Headstones, and everything in
our line of business, in better style and at cheaper
rates, than any yard in the country.
Wlicn it is considered that we saw our own Mar
ble, pay no jobber’s profit, and no high freight from
the North, it will be seen that we do possess material
advantage overall competitors.
We cordially solicit our friends and tlie public to
oxamine our work, and compare our prices with those
of other yards, before ordering Marble. _
We have on hand in our yard at Marietta, a large
assortment of finished work —Monuments, Tombs,
&c.—where our agent, Mr. G. W. Summers, will sell
at our prices. Our principal work is done at the
mills. Address J. G RANKIN, & CO.,
Marble Work P. 0., Ga.
May 9, 1854 312 m
PERSONS wishing to purchase No. 253 in the 6-
Distriet of originally Appling now Ware county
in the State of Georgia are requested to correspond
with the undersigned. _ J. A. TURNER.
Eatonton, Putnam Cos. April, 1854. ts.
Soda water, sparkling and bright. Icecream and
lemonade. West India Fruit. Ilavanna cigars,
and all other things generally found in a refresh
ment saloon. Every thing to make the summer
agreeable. A saloon will befitted up expressly tor
the ladies. C. LEONARD CARTER.
April 18, 1854. U.
Bl.tas, IS.IGS, K.IOS !
rplIE Subscribers are paying tlie highest price for
_L good Cotton and Linen Rags ; persons having
them for sale, will find it to their advantage to ad
Paper Commission Merchants,
Charleston, S. C.
Agents of the
S. Carolina Paper Manufacturing Company.
May 9 1854
" at w Mi: aaruhl" ««- 9
"Tit TILL find the Scientific Americana jour-
VY mil exactly suited to their wants. It is issued
regularly every week in form suitable for binding.
Each number j contains an official list of patent claims,
notices of new inventions, chemical and mechanical u
articles upon Engineering, Mining, Architecture,
Internal Improvements, Patents anu Patent Laws;
Practical Essays on all subjects connected with the
Arts and Sciences. Each volume covers 416 pages
of clearly printed matter, interspersed with from
four to six hundred engravings, and specifications
of patents. It, is tlie REPERTORY OF AMERI
CAN INVENTION and is widely complimented at
home and abroad for the soundness of its v’-ws‘—
If success is any erierion of its chr.rncti th_ pub
lishers have the*satisfaction of believing it the flrst
among the many Scientific Journals in the world.
Postmasters, being authorized agents of the Sci
entific American, will very gem-rally,attend to for
warding letters containing reivPtnnccs.
The "Patent Claims are j.a Wished weekly, and
are invaluable to Inventors and Patentees.
We particularly warn the public against pay
ing money to Traveling Agents, as we are not in the
habit of furnishing certificates of agency to any one.
One copy lor one year, $- 1,0
Five copies for one year, 8 00
Ten copies for one year, I‘* ho
Fifteen copies for one year, 22 00
Twenty copies for one year. 8 00
128 Fulton street, N. Y .
A Southern Literary and Family Journal, publisli
edat Augusta, Geo. James M. Smythk, am* Rou
tin' A. Vvyte, Editors.
The Home Gazette is devoted to Literature,
Art, Science. Agriculture, General Intelligence, and
Southern interests. The aim of tlie Editors is ti>
make a useful and interesting paper, to blend the
instructive and the entertaining together, in such a
wav as to secure a high degree of interest, and yet at
the same time elevate both the Intellect and the
Affections. .
Tlie columns of the paper contain Historical and
Domestic Romances, Pictures of Social Lite, Sketch
es of Biography, Choice Poetry, Entertaining Anec
dotes, Scientific Memoranda, Agricultural and In
dustnal articles, tlie General news of the day, and
all Political Intelligence of any importance. _ Be
sides a great variety of articles on all these subjects,
the Gazette will od particularly adapted for Family
Reading. It is published for’the Home Circle, and
the Editors feel that they have fully redeemed their
pledge to make it all a Dome Newspaper should be
—entirely free from Political bias, and liigh-toned
in character. .
Grateful for the liberal encouragement which
has been extended to our efforts to build up at the
South Literary and Family Journal of hign chat
acter, we shall increase our exertions to this
public confidence, and make the Gazette still more
worthv of general patronage.
Single copy, one year, in advance, $2 00’
Two “ “ 3 0o
Five “ “ “ »
Ten “ “ ■ ..l-*oo
Address Smyth a- Whyte, Editors Home Gazette,
Augusta, Georgia.
The London Quarterly Review (Conservative.)--
The Edinburgh Review (Whig,) The North Brit
ish Review (Free Church,) The Westminister’s Re
view (Liberal,) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine
The present critical state of European affairs will
render these publication unusually interesting du
ring the yr. ’54. They will occupy a middle ground
between the hastily written news-items, .* rude spec
ulations, and flying rumors of the daily J urnal, and
the ponderous Tome of the future historian, writ
ten after the living interest and excitement of the
great political events of the time slml’ have passed
away, it is to these Periodicals that people must
look for the only really intelligible an 1 reliable his
tory of current events, and as such, in addition to
their well-established literary, scientific, and theolo
gical character, we urge them upon the consideration
of the reading public.
Arrangements arc in progress for the receipt of
early sheets from the Britisn Publishers, lay whiuh,
we shall be able to place all our Reprints in the
hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be
furnished with the foreign copies. A 1 though this,
will involve a very large outlay on our part, we shall
continue to turuish the Periodicals at hint same lour
rates as heretofore, viz:
Per annum,
For any one of the four Review*,. §3 ot>
For any two of the four Reviews, 5 00
For any three of the four Reviews,. 7 tin
For all four of the Reviews, s on
Eor Blackwood’s Magazine, 3 on
For Blackwood and three Reviews, 0 on
For Blackwood and the four Reviews, lo 90-
Payments to be made in all eases in advance.
Money current in the State where issued will be
received at par.
A discount of tventj-five per cent frc:~ the above
prices will be allowed to (Hubs ordering tour or
copies of any one- or more of the above works. Thus:
Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will
be sent to one address tor §9 ; four copies of the
four Reviews-and Blackwood for §3O; and so on.
Remittances and communications should always
be addressed, post-paid, to the publishers,
53 Genu Street New York.
N. B.—L. S. A Cos. have recently published, ami
havcnovi for sale, the “FARMER'S GUIDE,” by
Ilenry Stephens, of Edinburgh, ami Prof. Noaton,
cl Yale College, New Haven, complete in 2 vol ,*c i
vo, containing 1000 pages, 14 steel and; 6UO wood
engravings- Price in muslin binding, §6.
for 1854.
The Southern Cultivator, a monthly Jour
nal, devoted exclusively to the improvement of
Southern Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock Breed
ing, Poultry, Roes, General Farm Economy, Ac. —
Illustrated with numerous elegant engravings.
The Twelfth Vol ante Greatly Improved, Commences
in January, 1854.
The Cultivator is a large octavo of 32 pages, form
ing a volume of 384 pages in the year. Jt contains a
much greater amount of reading matter than any
sin liar publication in the South —embracing, in ad
dition to the current, agricultural topics of the day,
Valuable Original Contributions Bom many of tl'm
most intelligent and practical Planters, Farmers and
Horticulturist* in every section of the South and
One copy, ope year in advance jt)*. qi on
Six copies, t r> on
Twenty-five copies, on no,
One hundred copies, . 75 On
The Cush system will be rigidly adhered to, and
in no instance will the paper be sent, unless the mo-,
neyaecompauies the order. The Bills of all specie -
paying Bunks received at par. AU money remitted
by mail, postage paid, will be at the risk of the Pub
Address IV M. S. JONES
Augusta, Geo.