The Athenaeum. (Atlanta, GA) 1898-1925, October 01, 1922, Image 27

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THE ATHENAEUM 25 SILLY Junior: The Freshman Class in Zoology went down to the City Zoo yesterday. Sillier Senior: I imagine the animals enjoyed the spectacle to the highest. T. Hound: That’s a sweet little girl, but she thinks that she’s every thing. A. Hound: Gee! I’mi lucky. T. Hound: Why so? v A. Hound: It was only yesterday that she told me that I had every thing. Sophomore: ’ Sroatter the Freshman, Jim? Wise Fool: The “Zoo Prof.” asked some one to explain the absurd actions of the crab and the Freshman class walked out of the room. First Senior: Why did you say the Sophomore has a head like a football? Second Senior: Because it acts best when kicked hardest. A. ‘Smarty: Young man, you’ve certainly one of the outstanding characteristics of Socrates. B. A. Chump: Thanks! And which one? A. ‘Smarty: You’re ugly. The “Prof.” (Reading marks for the month): Seventy-five, ninety- four, zero, eighty-seven, forty, forty— Football Star (Awakening fromi his classroom nap): Signals off!!! The Dean: The Sophomore Class boasts of thirty-odd members this year. Prof, of Math: Each of which is very odd. Teacher (To sleepy stude): You seem as tho’ you’ve lost quite a bit of sleep recently. Have you? Stude: 0, yes. I cut class yesterday. ATTENTION! Please Trade With Our Advertisers.