The Athenaeum. (Atlanta, GA) 1898-1925, November 01, 1923, Image 23

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THE ATHENAEUM 49 This is a significant and commendable step. The main impedi ment to the success and growth of our college periodicals has been the lack of sufficient funds. It is inevitable that in the near future other schools will adopt the policy of Clark University. For it can clearly be seen that it is impossible to publish up-to-date periodicals without funds with which to defray expenses. We can expect no more from anything than what we put into it. —F. P. Payne, ’25 DO EVOLUTION AND THE BIBLE CONFLICT? By R. E. Bland, ’26. Evolution as a principle in nature has come to be accepted in practically all departments of knowledge and in all lines of investi gation. It is only because of a supposed hostility to religion that there are still people who do not accept it. Much is being saidf and written against it, for it is thought by some to be an enemy to the Christian faith; but if one were to face the facts, he would come to believe that evolution is not an enemy but rather goes hand in hand with Christinity. It has been said that evolution is the process through which God made the world and all that dwell therein. This takes in all the heavenly bodies, the solar system, the animals and vegetable and in fact the entire universe. The principle underlying this is the develop ment from the simplest forms to the highly organized forms that now exist. In 1850 Charles Darwin published the “Origin of Species” and in 1871 his “Descent of Man” was published. These two books have caused much talk, but they contain matter that Darwin found to be true and we can find the same thing to be true today by experiment. This is why evolution has been established as a principle, for it shows how the evolution of things came to be as they are. and the method by which they came. Anyone who might read the large fund of information found in books on this subject cannot resist the evidence, for it has been clearly shown that the subject matter is not anecdote but was care fully studied out. We find that in every form of business men work on the basis of evolution and it has been found to be a valid principle At this time we find that men are perplexed over the question, for they think that they cannot believe in Darwin and in the Bible also. Permit me to say that Darwin was a man just as the men who wrote the Bible. They were all human beings. If we would only study both sides of the question more earnestly we would get a new vision of God and the relation of man to him. Study with an open mind, a mind seeking for the truth and do not be afraid to acknowledge the truth for it will take away none of your Christian faith. It is just as much our privilege to study the world that we are in and are a part of and accept its testimony in the material field, as it is for us to Please pay your Subscription!