The Athenaeum. (Atlanta, GA) 1898-1925, November 01, 1923, Image 30

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56 THE ATHENAEUM Morehouse received the ball and returned it to the 30 yard line. a Kelly attempted an end run and lost ground. After an ex change of punts Morehouse brought the ball to the twenty-yard line and quickly made first down. A pass was completed and ^mother first down made. The Morehouse Tigers were rapidly approaching the enemy’s goal when the quarter ended. Because of drizzling rain the Tigers were unable to use the for ward pass to any great extent and had to rely on short end runs and line bucks during the remainder of the game. The pigskin was hurled only five times. Three times the passes were successful and one from Clark to Jordan netted 15 yards. Another from Clark to Starr netted eleven more. The last complete one was hurled 22 yards by Capt. Kelly to Franklin. This pass placed the ball on Tus- kegee’s 15-yard line.. Morehouse then began to tear through Tus- kegee’s defense. An off-tackle plunge by Jordan placed the ball on Tuskegee’s four-yard line. Kelly added two more. Jordan carried the ball across for the only touchdown of the game. The wet field slowed up the game and the backs had such a hard time getting off that they were often snagged behind the lines. Both teams were forced to punt out of danger frequently. Referee—Tutt. Umpire—Pinkett. Linesman—Arnold. Substitutions: Morehouse—Griggs for Irving, Franklin for Scott, Tondee for Clark, Walker for Jordan, Clark for Franklin. Touchdown—Jordan. —J. Lincoln Brown, ’2&. MORRIS BROWN LOSES HARD FOUGHT GAME In one of the hardest-fought games of the season the Morehouse Tigers defeated Morris Brown University, 6-0 Friday. The first quarter ended without a first down for either team. Both teams kicked out of danger, Jordan of Morehouse getting more di stance in his punts than Cotton of Morris Brown. The Morris Brown team had a fast line and backfield shift but lacked the drive to pile up yardage. Her defense was almost perfect at times. Only in the second quarter was she able to gain, Moses go ing around end for 12 yards. In the third period Morehouse played Morris Brown off her feet. Jordan kicked to Morris Brown’s 6-yard line. The receiver could not advance the ball and the team was forced to kick. The kicker, being rushed by Morehouse forwards, only kicked 10 yards. Clark return ed it to the 6-yard line. , Morris Brown kicked out again. This time the ball was returned to the 4-yard line. Jordan carried the ball a- cross. In the rest of the game Morehouse played safe kicking on first downs. The student body expresses its regret for the injury of Cook, the all star right guard for Morehouse. It is feared that he will be