The Athenaeum. (Atlanta, GA) 1898-1925, November 01, 1924, Image 33

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THE ATHENAEUM hous? 3 ^ gained many ^df through 6 t ? ffe , nsive . work for More- work came at the sending y en d of th? S )7, h ® J" 16 ’ but most of his an uncanny sense in tossing long exact^o™^' Clark showed passes carried the team to Tuske"£v « for "ard passes. These quarter. But the Morehouse iinx foil Re , y l rd me in the second mussed signal lost the ball again. f ed her there also—and a tt>e n bMi e from her ™p™nente30y a ““r d ha ' f * hat Tuske g ee . and off-tackle plays made her touchdoVu R,",' °" 3 s . eries of lin e over. In the last quarter Tuskeeee mad^i. B ley carned » he ball son made a place kick from the 25 yard line' 6 * m ° re p0I ' nts ' S,eve "- attempt'to ^TrnZLl^rT^™** a d «®* a * gaming sixty yeards. But time ended tl f PaSSes *° Ro S ers Duncan and Tadlock in center plavedTh^H grea ' aMe mpt. Capt. Coach Abbot of Tuskeoee P a* 1 ?™* ® ame for Tuskegee. instructed his team to kick and wear ,h e Mnfh Strat ® gy wd en he Although tired and groggy in the last tLi1 eh .£ US « b ° ys down - put up a herculean effon tostonToit. b f ’ Morehouse Tigers led by Capt. Irving on the Hne and Sf cf d ?? Ce ’ The a ««k was the best that could be expected Rni ■? In the back field could do to stop the terrible on*!, , ,? more than they game to Morehouse’s surprise, and to fuskegel ha^pfnelf 3 great A. AND T. WInTfrorTmorehoUSe'13-6, NOV. 1ST. house Tige^Metf tubist flftball 8 e a h“h lly subdued ‘he More- boro in many years. The Morehou«^ ° nS played in Green s- tbe Aggies to the very last in an effort defeated > fought the season. Morehouse was handfcanned ^ ^ ’ *** Windf players but played a game insnirpH^?iw y injuries to their star leading at the final whfsde 13 6 A1 Sn° U f°M Ut * A ‘ and T - was t? c NormaT a bro e ke 0f herco C nt?aM bU to in DlL n 1S nag h n,en ^ Tennesse e State tanooga, Tenn. Under the terms of f H p M ° r ! ;h0Usa ColIe ge at Chat- to provide transportation and contract Tennessee State was. Eleven to Chattanooga and back to Ata'l't tiT i^ M ° rehouse requested that the contracted avr^f l l At * he last moment she game be played in Nashville that7 n* an ® ed and 'hat the Association pay all expenses from Phstt Mehouse College Athletic the game be played on the percentage v'^ 1 ^!!® 3nd that f nidge oasis. In view of the fact that