The Athenaeum. (Atlanta, GA) 1898-1925, December 01, 1924, Image 8

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76 THE ATHENAEUM A CHALLENGE TO NEGRO YOUTH By B. R. Brazeal *27 “Backward, backward O! time in your flight, Give me back those days of youth and f> Opportunities that I may use them aright. . .. .. These are the words of a man who spenf his life in colorful dis sipation and wild orgies; who heeded the cause of superficiality in defiance of the essentials; who embraced the transient and let the chances of prolific development fade- He is now in the evening of life and realizes his mistake and would warn others. He realizes also that it is as impossible to call back his years of advantages and op- portunities as it is for this earth to pass again thru the various stages of physical development. In vain he spoke the above words- lust now my memory goes vividly back and recalls an epitome on a grave in the heart of a great city. In substance this is the message inscribed thereon, Dear Reader, a few years ago I once trod the ground where you are now standing. I breathed the same air and had thoughts of pleasure and grief surging in my pulsating breast. To you who read this I say, we pass this way but once and the span of life is short- Consequently, put aside your ways of frivolity and take on things of essential reality. “This is my warning to you, the living.” . ... Speaking from a humanitarian standpoint it is indeed a master ful accomplishment when members of any creed, race, or nation are made cognizant of the importance of life in the achievement of greatness and the mollification of the grievous condition of men. But I will not deal in altruistic generalities I would speak of the Negro Youth upon whose shoulders rest the fate of a race in thti incipiency of development. Yea! a suppressed and oppressed but yet even rising race, I would speak of. What is the challenge? What is the clarion call? The challenge is simply this. “How can we fail when our race needs us so badly”. We can heed the clarion call by being prepared by the acquisition of an education to readily assume masterful control of new opportuni- ties. The time is now propitious and we should come forth with some definite stand. No longer should we be lethargic in our stand or dilatory in our actions. We should become permeated with a dog matic repugnance in regards to Jimcrowism. We should work and prove ourselves worthy of further political advancement. The spirit of race consciousness and racial responsibility should become more dominating. We are far too apathetic in regards to our group wel fare but more concerned are we in individual welfare- A concentrat ing consiousness and concerted action must bind and activate us, be cause, as. often said, as a race we shall rise or fall together. In short I mean to say “shall we, who have the prejudice of a hostile world against us, so far as educational, economic, social and political pro gress is concerned, fail to take advantage of every opportunity how ever small, that means for the advancement of our race?