The Athenaeum. (Atlanta, GA) 1898-1925, January 01, 1925, Image 21

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THE ATHENAEUM 125 Declaration of Independence; 2- a rising standard of Christianity; and 3. many “Industrial Revolutions.” The effort these factors have had on all subsequent history are well known to all of us. Begin today creating in yourselves an autonomous mind in order to be able to impart as much as possible to the world in which you live. It is necessary as a means to an improved posterity. ATHLETICS—Remember that athletics have their good side as well their bad side. There is much discussion today on the subject. Ath letics have contributed the following factors: 1. Principles of clean sportsmanship; 2. Clean rivalry has been stimulated; 3. Contact with students of different localities has been stimu lated; 4. The habit of co-operation in united action against evils (team work) has been instilled; 5. Minds have been aided to quick and alert thinking; 6. Athletics have been a means of advertising and attracting stu dents to the school. 7- And many other good benefits have been derived. To those who advocate the abolishing of athletics 1 would ask, “What means for accomplishing the above mentioned results are you going to substitute for intercollegiate athletics which will accomplish as good, or even better results than intercollegiate athletics are now accomplishing?” TRYING AND WINNING—The first question which has usually been asked a person when he went out to compete for something was, "Did you win?” Of late people have accepted a new adage and ask, “Did you try?” People are coming to their senses and are realizing that winning is not all in a contest, but persistent effort, and undying courage are the landmarks which are noted. "When the great scorer Starts to write against your name, He writes not that you won or lost, But how you played the game.” THE BOGEY OF COLOR—From time to time there appears in the columns of the daily press warnings to the white world that the darker races may soon turn and strike back. These ominous fore casts are no doubt the outgrowth of an awareness on the part of the white man that the darker races are gradually awakening to the knowledge that they are being exploited. To say that such a course is warranted would be but to repeat what southern lynchings, Haitian usurpation, African and Chinese exploitation, and arrogant insults to Japan already attest. To say that such predictions might soon be fulfilled would be to fail to take into account the present backward state and lack of military machines of most of the darker races save Japan. To say that it can never take place would be to disregard the unchanging and unchangable natural laws which demand an eye