The Athenaeum. (Atlanta, GA) 1898-1925, January 01, 1925, Image 25

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THE ATHENAEUM 129 felt that the achievement of Mr. Abbott in the field of journalism and Mr. Digg’s work for the government in the recent war, merited this honor. Equally significant was the report of the Guide Right Commis sion. The results of the Guide Right campaign in the first year of its operation were far beyond expectation. More than 3000 high school students were reached and interviewed by leaders of the vari ous professions, regardless of their fraternal affiliations. The fratern ity hopes to achieve greater results in its afforts to help the high school student select the vocation for which he is best adapted by nature, attitude and training- One of the most noticeable and outstanding features that cha racterized the 14th annual Konklave, was the prominent part, taken by the student delegates. Never before in the history of the fratern ity, have students been so unwilling to take a back seat and leave the workings of the fraternity to their elders. One result of this active participation of students was the election of the Grand Vice Pole- mark and a member of the Grand Board of Directors from the student element. The officers elected for 1925 were as follows: Earl B. Dickerson, Grand Polemark; Clarence Hunter, Grand Vice Polemark; J. Ernest Wilkins, Grand Keeper of Records and Exq.; Fred A- Clements, Grand Strategus; Nathan D. Scott, Grand Lieut. Strategus; J. Edgar Dibble, Chairman of Board of Directors. Wednesday at 6:00 o’clock at Menelik Hall, the delegates gather ed for the 14th annual Grand Chapter Banquet- Speeches were made by the various delegates, the fraternity songs were sung and stories told of the early days of Kappa by Elder W. Diggs, Byron and B. K. Armstrong, three of the founders of Kappa. After the banquet, the delegates and visitors drove to the V. F. W. Hall where the 14th an nual Grand Chapter Prom took place. It was the Grand Climax to a meeting that had been one of unprecedent thrills and inspiration. Hour after hour of enjoyment and pleasure slipped by until finally the orchestra began to play "Home Sweet Home.” The last note sounded as the New Year’s sun began to shoot its beams of light from the East- With handshaking and best wishes for a prsoperous New Year, all began to gather their wraps and coats, and two hours after wards, trains carried delegates and visitors to their respective homes, North East, South and West. The 14th Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, had passed into history. —A. Louis Irving, Pi Chapter. Yes, all unsigned articles are by the editor, especially if they miss the point altogether. When you see an article of merit you are likely to find it underscored, W. B. SCOTT. Page him, he’s the guy with the pen that’s mightier than Krupp guns. Embryonic word slingers take notice! That boy, Scott, bears watching, for his writ ing has the directness of Mencken coupled with the easy style of Heywood Broun.