Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1999-2006, June 09, 1999, Page Page 6B, Image 14

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Public Notices The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because 01. among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due arid in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law. including attorney's fees (notice of intent to collect attorney's fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable) might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, mat ters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in of the property is Robyn O. Goodwin or a tenant or tenants and more commonly known as 2640 Elko Road, Elko, Ga., 31025 First Greensboro Horne Equity, Inc as Attorney in Fact for Robyn O. Goodwin S.H. McCalla McCalla. Raymer, Padhck, Cobb, Nichols & Clark, LLC 56 Perimeter Center East, Fifth Floor Atlanta, Ga., 30346 (770) 729-8875 SHM/adp 7/6/99 Our file no 3-51030298-23589 The law firm is acting as a debt col lector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 6-15 6/9-6/30 Notice of Sale Under Power Georgia, Houston County By virtue of a Power of Sale con tained in that certain Security Deed from Antnony C Staples and Frances R Staples to Fairfield Financial Asso ciates of Macon, dated April 5. 1991, recorded in Deed Book 912, Page 756, Houston County, Georgia Records, said Security Deed having been given to secure a Note of even in the original principal amount of Fifty- One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty one and 00/100 Dollars ($ 51,951.00) with interest thereon as provided for therein, there will be sold at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Hous ton County. Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July 1999 the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land situ ate. lying and being in Land Lot 149 of the Fifth Land District of Houston County, Georgia being known and designated as Tract “A" of a resubdivi sion of Lots 38. 39 and a portion of Lot 37, Mason Subdivision according to a plat of said resubdivision prepared by Waddle Surveying Co., Inc., on July 10, 1968 which is of record in Plat Book 12,. Page 120, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat and the recorded copy thereof are incorpo rated herein by reference thereto for all purposes. Said property is commonly known as 201 Pinecrest Road, Warner Robins, Ga., 31093 The indebtedness secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of default under the terms of said Security Deed and Note, including but not limited to the nonpayment of the indebtedness as and when due. The indebtedness remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same, all expenses of the sale, includ ing attorney's fees and all other pay ments provided for under the terms of the Security Deed and Note. Said property will be sold subject to the following items which may affect the title to said property: all zoning ordinances, matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or by an inspection of the property; any out standing taxes, including but not limit ed to ad valorem taxes, which consti tute liens upon said property: special assessments: all outstanding bills for public utilities which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way and any other matters of record supe rior to said Security Deed. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Anthony C Staples and Frances R. Staples or tenant(s). Regions Mortgage, Inc. as Attorney in Fact for Anthony C. Staples And Frances R. Staples Contact: Priscilla Levine (ext. 120) Morris, Schneider & Prior, L.L.C \3300 N.E. Expressway, Suite 88 Atlanta. Georgia 30341 (770)234-9181 MSP File No. 198.992716\pal This law firm is attempting to col lect a debt Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 6-16 6/9-6/30 Notice of Sale Under Power Georgia, Houston County By virtue of a Power of Sale con tained in that certain Security Deed from Ronald J. Alonzo and Theresa G. Alonzo to Group Financial Southeast, dated May 22. 1996, recorded in Deed Book 1215. Page 428, Houston Coun ty. Georgia Records, said Security Deed having been given to secure a Note of even date in the original prin cipal amount of Forty-Five Thousand Eighty-Four And 00/100 Dollars ($ 45.084.00) with interest thereon as provided for therein, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned and transferred to Regions Mortgage, Inc., there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Houston Coun ty. Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July 1999 the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land situ ate. lying and being in Land Lot 25 of the 11th Land District of Houston County, Georgia, which is known and designated as Lot 16, Bryan Subdivi sion. according to a plat of said subdi vision which is of record in Plat Book S. Page 240. Clerk's Office. Houston Superior Court. Said property is commonly known as 113 Whaatus Street. Kathleen, Ga.. 31047. The indebtedness secured by said Security Deed has baen and is hereby declared due because of default under the terms of said Security Deed and Note, including but not limited to the nonpayment of the Indebtedness as and whan due. The indebtedness remaining in default, this sale wW be made tor the purpose of paying the same. aN expenses of the sale, includ ing attorney's tees and an other pay ments provided tor under the terms of the Security Dead and Note. Said proparty win be sold sutyect to the toiowing Name which may aflect the title to said property: aN zoning ordinances: matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or by an inspection of the property; any out standing taxes, including but not limit ed to ad valorem taxes, which consti tute kens upon said property;apacial assessments; aN outstanding biNs tor pubbc utilities which constitute kens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, casements.' rights-of-way and any other matters of record supe rior to said Security Deed. To the beet of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Ronald J. Alonzo and Theresa G. Alonzo or tenant(s). Regions Mortgage, Inc. as Attorney In Fact for Ronald J. Alonzo And Theresa G. Alonzo Contact: Eddie Aziz (ext. 115) Morris. Schneider & Prior. L.L.C 3300 N.E. Expressway, Suite 88 Atlanta. Georgia 30341 (770) 234-9181 MSP File No. 198.991707N\eaa This law firm is attempting to col lect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 6-17 6/9-6/30 Georgia, Houston County Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a Deed to Secure Debt, executed by John O. Bow cock Jr. , D/B/A 8 & 8 Properties to Colonial Bank, F/K/A Finn Macon Bank & Trust, which said deed is recorded in Deed Book 1265. Pages 459-462 Clerk's Office. Houston County Superior Court, there wifi be sold at auction to the highest bidder tor cash at the cour thouse door of Houston County, Geor- Xia, by the undersigned, acting aa ttorney in Fact for the said John O. Bowcock Jr., D/B/A B& B Properties, during the legal hours of sale, on July 6, 1999, the mowing described lend, to-wtt: All that tract or parcel of land situ ate. lying and being in Land Lot 112 of the Tenth Land District of Houston County, Georgia, and in the City of Perry, containing 0.750 acres and being more particularly described according to a plat of survey prepared by Jones Surveying Company, dated March l&jpSS. and,roc<wtod m Bat Book 46. Pag«l9l, Clerk's Office. Houston Superior Court, which plat is by this reference incorporated herein and made a pari of this description. Said powers wiN be exercised end said land wiN be sold as the property of John O. Bowcock Jr., D/B/A BAB Properties by the undersigned as Attorney in Feet for thb purpose of paying an indebtedness evidenced by certain promissory notes dated Febru ary 13, 1997, executed by John O. Bowcock Jr., D/B/A B& B Properties in favor of Cotoniat Bank, F/K/A First Macon Bank & Trust. Said notes are in default and Colonial Bank, F/K/A First Macon Bank & Trust has declared the entire remaining balance, plus accrued interest to be due and payable immediately. Proper con veyance will be made to the purchas er by the undersigned as Attorney in Fact tor the said John 0. Bowcock Jr., D/B/A B & B Properties. Said property wiN be sold subject to any restrictive covenants or ease ments covering said property and any prior security deeds, unpaid taxes or assessments that may be a lien on said property. The described property is believed lo be in the possession of John O Bowcock Jr.. D/B/A B& B Properties The proceeds of the sale wiN be applied as provided in said security ctood Dated this June 2. 1999. Colonial Bank, F/K/A First Macon Bank & Trust As attorney in tact tor John O. Bowcock Jr., D/B/A B& B ' Properties Fred H. Hodges Jr. Berlin and Hodges. P. C., 401 Cherry Street. Suite 602 Macon. Ga... 31201 Attorney Berlin and Hodges P.C. 401 Cherry Street, si. 602 Macon. Georgia 31201 (912)-745-7931 Fax: (912)-745-8939 6-18 6/9-6/30 Nniku kkl I Inftir Pbmv QsofplSg Houston County Because of default in the payment of the indebtedness, secured by a Security Deed executed by Gwen dolyn F. Bryant to Green Tree Finan cial Servicing Corn, dated the 23rd day of March. 1996, and recorded in Dead Book 1344, Page 213, Houston County, Georgia Records; the under signed. Green Tree Financial Servic ing Corporation, pursuant to said dead and the not# thereby secured, has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and pursuant to the power of sale con tained in said dead, wi on the first Tlteeday in July, 1999, during the legal hours of aata, at the Courthouse door in Houston County, sei at public out cry to to# highest bidder tor cash, the property described in said deed to-wN: AN that tract or parcel of land lying and being In Land Lot 55.1QN\ District, Houston County, Georgia, being Lot 11, Stock A, Section One, Phase One, Highlands Ranch Subdivision, accord ing to ptat of survey prepared by xHJFVwyiny ft tngmoering, rvc« ( dated Apr! 4, 1997, revised July 21. 1997, recorded in Ptat Book 51, Page 94. Houston County records and incorporated herein, this is a portion of the property conveyed by dead from Richard B FeNshant. Jean FeNahans, Thomas G. Thinner. Rosemarie Tim mar, Robert E. Kessler, and Lois Kessler lo Mosey Creek Farms, Inc. recorded in Deed Book ISO, page 196, said records Which has the properly address of 107 Todd Road, Parry. Georgia. Together with aN futures and other personal property conveyed be said dead. The sale will be held subject to any unpaid taxes, assessments, rights-of way. easements, protective covenants or restrictions, liana, and ether superi or matters of record which may aftset said property. Notice has bean given of intention to coded attorney's teas in accor dance with the terms of the note secured by said deed. Said property wifi be aoto ae the property of Gwendolyn F. Bryant and the proceeds of said sale wfN be applied to the payment of maid indebt edness, the expense d said sale. aN aa provided in said deed, and the undersigned wB execute a deed to Vw purchaser as provided In the store menvtonta otcuniy i/wkj. Green Tree Financial Servicing Corporation, Attorney In Fact tor Gwendolyn F. Bryant McCurdy & Candtor, L.L.C. By: Anthony DeMarto. Attorney (404) 370-7230 This taw firm is acting aa a dad collector and is attempting to coked a debt. Any information obtained wi be used for that purpose. 6-19 6/9-8/30 Staled Georgia County d Houston Notice d Seta Under Rawer la Security Dead Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in the Deed to Secure Debt from Sherrie Lynn Booth to Com mercial Credit Plan. Incorporated, in the principal amount of $13,931 97, dated May 1,1996. and recorded May 4. 1996, in Deed Book 1354. Page 570. Houston County Records, the undersigned wi seN, at public outcry, to the highest bidder tor cash, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday of July, 1999, the following described real property, lo wN: AN that tract or parcel of land in Land Lot 146 of the Fifth Land District of Houston County. State of Georgia, as more fuNy described in Deed Book 1231, Page 159, ID# W 070530, being known and designated as Lot 20, Pika's West Side Subdivision, dad in Plat Book 3. Page 291. The indebtedness secured by said Deed lo Secure Debt has been, and is hereby declared to be due end payable In fufi by reason of default under the provisions of said Dead to Secure Debt and the terms of the Agreement secured thereby and seta wil be mads tor the purpose ol apply ing the proceeds thereof to the pay- IMP* of foe iitdetftwftpM and Wars*! thereon, attorney's teesend expenses ol sale, and balance remaining shafi be applied as provided in said Deed fo Secure Debt. Notice has been given of mention to collect attorney’s was In accordance with the terms of the Note end Security Deed. To the beet of the knowledge end belief of the Lender, said property wB be sold as the property of Sherrie Lynn Booth and is subject to any out standing ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a Hen, whether or not now due and payable), any matters which might be disetoeed by an accu rate survey end inspection of tic prop erty, any assessments, Hens, encum brances, zoning ordinances, restric tions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above, including el Supe rior Security Deeds of record. Sherrie Lynn Booth was furnished with a copy of this Notice of Sale Under Power not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the sale. This 28th day of May. 1999. Commercial Credit Plan, Incorporated Attorney m Fact for: Sherrie Lynn Booth By: Mark A. Baker, Attorney el Law Mark A. Baker. P.C. 1447 Peachtree Street. N.E. Suite 414 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 (404) 681-1700 6-20 6/9-6/30 Stata of Osorgla County of Houeton There wi* be sold on the firs) Tues day in July, 1999, before the court house door in Houston County, Geor gia, during the legal hours ol sale, to the highest bidder tor cash, the follow mg described property, to-wtt: AN that tract or parcel of land lying m Land Lota 214 6 215 ol the sth Land District of Houston County. Georgia and being known as the east one-half portion of Lot 3. Block H of PautoNa Gardens Subdivision and aN of Lot 4, Block H of PautoNa Gardens Subdivision as shown on pta! of record in Ptat Book 2. Page 226, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior Court. Said ptat is incorporated harem tor el purposes. This is the same property as described in Dead Book 1182, Page 45. said Clark's Office This seta wB be made under the Power of Sale contained in a deed to secure debt m tavor of Mtodte Georgia Bank, dated November 2f. 1995 from Sampson Smith Jr. and Connie L. Todd Smith, recorded in Deed Book 1182, Page 45, dark’s Office, Hous ton Courtly Superior Court. Said dead securse a note payable in monthly toatattmanls. DeteuN has occurred m ttie payment and the power of sale m said deed to secure debt hat become operative. A copy of Vw notice of sate is being given todebtor as required by O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 The proceeds of said safe w« be applied ae provided to said deed. Said sate w# ataoba made subject toafi unpaid ed valorem taaas, other tax lana. other fiene and assaeamanta, V any 1b Via beat of Via undersigned's KttOWHKjge aiKj DONi bw propfny* n Vie possession of Sampson Smith Jr. and Connie L. Todd Smtth. First Überty Bank By. Arthur L PhMpe. AVomty tor Fast Ltoerty Bank, successor by merger of MMdto Georgia Bank PhMpeAPhßips 643 ropier Street Macon, Georgia 31201 6-21 6/B-B/SO wattes Of Sate MwVm Power Undararfotwvirtueof Vw Power of Bata contained m a Security Daad given by Frederick J. Royal and Lav erne Royal to Tucker Federal Savings and Loan Association, dated October 30.1992, recorded m Daad Book 992, Page 754, Houston County Georgia Records, as tael tranatewd to Chase Manhattan MortoMt Corporation by aatognment dated September 1,1993. retarded to Deed Book 1062, Page 336, Houston County, Georgia Records, conveying the after described property to aecum a Note in Via original principal amount of Seven ty Nina Thousand Four Hundred Eighty One S NO/100 Oofiars ($79,481.00). wNh interest thereon ae •at torth therein, there wifi be eoto at public outcry to the highest bidder tor cash bttors the courthouse door of Houston County, Georgia, wVhin the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday m July, 1999, tie toiowing described p '°srk tract or parcel of land attu ale. lying and being in Land Lot 170 ol the Fifth Land District of Houston County, Georgia, being known and designated as Lot 18, Block A, Sec tion No. 2, RusseN Glen SubdMefon, a copy of which is of record in PM Book 41. Page 19, Cleik'e Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat and the recorded Copy thereof are incorporat ed hereto be reference thereto tor aN purposes. The debt secured by said Security Deed has bean and it hereby declared due because of. among other pooaibis events of detauN, failure to pay the indebtedness as and whan due and to the manner provided to the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining to datauN, Vita aata wB be made tor the purpose of paying the same and ai expenses of this saw. as provided to Vie Security Daad and by law, inducing attorney's toes (notice of totem to coded attorney’s lees having been given). Baid property wB be add subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (inducing taxss which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might bs diedosed by an accu rate survey and inspection ol the prop erty, any assessments. Hens, encum brances, zoning onfinences, restric tions. covenants, and matter* of record superior to the Security Deed first eat out above. To the beet knowledge and belief of Vie undeisigned. the party to posses sion of Vie property is Frederick J. Royal and Laveme Royal or a tenant SMtutansgs Drive, Warner Robins, Ga.. 31068 Chaae Manhattan Mortgage Cor poration aa Attorney m Fed tor Frederick J. Royal and Laveme Royal S. H. MoCafia McCafia, Raymer, Padrick. Cobb, Nfchofe 6 Clark. LLC 56 Perimeter Center East, sth Floor \Atenta Ga 30346 trwwnniii xmsM (770) 729-6875 SHM/adp 7/6/99 Our fita no 5736596-3-21354 The law firm it acting as s debt col lector attempting to coded a debt. Any information obtained wiN be used tor that purpose. 6-22 6/9-6/30 State of Georgia County Of Neuatan \VA LH-646467-Ga., LOAN #55438997 Noltoe Of Sale Under Fdwor Because ol a default to the pay mem of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Bruce E. Moore and Patsy A. Moore to The Dime Savings Bank ol New York, fsto d/b/a National Mortgage Investment* Co. dated January 19. 1996. end recorded in Deed Book 1190. Page 331, Houston County Records, said Security Daad having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to Fleet Mortgage Corp by assignment dated January 19.1996. end recorded to Deed Book 1193, Page 96 and sub sequently re assigned by Corrective Assignment, securing a Note to the original principal amount ol $97,818.00. the hoktar thereof pur suant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and. pursuant to the power ol sale contained to said Daad, wB on Vw first Tuesday. July 6. 1999. during Vie legal hours of aata. before the CourVwuee door In said County, sal at public outcry fo the highest bidder tor cash, the property described to •aid Daad. to-wit: AN that trect or parcel of land lying and being to Land Lot 86 of the 5Vi Land District of Houston County. Georgia, being known and daaignalad aa Lot 1, Block “A*. Section No. 1, Phase No 1. VMtow Ridge Subdivi sion, according to a ptat of Mid subdi vision of record to Ptat Book 46, Page 131, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat and the record there of are incorporated herein by rotor ence lor afi purposes. Said property ta known ae 100 WMpinQ WwOw Way, Wtnwf nootn©, Ga.. 31068, together wtth all fixtures and personal property attached to end conetttultog a part of said property. V any. Baid property wB be sotd subject to any outstanang ad valorem umm (including taxes which are a ton, whaVtar or not now due and payable). Via right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which mght be dtadoeed by an accurate survey and msoftcoon o? m# propwny, any naßems wrts, ttim. meumbwtett, nnin| or&rtftftcvs, restrictions, covsnsnts, ano matters of record suptnor to ms Security Deed first set out above. Page 6B HtKIM *-AI .. .. a. L AAM L*aAflNl|||k Notts# nas itesn given of imsnrton to cofied attorney’s teas In accor dance wtth the terms of the Note secured by said Deed. Said property wB be sold at Vw property of Bruos E. Moore and Patoy A. Moore, Vw property to Vw beat miwiiußtion, twWwißOOa ano wBN< w Vw undersigned, being praaanVy In Vw poaasatlon of Bruce E. Moore and Patsy A. Moore and Vw proooods of •old aata wB be appfied to Vw pay ment of said indebiedneee and al Vw axpanaat of said aata, including avor nay's teas, afi aa provided to said Dead, and the balance, V any, wB be dtatribuled as provided by taw. Fleet Mortgage Corp. m Attomey-to-Fact tor Bruce E. Moore and Patsy A. SO MOOTS Fto no. 99-1377 L. J. Bwerttoger Jr. Bhapko A SwerVsger* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 9300 Nonnesst cxprstteiy Butte S-C Atlanta, Georgia 30341-3941 (770) 220-2730/cc •The law firm is acting as a debt cosset or. Any mvormetion ocxsmto wtr be used tor that purpose. 6-23 6/9-6/30 Nellee of Sato Under Rawer Cetttakwd In Security Deed State ef Georgia Caunty of Houston Pursuant to a power of sola con tained in a certain security deed exe cuted by Raymond C. Aydlett and Bomeice S. Aydlett, hereinafter referred to aa Grantor, wtth the singu lar including the plural, to Bankers First Federal Savings & Loan Associa tion recorded to Deed Book 714, beginning at page 606. and rerecord ed in Deed Book 734, beginning on page 406, ol the deed records of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the aforesaid state end county, and by virtue of a default to the payment ol the debt secured by said security deed, the undersigned attorney-in-fact tor the aforesaid Grantor (which alt or ney-to-tect is Vw present holder of said security deed and note secured thereby) wM aefi before the door of the courthouse to said county within the legal hours ol sale, tor cash, to the highest bidder on Vw First Tuesday of Jtdy. 1999, the property which, as of Vw time of the execution of said secu rity deed, was described aa sat torth to Vw attached Exhibit ‘A*. Said aata win be made subject to Vw toiowing items which may affect the title to said prop-, ertyr. AN that tract or parcel of land situ ate. lying and being to Land Lot 216 of the Fifth Land District of Houston County. Georgia, being known and designated as Lot 13, Bock *E*. Sec tion No 2, North Gate Estates Subdi vision, according to a ptat of survey prepared by WOddto Surveying Co., Inc., dated June 21, 1966, revised January 24. 1967, and recorded to Map Book 11, Page 69. Clark's Office. Houston Superior Court. Said ptat and Vw rttooroM copy thereof are hereby mads a part of this description by ref erence thereto tor aN purposes. The address of the property is: 101 Vickie Drive, Warner Robins. Georgia 31093. All restrictive covenants, ease ments and rights-of-way appearing of record, H any; all zoning ordinancee; matters which would ba dtactoaed by an accurate survey or by an inspection of the property; el outstanding and/or unpaid taxes which may ba ions upon the property; eN outstanding or unpaid bills and assessments for street improvements, curbing, garbage, water, sewage and public utilities which may be Hens upon said proper ty. The sale wiN be conducted subject to: (1) confirmation that the aata ta not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed . To the best of the undersigneds knowledge and beliel. the party to possession of the property is believed to Raymond C. Aydlett Midfirst Bank, successor to Mid- First Bank. State Savings Bank. As Transferee and assignee. As attomey-in-facl for the afore said Grantor Raymond S. Martin Attorney at Law 990 Hammond Drive Stale 800 \One Lakeside Commons Atlanta. Georgia 30328 (770)392-0041 This law firm is attempting to col lect the debt described m this adver tisement. and any information obtained will be used for that purpose 6-24 6.9-630 Motte# of Solo MvMter Poorer By virtue of the power of sale con tained to a Deed to Secure Debl by Memory D Ratliff and Robert M. Ratliff to Parkway Mortgage. Inc., dated Sep (ember 6. 1995 and filed tor record September 12. 1995 to Deed Book 1166, Page 100. Houston County. Georgia records; transferred by Park way Mortgage. Inc. to Ford Consumer Finance Company, Inc. by Assignment filed tor record November 6, 1995, to Deed Book 1178, Page 463. Houston County. Georgia records, there wB be sold at a pubbc outcry tor cash to the highest bidder before the Courthouse door ol Houston County. Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday to July 1999. by Associ ates Home Equity Service*, Inc. i/k/a Ford Consumer Finance Company. Inc. as Attomey-to-Fact tor Memory D. Retail and Robert M. Ratfitl the tofiow tog property to-wit: Al that tract or parcel ol land situ ate, lying and being in Land Lot 22 of Vw Eleventh (11th) Land District of Houston County. Georgia, being known and designated as Lot 13, Stock *C, Section 2. Bonaire HeMtts Stfxfiviston, according to a revised ptat of said subdivision which ta al record to Ptat Book 35. Page 42. Clerk's Office. Houston Superior Court. Said ptat and the recorded copy thereof are hereby mode a part of Vita description by reference thereto tor aN PUf |tforMl to Restrictive Covenants recorded in Deed Book 84S, Page 174, Houston County; Clerk'* Office The above dsecribnrt property ta atao known as 106 Chtacm Court, Bonalra. Ga., 31006. Tho mttaMotttwM secured by said Deed to Secure Debt having boon dootamd duo and payable bocauoo of Ctevsuß in re pttyrvrere oi me tnaeotea* naos secunxd tfwroby Vita sale wttl be mads tor Vw purpose of paying the same and eN expanses of seta, todud tog attorney's teas (noNca of totontion to cottoct attorney's toes having been gtvsn). The property wtt be sola as the property of Vw aforesaid grantor sub tect to m# toiOteftm: ftl prior restrictive covenants, soosmsnta. right*-of-way or encumbrances of record; aN valid zoning ordinances; matters which would bo dtactoood by an accurate survey of Vw property or by any InapocVon ol Vw property; aN out standing taxes, assessments, unpaid btte, charges, and axponaas that ara a Nan against Vw property whether due end payable or not yet due end payable. To the boot of Vw undersigned'* knowledge and belief, possession of Vw subject property ta held by Memo ry D. RaWf and Robert M. Ratliff. Aioocioloi Homo Equity Services, Inc. i/k/a Ford Consumer Finance Company, Inc. aa Attorney-in-Fact for Memory D. Ratliff and Robert M. Ratliff Shutting, Morse A Ross By: S. Andrew Shuptog Jr. 6259 Rtverdeta Road Suita 100 Rtverdeta. Georgia 30274-1696 (770) 991-0000 This taw firm ta attempting to col lect a debt. Any information obtained wB be used tor that purpose. 6-25 6.9-6.30 Stale at Georgia County of Houston Notice of Sole Under Power Because of a default in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by that certain Security Deed, dated October 27, 1995, executed by Larry K. Boyd end Linda T Boyd to South eastern Mortgage Corporation, recorded to Deed Rook 1176. Page 721, Houston County, Georgia Deed Records, and securing a Note to the ainal principal amount of .250 00, said Note and Security Deed having been last assigned to Fleet Mortgage Corp., the current holder thereof, has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness evi denced by the Note immediately due and payable and. pursuant to the power of sale contained In said Secu rity Dead. wB, on the first Tuesday in July. 1999. to-wtt: July 6. 1999, during the legal hours of sale, before the Houston County Courthouse door, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder tor cash, the foNowtog described real property: AN that tract or parcel of land situ ale. lying and being m Land Lol 66 ol the Fifth (sth) Land District of Hous ton County, Georgia, being known and designated as Ldtlo. “Block . Section No. 2. Phase No 2, Crestview Plante tton Subdivision, according to a plat ol said subdivision which is of record in Ptat Book 47. Pages 36-39, Cierk's Off ice. Houston County Superior Court. Said plat and the record there of are incorporated herein by refer ence tor aN purposes. The aforedascribed property is also known as 105 Cams by Street, Warner Robins, Georgia, according to the present system on numbering houses to Houston County. Georgia. Said real property wfN be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (todutang taxes wtxch am a Hen, but not yet due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any „matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the real property, assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordi nances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Upon information and belief, said real property is presently in the pos session or control of Larry K. Boyd and Linda K. Boyd and the proceeds of said sale will be applied to the pay ment of said indebtedness and all the expenses of said sale, including attor ney's lees, all as provided in said Security Deed, and the excess pro ceeds. if any. wttl be distributed as pro vided by law Fleet Mortgage Corp as Attomey-in-Fact for Larry K Boyd and Linda K Boyd David W Adams. Esquire EKs. Painter, Ratterree A Bart LLP Post Office Box 9946 Savannah. Georgia 31412-9946 (912) 233-9700 6-26 6/9-6/30 Stole of Osorgla County of Houston Nottca of Sato Under Power Because of a default in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by that certain Security Dead, dated April 27. 1995. executed by Derrick L. Glaaper to The First National Bank of Gainesville d/b/a The Mortgage Source, recorded to Deed Book 1145. Page 162. Houston County. Georgia Deed Records, and securing a Note in the original principal amount of $64,550.00, said Note and Security Deed having been last assigned to Fleet Mortgage Corp. f/k/a Fleet Reel Estate Funding Corporation, the cur rent holder thereof, has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness evidenced by the Note immediately due and payable and. pursuant to the power of sale contained to sai Secu rity Deed, wB, on the first Tuesoay m July. 1999. to-wtt; July 6. 1999, during the legal hours of sale, before the Houston County Courthouse door, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder tor cash. Vw following described real ""SX, tract or parcel of tend situ ate. lying and being to Lend Lot 163 of the Tenth (10th) Land District of Hous ton County. Georgia, being known and designated aa Lot 14. Block ‘A*. Phase Ha 4, of a subdivision known ee County Meadows, according to a