Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1999-2006, October 06, 1999, Image 21

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> mmmmm _ '■ "■" ■■■ »"■, ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 111 ■ •■ • ■ 11 Ml! 1 1 In This I s J s u e : - - - -' : - - ■ Breathe Making the Easier... Coping With Holidays Happy Pulmonary the Loss of and Bright Rehab an Infant Houston a publication of the Houston Healthcare Complex akiim the Holidays llii|)|iy mill llright... Avoiding ( yjyG and Depression f * mm Halloween to I lanukkah. the holidays are a happy lime ot joy ltd aittieipalion. Hut even thou eh the holiday s are I tiled with spirited eelehration. they ean also he a time ol anxtelx and woitx especially lor those who eram too mam activities into a short period ok time. Want to make sour holulax season merry anil brieht ’ I lien try these suggestions lot redueme stress. anxietx and depression provided by Stephnitie Warren. a In eased elimeal soeial worker at the I’axilion Psychnlouical and ( ounselini: Center. a sen ice ol Houston I iealtheare Complex s • Kedelme youi expeelations w'Z ()kten we expeel the holulax sto resemble a Norman \_j j' Rockwell pauiiiny. eomplele with happy smiles and lamilx contentment Hut in reality Warren said, the period Irom vweH Christmas lo New Year's can he* a diliicult perilhl that carries x Hr\ Wi l.inv obhi'ulioii'and commitments A‘A is whom wake up disappointed < luistmas morning when , lhex don't lind the tree loailed witli every * > rill lliex have wished lor. she said W e re so bombarded bx I'okemon (a populat children's television eharaeten and Slai Wars, we re completing losing the spiiilual aspects ol the holulax. lor <mrselxes and lor our kills, she said "( tub xout eommeremlism and eel the kids inxolxed in something you ean do as a lamilx lot someone else Hack up old lox s and take them to the Salx at ion \niix and (ioodxx ill m <jo doxx n to a homeless sheltei and serve a meal • (io easy on the holulax menus Fall 1 l> l» l> , v , > i iir.it 6, issue L It hot does oi pi//u are okax lor xom lamilx on ( lu istmas or I lanukkah. that's treat Spend the time wilh the people xou loxe." Warren said • Remcmbei what the holulaxs are all about " \sk xoutsell win xou re dome it. why all these extra things are important. Warren sail! II eertain traditions are important and you're enjoying it. bx all means do it. It xou re dome something lor the Holidays that has you cranky and all stressed out. ask course 11 xx ho xou ic ux me n > please with this aetix its. WhatN the goal I ai more significant than stress is depression, which \ i Inis some people partieularlx hard during the holiday season ) While stress ml l sv-11 wont likely cause depression, those trv jB~« ”■ who aie alieadx di.ienosed with elimeal depression should take i aie ok themselx es dtirme the holiday period I hose who l Imicallx depressed should work j ' J , . on not be my* isolated ami xx ilhdraxx n durum I y the holidays. Warren said. Work on gWy ■» anxietx issues and lake some lime to rest SLdV \ M )Cy c4f£!) and relax," i People who have lost loved ones or . sal 1 1' i i'il othi'i catastrophic events ' >3r ? vn V rs i during previous holiday s could he * \\l V prone to xx hat Warren calls the ><"s— i —r i 14 i 'n * V /X without someone could send you s a- . into a tailspin." she said "II y — e\ sy mptonis ol lethargy anil v s s y sadness and kearlulness persist. see your physician. There’s absolutelx no reason to sillier with depression It is treatable. Houston Healthcare ( omplex is olleniie sexeial educational programs relaleil to Holulax Stress and depression, and a live depression screening. Please cheek the I du( aie ealendat on the back pays ol this newsletter or call HeallhSouree at *>23-‘>77l lor more inlormatiou and pre registration.