Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1999-2006, December 24, 2002, Page PAGE 5C, Image 27

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PAGE 5C ‘(Elp Jjfrntti o'* 6 ** The Mystery of the Missing Toys By Brandon Daughtery Mrs. Pearson/Mrs. Miller sth grade Perry Elementary School “The toys are all gone!” cried the elves. “What are we going to do?” Asked Charlie. Santa did not know what to do. He did not know if he should make the elves work overtime or put it on the news. So he did both just in case. If no one could find them, the story would be put on the news. It was finally Christmas Eve, and we did not have enough presents. “So what do we do?” Said Charlie. “I do not know.” Replied Santa. I guess we will not have Christmas this year. No, we can not do that thought Santa and his elves. The children will be sad and might not believe in Santa anymore. “We will go find the presents.” Said Charlie. “Okay that’s a go! We will meet out side. Hurry up its so cold. Get in and lets go.” Charlie ordered. Off we were to find out who has stolen the presents. First, we went to the Abominable snowman’s house. “Do you know where my presents are?” Said Santa. “Santa, they are right here in front of you.” Answered Charlie. “I know that.” Answered Santa. “We have to put them in the sled, and we have to leave right away.” “Up, Up, and away” said Charlie. “Now that we have delivered all of the presents. I have to tell you something. The reason I invited you along is because if the Abominable Snowman tries to do that again you can get him.” Explained Santa. When Santa Came Over By Deepa Patel AP#lO Perry Elementary School Mrs. A. Pearson My parents were sleeping. I got in bed this particular Christmas Eve. Then some thing cracked. I was afraid to go in the living room. I got out of bed and walked slow ly to the living room. My heart went thump, thurhpj thump. When 1 got into the liv ing room, I saw that our Christmas tree was broken into many pieces. I looked all around and finally saw Santa hiding behind the television. Santa was crying too. He looked like a huge snowball. I told him that was all right, and everyone has acci dents. Then I gave him some cookies and milk. I asked him “Why do like to eat cookies and drink milk?” He said “We just do.” That night Santa and I fixed the Christmas tree, Santa and I played games. Finally when I got tired Santa told me to go to sleep. I wanted to help Santa put the presents around the Christmas tree. Santa told me that I couldn’t because then it wouldn’t be a surprise. I had an idea. I would stay up until Santa leaves, so then I can open up all thes presents and put them back together. When Santa Was about to leave I went into the living room. Suddenly, I fell asleep on the couch. The next morning my parents saw me sleeping on the couch. They woke me up, and told me the presents are here. I told them everything about the night before, but they didn’t believe me and said “You were just dreaming. “ Some people don’t believe in Santa, but I always will. A Christmas Poem By Garrett Baker Mrs. Pearson’s sth grade Perry Elementary School On Christmas Eve all was still, Except for a boy on his window sill. He was a boy only of three, Looking for a saint who was very jolly. There in the dark night. There was a light. The boy was so happy, The elders so snappy. A person with a bag, Came in with a sag. Right then came in, A burglar with a grin. The boy shouted for dad, He looked really mad. The burglar dropped his bag, With the big, white tag. The dad went back to bed, Rubbing his head. The glue now looked like clay, That the boy played with that day. He rubbed it on the floor, Right next to the door. Right off the bat, Someone was on the roof like that. There was some clattering, Then some small chattering. Is this the nice elf? Who puts thing on your shelf? Then from the chim ney covered with ash, Came Ole Saint Nicolas looking like trash. There were pres ents, big and small, Right in the bag for us all. Then all of the sudden with a wink, He was gone before the boy could think. The boy woke his parents just in time, To let them hear those little bells chime. The boy who can now sing, Will never again hear them ring. T’was the night before Christmas By Johnson Boswell sth grade Perry Elementary Mrs. Pearson T’was the night before Christmas-1 thought I was safe. You know- all kids are so happy on Christmas Eve. I knew I had to go to sleep soon, Santa wouldn’t come. I tried so hard but I just couldn’t fall asleep. I was thinking drink of water might help me _so I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. I got a jar from the cabinet and walked toward the refrigerator. Just when I was opening the door, a loud “boom” rat tled the kitchen lights and glasses- The same thing happened again. I ran full speed toward the door. You couldn’t even guess what it was. What I saw changed the way I think about Christmas! I looked up in the sky, I saw them! The reindeer and Santa’s sleigh were high in the sky. It was him, Santa Claus, gasped for breath from the shocking scene . Then I watched silently as he dropped something from his sleigh. I thought it was a present for me- but when it got closer I knew what it was. I ran for cover, but it got me. It was paralyzing powder. It temporarily paralyzed me into a deep sleep. When I awoke, I was in a small warm room. I only had a small memory of the pre vious events. I got up, still dreary, and walked around the walls of the room. I leaned slightly on the wall and it spun wildly threw me into a new room. This room had a small hole in the center. A pole was placed in the middle of the hole. I curiously walked toward the hole, grasped hold of the pole, and slid down. Around me a mysterious factory was producing bombs. “Mello” said a cold, deep voice. I spun around in response. The man struck me hard in the face and stomach. I tripped at his feet and he fell down. He kicked; I ducked. The factory was now an arena full of elves watching us. This is crazy, I thought, I’m fighting with Santa! His fist slammed hard into my left cheek, and I fell and rolled. I quickly respond ed with trying to jump up on him, but someone tackled me from the side. I got up and judo-chopped both of them. They fell to the ground! I thought I had defeated them, but 1 heard panting voices from behind. I turned to look but an object came flying by my head. It exploded, knocking me sideways into the wall. Feet were running toward me, I could tell. An army of elves stood before me, ready to battle. They ran toward me, furry in their eyes. Little fists were hanging over me like cannons. I ran for the pole that entered the room. When I reached it I scattered to the top. I was safe, for now. “Don’t think this is the end of it! “An elf yelled as I exited the room. I believed him because I too was thinking I might face another exciting Christmas, next year. Old Saint Nick By Nathan Bullard sth grade Mrs. Pearson T’was the night before Christmas when all were at rest, Down the chimney came an unexpected guest. He was fairly big; I must say, But just the right size to fit in his sleigh. His nose as bright as a cherry,, He wasn’t at all scary. As he delivered some presents under the tree, How big they were I could not see? As he filled our stockings with candy, And dusted off his coat fine and dandy. He turned and winked at me, Quickly I began to flee. But then he said in a low tone, “Please don’t tell I’m suppose to be unknown.” As he went up the so very slick, I’ll never let the cat out of the bag that he as Old Saint Nick. Where Are the Toys! Orlando Dugger grade Mrs. Pearson Perry Elementary “The toys are ail gone!” cried the elves. Santa was ready to give all of the toys to all the boys and girls. One of the elves said that the toys were gone. Santa got out of his car and looked at all of the elves and said, “Where are the toys?” One of the elves said, “I don’t know.” The other elf said, “They were just here when we made them!” Santa got in his car and flashed away quickly. “Santa is really mad, “ said the master elf. I guess we have got to make some more toys for Christmas. Are you crazy master? “I am not crazy,” stated the master elf. Santa was riding in his car when he saw a huge bag of toys on the ground. Santa got the toys and went back to the elf shop. “I found it,” said Santa. Santa was now able to give every boy and girl their toys. One day the elves cried, “Santa, Santa!” Santa came walking down saying, “what?” “The toys are gone. What are we going to do?” Santa was worried. “Where are they?” he asked. “We don’t know, sir!” responded the elves. But we think Sara took the toys, you know, the mean and selfish one. Santa moaned, “I knew I shouldn’t put her on the good list.” The elves said, “Come on, there is no time to lose.” Santa go the sled and rode to her house. When he got there, he went through the door and said, “Sara! What are you doing?” “Just playing with toys I stole from you.” “Sara, give us our toys back,” ordered Santa. She did. So Santa said, “Sara, I am very dis appointed so I will have to give you rocks this year.” Which he did. When Santa go back to the North Pole, he relaxed and got his sled ready for work. At the last house he left a note that said: Dear Sara, lam very disappointed. Why did you take the toys? Well, Merry Rockmas Sara. Love, Santa. Dana Barnett s th Grade Mrs. Pearson/Mrs. Miller Perry Elementary “The toys are all gone,” cried the elves. So they called me, Wolf Dog, and my assis tant, D-Dawg. We were out looking everywhere. My assistant was taking the mis sion seriously. We went to see Santa. Santa said, “The human hotdog.” D-Dawg said, “Let’s go. You can’t trust Santa Claus.” I said, “Why?” He said, “Because you’ll never know what evil plan he’s up to.” So we sat on a bench and waited for another clue. Then I saw a flying object in the sky coming closer. I said, “ D-Dawg, look!” He just said, “Sit down and be quiet.” It landed and hotdog people cam out. They got in my face and started screaming, “Hotdog.” I told them that if they want ed a mint I have some. They said, "That’s just what they wanted! They gave all the presents back. My assistant looked mad. I said, “What is wrong with you?” He said, “You always mess stuff up.” I said, “How?” He said, “ I was just going to eat them!” Ronterious Napier s*h Grade Mrs. Pearson/Mrs. Miller Perry Elementary The Night Before Christmas Jaelicia Bibbs Grade Mrs. Pearson Perry Elementary ‘Twas the night before Christmas. My sister and I were fast asleep. It was in the middle of the night that I had to go to the bathroom. As I was turning on the lights 1 heard a “grrrr” sound. At first I thought it was my mommy snoring then I thought it was the refrigerator. I was so curious to find out what it was. I went downstairs to find out. I was so startled. I saw this animal. It was brown with dark red spots, and black beady eyes, and you never would guess what it doing. I’ll tell you any way. The beast was wrestling Kris Kringle. I was frozen like an ice cube. All of the sudden I saw a little elf figure flying around my head. I took a glance at it. It looked familiar. Then I stared at it closely. It was Lucille, my old imaginary friend. She chanted, "Go help Kringle. Save him from Bobevil.” I whispered, “You mean Bobevil from Narnia?” She replied, “Yes I do. He has come to destroy Kringle because he wouldn’t tell him where Aslan was.” “Well, it looks like I’ll have to save him,” I shouted. Then he looked at me sharply like a speeding bullet. I came down the stairs like a bold bear. Then I shouted, “You want some of me, you can have some of me.” We began to fight. I struck the first punch. Then he tried to hit me, but I dodged his punch. Then I threw him across the room. He was finished. That’s how I saved Kringle. And for that, he gave my sister and I extra presents. I’ll never forget that moment for the rest of my life. pUmstnn pUmte 3Jaurttal The Houston Home Journal is continuing its new section, “The Front Page.” These selections give readers a chance to see what wonderful things our children do in the classroom. Our teachers do a fantastic job focusing on literacy, and our children are developing strong skills as writ ers and readers. Each week, you will be able to sample some exciting* things coming out of Perry’s elementary schools. Enjoy! Dear Santa, I’m not really, really sure what I want, but I hope I’ve been good this year. I don’t really want a lot of stuff because I’ve got plenty of stuff already. I’ll leave some fresh baked cookies and a cold glass of milk on Christmas Eve. I’ve always won dered what it looked like in your workshop, but I uses I’ll never know. Also I’ve always wondered how many elves you have because it must be a lot to make all those toys! Well, anyway, thank you for all those toys every year. Sincerely, Savanna Moody 2 nd Grade Mrs. Martinez Kings Chapel Elementary 9 Dear Santa, I think I’ve been good this year. I really don’t know what I want for Christmas this year. The only thing I want is a puppy, a four-wheeler, and a motorcycle. If you see me write down more things, please, please, could I have them. Or if you can’t give me that, I hope you can give me something else. I love you, Santa Claus. Thank you for the gifts last year. An I ask you again, could you please get me those things I ask for? Thank you Santa Claus. I wish you could please at least give me one of those things. Thank you Santa Claus. Lave, Savanna Ransom 2 nd Grade Mrs. Martinez Kings Chapel Elementary My Best Christmas Rae Evans Grade Mr. Bareither Kings Chapel Elementary My best Christmas will be when my mom’s neck is well from surgery. She had sur gery because she had a knot in her neck. They don’t know what it is. I hope her neck is better because she can’t sleep as it is, so how can she sleep when Santa comes? I asked mom, “What do you want for Christmas?” She answered, “A necklace charm.” What do you want?” mom asked. “A necklace charm too,” I stated. Mom’s neck is sort of better. It will probably not be better by Christmas, but 1 just hope mom’s neck is better by Christmas, I really hope so. What Christmas Means to Me Carson Albritton Grade Mr. Bareither Kings Chapel Elementar I think the true meaning Christmas is not taking, but giving, sharing, and caring for others. We are wealthy and thankful for what we have, but think of some of the peo ple that are not like us that are not wealthy and thankful. We are thankful that we have family and friends that care for us and watch over us. Thank the Lord for what he has given us. Thank our parents for giving us clothes, food, and presents on Christmas. Christmas Traditions Tom Tuggle 2 nd Grade Mrs. Nunn Westfield Schools Christmas for our family begins on Christmas Eve. My big family of about 30 peo ple meet at the Methodist Church for communion. Afterwards we all go to a party and then we come home and get some cookies and milk for Santa and get ready for bed. Then my dad wakes me up. And my dad, mom, sister, and I come back in the den where our presents are and we open them. Then we go to my Grandparents’ house. My family is there and my aunt, uncle, and cousins are there. We all eat breakfast and we open presents. We spend the rest of the day playing with our new toys. Then we have a good meal at my house. We get a Christmas tree and decorate it. After we decorate the tree we play a game with an ornament shaped like a pickle. My Dad hides the pickle. Whoever finds the pickle gets a present but really everyone gets a present. My brothers and I take a picture with Santa Claus. We decorate our house with decorations. This year my grandmother and I are going to the Nutcracker just the two of us and I get to spend the night with my Nana. On Christmas Day we rush downstairs to see what Santa brought us. We go to eat lunch at my Grandmother’s house and open presents. McKinley Walton 2 nd Grade Mrs. Nunn Westfield Schools My Mimi and Poppa come to spend the night with me. Then I wake them up on Christmas morning and run to the Christmas tree. We open presents and play and play with them. True Tolleseon 2 nd Grade Mrs. Nunn Westfield Schools My family celebrates Christmas by going to the Byron tree farm and cutting a real Christmas tree. We go to the Mall and get a picture taken with Santa Claus. Then we go to my Nanna and Pop’s and eat barbeque. After we eat at my Nanna and Pop’s we go to Mimi and Papa’s house and eat turkey. After we eat at my Mimi and Papa’s, they take my sister and me to see the Christmas lights. We sing carols to our friends. Then we buy Mom and Dad and my Uncle John a present. London Beamon 2 nd Grade Mrs. Nunn Westfield Schools. DECEMBER 24, 2002