Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1999-2006, July 06, 2006, Section B, Page 3B, Image 11
THE HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL t rsi Houstim Kuntf if ullj t 3Jmmtal THURSDAY July 6, 2006 Legal advertisement* are published each Thursday in The Houston Home Journal newspaper the designated legal organ of Houston County and the City of Perry, City of Warner Robins and City of Centerville For information concerning billing, please contact The Houston Home Journal at (478)-987-1823 Notices cancelled after noon on Monday will be billed for insertion in that edition Legal ads may be sent via Federal Express for Saturday delivery. Legal ads may be sent via email to com Many legal notices are billed at the rate of SIO.OO per 100 words or a portion thereof for each insertion for the First four insertions. Some specific types of ads, such as divorce, articles of incorporation, articles of merger, petition to adopt, name changes and DUI notices have fees set based on the number of times the notice is inserted All rates are set by the Georgia General Assembly. For billing purposes, every word shall be counted as one word including words such as the. of. a etc. Grouped numbers shall be counted as one word. The deadline for foreclosure notices and tax sales for disposal for September 2006, is August 7. 2006 at noon. Here are some of the types of public notices included in this section of The Houston Home Journal. Hearings and Meeting Notices - There are a wide variety of public meetings which must be held in order for a government to take an action Among the most common are notices of planning commission meetings at which rezoning request are to be acted upon and of hearings when a city or county government is setting a budget or tax rate. Sometimes these notices about upcoming meetings, especially 1000 urniN ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HOUSTON STATE OF GEORGIA IN RE: MATTHEW AC A TEAL, Peti tioners CIVIL ACTION NO. 2006 A 2856 ADOPTION PROCEEDING FILED 6/23/2006 ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLI CATION DATED 6/23/2006 TO: TANNER ALLEN MCCOY You are hereby notified that on the 23RD day of JUNE, 2006 MAT THEW ACA TEAL filed a petition in the Superior Court of said County to seek adoption of: Child 1 GABRIELLE HAZEL POOLE You are herby com manded to file any objection to said adoption, in writing, on or before 4TH AUGUST, 2006, and to show cause before the presiding Judge in Chambers of Houston Superior Court at 8:45 o’clock, on the 4TH day of AUGUST, 2006, in the Court house in Perry, Houston County, Georgia, why the adoption proceed ing filed on behalf of the petitioner should not be granted without the written consent of the NATURAL FATHER of said minor child. WITNESS THE HONOR ABLE GEORGE F NUNN Judge(s) of said Court, this the 23RD day of JUNE, 2006. Carolyn V. Sullivan Clerk, Houston Superior Court 35556 7/6 - 7/27 1030 MBS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF GEORGIA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FEDERAL PROJECT NO. CSSTP-MOO3-00(493) 01 HOUSTON, PULASKI COUNTIES SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING ALL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND OTHER THINGS NECESSARY FOR THE FOLLOWING WORK WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE UN DERSIGNED AT THE GENERAL OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, 2 CAPI TOL SQUARE, ATLANTA, GEOR GIA, 30334, UNTIL 11:00 A.M., JULY 21, 2006 AND PUBLICLY OPENED. 19.000 MILES OF MILL ING, INLAY, PLANT MIX RESUR FACING, SINGLE SURFACE TREATMENT PAVING AND SHOULDER RECONSTRUCTION ON SR 26 BEGINNING WEST OF US 41 AND EXTENDING TO US 341/SR 11. (E) CONTRACT TIME: 07/31/07 PROPOSAL GUARANTY: 5% DISTRICT OFFICE: THOMASTON PRICE OF PLANS: NONE DBE: 7.00 PLANS AND SPECIFICA TIONS MAY BE INSPECTED AT THE GENERAL OFFICE IN AT LANTA AND THE DISTRICT OF FICE INDICATED. COPIES OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ($20.00), THE PROPOSAL FORM ($10.00), AND THE PLANS (INDI CATED PRICE) MAY BE OB TAINED FROM THE STATE TRANSPORTATION OFFICE ENGI NEER AT THE GENERAL OFFICE IN ATLANTA, TELEPHONE NUM BER (404) 656-5293. PAYMENT OF THE CORRECT AMOUNT MUST BE MADE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF BILLING; SUCH PAYMENTS ARE NOT REFUNDABLE. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE TO THE CONTRACTOR EACH CALENDAR MONTH BASED ON THE ESTIMATED WORK COM PLETE IN PLACE AS PRE SCRIBED BY THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. THE STATE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS. HAROLD E. LINNENKOHL, COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA TION 35711 7/6-7/13 1040BHHKIftMnec notlclto DEBTORS & CREDITORS IN RE: ESTATE OF JEPTHA W. DENNIS All the creditors of the Es tate of JEPTHA W. DENNIS, de ceased. late of Houston County, Georgia, are hereby notified to ren der their demands to the under signed according to law, and all per sons indebted to said estate are re quired to make immediate payment to us. This BTH day of June 2006. Margaret B. Dennis, Executrix of the Estate of Jeptha W. Dennis Lawrence E. O'Neal Marlin, Snow, O'Neal & Long P.O. Box 730 Warner Robins, GA. 31099 (478)953-4557 34958 6/15-7/6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF HOUSTON All creditors of the estate of THOMAS B. COOK, late of Hous ton County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render their de mand to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate payment. This 7th day of June, 2006. PATRICK B. COOK, ADMINIS TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS B. COOK, DECEASED, BY KATHLEEN S. GRANTHAM AT TORNEY AT LAW P.O. DRAWER 6359 WARNER ROBINS, GA31095 (478)923-0300 34980 6/15-7/6 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of Rachel S. Busby, late of Houston County, deceased, are hereby noti fied to render their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. Leslie Dossett, Executor 40 Powers Mill Road Phillipston, Ma. 01331 35030 6/22 - 7/13 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of Herbert D. Busby, late of Houston County, deceased, are hereby noti fied to render their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. Leslie Dossett, Executor 40 Powers Mill Road Phillipston, Ma. 01331 35031 6/22 - 7/13 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF HOUSTON IN RE: ESTATE OF REUBEN HENDERSON, JR., DECEASED. All creditors of the Estate of Reuben Henderson, Jr., de ceased, late of Houston County, are hereby notified to render their de mands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate payment to the under signed. This Bth day of June, 2006. Kim H. Herron, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Reuben Henderson, Jr., Deceased, 105 Car riage Lake Court. Macon, GA 31201 Robert R. Lawson Daniel, Lawson, Tuggle & Jertes, LLP Post Office Box 89 Perry, Georgia 31069 35100 6/22-7/13 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF HOUSTON IN RE ESTATE OF JOHN DAVID THOMPSON All creditors of the estate LegaLs Legal Advertising Information when a meeting i» to be held outside the regular schedule of that government or when a change will be made in the regular time or place of meeting. Most of these notices are priced by the SIO.OO per 100 words fee Estate Notices - There are some 20 different type of estate notices which can be published, the most common of which is a notice to creditors to let the court know if a deceased person owes them any money. Most estate-re la ted notices come from the county probate judge's office. Most of these notices are priced by the SIO.OO per 100 words fee. Incorporation Notice - These are notices concerning a business which is to be incorporated with the office located in Houston County. Related incorporation notices can include an intent to dissolve a corporation, a name change of the corporation and mergers of a corporation. These notices typically run two weeks at a cost of $40.00. Notice of elections and referendums This category covers a wide range of issues from notices to hold elections on alcoholic beverage sales to notices on bond referendums to construct school buildings in Houston County. Notices must also appear concerning city and county elections when candidates are seeking elected public office. The notices typically cost SIO.OO per 100 words or fractions thereof. Bid Notices - When a local government is going to buy something or have work done on a project, it is often required to solicit bids via legal notices. A related area of legal notices involves the sale of surplus government-owned equipment, which also must be listed and published. Notice of Government Financial Results - Most city, county and school governments are required to annually publish the results of their audits. The of J(!>HN DAVID THOMPSON, de ceased, late of Houston County, Georgia, are hereby notified to ren der in their demands to the under signed, according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay ment to the estate. This 16th day of June, 2006. ARTHUR H. CLARKE, JR„ Adminis trator, Estate of JOHN DAVID THOMPSON ARTHUR H. CLARKE, JR., P.C. Post Office Box 7995 Warner Robins, GA 31095-7995 (478)329-8222 35208 6/22 - 7/13 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of David W. Woodard, deceased, late of Houston County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned, ac cording to law, and all persons in debted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. Fred Graham Attorney At Law P.O. Box 7207 Warner Robins, GA 31095 35209 6/22 - 7/13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF HOUSTON All creditors of the estate of BETTY H. PERRY, late of Hous ton County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render their de mand to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to payment. This 14 day of June, 2006. THOMAS H. PERRY, ADMINIS TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF BETTY H. PERRY, DECEASED, BY KATHLEEN S. GRANTHAM AT TORNEY AT LAW P.O. DRAWER 6359 WARNER ROBINS, GA 31095 (478)923-0300 35211 6/22-7/13 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS GEORGIA HOUSTON COUNTY All creditors of the ES TATE OF BETTY H. TUCKER, of Houston County, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the un dersigned according to the law, and all persons indebted to ESTATE OF BETTY H. TUCKER are required to make immediate payment. This 19th day of June, 2006. DEBRAT. GOLDBERG, Executrix Estate of BETTY H. TUCKER 675 Arnold Mill Road Woodstock, GA 30188 35283 6/29 - 7/20 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF HOUSTON IN RE: ESTATE OF ALVIN MY GRANT, DECEASED. All creditors of the Estate of Alvin Mygrant, deceased, late of Houston County, are hereby notified to render their demands to the un dersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 20th day of June, 2006. Randy Mygrant and Bennie A. My grant, Administrators of the Estate of Alvin Mygrant, Deceased, 1009 Duncan Avenue, Perry, GA31069 Robert R. Lawson Daniel, Lawson, Tuggle & Jerles, LLP Post Office Box 89 Perry, Georgia 31069 35314 6/29 - 7/20 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS RE: Estate of Frank Fred Casey De ceased All creditors of the Estate of Frank Fred Casey, deceased, late of Houston County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render in their de mands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make im mediate payment to me. This 21st day of June 2006. Mary Louise Casey (Executrix) 316 Williamsburg Avenue Warner Robins GA 31088 35442 6/29 - 7/20 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS GEORGIA HOUSTON COUNTY All creditors of the Estate of JAMES ROBERT ADCOCK, de ceased, late of Houston County, Georgia, are hereby notified to ren der in their demands to the under signed according to law, and all per sons indebted to said Estate re quired to make immediate payment. This day of Barbara Joyce Adcock As Executrix of the Estate of James Robert Ad cock, (deceased), 205 Horseshoe Dr., Warner Robins, GA 31093 Roy N. Cowart, P.C. 233 North Houston Road-Suite 114 P. 0. Box 818 Warner Robins, GA31099 35445 6/29 - 7/20 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS GEORGIA HOUSTON COUNTY All creditors of the Estate of WILSON A. GAUSE, deceased, late of Houston County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons in debted to said Estate required to make immediate payment. This day of Joyce Hall, As Executrix of the Es tate of Wilson A. Gause (deceased), 209 Echeconnee Lane, Warner Robins, GA 31093 Roy N. Cowart, P.C. 233 North Houston Rd-Suite 114 P. 0. Box 818 Warner Robins, GA 31099 35447 6/29 - 7/20 NOTICE STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF HOUSTON > All creditors of the estate of ELVA W. CULPEPPER, de ceased, late of Houston County, Georgia, are hereby notified to ren der their demands to the under signed according to law, and all per sons indebted to said Estate are re quired to make immediate payment to me. This 23rd day of June, 2006. Robert L. Culpepper, Jr., 1525 Brookride Road, McLean, VA22101 David P. Hulbert, Jr. WALKER, HULBERT, GRAY & BYRD, LLP Attorneys at Law Perry, Georgia 31069 35448 6/29 - 7/20 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF HOUSTON: All creditors of the Estate of Margaret W. Bums, deceased, late of Houston County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons in debted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This 16th day of June, 2006. GEORGE L. WILLIAMS, JR. As Ex ecutor of the Estate of Margaret W. Burns 127 Carl Vinson Pkwy. Warner Robins, GA 31088 35551 7/6 - 7/27 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF HOUSTON: All creditors of the Estate of Walter W. Burns, deceased, late of Houston County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render their de mands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make im mediate payment to the under signed. This 16th day of June, 2006. GEORGE L. WILLIAMS, JR. As Ex ecutor of the Estate of Walter W. Legal Advertisements: E-Mail: hjlegals@evansnewspapers.com E-Mail Attachments: Text Format Legal Fax: 478-988-9194 AD DEADLINES: Mondays at 12:00 Noon Information concerning legals call: 478-987-1823 amount of detail varies by government. Typically these notices are published in boxed display advertisements. Driving Under the Influence - State law requires publication of a picture and a brief notice of anyone convicted in Houston County of a third Driving Under the Influence charge The fines and related matters of settlement are included The fee for these ads is $25 each. These ads run one time and typically come from the Houston County State Court or the Municipal Court of incorporated cities Juvenile Matters ■ This broad category can include notices such as adoption, custody, juvenile court actions and contemporary custody. These matters frequently run from two to four times, depending on the order. Some of these issues come from the Houston County Juvenile Court, others from the Houston County Probate Court. Domestic Matters These include notices for change of name and for divorce. When one of the parties cannot be located locally. Both of these items run four times. Notice of Sale or Foreclosure Notice - These notices are usually run when someone, generally a financial institution, has not recieved payment on a loan. Property which secures the loan is being foreclosed on so the lender can take it to sell or otherwise pay off the loan. A similar category is a tax sale, where the county or a city is selling the property to collect unpaid property taxes. These notices typically run the four Thursdays prior to the first Tuesday of the month when the sales are held at the Houston County Courthouse in Perry. The fee for these notices is $lO per 100 words per insertion. Burns 127 Carl Vinson Pkwy. Warner Robins, GA 31088 35552 7/6 - 7/27 105 Q DIVORCES NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF HOUSTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA PIERI, STACY L., PLAINTIFF PIERI, MATTHEW J„ DEFENDANT • CIVIL ACTION NO. 2006 V 084940 TO: PIERI, MATTHEW J. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order for service by publication dated the 06TH day of JUNE, 2006, you are hereby notified that on the 01 ST day of JUNE, 2006, PIERI, STACY L. filed suit against you for DIVORCE. You are required to file with the clerk of the Superior Court and to serve upon plaintiff's attor ney: ANDERSON, LARS, 778 MUL BERRY STREET, MACON GA 31201 an Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the or der for publication. WITNESS, the Honorable George F. Nunn, Jr. and Edward D. Lukemire, Judges of this Superior Court. This the 06TH day of JUNE, 2006. Carolyn V. Sullivan CLERK, HOUSTON SUPERIOR COURT 34972 6/15 - 7/6 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF HOUSTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA SAULS, APRIL J„ PLAINTIFF SAULS. WILLIAM C., DEFENDANT CIVIL ACTION NO. 2006 V 684976 TO: SAULS, WILLIAM C. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order for service by publication dated the 08TH day of JUNE. 2006, you are hereby notified that on the 07TH day of JUNE, 2006, SAULS, APRIL J. filed suit against you for DIVORCE. You are required to file with the clerk of the Superior Court and to serve upon plaintiff's attor ney: BRADLEY, KEVIN, P.O. BOX 5126, MACON GA 31208 an An swer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publica tion. WITNESS, the Honorable George F. Nunn, Jr. and Edward D. Lukemire, Judges of this Superior Court. This the 08TH day of JUNE, 2006. Carolyn V. Sullivan CLERK, HOUSTON SUPERIOR COURT 34974 6/15 - 7/6 1060 am mm mm m *jp. |j| SECOND D.U.I. KEEFE DAVID PREAST 109 GAILEY COURT WARNER ROBINS GA3IOBB Arrested May 19, 2006, at 12:09 A M., on 1-75 SB at Near Post 159, Macon, Ga. Sentenced JUNE 23, 2006, $1,000.00 fine and all other charges as required by law and Court Order, SEVENTY TWO hours jail. THIRTY days of commu nity service, and ELEVEN months and TWENTY SEVEN days of pro bation. Risk Reduction Program. Al cohol Evaluation and Treatment as directed. 35511 7/6 1080 FMECUMIiS NOTICE OF SALE UNDER FOWER CONTAINED IN SECURITY DEED STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Houston Pursuant to a power of sale contained in a certain security THURSDAY, JULY 6. 2006 deed executed by Cynthia A Chubb, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, to Fickling & Walker, Inc. recorded in Deed Book 543, begin ning at page 422, of the deed re cords of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the aforesaid state and county, and by virtue of a default in the payment of the debt secured by said security deed, the undersigned attorney-in-fact for the aforesaid Grantor (which attorney-in-fact is the present holder of said security deed and note secured thereby) will sell before the door of the courthouse in said county within the legal hours of sale, for cash, to the highest bidder on the first Tuesday in August, 2006, the property which, as of the time of the execution of said security deed, was described as set forth in the attached Exhibit "A". EXHIBIT "A": ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 201 OF THE FIFTH (5) LAND DIS TRICT OF HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, WHICH IS KNOW AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 4, BLOCK "F", EVERGREEN PARK SUBDIVI SION, ACCORDING TO A PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION WHICH IS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 39, CLERK'S OFFICE, HOUSTON SUPERIOR COURT THAT SAID PLAT AND THE RECORD THEREOF ARE IN CORPORATED HEREIN BY REF ERENCE FOR ALL PURPOSES. Said sale wili be made subject to the following items which may affect the title to said property: All restrictive covenants, easements and rights-of-way appearing of re cord, if any; all zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or by an inspec tion of the property; all outstanding and/or unpaid taxes which may be liens upon the property; all outstand ing or unpaid bills and assessments for street improvements, curbing, garbage, water, sewage and public utilities which may be liens upon said property. To the best of the un dersigned's knowledge and belief, the party in possession of the prop erty is believed to be S. BM Scott. Midfirst Bank, As Transferee and Assignee, As attorney-in-fact for the aforesaid Grantor Raymond S. Martin Attorney at Law 990 Hammond Drive Suite 800 One Lakeside Commons Atlanta, Georgia 30328 (770)392-0041 THIS LAW FIRM IS AT TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION OB TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 35344 7/6 - 7/27 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA HOUSTON COUNTY Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Secu rity Deed given by Freddie L. Cam eron to Sunmark Community Bank, dated August 23, 1999, recorded in Deed Book 1476, Page 827, Hous ton County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation by assign ment recorded in Deed Book 1476, Page 838, Houston County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-de scribed property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of FIFTY THOUSAND EIGHTY-SEVEN AND 0/100 DOL LARS ($50,087.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Houston County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in August, 2006, the following described prop erty: SEE EXHIBIT -A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF EXHIBIT “A": All that tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Land Lot 202 of the Fifth (sth) Land District of Houston County, Georgia, being known and designated as Lot No. 1, Block 'O', Northview Extension No. 2, according to that certain plat of survey prepared by Rhodes Sewell, G.R.L.S. No. 160, and filed of record in plat book 3, page 191, Clerk's Of fice, Houston Superior Court. Said plat and the recorded copy thereof, 3B