Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1999-2006, July 06, 2006, Section B, Page 12B, Image 20

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    THURSDAY, JULY 6, 2006
ft9o tmsmis
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
1, Brady Subdivision, as shown in
Plat Book 3, Page 245. and Lot 22,
Addition 1, Brady Subdivision, as
shown in Plat Book 6, Page 115. be
ing known as 200 Nelson Drive
Reference Deed: 3057/72
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #26
Map/Parcel #000950-025000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Palmer, Extra
mener Estate, IN REM. All Heirs
Known and Unknown
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 187 of the sth District of
Houston County. Georgia, being
3.00 acres, more or less, as de
scnbed in Deed Book 637, Page
163, being located on Robertson
Reference Deed: 637/163
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #3O
Map/Parcel #OOIO4O-045000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Payne. Sis Es
tate, IN REM, All Heirs Known and
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 248 of the 11th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
0.13 acres, more or less, as de
scribed in Deed Book 248, Page 11,
being known as 254 Old Perry
Reference Deed: 128/71
Tax Years Due: 2002-2005
File #3l
Map/Parcel #0W0990-01COOO
Defendant in Fi.Fa : Peach Blossom
Developers, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 195 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
0.78 acres, more or less, being Par
cel D, Kentshire Run, Section 4, as
shown in Plat Book 60, Page 22.
Reference Deed: 1251/226
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #32
Map/Parcel #0W0990-01 8000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Peach Blossom
Developers. LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 195 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
1.68 acres, more or less, being Par
cel C, Kentshire Run, Section 3, as
shown in Plat Book 58, Page 207.
Reference Deed: 1251/226
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #33
Map/Parcel #0W009900-001000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Peach Blossom
Developers, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 195 of the 10th District of
Houston Count, Georgia, being
13.16 acres, more or less, being the
Storm Water Management Ease
ment. Kentshire Run, Section 4, as
shown in Plat Book 60, Pages
Reference Deed: 1251/226
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #34
Map/Parcel #0W0990-01 AOOO
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Peach Blossom
Developers, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 195 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
3.22 acres, more or less, being Par
cel B, Kentshire Run, Section 3, as
shown in Plat Book 58, Page 208.
Reference Deed: 1251/226
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #35
Map/Parcel #0P0260-096000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Permaul, Ro
?e'a V, as Trustee, 413 MLK Land
Current Owner: Toliver, Phyllis
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Houston County, Georgia, in the
City of Perry, being Lot 17, Beck
ham, Bloodworth & Nunn Subdivi
sion, as shown in Plat Book 14,
Page 11, being known as 415 Mar
tin Luther King Drive.
Reference Deed: 3631/322
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #37
Map/Parcel #OW33AB-006000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Perry, Jasper B
& Starr Y
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 171 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
Apartment 311, Building 30, Phase
1, Section 2, Featherstone Condo
miniums, as shown in Plat Book 29,
Pages 1-31, being known as 311
Featherstone Drive
Reference Deed: 897/615
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #3B
Map/Parcel #000530-00136
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Perry, Joyce &
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: Building
Only - located at 300 Jericho Rd
Reference Deed:
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #4l
Map/Parcel #00095A-025000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Pittman, Ethel
M Estate, IN REM, All Heirs Known
and Unknown
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Properly Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 160 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
15, Tract 10, Pike Acres, as shown
in Plat Book 11, Page 244, being
known as 525 Sullivan Road.
Reference Deed: 308/178
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #42
Map/Parcel #0P0290-047000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: PNNN Hospital
§i. LLC
urrent Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 315 of the 13th District of
Houston County, Georgia, in the
City of Perry, being 2.50 acres,
more or less, being Lot A-1 & Lot 2,
as shown in Plat Book 50, Page 50.
being known as 201 Led Drive.
Reference Deed: 1241/403-404
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #45
Map/Parcel #OOIO7O-044000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Reeves, Homer
M & Mary G
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 241 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
1.00 acres, more or less, as shown
in Plat Book 8. Page 266, being
known as 108 Davis Drive
Reference Deed: 1128/520
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #46
Map/Parcel #000290-152000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Richardson,
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 55 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
23. Block B, Section 1, Phase 2,
Highlands Ranch Subdivision, as
shown in Plat Book 66, Page 173,
being known as 111 Chimney Rook
Reference Deed: 1999/330
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #4B
Map/Parcel #OWO3AB-018000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Ridley, Andrew
J & Mamie
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being Lot
9, Block 4, Wellston Addition, as
shown in Plat Book 1, Page 315, be
ing known as 206 Naomi Street
Reference Deed: 1098/715,
1583/313 & 1618/50
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #49
Map/Parcel #000548-165000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Ridley, John L
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 120 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, in the
City of Perry, being Lot 7, Block B,
Section 3, Lake Joy Village Subdivi
sion, as shown in Plat Book 52,
Page 13, being known as 112 Sauls
Branch Drive
Reference Deed: 1451/759
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #SO
Map/Parcel #00049K-082000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Roberts, Lillian
5 (Life Estate)
Current Owner: Roberts, Lillian S
(Life Estate)Mary Elizabeth Sanders
(Remainder Interest)
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 66 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
9, Block E, Section 1, Phase 28,
Crestview Plantation Subdivision, as
shown in Plat Book 45, Page 23, be
ing known as 113 Penny Lane
Reference Deed: 1297/347 &
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #sl
Map/Parcel #001270-05000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Robinson, Ar
thur Franklin
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lots 7 & 8 of the 11th District
of Houston County, Georgia, being
30.00 acres, more or less, as shown
in Plat Book 39, Page 47, being
known as 211 Piney Grove Road.
Reference Deed: 1023/743
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #52
Map/Parcel #00127A-105000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Robinson, Ar
thur Franklin
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 8 of the 11th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
1.00 acres, more or less, as de
scribed in Deed Book 1023, Page
744, being located on Piney Grove
Reference Deed: 1023/744
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #53
Map/Parcel #OWOI6B-002000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Robinson, Stan
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 216 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
13, Block E, Section 2, North Gate
Estates, as shown in Plat Book 11,
Page 69, being known as 101
Vickie Drive.
Reference Deed: 2190/3
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #55
Map/Parcel #CPOO7O-021000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Rowland, John
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Houston County, Georgia, in the
City of Perry, being Lot 16, Block A,
Oakhill Subdivision, as shown in
Plat Book 14, Page 72, being known
as 1224 Oakhill Drive.
Reference Deed: 931/389
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #56
Map/Parcel #OPI6I 80-066000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Rowland, John
A & Peggy S
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 83 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, in the
City of Perry, being Lot 4, Block D,
Section 2, Phase 1, Cherokee Es
tates, as shown in Plat Book 22,
Page 58, being known as 2040 Se
quoya Drive
Reference Deed: 859/1
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #6O
Map/Parcel #OWOO7B-015000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Sanders, Clif
ford Jr Estate, IN REM. All Heirs
Known and Unknown
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 197 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
2, as shown in Plat Book 9, Page
28, and that tract described in Deed
Book 168, Page 176, being located
on Moody Road.
Reference Deed: 168/176, 246/411
6 549/709
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #6l
Map/Parcel #00125E-007000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Schofill, Patricia
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 11 of the 11th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
7, Block A, Section 1, walnut Ridge
Estates, as shown in Plat Book 17,
Page 265, being known as 112 Wal
nut Ridge Drive
Reference Deed: 1315/67
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #65
Map/Parcel #OWIBBD-06AOOO
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Shi, William &
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lots 214 & 215 of the sth Dis
trict of Houston County, Georgia,
being Lot 13. Block E, Paulella Gar
dens Subdivision, as shown in Plat
Book 2, Page 228, being known as
1010 Georgia Avenue
Reference Deed: 1206/699
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #66
Map/Parcel #OWOIBBD-007000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Shi. William &
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lots 214 & 215 of the sth Dis
trict of Houston County, Georgia,
being Lot 14, Block E, Paulella Gar
dens Subdivision, as shown in Plat
Book 2, Page 228, being known as
1008 Georgia Avenue
Reference Deed: 1206/699
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #69
Map/Parcel #OOII4O-014000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Sinclair Oconee
Realty, Inc (2003) Rawls, Cynthia
Ann (2004)
Current Owner: Rawls, Corinthia
Ann (aka Corinthia A Gordon)
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 50 of the 13th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
I. acres, more or less, as de
scribed in Deed Book 2555, Page
327, being known as 226 Fuller
Reference Deed: 2555/327
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #7O
Map/Parcel #00053A-043000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Smith, Bennie
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 121 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
6.47 acres, more or less, as shown
in Plat Book 36, Page 103, being
known as 474 Lake Joy Road
Reference Deed: 831/672
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #7l
Map/Parcel #OWIBAA-011000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Smith, Bennie L
Current Owner: US Bank National
Association, as Trustee
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 214 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
15 and the East 1/2 of Lot 16, Block
D, Paulella Gardens Subdivision, as
shown in Plat Book 23, Page 185,
being known as 200 Paul Street.
Reference Deed: 3745/143
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #72
Map/Parcel #0W0740-098000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Smith, Phillip B
Estate, IN REM, All Heirs Known
and Unknown
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 136 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
11, Block H, Section 1, Phase 1,
Fieldstone Subdivision, as shown in
Plat Book 16, Page 296, being
known as 309 Scarborough Road
Reference Deed: 967/528
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #74
Map/Parcel #OOIO3O-028000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Solomon, Ida
Mae Estate, IN REM, All Heirs
Known and Unknown
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 200 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
46.11 acres, more or less, being
Parcel A as shown in Plat Book 20,
Page 94, less and except that 1.697
acre tract shown in Plat Book 36,
Page 182, and that 1.00 acre tract
shown in Plat Book 58, Page 53, be
ing located on McKenzie Road
Reference Deed: 496/360-364,
498/365-369, 631/299-331
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #75
Map/Parcel #OWI9AO-11000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: South Georgia
Development, LLC
Current Owner: Billings, Kenneth E
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 203 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
20, Block E, Addition 1, Phase 1,
Vernette Estates, as shown in Plat
Book 15, Page 189, being known as
507 King Drive
Reference Deed: 3156/41 .
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #76
Map/Parcel #OOIIBB-088000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Southern Heri
tage Homes, Inc
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 213 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 13A & 138,
Block D, Robins View Subdivision,
as shown in Plat Book 24, Page 50,
being known as 12110 Highway
Reference Deed: 2348/313
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #77
Map/Parcel #OWOI9E-003000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Southern
Woods Trends, Inc
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 203 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, in the
City of Warner Robins, being Par
cels A, B C & D, as described in
Deed Book 2500, Page 1, being
known as 102 Madrid Street
Reference Deed: 2500/1
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #BO
Map/Parcel #0W0640-184000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Stills, Doris W
Estate, IN REM, All Heirs Known
and Unknown
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 146 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, in the
City of Warner Ftobins, being Lot 28,
Block F, Section 15, Phase 2, Shir
ley Hills Subdivision, as shown in
Plat Book 18, Page 91, being known
as 111 Lemuel Court
Reference Deed: 493/331 &
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #B3
Map/Parcel #OWOIBB-027000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Tabor-Warner
1190 Til SUfS
Robbins Investments. LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 215 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being that
part of that Tract H & Tract North of
Tract H, as shown in Plat Book 9,
Page 31, being designated as Tax
Parcel OWOIBB-027000. being
known as 203 Tabor Drive
Reference Deed: 2031/176
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #B4
Map/Parcel #OWOI7A-004000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Tabor-Warner
Robbins Investments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 215 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being that
part of that tract shown in Plat Book
11, Page 41, being designated as
Tax Parcel OWOI7A-004000, being
known as 220 Tabor Drive
Reference Deed: 2031/176
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #BS
Map/Parcel #OWOI7A-04A000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Tabor-Warner
Robbins Investments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 215 of the sth District of
Houston County. Georgia, being that
part of that tract shown in Plat Book
11, Page 41, being designated as
Tax Parcel OWOI7A-O4AOOO. being
known as 222 Tabor Drive
Reference Deed: 2031/176
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #B6
Map/Parcel #OWOI7B-005000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Tabor-Warner
Robbins Investments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 215 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being that
part of that Tract H & Tract North of
Tract H, as shown in Plat Book 9,
Page 31, being designated as Tax
Parcel OWOI7B-005000, being
known as 205 Tabor Drive
Reference Deed: 2031/176
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #B7
Map/Parcel #OWOI7A-003000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Tabor-Warner
Robbins Investments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 215 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
Lots 1-7, Camelot Apartments, as
sljown in Plat Book 21, Page 187,
being known as 224 Tabor Drive.
Reference Deed: 2824/234
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #BB
Map/Parcel #OWOI7B-003000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Tabor-Warner
Robbins Investments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 215 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being that
part of that Tract H & Tract North of
Tract H, as shown in Plat Book 9,
Page 31, being designated as Tax
Parcel OWOI7B-003000, being
known as 209 Tabor Drive
Reference Deed: 2031/176
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #9l
Map/Parcel #00250-021000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: The Neighbor
hood Service Center
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 237 of the 14th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
Tract D, as shown in Plat Book 14,
Page 158, being known as 402 D
Hodge Road
Reference Deed: 378/123
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #97
Map/Parcel #OOOI6A-002000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Toliver, Harvey
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 26 of the 9th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
5, Oak Knolls Subdivision, as shown
in Plat Book 10, Page 23, being
known as 102 Dogwood Drive.
Reference Deed: 1225/179
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #9B
Map/Parcel #OWO24G-011000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Trawick, Norma
H Estate, IN REM, All Heirs Known
and Unknown
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 200 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
7, Block K, Warner Robins Manor
Subdivision, as shown in Plat Book
2, Page 14, being known as 620
Miller Drive
Reference Deed: 280/299 &
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #IOO
Map/Parcel #OWO24K-032000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Truluck, Jenni
fer W
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 200 of the sth District of
Houston County. Georgia, being Lot
11, Block C, Warner Robins Manor
Subdivision, as shown in Plat Book
2, Page 14, being known as 103
George Drive.
Reference Deed: 656/86 & 740/611
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #lOl
Map/Parcel #00127A-126000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Turner, Shanna
R (aka Shanna R Holmes)
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 25 of the 11th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
1.00 acres, more or less, as de
scribed in Deed Book 1261, Page
702, and Deed Book 1505, Page
808, being known as 248 Piney
Grove Circle
Reference Deed: 1261/702 &
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #lO3
Map/Parcel #0W0730-072000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Urquhart, Roger
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 163 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
fl9o tushes
16, Block O, Section 3, Phase 1,
Canterbury Estates, as shown in
Plat Book 15. Page 259, being
known as 715 Meadowridge Drive
Reference Deed: 2522/58
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #lO4
Mao Parcel #OOO2IO-018000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Vance, Luther
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lots 114,115 of the 14th Dis
trict of Houston County, Georgia,
being 17.971 acres, more or less,
being Parcel H, as shown in Plat
Book 46, Page 34, being located on
Highway 41
Reference Deed: 1111/53
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #lO6
Map/Parcel #OWI9AO-177000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wellston Invest
ments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 203 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
35, Block A, Ashley Woods Subdivi
sion, as shown in Plat Book 39,
Page 48, being known as 203 Os
car Court.
Reference Deed: 1513/163
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #lO7
Map/Parcel #OWI9AO-192000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wellstoh Invest
ments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 203 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
4, Block B. Ashley Woods Subdivi
sion, as shown in Plat Book 38,
Page 49, being known as 107 Os
car Court.
Reference Deed: 1513/162
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #IOB
Map/Parcel #OWOISA-005000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wellston Invest
ments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 216 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, in the
City of Warner-Robins. being Parcel
A-1, as shown in Plat Book 59, Page
88, being known as 97 Green
Reference Deed: 1746/322
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #lO9
Map/Parcel #OWOISA-05A000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wellston Invest
ments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 216 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, in the
City of Warner Robins, being Parcel
A-2, as shown in Plat Book 59, Page
88, being located on Green Street
Reference Deed: 1746/322
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #llO
Map/Parcel #OWI9AO-194000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wellston Invest
ments, LLC
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 203 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
6, Block B, Ashley Woods Subdivi
sion, as shown in Plat Book 38,
Page 49, being known as 111 Os
car Court.
Reference Deed: 1513/162
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #lll
Map/Parcel #OOO7BO-234000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: White Columns
Homeowners Association, Inc
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 134 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
2.90 acres, more or less, being the
Common Area, White Columns Sub
division, as shown in Plat Book 54,
Page 11, being located on White
Columns Drive
Reference Deed: 2186/183
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #ll2
Map/Parcel #000460-168000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: White Columns
Land & Timber Company, Inc
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 58 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
6, Block A, Section 2, Emerald Cove
Subdivision, as shown in Plat Book
59, Page 104, being known as 210
Jamesway Drive
Reference Deed: 2041/97
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #ll3
Map/Parcel #000460-169000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: White Columns
Land & Timber Company, Inc
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 58 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
7, Block A, Section 2, Emerald Cove
Subdivision, as shown in Plat Book
59, Page 104, being known as 212
Jamesway Drive.
Reference Deed: 2041/97
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #ll4
Map/Parcel #000460-173000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: White Columns
Land & Timber Company, Inc
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 58 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
11, Block A, Section 2, Emerald
Cove Subdivision, as shown in Plat
Book 59, Page 104, being known as
211 Jamesway Drive
Reference Deed: 2041/97
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #lls
Map/Parcel #OOIISO-065000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: White, Danny E
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 6 of the 13th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
25, East Flournoy Road Farm Sub
division, as shown in Plat Book 51,
Page 188, being known as 133 East
Flournoy Road.
Reference Deed: 1336/457
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #ll7
Map/Parcel #0046E-060000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Williams, Diana
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 73 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
15, Block D, Phase 4, American
Heritage Subdivision, as shown in
Plat Book 55, Page 109, being
known as 109 Ticonderoga Drive
Reference Deed: 1687/199
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #ll9
Map/Parcel #OW64AO 001000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wills, Herman &
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 142 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
0.07 acres, more or less, being that
part of Tract 28. as shown in Plat
Book 17, Page 80, being designated
as Tax Parcel 0W64A0-001000. be
ing known as 1310 Leverette Road
Reference Deed: 435/292
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #l2O
Map/Parcel #0W0548-035000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wills, Joan W
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 168 of the sth District of
Houston County. Georgia, being Lot
4. Block D, Section 13, Shirley Hills
Estates, as shown in Plat Book 12,
Page 109, being known as 306
Tracy Terrace
Reference Deed: 505/623
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #l2l
Map/Parcel #OWO3SA-12A000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wilson, Ella Lee
& Evelyn Ann
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 193 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
Parcel 78, Bay Court Subdivision,
as shown in Plat Book 34, Page 27,
being known as 104 Bay Court.
Reference Deed: 833/290 &
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #122
Map/Parcel #OOOI2O-027000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wimberly,
James & Willien Felder
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 244 of the 14th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
6.13 acres, more or less, being Lot
25ET as shown in Plat Book 55,
Pa|e 53, being known as 208 Ker
sey Road.
Reference Deed: 1505/819
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #125
Map/Parcel #OWO6BB-040000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wright's Mill
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 147 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
0.172 acres, more or less. Parcels A
& B, as shown in Plat Book 37,
Page 22, being located on Corder
Reference Deed: 765/526
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #126
Map/Parcel #00095C-059000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Wynn, William
Estate & Bessie, IN REM, All Heirs
Known and Unknown
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 187 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
0.14 acres, more or less, as de
scribed in Deed Book 450, Page
352, being located on Andrew
Reference Deed: 450/352
Tax Years Due: 2001-2005
File #127
Map/Parcel #OOI3BO-036000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Young, Dora
Johnson Estate, IN REM, All Heirs
Known and Unknown
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 27 of the 12th District of
Houston County, Georgia, being
28.00 acres, more or less, as de
scribed in Deed Book 139, Page
300, being located on Newberry
Reference Deed: 139/300
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
File #l2B
Map/Parcel #OPOI4O-030000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Young, E W Es
tate, IN REM, All Heirs Known and
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Houston County, Georgia, being
0.26 acres, more or less, being a lot
on Spring St.
Reference Deed:
Tax Years Due: 2004-2005
File #134
Map/Parcel #000758-131000
Defendant in Fi.Fa.: Zimmer, Daniel
Current Owner: Same as Defendant
in Fi.Fa.
Property Description: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in
Land Lot 145 of the sth District of
Houston County, Georgia, being Lot
9-A, Block D, Section 1, Hill & Dale
Subdivision, as shown in Plat Book
38, Page 144, being located on
Oakdale Drive.
Reference Deed: 877/703
Tax Years Due: 2003-2005
35632 7/6 - 7/27
Personally appeared be
fore me, Angela Edwards, who on
oath deposes and says that Avalon
Interiors, LLC, Address: 150 Hous
ton Lake Road, Warner Robins is
doing business in Houston County,
Georgia at 150 Houston Lake Road,
Warner Robins, under the name and
style of Aunt Zelda's Furniture of
Warner Robins.
The business to be car
ried on is retail sale of furniture and
This affidavit is made in
accordance with laws of the State of
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 14th day of June, 2006
Delores M. Morgan
Notary Public
35428 6/29 - 7/6