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THE CHAMPION, THURSDAY, DEC. 26, 2019 - JAN. 1, 2020 • PAGE 12
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The Mayor and City Council of the City of Chamblee, Georgia will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 16,
2020 at the Chamblee Civic Center, 3540 Broad Street, Chamblee, GA 30341 at 6:00 p.m. to receive public comments
regarding the following matters:
PZ2020-581: Applicant: Chris Nardone, CNNA Architects; and Owner: Vinh Nguyen, The V Development
Company, Inc. request multiple variances for the renovation of a commercial building to a restaurant and catering
kitchen, from the City of Chamblee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Unified Development Ordinance, to exceed the
maximum impervious surface area; to reduce open space; to not meet the landscape zone requirements; to not meet
the supplemental zone requirements; to reduce the required minimum building height; to reduce minimum floor-to-
ceiling height; to reduce the number of required parking spaces; to maintain the existing parking between the building
and street; to allow the dumpster to be located within five feet of lot lines; to maintain two prohibited existing pole signs;
and to allow more than two facades to contain wall signage. The property is located at 4978 Buford Highway, being
DeKalb County tax parcel 18 297 02 015 and zoned Corridor Commercial.
PZ2020-582: Applicant and Owner: Daybreak Hospitality, LLC, requests a Development of Community Impact
and related variances for the construction of a 6-story hotel, from the City of Chamblee Code of Ordinances, Appendix
A, Unified Development Ordinance, to reduce open space; to increase the height of retaining walls; to increase the
height of retaining walls and fences combined; to not provide a supplemental zone immediately adjacent to the building
fagade; to reduce the sidewalk width; to reduce the number of required parking spaces; and to not provide street trees
and lights as required. The property is located at 3051,3063, 3071,3081 Clairmont Road, being DeKalb County tax
parcel 18 203 05 052, 033, 034, 031 and is zoned Mixed-Use - Business Center.
PZ2020-579: Applicant: Theresa Wilson, Chick-fil-A and Owner: Chad Baker, Chick-fil-A Inc., request a rezoning
from Village Commercial to Corridor Commercial for a drive-through restaurant. The property is located at 5450
Peachtree Boulevard, being DeKalb County tax parcel 18 308 05 038.
PZ2020-580: Applicant: Theresa Wilson, Chick-fil-A and Owner: Chad Baker, Chick-fil-A Inc., request variances
from the City of Chamblee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Unified Development Ordinance, to allow a drive-through
facility on a storefront street; and to increase the number of allowable wall signs. The property is located at 5450
Peachtree Boulevard, being DeKalb County tax parcel 18 308 05 038 and zoned Village Commercial.
PZ2019-560: Applicant: Kenneth Wood, Planners and Engineers Collaborative, Inc. and Owner: Copperleaf
Partners, LLC, request a Development of Community Impact and related variances for the construction of a residential
townhome subdivision, from the City of Chamblee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Unified Development Ordinance,
to not provide a landscape zone along interior private streets; to not provide trees and lights as required along private
streets, to not provide front porches on every unit; to reduce private outdoor space to 0 sq. ft per lot; to reduce lot
size to a minimum of 1,200 sq. ft.; and to exceed the retaining wall height maximum in the rear and side yards. The
properties are located at 4147 and 4011 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd., being DeKalb County tax parcels 18 332 03 020
and 18 325 06 001 and zoned Neighborhood Residential 1 and Neighborhood Residential 2, respectively.
PZ2019-567: Applicant Kenneth Wood, Planners and Engineers Collaborative, Inc. and Owner: Copperleaf
Partners, LLC, request a rezoning from Neighborhood Residential 1 and Neighborhood Residential 2 to Neighborhood
Infill for a residential townhome subdivision. The properties are located at 4147 and 4011 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd.,
respectively, being DeKalb County tax parcels 18 332 03 020 and 18 325 06 001.