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She Aiiuancg
The ADVANCE, June 16, 2021/Page 14A
Hamilton, Lea Zeigler Anderson, Kara Martin, Middle Row: Beth Wiggins, Delana Hum
phrey, Belinda Warnock, Back Row: Brandon Boston, Yolette Holloway, Lynne Jay,
Charleen Norfleet, Sissy Anderson, and Sarah Beck,
Dickerson Leadership
Team Holds Retreat
The J.D. Dickerson
Primary School leadership
team held their summer
retreat on June 3, under
the direction of new Prin
cipal Brandon Boston.
The Retreat allowed team
members a chance to "ex
press their grade level con
cerns, needs, and desires."
According to Boston,
"It was great to get the
leadership team together
in order to plan for the
upcoming school year. We
worked together and came
up with some priority
goals for the 2021-2022
school year that we want
to accomplish."
Beth Wiggins, who
serves JDD as an Instruc
tional Coach, said that the
team "worked together
diligently to create one
motto for JDDP, working
as ONE TEAM." Wig
gins added, "This Retreat
allowed all members to
gather together, in efforts
to create a sense of team
commitment, to plan for
the upcoming school year.
The team brainstormed,
planned, and discussed
the top 5 ways to create a
perfect primary school. At
JDDP, we will strive to im
plement these top 5 goals,
while making JDDP the
best school in the system!"
Sarah Beck, who will
be JDD's new Media Spe
cialist beginning this year,
says that she is looking for
ward to the fall and work
ing with the JDD team
and seeing the Retreat
results put into action. "I
am blessed to be a part of
this team of educators and
am very excited to work
with them beginning in
the fall. We spent the day
at our summer retreat
brainstorming characteris
tics of the perfect Primary
school, and I was pleas
antly surprised that the
teachers in the room were
willing to self-reflect on
ways that we could work
together to improve Dick
erson for future Indians."
Boston, who came
to JDD from J.R. Trippe,
where he served as Assis
tant Principal, concluded
by saying, "It was great get
ting the team off campus
for our leadership retreat.
We want to thank Chris
Hopkins for allowing us
to use his pond house
and grilling for us! We are
looking forward to an awe
some 2021-2022 school
Georgia Boys & Girls Clubs get
$15M in COVID-19 relief funds
By Dave Williams
Bureau Chief
Capitol Beat News Service
The Boys & Girls
Clubs of Georgia will re
ceive $15 million in federal
COVID-19 relief funds for
camp and after-school pro
grams, Gov. Brian Kemp
announced Tuesday.
The money comes
from a pot of $3 billion
set aside in a stimulus bill
Congress passed last year
for the Governor’s Emer
gency Education Relief
Fund (GEER).
In Georgia, the funds
will be distributed among
34 Boys & Girls Clubs serv
ing 9,000 young people at
141 sites in 62 counties.
“Throughout the CO-
VID-19 pandemic, the
Boys & Girls Clubs of
Georgia have done a re
markable job serving the
needs of youth across the
Peach State,” Kemp said.
“With this GEER
funding, the Boys & Girls
Clubs of Georgia will be
able to further enhance
student academic achieve
ment by addressing educa
tional gaps caused by the
The funds will be dis
tributed through Septem
ber of next year, supporting
summer and winter camp
programs and an after
school program for youths
between the ages of 5 and
The program’s goals in
clude ensuring that 65% of
students below grade level
will return to grade level
by the end of the program,
with the other 35% show
ing progress toward grade-
level achievement.
The average cost of
the programs is $1,550 per
Hyers Receives Courtney
Wilkes Memorial Agriculture &
Veterinary Scholarship
Ethan Hyers was
awarded the “2021” Court
ney Wilkes Scholarship by
The Vidalia® Onion Busi
ness Council. “My ulti
mate goal is to become the
Secretary of Agriculture,”
Ethan Hyers wrote in his
application for the Court
ney Wilkes Agriculture &
Veterinary Scholarship.
Now, with help from the
friends and family as well
as the Vidalia® Onion Busi
ness Council, he is a little
closer to that dream.
Ethan Hyers is an
honor graduate from Ba
con County High School
in Alma, Georgia. He was
a State FFA officer and
served as a delegate for
Georgia at the National
FFA Convention. Ethan
has a history of “Livestock
Judging” and plans to con
tinue this activity as he at
tends Conners State Col
lege in Warner, Oklahoma,
and then transfers to Texas
Tech. Ethan said, “When
I’m old and can’t go any
more, I want to know that
I made a difference in the
world by helping feed the
world and helping agricul
turists across the world.”
As a scholarship recipient
from the Vidalia® Onion
Business Council, Ethan
will be asked to serve as an
ambassador for the Vidalia
Onion Industry. The schol
arship is in its 10th year,
and is available to graduat
ing seniors in the Vidalia®
onion region who plan to
pursue a career in agricul
ture or veterinary industry.
In June 2011, 15-year-
old Courtney Wilkes of
Ethan Hyers
Toombs County was bru
tally murdered while she
was on vacation with her
family in Florida. As an
outcome of this extremely
bad situation, the Vidalia®
Onion Business Council
has established the Court
ney Wilkes Memorial Ag
riculture and Veterinary
Scholarship to be granted
annually to a select, quali
fying senior graduating
from any recognized high
school within the Vida
lia onion growing region.
The scholarship award of
$1,000 was first awarded
in 2012 and has been given
each year since. It is the
desire of the Vidalia onion
industry that the scholar
ship should serve as a posi
tive tribute to this bright,
friendly young woman.
Courtney was a rising
junior at Toombs County
High School and number
one in her class academi
cally. She was an officer of
FFA, star soccer player, and
Courtney Wilkes
devout Christian. She was
an outdoor enthusiast de
scribed by all who knew her
as infectiously cheerful and
who offered to everyone
around her a bright smile
and silly jokes. She loved
animals and aspired to be a
veterinarian. Among other
prerequisites, applicants
must be enrolled in an agri
culture or veterinary track.
This scholarship will
be awarded to a student
possessing characteristics
and interests like those of
Courtney Wilkes. With
her enthusiasm for life and
quirky sense of humor, she
touched the hearts and
lives of so many people in
the Vidalia community. To
them, she will always be
much more than a name
attached to a scholarship
The Vidalia® Onion
Business Council is a non
profit organization with
the purpose of protecting
the growing, harvesting
and marketing of the Vida
lia onion. For more infor
mation about the VOBC
or the Courtney Wilkes Ag
& Vet Scholarship, call Bob
Stafford at 912-537-1881.
Greater Vidalia Employment Fair
Slated for June 23 at STC
Governor Brian P.
Kemp and Georgia De
partment of Labor Com
missioner Mark Butler
recently announced Geor
gia’s plan for reemploy
ment and economic recov
ery. To address workforce
shortages and boost a full
economic recovery, state
labor officials plan to end
Georgia’s participation in
federal pandemic unem
ployment programs, effec
tive Saturday, June 26.
Georgia will no longer
participate in the following
federal programs:
• Federal Pandemic
Unemployment Compen
sation (FPUC)
• Pandemic Unem
ployment Assistance
• Pandemic Emergen
cy Unemployment Com
pensation (PEUC)
• Mixed Earner Unem
ployment Compensation
Once Georgia opts
out of the federal pro
grams, the Department
of Labor (GDOL) will
continue offering regular
state unemployment in
surance benefits to eligible
Georgians. The maximum
weekly benefit in the state
is $365.
The Greater Vidalia®
Employment Fair 2021,
From Pandemic to Pros
perity - Bridging Talent
with Opportunity, will
bring together prospective
employers and employees
in an event designed to
help boost reemployment
and economic recovery in
the community. The fair
is scheduled for June 23, 9
a.m. until 2 p.m., at South
eastern Technical College
and is being sponsored by
STC, the Greater Vidalia
Chamber and the Toombs
County Development Au
For more information
or to register contact Lance
Helms, 912-538-3207,
lhelms (a) southeasterntech.
edu, or call the Greater
Vidalia Chamber of Com
merce at 912-537-4466.
Bible School-
First African Mis
sionary Baptist
Church, 206 Martin
Luther King, Jr., Ave.,
Vidalia, will have Va
cation Bible School
June 21 - 25, from
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
There will be classes
for adults and chil
Everyone is invited
to attend. Anyone
who has not been
vaccinated is asked
to wear a mask.
Copies now available
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103rd Birthday
Jeroldine Parker celebrated her
103rd birthday on May 29, 2021.
Her family says they are blessed and
Thanking God for His grace and
mercy for this milestone.
Happy Birthday from Barbara,
Aldean & Otis, Jaya, Craig, Portia,
yPage and Anthony.