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The ADVANCE, June 16, 2021/Page 2A
VCS Superintendent’s Contract
Renewed, JDD Principal Named
By Rebekah Arnold
Contributing Writer
During the June Vida-
lia City Schools Board of
Education meeting, Chair
man Tim Truxel officially
presented what had been
discussed in executive ses
sion weeks ago: a renewal
of Superintendent Dr. J.
Garrett Wilcox’s contract
for another three years.
This contract will be from
July 1, 2021, to June 30,
The motion was made
by Board member Bruce
Asberry and seconded in
unison by the two other
members present, Hal
Chesser and Andy Blount.
Julee Torrence was not
able to attend the meet
ing. The Board passed the
motion with no further
discussion but to congrat
ulate Wilcox.
Dr. Wilcox has been
the Superintendent ofVi-
dalia City Schools since
July of 2012. Before that,
he served as Principal of
Vidalia Comprehensive
High School for a period
of four years (July 2009-
June 2013), serving as
both the Superintendent
and Principal from July
2012 until June 2013.
Prior to that, Wilcox
served with the Tattnall
County School System in
various roles, including
Teacher, Assistant Princi
pal, and Principal.
A Native of Metter,
Wilcox received his B.S
and Master’s degrees from
Georgia Southern Univer
sity prior to receiving his
Doctorate from Argosy
University in Educational
Leadership. Wilcox is mar-
Dr, J. Garrett Wilcox has
served VCS as Superin
tendent for nine years.
Elis contract has been
renewed for three more
years, until June 30, 2024.
ried to Blythe Matheson
Wilcox, and they have
three daughters, Bess,
Cate, and Sally.
Brandon Boston has
been appointed as the new
Principal at J.D. Dickerson
Primary School. Boston,
who has served as the As
sistant Principal at J.R.
Trippe Middle School for
the past five years, replac
es Brenda McLain, who
moves to the Central Of
Boston, a native of
Laurens County, has over
15 years of educational
experience, starting his
teaching career as a 4th
grade teacher at Northwest
Elementary School in Lau
rens County. Boston says
he is more than ready to
move forward, building on
the foundation laid before
him. “I am eager to build
on the foundation that was
laid by former administra
tors. I am pleased to work
with amazing teachers that
want to see all students
grow academically, social-
Crossword Puzzle
Solution, page 9A
I. “Sleepless In Seattle” actress
4. One of Santa’s reindeer
10. Before the present
II. Type of butter
12. Location of White House
14. Motion
15. Tree part
16. Regions around the North Pole 50.
1S. Fits on a boat’s gunwale 51.
22. Discuss after it’s happened 52.
23. Milk substitute for coffee 53.
24. Describes one who believes in 54.
supreme being
26. Equally
27. Famed director Forman
28. Popular apartment style
30. British School
31. Advanced degree
Order of architecture
Investment account (abbr.)
Snakelike fishes
Children’s tale bear
Norse personification of old age
Atomic #58
Moving your head
1878 Kentucky Derby winner
Small, seedless raisin
Device in papermaking machine
Open payment initiative (abbr.)
"Westworld” actor Harris
Saturated with salt
Report on
Midway between north and
1. Rays
2. Self-centered person
3. One you look after
4. Prosecutor
5. Portion
6. Speaks ill of
7. Formal system for computer
8. To make angry
9. Rural delivery
12. Group of languages
13. Large First Nations group
17. Circulating life force in
Chinese philosophy
19. Excludes
20. Body cavity of a metazoan
21. Swedish monetary unit
25. Works with
29. Partner to “to”
31. Rewards (archaic)
32. One of Caroline Islands
33. Type of alcohol
35. Eat a lot
38. Nuns
41. Dog
43. Become more serious
44. Choose
45. Newspapers use it
46. World’s longest river
47. Commanded to go faster
49. Cabs
56. Mr. T’s "A-Team” character
57. Document signed (abbr.)
Boston has been appoint
ed as the new Principal
at J.D, Dickerson Primary
School. Boston, who has
served as the Assistant Prin
cipal at J.R. Trippe Middle
School for the past five
years, replaces Brenda
McLain, who moves to the
Central Office.
Photo by Deborah Clark
TEIANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE — Retiring board members of the Wheeler County Cham
ber of Commerce Whitney Griffin, left, and Tommy Spell, right, received plaques from
Board member Rodney Brooks at a Chamber semiannual meeting last week at Little
Ocmulgee State Park. The Chamber hosted a fish fry for members and President Jan
ice Mock reported on the organization's recent projects.
ly, and emotionally.”
Wilcox stated that the
system is fortunate to have
quality people like Boston,
“Brandon has been a con
stant in the system for sev
eral years now, and we are
very fortunate to have him
as an administrator in our
system. We look forward
to great things from him,
the staff, and the students
next year at J.D. Dickerson
Primary School.”
Boston is married to
the former Ashley Collins,
a graduate of Vidalia High
School, and a 4th grade
teacher at Sally Meadows.
They have three children,
Deidra, Brody, and Blaze,
who all attend Vidalia City
Schools. “We are all proud
to be a part of the Vidalia
City Schools and the Vi
dalia community,” added
Boston has already hit
the ground running, bring
ing together the JDD Lead
ership Team for a produc
tive retreat recently, and
said that he looks forward
to working together with
everyone to help JDD be
come even better than it is.
“I will work together with
all stakeholders to provide
our students with the best
educational experience to
meet all their needs. My
door is always open, and I
welcome your input. I am
looking forward to work
ing with each of you as we
strive for greatness at J.D.
Which religion is oldest -
Judaism, Christianity or Islam?
Judaism is the oldest of all the
Abrahamic religions, about 3000
New Testament of the Bible. Chris
tians believe that Jesus was the
years old. Jews trace their lineage Messiah foretold in the Old Testa-
through Abraham’s son Isaac, from ment, while Jews and Muslims say
his wife Sarah. Its founding proph- that he was just a prophet. In 2020
et is Moses, who had been chosen Christians numbered 2.382 billion
by God to lead the Israelite slaves worldwide.
out of Egypt. On Mount Sinai,
Moses gave God’s
revelations as the
Torah. The Hebrew
Bible is a collection
of many individual
books written over
years by different
people, describing
its origins, history
and visions of a just
society. After wan
dering in the desert
The youngest of the three re
ligions is Islam,
founded in the year
622 A.D. and just
over 1000 years
old. Muslims trace
their Abrahamic lin
eage through Abra
ham’s son Ishmael,
from his wife’s maid
Hagar.Islam’s found
ing prophet is Mu
hammad, who gath-
for 40 years, the Jews went to live in ered an army of followers, fought
what is now known as Israel, a land and conquered various warring
which they believe is God’s gift to Arab tribes, and united them by
them. In 2020 Jews numbered 14.7
million people worldwide.
creating a militant religion. Unlike
the Hebrew and Christian Bibles,
Christianity is next in age at the Qur’an, Islam’s holy book, was
about 2000 years old. Since Jesus written by Muhammad alone. Over
Christ was a Jew, Christians also a period of 23 years, Muhammad
trace their lineage from Abraham, wrote down the revelations he be-
Christianity shares Jewish history lieved he received from the angel
in the Old Testament of the Chris
tian Bible, but Christian ideals
Gabriel without additions from
other holy or wise authors. In 2020
are written down by various peace Muslims numbered 1.907 billion
seeking followers of Jesus in the worldwide.
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