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Public Safety
To show appreciation to local public safety officials, The City of Winder recently celebrated their service and the dedication of the city’s firemen and police
men providing them with a meal during shift change.
Barrow County Sheriff’s Office Arrests:
Publix employee reportedly steals $13,900 from Bethlehem location
About arrest listings:
Subjects listed in arrests reports are innocent until
proven guilty in court. Arrested individuals may have
some, or all, charges against them dismissed.
Being listed in these reports simply means an individu
al was arrested, not that the person in question is guilty or
has been convicted of any crime in a court of law.
The Barrow County
Sheriff’s Office responded
to a theft report at Pub
lix on Loganville Hwy. in
Bethlehem on July 12.
The loss prevention
specialist at that location
reported that an employee,
identified as Brandon Lee
Smith, of Finch Way, Jef
ferson, had stolen approx
imately $13,900 from this
location since January of
this year.
Smith, the customer ser
vice manager, would enter
a false return and then
remove the cash from the
register, taking it with him.
The money was taken in
52 different transactions,
each on a different day in
amounts never exceeding
$400 each time. Smith was
arrested and charged with
52 counts of misdemeanor
theft by taking.
Other arrests reported by
the BCSO include:
•Tiffany Vanderford
Berns, 33, of 3rd Street,
Statham; theft by taking
and burglary.
•Xavier Tremain Slay
ton, 32, of Wood Avenue,
Winder; felony probation
•Quintavia Renita Wade,
26, of Farmington Road,
Madison; affray
•Lydia Dayvonta Baker,
20, of Seneca Drive, Law-
renceville; felony failure to
•Vontarrius Marquezz
Cook, 25, of Rivermist
Court, Bethlehem; felony
probation violation.
•Daniel James Atha, 20,
of Eunice Holcomb Cir
cle, Dacula; cruelty to
child, child molestation (2
counts) and false imprison
ment (2 counts).
•Michael Keith McElroy,
36, of Martha Street, Wind
er; willful obstruction of
law enforcement and felo
ny probation violation.
•Linda Gail Campbell,
46, of Williams Street,
Winder; probation viola
•Kendra Jeanette Evans,
33, of Foxdale Court,
Winder; shoplifting.
•Jason Chad Kitchens,
42, of Hwy. 82, Winder;
felony probation violation
(2 counts).
•Travis Lavell Wheeler,
32, of Dreamland Circle,
Winder; felony probation
•William Edward Kirk,
55, of Hilldale Circle,
Winder; failure to appear.
•Tommy Anthony Har
vey, 55, of Hwy. 211,
Statham; reckless driving,
serious injury by vehicle
and homicide by vehicle.
•Kenneth Clayton Gar
mon, 35, of Jim Johnson
Road, Winder; driving
while license suspended or
•Brian Joseph Ruth,
42, of Laurel Lake Drive,
Suwanee; theft by taking/
motor vehicle.
•Benjamin Mark Kenne
dy, 47, of Asbury Square,
Atlanta; Georgia resident
has 60 days to change
name or address, failure
to exercise due care when
using cell phone, no proof
of insurance, failure to
obey stop sign or yield
after stopping and driving
under the influence of mul
tiple substances (DUI/mul-
tiple substances).
•Ryan Montgomery
Lemen, 34, of Vinings
Drive, Winder; distributing
obscene material.
•Alexandra M. Godis-
sart, 26, of Tanglewood
Drive, Monroe; purchase/
or sale marijuana, posses
sion and use of drug related
objects and failure to main
tain lane.
•Nancy Leigh Colquett,
35, of Jones Road, Winder;
compulsory attendance.
•Ashlie Dawn King, 28,
of Forest Drive, Winder;
sale of a schedule I or II
controlled substance, drugs
to be kept in original con
tainer and possession of
a schedule III, IV or V
controlled substance with
intent to distribute.
•Bryson Roderick Sand
ers, 20, of Sandalwood
Drive, Lawrenceville;
willful obstruction of law
enforcement (3 counts),
drugs to be kept in origi
nal container, DU I/drugs,
failure to maintain lane and
possession of a schedule
IV controlled substance.
•Alfonso Lee Damons,
29, of Lawrenceville Street,
Jefferson; shoplifting.
•Travis Wayne Edwards,
28, of Carter Road, Auburn;
cruelty to child-deprivation
of necessary sustenance
(3 counts), obstructing or
hindering persons making
emergency phone calls,
battery/family violence
and aggravated assault.
•Michael Kinyon Jackett,
39, of Forrest Hill Road,
Winder; violation of family
violence order.
•Daniel Robert Beck, 29,
of Farmington Way, Wind
er; simple assault/family
violence and aggravated
•David Esquivel, 35, of
Daley Avenue, Winder;
violation of family vio
lence order, battery/family
violence, willful obstruc
tion of law enforcement
officers, open contain
er violation and driving
while license suspended or
•Shane Bradley Ful
cher, 25, of Timberridge
Lane, Auburn; aggravated
assault, criminal trespass,
battery/family violence (2
counts) and simple assault/
family violence.
•Megan Marie Moore,
27, of Coleridge Court,
Athens; shoplifting and
outstanding warrant arrest.
•Kamathi Tavaris Clisby,
38, of Oak Trail, Leads,
Ala.; expired license plate
and outstanding warrant.
•Cheri Michelle Sigman,
39, of Smith Mill Road,
Winder; probation viola
tion and shoplifting.
•Reginald Leon Morrow,
45, of Duke Road, Beth
lehem; driving without a
valid license.
•Henry Bone Johnson,
30, of Edison Lane, Mon-
ticello; driving without
license on person and pos
session of marijuana.
•Phillip James Norrell,
35, of Grand Hickory
Drive, Braselton; driving
while license suspended or
•Nicholas Lee McDaniel,
24, of 4th Avenue, Auburn;
felony probation violation.
•Jammie Lynn Brown,
36, of Busby Lane, Wind
er; criminal trespass.
SPD makes
three arrests
The Statham Police
report the following
•David Olin Foster,
44, of Euclid Street,
Statham; battery/family
•Leon Denshawn
Hood, 40, of North
Bluff Road, Athens;
willful obstruction of
law enforcement, felony
escape and battery.
•Javier Bahena Marti
nez, 26, of Sugar Cane
Place, Duluth; driving
without a valid license
and failure to obey stop
sign or yield after stop
Incidents reported
•verbal dispute on
Railroad Street; a male
and female were report
ed for arguing loudly.
•dispute between
roommates on Callie
Lane, Statham; the resi
dents were arguing over
lost keys.