Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Braselton News
Page 5A
Holiday recipes
Plan identifies issues, opportunities for city
C ouncil members voted Tuesday to autho
rize the submittal of the City of Winder
Community Agenda. The agenda is part of
Barrow County’s Comprehensive Plan for 2007 through
Marty Sewell of MacTec Inc., an engineering and
consulting firm, presented the plan at Tuesday’s public
“The purpose of the comprehensive plan is to provide
guidance for future growth of the city and county as a
whole,” Sewell said.
City Administrator Bob Beck explained that the
Winder City Council was voting only to submit the plan
for review. Once the plan is reviewed, it will be returned
to the council for final approval. The plan must be
adopted no later than October of 2008.
State law requires local governments to adopt a
transmittal resolution before submitting the plan to
the Northeast Georgia Regional Development Center
(NEGRDC) for review.
“This is not an ordinance,” Beck said. “This is strictly
for planning purposes. This is a guide, or roadmap, that
says we really want to go in this direction.”
The plan, updated approximately every 10 years, iden
tifies numerous issues facing city leaders over the next
20 years, along with several opportunities.
One issue facing the City of Winder is population
growth. The city’s population is expected to grow from
a projected 18,048 residents in 2010 to 39,199 residents
by 2030. The plan recommends the addressing the rapid
growth issue through frequent updates to the compre
hensive plan and the adoption of appropriate growth
management ordinances.
Another area of concern is economic development.
The plan states that job growth has not maintained pace
with population growth. Other issues identified in the
plan include lack of infrastructure to promote develop
ment, limited entertainment opportunities to meet the
needs of the citizens, over abundance of convenience
stores and attraction of lower skilled service positions as
opposed to higher paying professional positions.
To address these issues, the comprehensive plan
recommends that city leaders support expansion of job
training services, develop an infrastructure master plan
and prepare and adopt a Downtown Area Master Plan.
The plan also encourages the city to move forward
with streetscape improvements in the downtown area to
make the area more attractive for business investment.
The City of Winder was recently awarded a $500,000
Transportation Enhancement grant from the Georgia
Department of Transportation for streetscape improve
ments to Broad Street beginning at Porter St. and ending
at Stephens St.
While the city offers a good supply of affordable
housing, few homes are conveniently located to retail
and service providers. There is a shortage of housing in
the downtown area caused in part by aging residential
properties in need of revitalization. Winder will seek
to address these issues by encouraging neighborhood
revitalization and adopting zoning districts that encour
age mixed use neighborhood developments and a variety
of housing types.
As part of the city’s revitalization efforts, the plan also
recommends examining the potential for Commercial
Improvement Districts, Business Improvement Districts
and Tax Allocation Districts. The North, South, East
and West entrances to the city are described as “blight
ed” and in need of revitalization.
Another major issue identified in the comprehensive
plan is the lack of water resources to meet the demands
of a rapidly expanding population. The city’s strategy
includes implementing a water resources master plan.
Traffic congestion is another concern for city plan
ners. Citing heavy truck traffic and general congestion
in downtown as well as a lack of pedestrian friendly
areas, the plan recommends implementing the Barrow
County Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
Lastly, the plan mentions existing conflicts over
annexations and a lack of information sharing between
local governments. To address these issues, the plan
advises that a system be developed which would allow
local governments to share permit information in order
to help schools estimate future enrollment.
The City of Winder Community Agenda was pre
sented at the County wide Open House on November 27.
The purpose of Tuesday’s public hearing was to allow
citizens to comment on the plan. A final public hearing
will be held after the Barrow County Comprehensive
Plan is reviewed by the NEGRDC.
Subway re-opens new store on Ga. Hwy. 53
Subway is opening a new store at 6072 Ga. Hwy. 53
in Braselton, according to Subs of Cornelia.
The company announced that after two and a half
years, it is opening Subway again in Braselton.
“After numerous setbacks and frustrations of not
being able to re-open Subway in its old location,
we finally found a solution,” according to a Subs of
Cornelia press release.
BUDGET — continued from page 1A
Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 7 p.m.
The latest budget amendments would increase the 2007
general fund budget from $798,808 to $831,858. The
council last amended the 2007 budget in October, after
slumping revenues.
The city plans to include $92,000 in reserve funds
from the 2006 general fund budget in the latest amended
budget for 2007.
However, city officials will once again reduce the
anticipated revenue from building permit fees, and water
and sewer system installation and connection fees.
Building and sign permit fees were budgeted in October
for $40,000 for 2007. The latest budget change calls for
$22,000 in such fees for the year. Hoschton has received
$21,893 in building and sign permit fees to date.
Water and sewer system installation and connection
fees were budgeted for a total of $242,500 in October.
City officials are now expecting a total of $137,500, after
receiving $126,150 of such fees to date in 2007.
As for the water and sewer budget, Hoschton will car
ryover $177,000 from the 2006 budget into the proposed
changes for the 2007 budget.
WINDER — continued from page 2A
pending approval by the
Department of Transportation and
the police chief. The parade is
scheduled for Monday, January 21.
The parade will start at Quality
Foods and will travel on North
Broad Street, Athens St. and King
St. before ending at White Oak
Springs Baptist Church.
•approved annual Christmas
bonuses for city employees. The
amount of the bonus is determined
by years of service.
•approved a statement of sup
port for the National Guard and
Reserve. “It goes without say
ing that the City of Winder does
support the National Guard and
Reserve,” Beck said. “We are
in complete support of all their
•denied a request by the Winder
Housing Authority to transfer own
ership of the old swimming pool
property located at the corner of
BellviewandMidland. Councilman
Frank Dunagan motioned that the
city retain ownership of the prop
erty and offer the housing author
ity a 10-year lease. That motion
was unanimously approved.
•approved an agreement with
the Department of Transportation
which requires the city to acquire
right of ways for improvements to
McNeal Road, West Athens Street
and Horton Street.
•approved a beer and wine per
mit by the package for the Rite Aid
located at 39 East May Street. The
request was made due to a change
in manager and store name.
Recipes used Svithout fail’ for 25 years
Share your favorite recipe
Do you have special Christmas season recipes you’d like to share
with other readers of The Braselton News?
If so, e-mail them to or mail them to
MainStreet Newspapers, c/o Kerri Testement, P.0. Box 908, Jefferson,
Ga., 30549.
Please include your name, city of residence, and any other informa
tion about the recipe, such as how you got it, how long you’ve been
using it and why you like it for the holidays.
The Braselton News will publish holiday recipes from residents of
Braselton, Hoschton, South Hall, Mill Creek, Chateau Elan and West
Jackson throughout the month of December, according to available
June Smith, Braselton, has sub
mitted her recipes for “June’s Easy
Holiday Toffee” and cranberry
Christmas salad.
Smith, a resident of Chateau Elan,
said she has been using these recipes
without fail for at least 25 years.
Her 87-year-old mother passed
on the cranberry Christmas salad
recipe to Smith just after she got
married 46 years ago. The toffee
recipe was one that Smith made up
on her own, after trying many varia
tions of toffee recipes.
Smith said both recipes are favor
ites of her family and family, and
she gets requested for both each
holiday season.
“Since I have been an educator
for the past 35 years, it’s important
to me to have easy but delicious
recipes that I can whip up quickly,”
Smith wrote. “Both of these fit
that criteria and are gobbled up
1 cup of sugar
2 sticks of butter (no substitutes)
3 tbs. water
1 milk chocolate bar
Mix all ingredients except the
chocolate bar together and cook in a
heavy saucepan until it almost burns
(If it’s smoking, don’t be afraid;
let it smoke before removing from
Immediately pour onto a greased
cookie sheet. Wait two or three
minutes and spread the chocolate
bar over the toffee. Sprinkle with
chopped pecans if you desire.
Allow to cool until solid and
break into pieces. Store in an air
tight container (It won’t last long!).
1 pkg. whole cranberries
1 can crushed pineapple
2 California navel oranges
2 small packages of any red Jell-0
(I use strawberry or cherry)
1 cup of chopped pecans
1 Vi cups sugar (I use Splenda
sugar mix)
Chop cranberries and oranges in a
food processor, cover with the sugar
and set aside — making sure to pull
out any large pieces of orange mem
brane and discard. Drain pineapple
well and add enough water to juice
to make 2 cups.
Heat the 2 cups of liquid until
hot and add Jell-O, stirring well to
dissolve. Pour the dissolved Jell-0
mixture over the cranberries/orang-
es/sugar mixture and mix well. Add
the crushed pineapple and pecans
mixing well again.
Pour into a bowl or mold and
refrigerate until Jell-0 sets (over
night). Serve on a lettuce leaf as
a salad for your Christmas din
ner. This doesn’t taste like a Jell-0
salad, but a fruity/nutty salad. You
can also add a dollop of sour cream
or whipped cream if desired for
more color contrast.
Serves 8-10.
New tradition comes to table for family events
Judy Rouse, Braselton, submitted her recipe for
cheese Danish.
Rouse said the recipe is easy to make, and can be
served as a dessert or breakfast pastry.
“It’s a fairly new tradition at the Rouse house, but
I always have it ready for our family’s Christmas Eve
gathering,” Rouse wrote. “Then, I hope there will be
some left for Christmas morning breakfast for Larry
and I! The recipe came from my ‘heart and soul’ sister,
Martha Garmon.”
2 cans crescent rolls
1 8 oz. cartons cream cheese
3 A cup sugar
2 tsp. vanilla or almond flavoring
1 egg — separated
2 tbsp. lemon juice
Spray a 9 X 13 baking dish with Pam. Spread one
can of crescent rolls in bottom of pan, pinching seams
Combine softened cream cheese, sugar, flavoring, egg
yolk and lemon juice until smooth and creamy.
Spread over crescent rolls in pan. Layer other can of
crescent rolls over cream cheese mix, pinching seams
together. Brush with beaten egg white.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
ORDINANCE — continued from page 1A
to three of the city’s commissions
in January. The economic develop
ment commission has two openings,
the historical commission has two
openings and the planning com
mission has three openings. Some
of those positions may be filled by
another term with existing commis
sion members.
•approved an ordinance on sewer
connection fees, which would allow
existing houses with failing septic
tanks to connect to the city’s sewer
system, if a line is near the resi
dence. Mayor Copenhaver vetoed
a similar measure adopted by the
city council last month. The new
ordinance removes a low-income
requirement. Homeowners may pay
an estimated $5,000 connection
fee in monthly payments over 60
months, or a lump sum payment.
•discussed the status of city
ordinances and legislation adopt
ed since December 2005. Council
member Jim Jester said the ordi
nances haven’t been updated in city
records for more than two years.
Hoschton used to send all of its
adopted ordinances and legislation
to the Northeast Georgia Regional
Development Center (RDC)
at the end of the year to update
city records. Hoschton now does
some that work in-house with city
employees. City employees will
try to update the records as soon as
•approved a resolution to give
refunds for customer deposits.
•terminated a ground maintenance
contract with Tiger Landscaping
Services, which included mainte
nance of the city square, cemetery
and park. City officials plan to
purchase equipment to have city
employees maintain the properties,
which will save about $7,500 a
•heard from council member
Richard Green, chairperson of
the city’s water, waste and envi
ronmental services committee.
Green said the additions to the
city’s wastewater treatment plant
remain on schedule. The Georgia
Environmental Protection Division
(EPD) cited two minor issues at
the plant, related to silt fencing and
access road conditions. Green said
those issues have been addressed.
•heard from Green, who said the
engineering drawings for a sewer
line from Nancy Blvd. to Hwy. 53
to Jopena Blvd. will be done by
Dec. 7. He added that drawings for
the southern extension of the sewer
line project are underway.
•heard from Green, who said the
city will seek bids for reuse water
pipes for industrial sewerage. The
committee is also recommending
that Hoschton investigate the fea
sibility of drilling and piping for
a second city well, and seeking an
opinion from the city attorney on
banning any new non-municipal
wells in the city limits.
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