Newspaper Page Text
ts published once a week by Howell Cobb, at three
a year, to subscribers, it hen paid in advance
•tsrat four dollars, if not paid until the end of the year.
No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of
Uic Editor, to any subscriber in arrears.
Advertiseiacuts and Job Work will be executed at'
‘Hbe customary prices.
Coinmn.iieation to the Editor must be post paid to
Wt h’e theiu to attention.
2Ko subscription received for less than a year.
Milledgeville, 17th May, 18 83.
WMT’HEREAft, by an act ofthe General Assem
bly ol this State, passed the 2411 i day De
enll ot a Convention to reduce the number of the
General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and for
P tlr P os * s 'herein named,” it is provided
* / -'i " it ah ill be the duty of His Excellency the
Governor to give publicity to the alterations and
amctidmcmis made in the Constitution in reference
io the reduction of the number of members cmn
dming the General Assembly— and the first Mon
div i.i October next, after the rising ofsaid Con- j
ventton, he shall fix on for the ratification, hy the
pcop f (., ot such amendments, alterations or new arti
c e» as they may make for the objects of reduction &
eqinhzutton of the General Assembly onlv: ami if
ratified by a majority of the voters who vote on the
<]uestmn of•• Ratification” or “No Ratification”
—then, in that event, the alteration so hv them
jna. <■ ami ratified, shall be binding upon the peo
pie rt this. Mate, mid not otherwise.” And, where
as, the Delegates of the people of this State, as
seyilded in Convention under the provisions of the I
Tn r,: * " eJ nct ’ ,|:,V « "greed 'to. and declared
t io following to be alterations and amendments of
the Constmtmn of this Stale, touching the repre
.•ujrjiion of the people in the General Assembly
UiOrleo, to; J
“Whereas, the third section of the first article of;
tho Constitution of the State of Georgia is in the
so Imvmg words, to wit: “The Senate shall he elect
ed annual y on the first Monday in November, un
til «oc|i day ot election be altered by law, and
Shall be composed of one member fiom each coun
ty. to be chosen by the electors thereof.” And
whereas a part of the seventh section of the first
article of the Constitution of tho State of Georgia
i> in the following words, to wit: “The House of
Representatives shall be composed of members
Iroin all the counties which now are or hereafter
bo itK'ludcd within the Suite, uccording to
their respective numbers of free white persons ami
including three-fifths ofall Wie people of colour:”
Am. in lhe same section, the following, to wit:
Resell county containing three thousand persons
ligreeably to. the foregoing plan of enumeration,
whall be entitled to two members, seven thousand
to three member, and twelve thousand to four
members, but each county shall have yt least one
And not more than four members.”
And whereas the aforesaid third section, and
the said -arts of tho seventh section of the said
article of the Constitution, touching lhe re
presentation of tho Gener I Assembly of the State,
han been found, by experience, to be defective, on
account of the great numbers in me Legislature
and the enormous expense on account thereof—ivc
tho Delegates of the people of the State of Geor
gia, in General Convention assembled, chosen and
iiuihuriaed by them to revise, alter and amend the
Baid two sections and other parts, if any, touching
ths representation of the people ot" Georgia in the
General Assembly, have, after mature reflection
sintl deliberation, declared the following to be
amendments in lieu of the aforesaid third section,
Mild parts of tlie seventh section, which,
when unified by the people oftlie State, shall be
lukon, held and consul'red as parts of lhe Cousti-
Amtion of the State ofGeorgia in lieu of the afore
‘•J he Senate shall be elected annually on th®
first Monday in October, until such da> of elec
tion shall be altered by law, and shall bo composed
id one member horn each senatorial district to be
chosen by the electors thereof, which said senato
rial districts shall bo formed by adding two conti
guous counties together throughout the State,
without regard to population, as is hereinafter spe
cified and defined, the county of Murray excepted,
which shall constitute, together with such county
pr counties as may lie hereafter formed out of the
territory now composing said county of Murray,
•one senatorial district, the whole number ofdis
t-ricts shall be forty live and no more, and in the
«vuut oi the lormation of any new county or coun
ties, the. legislature, at the time of such formation,
shall attach the same to some contiguous senato
rial district.
Each senator shall he a resident of the district
Cnr which ho. may be elected, ns is required by the ,
present Constitution, of residence in tho county.
The following shall be the senatorial districts?
The county of Murray shall constitute the first '
district.* Ihe second district shall be composed !
<d the counties of Gilmer and Union: The third I
of tho counties of Rabun and Habersham: The,
fourth, of the counties of Lumpkin and Chero- 1
kee.* Tho fifth, of the counties of Cass and Floyd: ,
The sixth, of the counties of Jackson and Hall: J
The seventh, of the counties of Franklin and
Madison* The eighth, of the counties of (»winn r tt
nnd Forsyth; The ninth, of the counties of
Paulding and Cobb; The tenth, of the connties
of Favette and DeKalb: The eleventh, of (he
.uounties of Campbell and Carroll.* The twelfth,
of the counties of Coweta and Merriwethrr.*
The thirteenth, of the counties of Troup and
Heard.* The fourteenth, of the counties of Henry
.and Newton: The fifteenth, of the counties of
Walton and Clark.* The sixteenth, of the < nun
ties of Oglethorpe and F.lbcn: The seventeenth,
of the counties of Greene and Talliafcrrn.* The
eighteenth, of the counties of Wilkes and Lincoln:
The nineteenth, of the counties of Putman and
Morgan: The twentieth, of the counties of Butts
and Jasper: The I went V-first, of the counties of
Pike and Utison: The twenty-second, of the coun
ties of Darris ami Talbot: The twenty-third, of
lit* counties of Crawford and Monroe: The
.rweniy fourth, o.f
Vol. I—No. 3'3.
i ton; twen riicty-fifth, of the counties of Jones
j and Baldwin: i’he twenty-sixth, ot the counties
jol S wiggs and W ilkinson: The twenty-seventh,
of the counties of Warren and Hancock. The
twenty-eighth, ol the counties ol Columbia and
Richmond: 'i’he twenty-ninth, of the counties
of Burke and Scriven: 'l’he thirtieth, of the coun
ties of Washington and Jefferson: The thirty
first, of the counties of Bullock and Emanuel:
The thirty second, of the counties of Laurens and ;
Montgomery. 'l’he thirty-third, of the counties of i
j Dooly &, Pulaski: 'J he ibirty-fortWh, of the conn- ;
ties of Marion and Muscogee: The. thirty-fifth, of j
the counties of Randolph and Early. The thirty
sixth, of the comities ol* Sutnpler and Stewart: •
The thirty-seventh, of the counties of Baker and
Lee: The thirty-eighth, of lhe counties of Irwin ■
and Telfair. The thirty-ninth, of the counties of
I Appling and Tattnall. The fortieth, of the coun- i
tics of Chatham and Effingham. The forty-first, I
1 0l the counties of Bryan and Liberty. The forty- j
second, of the counties of M’lntosh and Glynn. |
The forty-third, of the counties of Wayne and j
Camden. The forty-fourth, of the counties off
Ware and Lowndes. The forty-fifth, oftlie conn- I
ties of Decatur and Thomas. The House of Re- '
presentatives shall be composed of members from
al) the counties which now are, or may be, inchid- [
cd within the State, according to their respective j
numbers ol free white persons.
The whole number of members in the House of i
Representatives shall be one hundred and forty-j
four and no more, except in the case of a newly |
created county or -counties; such new county oij
counties shall have one member for each county. 1
until the taking of the next census thereafter, and
the whole number shall be apportioned in the
following manner, viz; the fifteen counties having
the highest number of free white persons shall be
entitled to three members each, the twenty-live
counties having the next highest number (if free
white persons shall have two members each, and
the remaining forty-nine counties shall have one
member each.
Whenever, from the creation ofa new county or
counties, the whole number ol members in the
House of Representatives shall exceed the num
ber of one hundred and forty-four, it shall be the
duty of the Legislature, at its first session after
the taking of the first census after the creation of
such new county or counties, in apportioning the
members, to take one member from one of lhe
counties having three members, to supply such
newly ere ted county, always beginning with the
comity that has the smallest number of free white
persons that may be entitled to three members.
The census shall be taken, as heretofore, once
in seven years, and the Legislature shall, al its first
session after the taking of each census, apportion
the members among tho several counties of this
State, as is heretofore provided; provided each
county shall have one member. *
President of the Convention.
May 15, 1833.
Wii.kins Hunt, Vo > •
H. r’ 2 (Sccicftmcx.
amilton B. Gaither, I
I, therefore, in conformity with the provisions of
the before recited act, do hereby give publicity to
the same, ami enjoin the voters for members ofthe
General Assembly ol this State, on the day there
in specified, to wit. on tho FIRST MONDAY in
OCTOBER NEXT, to give their vote of“RA
as provided in said act, and tint the presiding offi
cers certify tho same to this Department accord
Given under my hand, and the seal of the Ex
ecutive Department, at Milledgeville, this the
day and year first above written.
By the Governor, WILSON LUMPKIN.
Rhodo.m A. Greece, Secretary. 16
AN act to alter the third section of the fourth
article of the Constitution of this State, so
far as to authorise the people to elect the general
officers of the Millilia of this State.
Be i. enacted by the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives of the Slate of Georgia in Gneral as
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the air- I
thority ot the same, That front and immediately .
after this act shall nave passed, in conformity with
the Constitution of this State, it shall and may
be lawful for all Major Generals, to be elected by
the people of the respective Divisions or Brigades,
and all persons subject to Io millitary duty shall be
entitled to vote Io: the same only.
Ami be it further enacted by the authority n
foresatd, Thai hereafter when any vacancy of a
Major Gjtier.d or Brigadier General, shall happen
m any Division or Bn; ade in this shall be
the duty of his Excellency the Governor, to give
notice of such vacancy to the millitary officcrhigh
’ est in contmand in each county, composing the di
i vision or brigade in which such vacancy has hap-
I pe.ned, and il shall be the duty of the Colonel or
! other Military officer highest in command in each
j count v, to give notice by advertisement at three of
I the most public places in tho county, at least
I twenty days before the election, that an election
will be held on the first Monday in October next
• ensuing, at all ’he places ofholding election, in
said comity, to fill such vacancy, and it shall be
1 the duty of the managers of elections, to receive
. the votes so given in for such military officers, and
to transmit immediately after the close of the elec
tion a correct statement of the polls to his Ecellen
cy the Governor, nnd it shall be the duty of his
Excellency the Governor, to cause the votes so
given in for each eanditate to be counted, and tn
issue a commission to the person having the high
est number of votes so given in.
I And he it further cnar ted by the authority afore-
I said. That all laws and parts of laws militating a
: gainst this act, be and the same ate hereby re
'pealed. ASBURY HULL,
Speaker of the House ot Representatives.
President of the Semite.
Assented to, Dec, 21. 1382:
max* 4—il» t- '
The Truth—The whole Truth.
Cherokee, [C. ll.] Saturday, October 19, 1833.
A N act to alterand amend the ninth section of
l A_the third article of the Constitution relative'
to divorces.
W hereas the said section and article ofthe Con
stitution of the State of Georgia, requires alteration,
Be it therefore enacted hy lhe Senate and House
of Representatives of the State ofGeorgia in Gen
era! Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority ol the same. That so soon as the fol
lowing amendment shall be passed agreeable to the
fifteenth section ofthe fourth article of the consti
tution, it shall be received in lieu of ninth section
ofthe third article to wit:
“Thai the superior courts of the several counties
1 in this Stale shall have full power, to decide on
lhe last resort tn all cases of divorces, in the follow
ing manner, to wit : The parties concerned shall
bring their case i-efore a petit jury, as a common
issue at law, an such the proceedings shall be
had thereon: That in the verdict is in favor ofa
divorce, the said cause shall be put or. the appeal
docket and be tried by a spe< lai jury, and u the
special jury confirms the verdict of tne petit jury
and the next succeeding grand jury shall, by their
recommendation confirm the verdicts of the a
foresaid juries, the said divorce between the parties
shah be final: and it shall be the duty ofthe Judge
of the superior court to have all the evidence and
proceeding on said divorce, down to the last de
cision as heretofore directed, entered on,lhe mine
uses ot said court, and from this proceeding iher
shall bo no appeal—but the divorce shall be final
and complete a vinculo matrimonii.”
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That this
act having passed both branches ofthe legislature,
and having been advertised six months and alt the
requisites of Hie constitution complied with, shall
thereafter be lhe law ofthe land in the case of di
Speakerofthe House of Representatives:
President ofthe Senate:
may 4—12 Dec. 24, 1832.
The undersigned. Sheriff ofthe county of Floyd,
hereby acquaints nil persons who may forward
executions to him, either by private conveyance or
by mail, that he will, in all cases, demand tho plat
and grant or a proper certificate of its having issu
ed, before he will proceed to sell.
All communications directed to me as (Sheriff,
must come post paid, or I will not attend to them.
">rr 3 05
Doctor JI. Montgomery.
Having settled himself permanently in Floyd coun
ty Ga. respectfully tenders his services to the public in
the practice of
Ho will attend to nil calls, in any branch of med
icine, and may, always, be found at the residence of
Jatrie® Hemphill, esq. Vann’s Valiy, until the county
cite he established.
july 13—22
Georgia- Forsyth county.
Bilhel Bradley, of captain Shays district G. M. tolls
before William Marlin, a Justice ofthe Peace, for said
county, a small BAY MARE, four or five years old,
four and an half feet high, no brands perceiveable,
Ims a small white spot in her lace, appraised by Wil
liams and Kay and A. F. Richards to forty dollars.
A true extract from the estray book.
JOHN BLALOCK, c. i. c.
sept 21—M—32
From the subscriber, on the night of the flth lust, j
two MARES, one an iion grey, three years old, liasa
scar on the inside of her left thigh and a knot on the 1
scar about the size of a partridge egg, she is rough
shod all round, about four feet nine or ten inches high,
long switch tail, whiter in the face than on the body.
The other is a ebesnut-sorre). five or six years >ld,
about five feet two inches high, branded on one of the i
shoulders with an O. a remarkable roan spot on her I
left hip, a small star in her face. 1 will give teu dol-1
lars gacli, for the delivery of the Mares twenty-five :
for both or seveniy-five for their delivery and the j
thief, with proof to convict bitn
Cobb county. JOHN PACE. |
The Western Herald and Federal Union will, each, ,
insert this twice and forward me their accounts.
sept 21—a—3*2 J- P. ;
YY $
Strayed from the subscriber, living in thu neighbor-,
i boodot Warsaw; about the first of last April a BAY
■ RONEY about five years old. four feet sixinches high.
I When he went off his inane and tail were what might
| be called a long swab, lie also, had some saddle spots
, on his back, and white spots on Ins sides and breast;
Ihe both racks and trots tolerably well. Atty person
■ who may give me anv information of said Poney, shall
' be liberally fe.vr.rded, und will cooler a special favor
‘ on
sept 2? l 33
Cherokee Court House. Georgia.
Is now prepared to attend to any professional ba
dness entrusted to him He tenders bis thanks to
those persons who have, so liberally patronized him in
the Courts where he has practiced- Communications
to ensure attention, must come post-paid
~ s\o v\c\C
All LETTERS addressed to the SHERIFF
of Fotsyth county, ujusl be Post tain. to entitle
; them to attention, /JAH? 1 JOULY«
The fol lowing Gold and Land LOTS, viz
No. 153 SD. 1 S. No. 7 7D. IS.
317 19 3 12 5 2
1024 21 3 162 12 3
1136 18 0 66 19 4
1263 14 1 54 8 2
419 13 ] 76 12 4
593 18 2 195 8 2
1291 14 1 J7O JO 1
J 235 19 3 299 9 4
336 3 1
Apply, in Savannah, to
oct 5—0—34
The “übscriberoffets the following LOTS for sales
Number District Section
753 3 2
1322 19 2
8 4
3 I
194 3 H
10 a
VH) 8 3
43 22 2
Any person in the up-country or elsewhere, wishing
to purchase either ofthe above Lots, will find the
owner in Milledgeville, about the tenth and fifteenth
December next, at Mr. Buffington’s boarding house
Ware county, oct 12—0 —35
Lot No. 212—15—2, known as the SIXES GOLD
MINE, is for sale. It is unnecessary to describe the
Lot, us its mining qualities are already generally
known to miners, as one of the most valuable Gold
Mines in Georgia A creek runs through the lot suf
ficient for twenty rockers, and good houses are built
ready to commence working. Letters, post paid, di
rected to me at Tallahassee, Florida, will be answered,
a liberal credit will be given for the purchase money.
oot s— r— 34
CASH, I will si ll a few GOLD LOTS and LAND
LOTS on good terms, such as No. 442—12—1 ; No.
137—13—1 ; No. 250—15—2; No. 774—17—2 ; No.
695—21—3. LAND LOTS, No. 205—15—3; No.
118—18—1. Any person wishing to purchase any <4
the above named LOTS, can make application to the
subscriber. LEASTON SNEED.
Burk Camp, Durke.county. sept 21— e —32
LINS, dec. of Forsyth county, are required to pre
sent their demauds. properly authenticated, for pay
ment, within the time prescribed bylaw; and those
indebted to said deceased are required to make pay
ment to
It ANU B. HARRIS. >Qual’d. Er’ra.
sept 21— t —32
Executor’s sale.
On Monday, the eleventh November next, will be
sold, between the hours often and tour o’clock, at
the late residence of Parker Collins, dec. on the Cha
tahooche, the
Oi said Collins, consisting of about one hundred
and twenty head of CATTLE, two MULES, one
HORSE, SHEEP and one saw COTTON GIN, Ac.
Twelve months credit, with approved security, will
be allowed to all purchasers ; other conditions made
known at the sale, which will be continued from day
to day until completed.
RANU B. HARRIS, \ Quot'd. Ex'rs.
Forsyth county. sept 21—t— 32
We are authorised
to say that Major WILLIAM W. CARNES, of Mil
ledgeville, is a candidate for COMPTROLER ‘
GENERAL, at the next election.
There has been a new POST-OFFICE established
at Pleasant Valley, in Murray county, mid Nelson
Dickekson, esq. appointed Post-Master thereat.
sept 21——1—32
Cherokee Superior court
August Term, 1333.
The Governor, on the informa-A
tioti of William Martin I g ci p a
'«• {
Pyent E. Jackson. J
P appearing to the court, by the return of the Sher
! iff that the Defendant is not to be fount!, and by the
■ affidavit of the informant that he does notbelieve that
i the Defendant resides in this state, it is therefore.
Ordered by the Court, That service be perfected Uy
three months publication of this Rule, in one ot the
public gazetts of this state.
A true extract from the Minutes.
R. F. DANIEL. Clk.
ang 17 -7
Cherokee Superior court
August Term. 1833
The Governor on the informa-4
j lion of James Wood Isci. Fa.
Pvent E. Jackson J
’ The Same ? , . v
j vi. J Sei. Fa.
The Same )
It appearing to the Court, by the return of the. Sher
iff. that the Defendant is not to Be found, and the in
former having made the legal affidavit, on motion il
’ 9 Ordered by the Court. That service be perfected, on
1 the Defendant, by the publication of this Rule once a
month for three’months, in some public gazette, in
this state.
4 true extract from the minutes.
Whole No. 36.
The undersigned respectfully informs the nub Pit
that the STAGE which runs from Madison to LauS
renceviHe. will hereafter be continued to Cherokea
Court-House, on every Saturday and return to Lavvti
renceville on Sunday evening. Those who majr
wish passage on said rout are also informed that tho
fare from Lawrenceville to Cherokee Courf-Hous<t
will be at the reduced price of 50, per seat, d»J
faoce. thh-ty-eight mdeto
i sept 21—
[Cherokee S uperior courfjj
I August Term, 1831
j The Governor on the infcraa ’i
1 tiou of William Martin o . -
vs. f ket. Fa.
Pyent E. Jackson. |
| It appearing to the Court, by the return of the She*
{ iff that the Defendant is not to be found, and by tli»
! affidavit of the Informant (hat he does not believe thrf|
the Defendant resides in this state, it is. therefore.
Ordered, by the Court, That service be perfected bxj
three months publication of ihia Rule, in one or mod®
ofthe public gazetts of this state.
A true extractfrom the Minutes.
aug 17 27
Cherokee Superior cou*s
August-Term, 1833
rhe Governor on the informa-S
tion of Jacob Martin 1 a _
vs. J-Sci. Fe.
PyentE. Jackson. ’
It appearing to the Court, by the return of Aid?
Sheriff, that the Defendant is not to be found, and by
the affidavit ofthe Informant, that he doesnot believw
that the defendant resides in this state, it is, therefore'.*
Ordered by the Cow I, that service be perfected tty
three months publication of this Rule, in one or mof#
of the public gazettes of this state.
A true extract of lhe Minutes.
1L F * DANIEL, Cite
aug 17 27
Will bo sold, on Thursday, the seventh day of
vember next, the TOWN LOTS, at the county ci**
of Cherokee county, upon lot of land number onft
hundred and sixty-seven, in the fourteenth district £
the second section, it being at the place, generally?
known as Jack Wright’s old place; lhe sale to couft
tinue from day to day. Terms made known on ttS
day of sale.
At the same time mt* jilac&i
The building of the
Will be let out.
I JAMES WILSON, .t.t tl.
JAMES 11. CH AMBERS,-J.l. sbf.
W ILLIAM B. I£EY,<». 1 c.
oet 12—p——35
The following lines by Mr. Percival, composed fpS?
the occasion, were sung at an evening concert
New-Haven, given for the benefit of the Greeks ’*•
Rotisa yet at a nation’s call—
Rouse and rescue one and all—»
Help or Liberty shall fall—
Fall in blood or shar4s
Shame to him who coldly drawn
Backward from the noblest caused
Not to him who fights and fa’s—
Hits a glorious nara.
Sons of more than mortal
They have lit again their fires,
Or lobe their funeral pyres,
Or their sun of fam# ?
Hear ye not the widaw’s cry ?
Help us or we faint and die—
fiee,’- the murderous foe is nighM-
Hark the wasting flamdk x
Whether can we fly for aid ?
Where is now the Warrior’s blade'?
Low the mighty heat is laid.
Death aloue could tame.
*>*o the mountain—to the cave, u ’
Let ns fly nnd weep the braver
Better die than live a slave—
Better death than sliamjt'
Oh! forbid it, chosen land!
Open wide the helping hand’?
I’ourthy corn nnd wine like
What is wealte to fame*
Quick f before the flame expires;
Feed—O I feed the holy fire f
Feed—and it shall kindle higher-*
What a generous name*
Tire poor stir to get meat for thrir stomach rich to gel s.iomji,cli fq 4 their meals;