Houston daily journal. (Perry, GA) 2006-current, July 12, 2006, Image 30

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oJ''(ouston Healthcare ... Provides Total Joint Replacement Education to Patients Human Motion Institute, a unique program that offers a leading edge approach to the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries or problems. Houston Healthcare is initiating a pre-operative educational program for patients undergoing total joint replacement surgery at one of Houston Healthcare's three surgical centers. The program includes several components all designed to educate the patient on what to expect before, during and after total joint replacement surgery. According to Geoff Aulds. P.T.. A.T.C.. C.S’.C.S.. Director of Houston Healthcare's Rehabilitation Services and Coordinator of Houston Healthcare’s Human Motion Institute, such education gives the patient a better understanding of joint replacement surgery and the rehabilitation that follows so they w ill experience a more successful outcome. "Patients learn exactly what their joint surgery entails and all of the demands involved on their part such as physical therapy. Houston Healthcare’s Diabetes Program Receives Statewide Award u Houston Healthcare's Diabetes Management Program took top honors at the 2006 State of Georgia Diabetes Conference for Healthcare Professionals. Houston Healthcare's program was recognized for the quality of the program, the comprehensive services offered and program outcomes as well as the program's collaborative community efforts. "The goal of our program since its inception has been to have the best quality program for people living with diabetes in Houston County and the Central Georgia area." said Beth Jones. RNC. CDE. Director of Community Education and Services for Houston Healthcare. "To meet this goal, we achieved national medications, and nursing care," he explains. "The patient will also be more knowledgeable about the hospital discharge procedures so they can make advance preparations for their recovery at home or at another facility." Nichole McGlamry. RN. BSN. Surgical Services Nurse Manager for Perry Hospital and member of the Houston Healthcare Human Motion institute's Continuum Team, agrees. "Because of the pre-op education, the patient w ill know what to expect and what is expected of them." she comments. "They can do a pre-surgerv home safety assessment to see what needs to be changed to ensure they have a smooth recovery at home. The education will also help patients mentally prepare for the rehabilitation that follows, get them thinking about their options and w hat is best for them." Houston Healthcare's pre operative joint replacement patient education program includes bi-monthly classes taught at Houston Medical Center by hospital staff who are also members of the Human Motion Institute team. Perry Hospital conducts education classes with recognition through the American Diabetes Association. The program dietitian, nurse educators and program director all attended additional training and were awarded the title of Certified Diabetes Educators. We are pleased to have been recognized by the State of Georgia for our efforts." The program continues to demonstrate success for its participants. During 2(X)5. program participants decreased their number of hospitalizations and Emergency Department visits as well as decreasing their blood sugar levels as measured by A 1C from previous years. "Our program targets the many needs of persons living with diabetes including offerings of one-to-one assessments, education classes. mmj i • i ■ h i W' Wlji ■* w patients on a one on-one basis. The patient education classes focus on joint anatomy, causes of total joint replacement. what to expect before, during and after surgery, post-operative rehab, anticoagulation therapy, home safety assessments, case management, and recovery equipment needs. "Pre-surgery instruction pamphlets, available in all physician offices, are given to patients when they decide to undergo joint replacement surgery." adds Aulds. "As an optional educational method, we are also looking at having the same information available in the future on the Houston Healthcare website as well as on CDs for those patients who are unable to attend the patient education class." For I)r. P. Jeffrey Jarrett, an orthopedic surgeon and member of the Houston Medical Center and Perry Hospital's medical staffs, patient education is essential. "Pre-op patient education helps us as healthcare providers adjust the patient's expectations about their length of diet classes, a diabetes cooking school and exercise classes as well as offering flu vaccine and peripheral vascular disease screenings for our participants." Jones added. "We work well w ith community partners to enhance diabetes management, including HHhk ■* jogßp' hospitalization, convalescence and ultimate desired outcome,” he states. "Patient education helps us reinforce realistic expectations of their joint surgery, and it reinforces to the patient what our expectations are for their recovery. It also helps the patient get onboard as part of their own healthcare team. If the patient is not in the right mindset and mentally prepared for the joint replacement surgery, then their outcome will not meet the expectations 1 have as an orthopedic surgeon for their outcome." HUMAN MOTION INSTITUTE at Houston Healthcare the Houston County Extension Service. Robins Air Force Base, and the Central Georgia Parish Nurse Ministry which is sponsored by Houston Healthcare." For more information about the program, call (478) 923-9771.