Houston daily journal. (Perry, GA) 2006-current, July 29, 2006, Section C, Image 15

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Moustmt journal Lessons learned You can learn a lot from listening to little boys. My toddler’s favorite word of late is “uh-oh.” He says it when he drops some thing. He says it when he sees something new. He says it when he throws some thing down on purpose. He says it when he falls down. Sippie cup falls to the floor. “Uh-oh.” Daddy picks back up the sippie cup, which is then thrown to the floor. “Uh oh!” He can say the two-sylla ble phrase with any variety of intonations, from sing songy, to delight, to dry wit, to genuine surprise. He even used it to tell on me. We had rid den home from the neigh bors’ house on our elec tric golf cart, and barely made it home before - v jßc Sherri Martin The Front Porch it ran out of juice. We left it right where I pushed it. When my husband came home, the little big mouth took him over to it and said, “Ma-ma uh-oh.” That is not the only inter esting talk going on at our house though. My almost 6- year-old had a friend over to play. Over pizza, they had this rather animated con versation, which I prompt ly typed into my computer when they weren’t looking: “If a bad guy came in my house, I would put his head in the toilet and flush it!” “Yeah, if a bad guy came into my house and I was the only one who saw him, I would put his head in the toilet and flush him and then I’d take the plunger and plunge him.” “I’d use my karate moves on him.” “Yeah. I’d use my moves from my invisible karate teacher’s lessons.” “I’d karate kick him into the toilet!” “And if there were 200 bad guys, then I’d get my daddy to help me.” “You know where the bad guys live, don’t you?” “Yeah, in the jail. Because they don’t like Jesus.” “I know. That’s why they live there. I love Jesus, though.” “But do you like Jesus? You have to do both. You have to love him and like him, because he’s your best and first friend. And I’m your second friend, right?” “Right!” I have been thinking about these bits and pieces of con version, and have decided that there are some life les sons found in them. First of all, be willing to admit when you make a mistake, even an intentional one. Wouldn’t you like for a politician, just one time, to give a true and heartfelt “uh-oh” rather than bring out the spin doctors? For that matter, we would all be better off if we would be willing to admit our own mistakes. However, I would refrain from suggesting that we learn to tattle tell, par ticularly on our mothers. Second, it’s always good to be on the lookout for the bad guys, and to be prepared if they come. And wouldn’t it be nice to be able to give a few of the really bad guys a little flush now and then? Take that, Osama! And I have a plunger too! Most of all, remember who your friends are, and who your most important - your best and first - Friend is. But I have to admit, I still like the idea of having an invisible karate teacher. Just in case that toilet trick doesn’t work. SATURDAY, JULY 29, 2006 .... W' MM* £. .., 4‘ * 1 1/ ■■HH I "’■ r _ * BW—BL.I™— 1 ™— .....J »l ————————— « ■ - Submitted George and Sara Beth Sideas. WLjlk k ski . mfm Submitted Stacey and Danny Wilson. An evening at the lake Special to the Journal Houston Lake Country Club entertained its mem bers last week during their monthly Open House Social. Each month ihe Club Plums, sidekicks, and a man named Bill W. To answer any or all ques tions, e-mail answers to hlyquiz@yahoo.com or call Charlotte Perkins at 987- 1823, Ext. 234. The dead line is Tuesday evening 9 Eye Q Name this famous side kick of a famous cowboy. Literary: Who couldn’t resist the plums in the icebox? USA Quiz: What was Colorado almost named before the alleged meaning of the name was discovered to be a hoax? Houston County Pride Quiz: Name the Houston County road from which this histor ic home can be seen? Georgia Quiz: What was the first county seat of Macon County? Bible Quiz: Can you name Noah’s wife? Weird Quiz: What did Bill W. and Doctor Bob stop and what did they start? Last Week’s Lifestyle invites and entertains its members with an open bar and food on the back porch of the clubhouse overlook ing the golf course and the beautiful shores of Houston Lake. Live entertainment HDJ Answers Quizzer news: A new quiz contributor this week is Dr. Anthony Baldwin, Senior Pastor of new Life Church, which a quiz mile stone since, although we have a Public Defender, an engineer, a mayor, a county commissioner, and a social studies teacher who unfail ingly get the Bible quiz, Dr. Baldwin is the first pastor ever to answer it (or any other!). Also Mike Stockwell has arrived as a strong contrib utor. Jaloo Zelonis had the singular honor this week of being the only one who got every answer right. Houston County Pride The photo was of the Swanson restaurant in down town Perry. Others getting it right were Bill Harrison, Terry Everett, Mike Stanley, Larry and Chris Thomson, Laurie Jones, Anthony Baldwin, Jaloo Zelonis, Jim Worrall and, of course, Kim Sheridan. It was Betty Last week’s Eye Q was a hard one apparently since we didn’t use the classic bathing suit pose! The lady in the photo was Betty Grable. Getting it right were Alice Lemaster, Marcilla Cunningham, Delilah Evans, Carl Shaw, and Jaloo Zelonis. Bill Harrison got a totally different picture by accident. His was Jimmy Durante, whom he correctly identi fied. (Big difference there.) was provided by Joey Hollis who is also a professional waiter in the Club’s din ing room. For Membership Information stop by Houston Lake Country Club, or call 218-LAKE. --'/'S.- 'flfMlKßasta# Houston County Pride Here’s a completely new quiz. Identify the place in this picture by name or address. (Readers are invited to submit photos for this quiz. All shots must be taken within Houston County lines, and should be buildings or landmarks a reader might drive past, such as churches, historic homes, landmark buildings, or scenes that are just plain eye-catching. Submit yours by sending a JPEG or TIFF by e-mail to hhjquiz@yahoo. com. Photo credit will be given. Last Week’s Cognoscenti The poet was Keats. He ended a great sonnet with the words, “or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes/ He stared at the pacif ic-and all his men/ Looked at each other with a wild surmise - Silent, upon a peak in Darien.” It should have been Balboa. Getting it right were Terry Everett, Marilyn Beal-Bauer, Bill Harrison, Mike Stockwell, Laurie Jones and Jaloo Zelonis, Georgia Geniuses Wheeler and Bleckley were the two counties founded in 1912. Getting it right were Jim Worrall, Mike Stanley, Terry Everett, Marilyn Beal-Bauer, Jolene Pierson, Larry and Chris Possum that came availing No sooner had the ink dried on the column about my friend, Stevie, who rescues pos sums than I found myself joining her posse of possum preservers. But how can you turn your back on a well-man nered possum that is the first to welcome you into your new home? A pos sum that is hos pitable enough t o emerge from the woods and tap on EPj Ronda Rich Columnist your front door in the early morning sunlight? Especially when everyone knows that possums are nocturnal. A possum that will pace back and forth on your front porch until you’ve said, “Howdy do?” ' How can you pay no attention to a thoughtful possum that seems enor mously concerned and remorseful that she has thoroughly drenched your pretty new porch with her blood? Now, how do you walk away from a nice possum like that? At seven a.m. on the first morning we greeted the sunrise from our new house, Dixie Dew and I emerged from our bedroom to find one of our house guests peering discretely around front—window’s Thomson, Bill Harrison, Mike Stockwell, Sharon Cyr, Laurie Jones, Anthony Baldwin, Jaloo Zelonis, USA The department store started by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was named ZCMI, which stands for Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institute. You can still shop in ZCMI if you happen to go to Salt Lake City. Getting it right were Jim Worrall, Mike Stanley, Delilah Evans, Terry Everett, Marilyn Beal-Bauer, Larry and Chris Thomson, Laurie Jones, Anthony Baldwin, Jaloo Zelonis The scripturally savvy Samuel’s mother prom ised to give son to the Lord SECTION c edge. “Come here,” Pearce whispered, motioning fran tically. I expected to see deer grazing in the yard but, instead, found an addled possum scampering around the porch. “I think it has rabies,” he announced. “It’s acting weird.” This from a man who had probably never seen a live possum up close but still, the statement caught my attention. “Rabies!” I screeched as I grabbed the phone and dialed 911. The dispatcher, in turn, paged a sleeping Animal Control officer who called me back in a few minutes. “I think I have a possum on my front porch that has rabies,” I announced dra matically. “A possum?” asked the officer, stifling a yawn. “Yes sir.” “M’am, possums don’t carry rabies.” “They don’t?” Now, who would have thought that? But that’s all the more rea son that we should rescue possums - they’re not dan gerous, just visually chal lenged. The officer advised me to pick the possum up by the tail - its body weight is so heavy that they can’t move to bite you - or in a shovel then return it to the woods. I hung up the phone. “Okay, we have to pick it up and take it back to the woods.” Pearce, tough man that See RICH, page 4C and never to cut his hair. Getting it right were Terry Everett, Jim Worrall, Mike Stanley, Delilah Evans, Marilyn Beal-Bauer, Jolene Pierson, Larry and Chris Thomson, Bill Harrison, Mike Stockwell, Sharon Cyr, Laurie Jones, Anthony Baldwin, Jaloo Zelonis The Big Hoax The answer to last week’s Weird Quiz was the Piltdown Man, a skull ini tially believed to be that of an ancient pre-human, which turned out to be a complete hoax, created of different primate parts. Getting it right were Mike Stanley, Jim Worrall, Terry Everett, Delilah Evans, Marilyn Beal-Bauer, Jolene Pierson, Larry and Chris Thomson, Bill Harrison, Sharon Cyr, Laurie Jones and Jaloo Zelonis,