Houston daily journal. (Perry, GA) 2006-current, July 29, 2006, Image 27

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Knows they have homework. Knows they have chores. KnOWS their favorite hiding place. Doesn’t Know acid reflux may be damaging his esophagus, j Even if you’re treating your heartburn, you may stilt have damage. If you suffer from acid reflux disease—persistent heartburn 2 or more days a week, despite treatment and diet change—you could have serious damage to your esophagus and not know it. Unlike your stomach, the esophagus offers little protection against acid. This means the heartburn pain you feel is actually from stomach acid rising up into the esophagus. That acid can eventually wear away the lining of the esophagus leading to a potentially serious condition called erosive esophagitis. . This condition may affect 1 in 3 people with acid reflux disease, and if left untreated, could get worse. Only a doctor can determine if you have this condition. However, one & ascription NEXIUM pill a day not only provides 24-hour relief iron heartburn, for many people it can also heal * H - Mfe-’ H| ' jBjS .. ill WW '52|K -fUk . «B|8mB8& m. hK UK | 1 . vt* tMfi Hi \ * Si P ili 4&1 A 1 k iiv ca ri a lin. jr,fiLiiiflJi_n,fl rule out otner serious stomecn conditions. Ask yots doctor if NEXIUM is right tor you. the adjacent pags anddiscuss it with your doctor. '? k~ '■ vk' For FREE information sbout your condition ' MFXSHtV' th u. n j pi p , visit purplepill.com or call 1-877-97-NEXIUM. If you're without prescription coverage and can t afford your medication, AstraZeneca may be able to help. Call or visit us online. •r> : ■««- ''^k§wsßßeEPS#l