Houston daily journal. (Perry, GA) 2006-current, September 09, 2006, Image 31

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Sfd|l This treat is a lifesaver for low blood sugar. “Control Your Blood Sugar ... with CINNAMON!” (By Frank K. Wood) If you want to win the Tight against type 2 diabetes, you need Amazing Diabetes Breakthroughs: Natural Remedies and Med ical Miracles That Really Work, an informative new book just released to the public by FC&A Medical Publishing* in Peachtree City, Georgia. This incredible book contains break through information from reports by leading doctors, top medical schools, and world-class research about how you can defeat type 2 diabetes without crash diets, expensive medications, or back-breaking workouts. The authors provide many health tips with full explanations. ► Just two servings of this each week will bol ster your body against heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression. AND cancer! ► Controlling cholesterol a major concern? GOOD NEWS: This natural substance has been shown to lower cholesterol levels by up to 13% AND it lowered blood sugar levels by almost 20%! ► This ONE substance fights type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, impotence, and cancer. Get the details. ► How a handful of strawberries can provide powerful protection against multiple diabetes complications such as cataracts, slow-healing wounds and high cholesterol. ► Soften up those hard arteries with this fla vorful favorite. It’s probably in your kitchen right now! ► Can type 2 diabetes be controlled without drugs? The delectable eating plans described here might hold the answer! ► What you eat for breakfast may determine your future health. Start your mornings off right to avoid type 2 diabetes! ► Feel better and have more energy ... in a matter of weeks! ► STOP: Don’t turn your liver into a fat factory! Take this supplement to “oil" your liver’s machinery' and make it work right! ► Sprinkle a few of these berries on your cereal in the morning, and you could help lower your blood sugar and sharpen your memory. ► A glassful of this with your meals can fight heart-damaging free radicals. ► Beans, greens, gra ns, and olive oil ... eat like you're in the Mediterranean to protect yourself against type 2 diabetes, heart dis ease. and cancer. Eat fish and help cut your pre diabetic risk of high blood sugar by 40%! ► God's gift from the sea is known to have curative effects on over 15 ailments, includ ing arthritis, heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. ► Drop your B vitamin "defensive line" and expect a full-level assault on your artery walls! How taking your B vitamins can reduce your risk of heart disease. ► This fabulous food has a long list of benefits for diabetics: It lowers total cholesterol. LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride blood levels, while simultaneously raising good HDL cho lesterol levels even up to three months after adding it to your diet! ► Reduce your triglyceride levels by up to a whopping 26% just by taking this one sup plement! ► Surprise benefit from this "statin" drug used for lowering cholesterol: It also reduces risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes! ► A spoonful of cornstarch may help keep diabetics sleeping soundly all night. ► Delicious nutty side dish is a nice change from potatoes and cuts your risk of stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. ► Obesity increases the risk of cancer, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and heart and respiratory problems. See what you can do about it. (It’s very simple.) ► Healthiest herb for diabetics. Studies show this herb not only helps control blood sugar but also lowers dangerous triglycerides. ► Watch your cholesterol plummet by 13% and your blood sugar levels drop 20%. Only one natural substance can give you results like these. Amazing! ► Fight cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, flu ... even bad breath just by sipping a steaming cup of this pleasant beverage. ► Just a tiny amount of this essential mineral can make a huge difference in diabetics’ health: Actually helps insulin work better! ► Control your blood sugar naturally with these essential tips! ► Women who eat more of this food are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. ► “Magical” mineral helps prevent diabetic complications such as heart disease, eye dis ease, kidney disease, and high blood pressure. Are you getting enough? ► This all-natural, inexpensive substance can significantly lower blood sugar and choles terol levels in diabetics WITHOUT the use of drugs and with no dangerous side effects! A handful of strawberries can provide powerful protection against diabetes complications. ► How "hidden" sugars can sabotage your healthy diet. Here's a list of foods that are surprising sugar sources. ► 4 vitamins and minerals that can help diabet ics avoid poor circulation, clogged arteries, and even cataracts! ► TYPE 2 DIABETES? Make sure you eat plenty of the foods listed here. They contain a workhorse nutrient that shuttles excess sugar out of your bloodstream and into your cells. ► Make this part of your morning breakfast, and watch it normalize blood sugar levels THROUGH LUNCH! ► Stir this into your orange juice before meals, and reduce the after-eating jump in blood glucose. BONUS: It also helps improve your heart health and combats constipation. ► "Balance" your body this little root will help control cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, and increase strength and stamina. ► Type 2 diabetes is preventable yes, pre ventable. If you have a family history of this disease, or if you don't exercise regularly, this is must-know information. ► Control your blood sugar without insulin or medication! Research shows that this remedy helps regulate glucose, helps you lose weight and lowers your blood pressure. ► Heart disease, stroke, blindness, lower limb amputations, and kidney damage ...just a few of the serious complications of diabetes. But all these can be prevented if you know how! Life-saving knowledge is found in this book. ► How biofeedback puts foot pain back in your control. One 60-year-old woman using the technique reported less pain, improved circulation and increased mobility in just 5 weeks! ► Raise a glassful of this and lower your risk of heart disease. ► The one-a-day, over-the-counter pill that could keep diabetics from having a deadly heart attack or stroke ... and NO. it’s not an expensive vitamin! ► Appetizing Italian food helps keep blood sugar in check AND controls cholesterol. ► Want fast-acting relief for whatever ails you? Just slow down! How relaxation works healing wonders to ease high blood pressure, chronic pain, and anxiety. ► Brown bread vs. white bread: Don’t be fooled by misleading “whole wheat” labels: Brown bread can be just as unhealthy as white bread if it’s "squishy” instead of dense. Ground C| NNAMON jHH I ► Feeling tired all the time? Traditional Chinese medicine is found not only to lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetics, but also sig nificantly raise energy levels. ► How to REVERSE type 2 diabetes. Results confirmed by the University of Texas Health Science Center. ► Go ahead and get the giggles! Laughter can strengthen your immune system, relieve depression, increase your sense of wellbeing and promote good health. ► This super nutrient found in many favorite foods slashes your risk of 10 deadly diseases including stroke, type 2 diabetes AND cancer! ► Surprise! Walking is just as good as running for burning excess calories and helping to control diabetes. ► "Balance" your body this little root will help normalize blood pressure, regulate blood sugar and increase strength and stamina. ► Safely ignite your energy levels with a 2,000- year-old fatigue fighter. Ancient Chinese medicine also lowers blood sugar in diabetics. ► Delicious berries keep diabetic complications like cataracts, slow-healing wounds, and high cholesterol at bay. ► The drug-free way for diabetics to lower blood sugar and cholesterol at the same time. Inexpensive fiber does it all. ► This treat is a lifesaver for low blood sugar. ► Delicious dessert contains ingredients amazingly known to fight cancer, reduce heart attack risk, ease angina pain, lower blood sugar and cure infections. Learn all these natural healing secrets and more. To order a copy, just return this notice with your name and address and a check for $9.99 plus $3.00 shipping and handling to: FC&A. Dept. 1727 F. 103 Clover Green. Peachtree City. GA 30269. We will send you a copy of Amazing Diabetes Breakthroughs: Natural Remedies and Medical Miracles That Really Work! You get a no-time-limit guarantee of satis faction or your money back. You must cut out and return this notice with your order. Copies will not be accept ed! IMPORTANT FREE GIFT OFFER EXPIRES OCTOBER 16,2006 All orders mailed by October 16, 2006 will receive a free gift. Get Well, Stay Well, guaranteed. Order right away! ofc&a wo*