Houston daily journal. (Perry, GA) 2006-current, October 21, 2006, Image 23

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MINERALS A collection of genuine minerals and semi-precious stones so complete you’d expect to find it in a museum. MANY THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO. when man first walked the Earth, it was very useful for him to understand the differences between the min erals that nature offered. There were hard materials from which he fashioned his tools and hunting weapons. And others, which wer e softer, could be ground to make pigments and he used those for his cave paintings. Thousands of years later, less common minerals were sought after for making decorative items like jewelry as was the case with gold and silver. Then, later still, someone discovered that, by mixing metals like copper with tin, you could create an alloy which was even harder - and even more useful - bronze. Now, you can acquire many of Earth's fascinating treasures - Minerals of the Earth - in a collection so complete that you'd only expect to find it in a Hills'll |I jj/ki I GREEN CALCITE Calcite crystals are C .Bm*. own 0 IRON pyrite ,0 From the Greek. stcce Aii'cn strikes when iron is struck by a lump of pyrite. Has unique metallic d luster and perfect cubic form. Collected for you by experts Minerals of the Earth have been collected from im portant geological sites on five continents. Deli cately colored Rose Quartz found in Brazil and Madagascar. Clusters of Amethyst crystals (geodes) from Uruguay. Iron Pyrites, with their metallic lus ter. from Europe. Each specimen hand picked for your collection. | Each specimen comes with a colorful fact sheet | containing scientific data about its formation, | origins and uses. j To house these fact sheets, an attractive binder is i provided free for subscribers. Special Introductory Price: Just $1.95 each for the first two minerals! This collection of outstanding specimens is now available exclusively from del Prado. You will receive the first two minerals in the collection - Red Agate and Rose Quartz - at the special introductory price of only 51.95 each. Subsequent minerals in the col lection are priced at just $5.95 each.. .an extraordi nary value! This heirloom collection will fascinate everyone who sees it in your home, showcased in the custom-designed display cabinet, which is yours at no additional charge. A Certificate of Authenticity accompanies each collection. Limited to one collection per subscriber Naturally, specimens of some minerals are scarce. No two are completely alike and quantities are lim ited. To subscribe to this comprehensive collection, you need send no payment at this time. Simply mail your order form today. FREE custom-designed display cabinet! AMETHYST A variety of quartz. : h e vioiet color is Geoces - VH crystal clusters - are found in South Amer- . ica. Australia. Russia OF THE EARTH ROSE QUARTZ A milky, pink-colored variety of quartz. The most important deposits are found in Brazil. Transparent specimens are often cut for fine jewelry. Get them both... for just - each. RED AGATE yp Deposits exist all over the glooe. Spectacular concentnc stripes and ease of carving make it popular for decorative items. ORDER FORM . ; Please mail promptly. del Ofcldo > Mail to: The del Prado Collection P.0.80x 088. Holmes. PA 19045 YES. Please enter my subscription to Minerais of the Earth. consisting of 50 specimens. 1 need send no money now. Bill me the special introductory price of just $1.95 each (plus 95c for shipping) for the First two minerals. Thereafter. 1 will receive my collection at the rate of three per month at the regular price 1 of $5.95* each. The custom-designed display cabinet will be provided at no additional cost. I may cancel at any time. Ifus -i|iimr.it>ti’ state salt** tax. I’\ m*l NY mtdnitKontv Name j PLCWt mvmtuu Address | City ! State Zip 1 Telephone!, i ! 30-day Money-Back Guarantee M1N037 i — i