Houston daily journal. (Perry, GA) 2006-current, December 23, 2006, Page Page 10, Image 40

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(Continued from page 6) A soldier's autograph The Wilson family was vacationing ac Disney World when, on a bus ride around the park, 8-year-old twins Drew and Adam found themselves sitting beside a man with a walking cane. As they spoke, the children learned he was wounded as a soldier during the Vietnam War. “One of my boys asked us for a pen and paper, and then asked the man for his autograph,” says Timothy Wilson of Georgetown, Ohio (pop. 3,691). “We had spent the day surrounded by Disney cartoon characters with hundreds of kids standing in line for their autographs, but this was the autograph that Drew wanted . . . because this man fought in the war. The man, along with my wife and me, were in tears as he proudly signed his name and rank for my boys. One of those proud parent moments! " if— l^ids thing* "9t . •Mr’ Out of the mouth* of babes'. Another funny interview -'front Art JS \ \ M Remember when the whole family could watch T.V. together ? Well now you can! Our beloved friend Art Linkletter, has chosen for you more than 100 interviews from his celebrated Kids Say The Damdest Things segments. For years you watched Art’s down-to-earth style and gende humor bring out beautifully honest answers from precious young children. If you want 6 hours of family entertainment that parents, grandparents and kids can enjoy together, then this exclusive 3-DVD set is for you. Offer •* Limited and Expires 2/24(07. Residents of CA, TN. 11, MO and NY add sales tax. NSF checks will be automatically debited lot the amount of the check plus applicable fees Mease allow 2-4 weeks for debvery; Offer good while supplies last' Puts Family Entertainment Each week for 14 years, you waited expectantly for the next hilarious chapter from Art Linkletter. Now, you can relish more than 100 interviews with no waiting. Don't miss out on this chance to share Art's side-splitting gift with the ones you love! YES, I want to laugh, laugh and then laugh some more! Please send me Art’s 3-DVD Collection with 100 handpicked Kids Say The Damdest Things interviews. I’ll order by: www.americanprofile.com/store - Send check for $29.95 (plus 55.95 s/h) to Art's Kids, Dept. ARTD-A652, P.O. Box 344, Louisiana, MO 63353 S Toll-free (800) 715-6248 LaLJSjC; (Please have your credit card ready) VBss The Wilson twins at Disney World ,pi p, , * ml. •gfjglgMai I A good deed landed Jackie Morris (left) a job at McDonald’s from Mike Bold, the restaurant’s general manager in Alton, Ml. A job for Jackie While munching on his lunch at a McDonald's restaurant one day in Alton, 111. (pop. 30,496). Jackie Morris noticed an elderly couple nearby and offered to take their trash to the waste can. "My parents and grandmother taught me to be polite to people," explains Morris, who suffers from a mental illness and has cared for himself since his parents died in 2001. He didn’t realize anyone noticed his act of kindness until the restaurant’s general manager, Mike Bold, approached to ask it he worked for him. “I said, ‘No, but I’m looking for a job, ” Morris recalls. Bold told him to come back to the restaurant on Friday and they’d fill out the paperwork and, as Morris says, "the rest is history.” The 47-year-old has worked at McDonald’s for three years, sweeping floors, wiping down tables and making sure napkins, straws and lids are stocked on the condiment table. “When Jackie called to tell me he’d gotten a job offer him self, I was surprised,” says Kelly Schiilinger, his job coach at Challenge Unlimited, a nonprofit organization that helps people with disabilities find work. “But when he told me what he did that led to the job, it didn’t surprise me at all, because that’s just Jackie. That s how he is. He’s a person with a good heart.” The effects of Morris' simple goodwill gesture didn’t stop there. Four McDonald’s operated by Bold’s family have since hired 15 other people served by Challenge Unlimited, and Bold has received regional and state awards for his willingness to hire people with disabilities. “It's been a huge ripple effect," Schiilinger says. “It just shows how a simple act of kindness can affect other people's lives. Because of Jackie and his kind ness, a lot of other people have found jobs, too.” Did you like this story? Post your comments on our new message boards at AmericanProfile.com ARTD-A652 Page 10 • wwvV. americanprofile.com Sean Gallagher