Houston daily journal. (Perry, GA) 2006-current, August 31, 2007, Page page 2, Image 36

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Ask. American Profile^ Q My friend and I have a disagreement. How many men have walked on the moon, and who was the most recent? — Dot'll Gtcas. Marion. 111. Between 1968 and 1972, nine American spacecraft voyaged to the moon and 12 men left their footprints on its lunar surface, the most recent being Gene Cernan with Apollo 17. In the 2007 Sundance Film Festival award-winning documentary. In the Shadow of the Moon, opening in theaters Sept. 7, Cer nan, 73, says he continues to be amazed at the achievement. "I called the moon my home lor three days of my life. And I’m here to tell you about it. That's (like) science fiction.” m ' J Kr \ ' "ft i • > * 'if Asthm ni* V C* niin I'lflai | V i, i vakt** frt OM Glofry. > V ■ ■* Q Where is the actor who played Urkel in Family Matters, and what’s he doing now? —Carolee Woelkers. Scranton. Pa. jakei White, 30, best known for his role as America's favor ite nerd, Urkel, in the popular 1990 s TV series, sums up f\Y\ his current activities for American Profile. “I’m obsessed with basketball. I’m i single and ready to mingle. I was last I seen in (the movie) Dreamgirls —doit ' Wink or you'll miss me!” White continues to act and writes an online column for the National Basketball Association ar uww.nba.comiblog!hlog22. His Family Matters character was 1 fSHL - - H Entertainer intended to be a one-time guest S on the series in 1989, but when White got a standing ovation S from the studio audience, WL Urkel became the show’s ■A breakout star. Actor jaleel "Urkel" White Q Whatever happened to Shania Twain? I haven’t seen any thing about her in a while. —Ramona Mussduhtte. Cumndng. Go. The five-time Grammy winner hasn’t released a new CD since 2002. But according to sources, she’s writing songs for her next project, due for release next year. Meanwhile, Twain, 41, who will unveil her second perfume line, Shania Starlight, this fall, continues loving life out of the spotlight in Switzerland with her son Eja, 6, and her husband, producer Mutt Lange. Q How old is “Uncle Miltie,” Milton Berle? —Billy Wyant. Chickasaw. Okla. Berle died in his sleep from colon cancer in 2002 at the age of 93. On stage, radio, television and in the movies, his memo rable career spanned eight decades. Though once credited as being the first performer to appear on TV (in 1929), there were actually several earlier, mostly experimental transmissions that predated him. One Uncle Miltie performance you probably don’t remember: He once released an exercise video called The Milton Berle Low Impact!High Comedy Workout for Seniors. Q What can you tell me about Vern Yip from Design Star ? He’s so cool! —-Jessica Naftel. Twin Falls. Idaho Yip, 28, the judge on HGT\' Design Star, die TV competition to find Americas next top designers, was ban in Hong Kong, received a master of architecture degree from die Georgia Institute of Technology and lives in Atlanta, where he runs his own interior-design company'. You also may remember him from the four i seasons he spent on the TLC net work’s Trading Spaces, or fiom his involvement in tlx- NBC series Home Intmtntion. On Sept. 12. J£S| hell launch his own halfihour H HGTV series, Deserting Design, working with homeowners whose A domiciles desper- St arely need some sprucing up. H * Cover photo by H James Brown V ■ Would you like to know more about your favorite celebrity or public figure? Send your questions to: Ask American Profile, 341 Cool Springs Blvd., Suite 400, Franklin, TN 37067 or e-mail us at askus@americanprofile.com. 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