Houston daily journal. (Perry, GA) 2006-current, September 01, 2007, Image 65

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r OiVJ Us d f lU3AAV Cl\ ' ?| REV UP z SHAVE! - -i - ------- _ _ 2 Official Shaving Products 111 NASCAR, Association for Stoc» Car Auto Racing Inc c 2007 P&G 71237] Save $2 on any ONE Gillette' Fusion’ Power or Manual Razor CONSUMER: Redeem ONLY by purchasing the brand sizetsi repeated May not be reproduced Void if transferred to any person, firm or group prior to store redemption tou may pay any satesta* Anyotheruse constitutes fraud LMT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. DEALER Sending to Procter & Gamble. 2150 Suinybnx* Owe Dnumafi OH 45237. signifies compliance with ■■Requrements lor Proper Coupon Redemption" Copy available by wntng to the above address Cash Value 1/100 ofl< 070902 Procter & Gamble * 111 ■!■ MANUFACTURERS COUPON ■feasii H Mt-IjJm S sH" »*Jlsaw> EXPIRES 09/30AJ7 71237