Houston daily journal. (Perry, GA) 2006-current, September 01, 2007, Image 76

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. A <#4 •® r ■; VI E ©2007 P&G - »■ ■ V*4fc -:--L 7 ■<:. 3J ite vB ?3sßis Jw - 'fS- -jnflß fra jJI Healthy water you need.' Flavor when you want. When it comes to giving your family healthy water, PUR is sure to meet your needs. Bring home an original PUR pitcher or faucet mount for less than S2O, or give your family the option to add raspberry, strawberry, and peach fruit flavors with New PUR Flavor Options'" PuR WATER FILTRATION SYSTEM ; MANUFACTURER COUPON pvS CONSUMER: Redeem ONLY Dy purchasing the brand size(s) indicated May not be reproduced Void it transferred to any person, firm, or group prior to store redemption. You may pay any sales tax Any other use constitutes fraud LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. DEALER: Sending coupons tc Procter & Gamble 2* 50 Sunnybrooh Drive, Cincinnati. OH 45237, signifies compliance with ‘Requirements lor Proper Coupon Redemption" Copy available by writing to the above address Cash Value 1/100 of If Procter & Gamble 070902 ©2007 P&G 5 23987 10074 2 (8100)7 69342 69342 MANUFACTURER COUPON tm CONSUMER: Redeem ONLY by purchasing the brand sizetsl indicated May not be reproduced Void it transferred to any person, firm, or group prior to store redemption. You may pay any sales tax Any other use constitutes fraud LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. DEALER: Sending coupons Ir Procter & Gamble 2'50 Sunnytxook Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45237, signifies compliance with ‘Requirements lor Proper Coupon Redemption ‘ Copy available by writing to the above address. Cash Value 1/100 of If Procter & Gamble 070902 ©2007 P&G 5 23987 20076 3 (8100)7 69343 69343 PLAYING HERO, HONORING HEROES Children often imitate people they look up to, whether it's a fearless firefighter, a caring doctor or an inspirational teacher. So when they play, they're not only exploring their dreams, but they're also honoring our real-life heroes. EXPIRES 11/30/07 |por| $ 5 off ANY ONE PUR® pitcher, PUR faucet mount. PUR Flavor Options™ pitcher, or PUR Flavor Options faucet mount EXPIRES 11/30/07 | PQR | $ 1 Off ANY ONE PUR® replacement filter or PUR Flavor Options™ flavor-cartridge 2-pack 69342 69343