North Georgia times. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-1868, November 22, 1860, Image 3

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V ¥ ■' Dalton :: : : Nov. Q 2, ISGO. jE*r Mr. M. L. Whitman, Ringgold, Ga. j is authorized to receive subscriptions, con tract for advertising, and receive and receipt for all monies due the Times Office. Jt-fF The weather for a few days past. ha&J been cold and cloudy. There was a sliflH fall of snow at this place on yesterday meris ’ ing. - L. Cohen Co. have opened, in this place, a new Hardware and Stove Store in connection with their Tin Shop. Thev have qui‘e a large and choice Stock, which they are offering at very liberal pi ices. Go and examine their goods, you who wish to pur chase anything in the Hardware line. W e are indebted to this gentlemanly firm for a couple of new style Wash-Basins, for which we tender thanks. A. Call. The undersigned respectfully invite the citizens ot Whitfield County, irrespective of former political destinctions, to con*- Vene at the Court House, at Halton, on Saturday the ‘24th day of Nov. I'-fi'l, t,» take into consideration the political ecn- | dition of our country at the present time Halton. Nov. 17. 1860. [The above call was signed by quite a number of ou r most rispeetabe and influ ential citizens, whose names we are una- i Ide to give owing to the crowded state of our columns.] X-f?* At a meeting of the citizens of Whit field county, held in the Court House on the 16th November, iB6O, Col. R W. Jones was called to the Chair and .J N. Cate ap pointed Secretary, when the following reso lutions were unanimously adopted : Res'drcd, as the sense of this met tiny, That we approve the measure granting the ere li: of the State in aid of th«s construction of ! Rail Roads iu this State, and that our Sera tor and Representative are requested to exert their influence in favor of an act granting ' the same. Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee to prepire a memorial for the sig- i natures of the people of this county, asking the Legislature to grant the aid they recom mend. Col. Cate, Col. Stance! and the Chairman were appointed that Committee. [communicated] Editors Sorth Georgia Times, I notice an editorial in the Catoosa Journal, which is endorsed by the Cartersville 7.’.-/w-'.'’. sug gesting to the people of tin Cherokee J ■: lieitd District the propriety of holding a Conven tion to nominate a candidate for Judge of this Circuit. I believe in the policy of Conventions, when they are called by the people ; but in this instance it would not be call d by the people. They are well pleased with Col H. A. Walker, the present able and efficient Judge, and therefore have not, and will not ■call a Convention. It is utter folly t > think of having a Con tention at this late day for this Judicial Cir cuit: besides, the pc pie are content with Judge \\ alker and «7// not displace him He is known to be a man eminently qualified for the position, and, without di.-aparagement to others, is admitted to be one of the ablest Circuit Judges iu the State. This being the -case, where is the necessity for a Conven tion ? Though, if tl'e call for a Convention is tor the purpose of appeasing the desires of any yentLinan in this Circuit, all that can be said is, go on in the movement, and it will be seen that not one half of the counties in the Circuit will be represented. Gordon. State o£ Georgia, Whit field Couiitv. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Nov. ' 1 itth, 1860.—1 Whereas, Harrison Rogers, of- .id co'tntv. has made application in due form of liw to l,e an pointed Administrator of the .-nite of KG W Maffvit , •deceased, late of -aid county. These re therefore j to cite and admonish all, and singular tiie kindl ed i and creditor- of -aid de I. to lie a* tn v oflice to ■ show cause, if any they have, v.irfiiu th- time pre setiliet by J.iw why said applicant shall not be ap pointed administrator upon tie; ■--A'.’e of -tid de cease d. Witness in] . ■. i -ignaturc. Nov 22, o-md. ' J. ]*. FREEMAN, Only. To the Public. r PHE undet signed offers for -.ale or rent their -L property in the City of Dalton, Ga. Con-istinz ot a new dwelling house on north of Depot street, with 4 rooms and 3 fire plac'-s, all fini-ia d in com plete Cottage style, there is a good veil and -moke houseoti the o‘_. Also, a h-rg-new two story wood and Black Smith -hop .-uitable for carrying on the Carriage making b’l-ine--, on the Depot -q ;ir<- south of the depot, next door.-nt of Quinn .v .M -En'ire’s store. Ai-o, two two horse wagons. Those w:shin ,r or call on W. B. Burner' or G. W. Hill. We return our thank-- to o:ir < u turners for their liberal patronage, arid would soy tduit we will remove 25 miles east to AlleekhulValley, where we will be aide to furnish work f, < m 20 to 25 percent. ehe.ip.-r from the best of material--, than we can do it at this place. JAMES M. CORDER. ■ Dalton, Oct. 11-3 m. JOHN 1,. SHORT. Hail I tone] of iff. Omer. Daltox* Jack-onvjile It. It. t 0., / Daltox, Ga., S pt. 25th, 1860. )’ V OTK.’E is herebv given that the sth in-tallment ten dolluts on e-.0-h .eol me i’.d -10.-l; mbacrilied, of the Dalton and Jacksonville Railroad Company, ha.-, been called bv the Director- pavable at the Office of the Compauv in Dalton, on th- fii.-t day of December next. Bv order. Sep. 27, ’6O-td. EDWARD WIJII E, S< <-'y. 10 THE AFFLICTED. rPIJE subscribet recently irrini-G patent i for a Truss, which he now confidenijv off* i • to all persons who are afflicted with Hernia (or Rupture) in any form. Thin Tru-« ha* b< en Hibjccted to the inaction of H vrral physicians who I ;iv<- U-tow< d upon it unqualified commendation. A-a rudici'il cure Jiu.>.s, it v. ill com pan* lavorabb* witliariv now before thu public. 1 In- a<l vantage.-* that this Tr -h es over all others i« it* lightne «, durability, perfect adaption to tlie part ■ . He. tr<|, the ea .- ami < -,mfoit to the patient, and the facility of it- application. For further particulars Address R. S. SCHOVENEr.L. May 10, Athens Ga tl'/iil'Hehl Corotifr’’n Steh\ A \/JLL be sold before the Court House door in ’ ’ the City of Dalton, on the first Tuesday in December next, the foliowing propertv to wit: One house and lot, in the Cityof Dalton, No. not known, formerly occupied by ,M. G. Jollv, to satisfy ong Justice Court fi fi in favor of J. N. A J. M. Cornan vs. .M. G. Jolly and other". Bevy made and returned to me by a Constable. Oct. Ist ’6o—3od. A. KEITH, Coroner. 1 Tin A - Stove Store, XJcxltoix, O-ex. r pilE SUbserila ■r would respect fully niinonnee to .1 •he citizens of Dalton and surrounding country, I that he is just establishing a Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware manufactory, at R H. Nonius's old stand, j one door south of L. Coiikx's Tin Shop, and would (fivite all persons wishing to purchase,to examine his hares befor purchasing elsewhere. had large experience in conducting this iraneh of business, and having secured the services : of an EX TEKIENCEDand EIT-’lt IEN f Mechanic— ' employing no apprentices ami purclia-ing Mateuiai.s i or the nr.sT only, he feels confident of the patronage of all who want a first class article of Tin-Ware. Every variety of Job Work and Repairing will be executed with neatness and dispatch. r ri 11 !*< »< >111) LJs J Done to order in the most approved stile to wit; ; I with sTAViiIXG slams. Chimneys Battened (upon a plan not in u-c in this section), and Tin Eave-Troughs, Gntt< r Lining \ al ley-. Flashing-, t'.mduetor I’ipes and Heads, put up to order and warranted. Letters cut iu 1 in. Copper or Bi-iss. at reasonable i STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!!! in th s department hi' Mill not l»> ex .-He.i, tor 1 eonvcnience, durability, d - : i ami f'.ni-h, he will i have the be.-t tile market alliads, and Mill not sutler j himself to be .-urpa—ed. I A complete v. ; riei v of Uoimtry Hollow ware will be kept in trood -uppii. By strict attention to bu-ine-s, ami lair dealing he I hopes to merit a liberal share of tin' public patron- I age. M. Kt SSEI.L. N. IL, all kind- of count: ■ produce Liken in ex change t> r good-. \\ r.tiled, i 11■.. - li.i Lead, < 'op- ,- . per. Bra--and Hriitaimia, for which he will pav (he : highest eiirent prices. M. R. Dalton, Ga., Aug. 16, IS6O. FALSE REPORT OUT 11 “ th> !! oi is Proni •'>'the Pudd'im/ " ITIIE Repm-t (now 'being viri-e.lated) that “all'the I I Tin and Stove-t >resin Da’ton ere connected, ere I all one and the .-a me thing." i.< for It I ''-SA7. /.'.S' 'is en.'o-. /i/imeoimv.tvd w .th any other simelar e-tab- , li-liment. The fact that his ware is so be'/er, Is whv 1,.J,, gets tin ir wares of him. If you want «Ao I Stove or tlie ' a Tin ".ire made in < herokee Geor gia, be sure to call at I,' I ’ I' Tin and Stove .-tori', first door N e thot'J. W. Tineliet - .-store. November Ist,'i o, 1 1'. M. Rl SSIJ.T,. ■T'O XMZmT-S, t,. •' • • -■ I —both ev.-ellctt* cook-, wa-her- and s- -Hirers, j Di-posi.ioa- good. l\.r t. i ms. apnlv to oct. 25. t.o- it. r..' it. ii \i;den. M 12TIIODTST : SODS WDSH'DM. .1 <>l I N W. i’J’llKil. .Vgt'iii. . Would !<■-] -etfully solicit the patronage of the | public gi-m't.dly, ami e-peei.dly of the Denomina- ! lion, for the Conteren.-e i'.-p' -itory, b'eat. d in Ma- ; ' eon, Ga. lie keep - coti-t mtlv on hand a good sup- F METHODIST BOOKS. ' From Na.-hville and New \ ork, which will be sold at the- cue Prices—whole-ale and retail—as at the p!:- -■ Beside-- tn- will always I'o a variety of Bi-ngiou-Wo;-';-—■ i-I'-titi-i-'tr the ' oik- of the day, wiietlier Amer’.;; n <■: J’.-:. i..n. De will order, at BIBLES, TESTAT.IE27TS, PRAYER.- Z.< It) M.VF AV 77/77 'OUTII. \ SCHOOL J.V7) (:oL!,;:cy 7'.’ r .\'T L'OOA'S, ! At N< rti.ern i’t Im --. witl. ■ -v t•» ■. c ted. Particular attention paid to tillimr orders from F; ■■ ies and Teacher, wh< lustrum ut's'und le.ryartidi vsvmlly kept in a lioek Stare. I Orders '.- -pectfully sn'i'-ir- 1. Address, JOHN W. Bl RKE, Agent. J/.m0.',, ; lu. C<) I I cfc CX LATEST AND MOST IMPROVER ®WfcL JKitowfe COO/ STOVESx ! CO OKI SO I 7 IPX'SILS, J.\ PAX- ; XEJ), BP IT ANSI A <(■ PLAIN TIN IT A RE, J I OUSE Fun-.i-hii-g Goods and Shoe Findings ' Jl 1 of i-v'-ry de-'-rt| ’ion, ('nlf>kins ami ll<?m --!>•< k Leaf her of the liuest quality—all of which I will be sold cheap for cash. Pm iicular attenti n j given to rooting, gutti'i'ing and repaiiing. L. t'o'i'-n <y < • w< uld also inform the citizens ’ of Dalton mid country that they i ire t-i-ei are I to execute, with neatness and de- | (i l X \V Oil I< Gs eVi-ty .11- -liption. New gunns put up to order—b.-irrcls Ac. -fork'd, and all kinds of re ti.'iirtng done at liort notice. Al work warranted. Al-o Levs litted to anV sort of a lock. Tin y nre reet-i ing i sj ci lid I t of Double- ' Bnrel r-h >t G n-. Pistol , Am it itiotis, Gun equip ments of nil kind- L'ltniismith material-, &<: , ;<H ' t, reasonable terms forCASll. A share of public patronage is so licited. Dalton, Gn., S.-; t. f-th, iB6O. Mupi'tiv Shci’ili’s Saif. W’lLLbe -old 1,-Im-.-the Court House door in V > thclov.n <4' -prihg Flm-< on t! 1C fii ■ t Tue.-day in Di eember next, within tin' legal hours ot sale, j tl.c follow ing prop riy. to-w:t : , Lot of land No 1U1!, in the Bth District ami "rd -■i- i-mos -aid County, h-vied onus the property of Geoi'o- W. Nh hols to -at.i-ly an attachim'iit fi fa from M' ■ r -1. '• ’S i i<-i; or I <,u a! i. i la\ or of J olm .M organ, for Also, the - toi‘-lion e in the town of Spring Place, in which .1. J . 11. J-i i -on is now selling good.-, tin: number i- not known, to s.iti-fy two li fas, levied on as: (he <>rop<-i ’v of John S. Pe'nil, one fi ta in favor of • B'lrune-ami Brown, ami the other in favor of l orce and Cotilev <V C'i. vs I* l -dl and Fn-u.-worth. Nov. Ist, iBG<», 'I. T. M> MULLEN, Sh’ff. Also, the South half of lot of kind No 279 in the 1 r 't.i) di-trict ami 3rd, sect on of said County, undone grav mar' nml two bl.o-k nudes and two hundred bushels ol corn more or less, levied on as the prop ers. of A. M'-Hann. to sat.i ly afi fa i.-m-d from .Mur ray Superior Court in l.’Vorof Paul E. Brunegar v.s ; A. McHann and Augusta., A. .Mclhinn, security on Also one lot ol land No 17‘t in the U'th district of . said t ountv, levied on as the propm t of (h'orgc IJ. .May, to satisfy a li la i.--ued from Mui- uy .'-uperior Court in favor of Edward'l :<-wh*t.l vs G. B .Mav Nov. l.t, 1860, E. F. (Os FEE, D Sil’lf. X otic . \ LI. persons arc hereby notified not to make o give endit in any manner to P. C CLnedv on the joini account of uiy-elf and Prior E. .1. Clare dy, or as copartner-, as the said Claredy has proved unfaithful and iitilru- worthv ; tie i-idoi ■■ I will not. bv liable to p iy any contr.i' t or liability tha'. Im may ( make in any wav. 1 June ]Bth, IB6o—tf JON ATIIAN GKFEN. i | JHisccHancous Pillion Lu’iiiiile Seminary. !T is the design of the piineipal of this Institution to establish a Female Seminary of the highest order, in which all necessary advantages, comforts, : ami conveniences will be oil, red for a thorough, ex tensive and polished education. After an examination of many of the first Insti tutions in this Country, she has endeavored to adopt it plan best calculated to secure advancement of the pupils in high literary attainments, purity of morais and lady like deportment. She will be sustained by able and ellieient asrifit : ants in every departmeitl an I ever) measure will be taken to insure energy, vigilanei-', ami prudence in the whole management of the Institution. Co'lxi’mso of StndLy. PItIMARY YEAR . l'i:-t Se-ion :- Speili i.r, Reading, Arithmetic, Wri ti:.L mid Needle Work, . 88 00 Second Se-.-ioii:—Spelling, Reading, Primary Arith j metie, Primarv Geography, Writing and Needle Work, - - ■ g SECOND YEAR. First Session: Spelling, English Grammar, Good rich's Common School Hi-tory, Geography, Da vie’s Arithmetic, Rle" orieal Reading, Composition, Writing, Neeillv Work, ' 12 00 I Second Si'ssi.'n :—-Engii-h Grammar reviewed, Ge I ographv eomple i <l, Drawing Maps, History, Arith metic, Science ol things I'amiliar, Natural Philos ophy, Spelling, Rhetorical Reading, Composi | tion, 15 00 THIRD YEAR. First Session : Algebra, Chemistry, Natural Philos ophy, Antiquities, Geography of the Heavens, ‘ History, Rhetoric:’! I’< ailing, Composition, 15 00 Second Session:—Algebra reviewed, Astronomy, I Phvlosophy, Chemisiry eompletM, Geology, Rhet- j orie, Rhetorical Kinding, Uomposition, 15 00 FOURTH YEAR. Fir.- 1 Session Astronomy, Completed, Plane and , Spherical I'rigenoim'try, viewed, Khetoii-.-al Reading, Ccinpo-ition, 20 00 I > Second Session: —Log e Moral Philosophy, I'hisioio- j wv. Ti igenom;' l ry. Mensuration, Evidences, of Uhii.aiai'.ity, Rhetorical Reading and Composi tion, 20 (.in ' Amm nt I-angiiuges* no extra ci.arge, I Mod' in Languages per session, 15 co Oil Painting per sc--.on, 15 i 0 Drawin;.” painting and different kinds of Ktobroidi-ry ami t.ii'ev work per session, 10 00 Musieon the Guitar and Piano I'ort, 25 00 F-o of Instrument 'per ses i- >n, 5 o ' i In mv.-lc every pnpil will be required to taken . Ie -m ol half an hour each day, 50 lessons will be given each • e-sion. .Modern langna/.-s, Pr oving, Painting, different kind- of Eiiitnoid'-rv tiu-l Fancy work, 50 lessoni of an hour each " ill be given each -e-s'on. Each pupil will be taught vocal music without extra charge. I Iloie'd, including til es, light-, washing per scs-- i:i >.-c young l a.lies who reside in <he family will :be co-; t int!' '..1! tlie care of one of the Teacher.-'. ; For further parii uia"s see the eireul r, ami .;d --d.- MRS. LAI KA REED, Pulton, Ga., ('< t. 11,’60, Principal. ; New Drug Store. McAlbo. I Sitting & Co., ; (O/ir tloor N"i'h of tlo Post Qt/lce, (■/■■■l.r Bloek ) ’'i’llE -uh--libers have jus’ opened a large ami 1 fr.-li of Drug.-. Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, <>i's, I ’-. c-Sr.t!:'-, Ac. Ae. Having purchased I ,I,'tre!'/ /•■!- G. ! >'//, they are able to sell at redm-ed I ii-oires, ami would e pecially in- ite the at’entioa ot : I 'll vs! i'l\ x-. and the public gen*-r.i' Iv to the ir - I’Ll x !’- ito As-oitTMi-XT. They l--el contid :;t that they can i. I ail • ' 'er- ,:;i I -give entire s.:t:-!'.i.tio:i both a- to i * omc ami exa.miiie onr stock. (Ini' terms will be Dr. J. R. M’AF'i'’. a rr -e-i-ii.g P-v-i -inn. can be lat the Drug . tore at all ti:m-. iinle.-s Profi ss- ■■ ■ :■■!. He will si ■. puttingnp"l I alt Orders and Prescriptions. Feeling th:mkful for ; th.' patronage ahead;, given him, he hopes fora con i ti iuunceof the same. ' Sept. 13, T,<>. ! I '< >P< >si ponod Sli’tl’s Salo. ! TX Jill 1 -■ sold on :-e four'll Tue-uay in November. ■ Vt lo sos land No. 68, in the lot'll dist. and 4th i .. :■:■•! No. 2-82, in t'.i ] It!: an-’ Ith sec. am! 1 No. 171. in ttie 19th dist. and 4th sec. of Dade Coim i ty: levied on : - the property of J. G. Jaeowav bv ' virtue of sundry fi fa- i.-sued from Dad'- Superior i Court again-: Jaeowav ami Morgan, Property point | ed out i.y J. G. J.i-.e.vay. I Al- iby virtue of sundry fi fas ofs-iid County, lot I of land No. 250 in the loth di-t. and 4th section of | said County: levied on a- the property of .M. Morgan, I and also the int'-re-t of .M. .Morgan in lots Nos. 218, 171 ami 172 in loth d’s*. and 4th see. Property i pointed out by 11. 11. Tatum, plaintiff's attorney. I AIWoWeIt" i jlehiiueolvprs and Sphc-n'olypcs, I r j' , l!ES' BSCRIBER has taken rooms for a short A time only over Kennedy's store, where he is I prepare ! to take the above named likenesses, with ! till the improvements in the art. TF/if s of Dal- j ton and vicinity are requested to call and examine 1 I specimens. ' J. M. C. HEARN. ! Dalton, Oct. 25, '6 I 3t. Whitfield Sheriff’s Sale'. POSTPONED SALES. : rxTtr. the first ti g-oiay ix hecemuer next. I Also, lot of land. No. not.k nown, in the 12th di-t. I I and :-lrd ■ .-t.. it l.eitig the place whereon .lames For- | j svth now liv. s, to satisfy seven Justice Court fi fas iu 1 I favor of John B. Hood vs. James Forsvth. Property I ' pointed out. by said Forsyth. Levy made and re- | : turned to me by a constable. I Also, twenty six ni'ies of lot No not known in ' the 12th di- and 3 .-'e, it being the place whereon J II Miner now lives, to satisfy two Justices Court j I li fas om* Morri- ami Jackson vs J II Miller, proper- j <i ty pointed out bt plaintiff Levy made ami return- | I ed to me by a constable. D. VV. MITCHELL, D. Sh'ff. j SOYER’S SULTANA’S SAUCE. ! Eor Hot and Cold Dishes of All h ini's, i Fhis most delicious and appe- j ' / N ti-in--Sam-', invented by the re-I / \ nowned ,” i" tl ■ I. ■ / \ don Rel'ort.flub.i-.-luce hi-de I i (•* ;•-<», initiiii'n-’tG cd I>v the uoil *' • known house of Cro.” \ Black | from the original . kA, '■'''''l’'’- 11 g’l' 1 ' i''' lll ’ ll ' • ■'iiee! X "Xl /A X J o '/ in En::!and. and on the ( 'nntinent ' ' nT 'll 'll]/ with a high and growing repnta- i tion among American Epicures, j and i - inai'u approved of as a stimulant to the appe- j tite and aid to digestion. Grit- ioxs of the Loxpox Press. —“Wc rccom-! metid our eorrc-pom'.ent to try Mons. Soycr's new j ' Sauce, enti led the ‘Sultana'* Sauce.’ It. is matleaf- ! ter the Turki.-h recipe; it- flavor is excellent, ami it afford- t'om.-id • able aitl in ca-ses of .-low and weak digestion.”—7/*e Lanert. “Savory, Piquant and Spicy, worthy the genius of Soyer.’’— 'H, , r, i r. “A iiei t valuable adjunct, to Fish, Flesh, and Fowl ami slmiddhave a place on every table.”— Allas. Sole Agent for the United States. GARDNER G. , Y) F.1.1N, 217 Fulton St., New York, ami BRAR IIA7 l-.S, 31 t'ornhill, Boston. For Sale by Gro cers ami Fruit Dealers everywhere. [JalilO-ly. ATLANTA MARBLE YARD.' j I>. N.J tn >st>N, Agr’tJ { U:\UR :m<l worker in ITALIAN and AMERI-I * <’A.\ MARBLE, Afl;ini;i, Ga. Monuments, j Box Toinhs, Tahit iHoadand l oot .stones,l'urniture M-trhb*, »\c., furni'hcd on Ai-coinmodating Terms. ; J ’//" onic' - ’ and yard corner of Roach-Tree and Walton .tr 't-, oppo ite High, Butler (o. is also Ag nt lor the sale of Iron Railing. , Nov. 17, 1 <Sul y. J) * \ i’i'.i? () »5f ‘CA N •‘■T ■ < L. M. Munger & Co., KEEP constantly on band every variuty of Leath er of the best quality, viz: Sole Leather, I ppper Leather, Harm-s L.-iithcr, Kip Belt Leather, Laee L. athcr, Are. Ac. At moderate prices for cash. All orders for Leather will be promptly filled. I Cash paid for Hides and Bark noviiSAm, A. E. BLUNT, J. H. KING. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL KBS no IHIKB MIMS, DAT/rOX, GKO. 7 HAVE now on haivl and constantly receiving a lull supply of Groceries and Produce genetallv, A‘J<VLV, I Lol MEAL, SLGAE, CoEEEE, MOLASSES, OROCKERY, LA SS J A7> HARR 11 71 A’ //>•’, €so s .%■ -f if ff. . nf / 7 if T/ et i Sa ICfi, LA RMLV O I 1//'A'.!//AV7.s', (tv., in short EVER YTIHXO usuall kept in th.-ir line. Wo| ild also take occasion to suy that we \\ AN f MONEN , and trust that those indebted to usbv note or account, will come forward andsettle. [August 16,’60. lIAI.TOR VABMiTY WHO, R. K. FORD & CO., M WUEVUTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN rtrbbl t w a e , 13:111< >ii, ( J-eoi\G-i -j. 01’Ll) respectfully call attention to their and elegant stock of Fl’i’XlTUflL 1 1 illK ] in so doing they feel confident that, they tire prepared to M ANIj FA(!T«J il E all |Bl articles in their line of the IjA'l’ESTand most approved styles, and at LOWEII rates than can possibly be offered by any other establishment in this part of the country, havin'’’ extra and extensive facilities in the way of machinery, &c., &c. They are constantly manufacturing al! varieties of SOFA.S, nDIAANS, J,tit ' I—-'“ll'Ctl-A-’;';;';';;.; WARDROBES. mattresses, d , CHAIRS, A COMPLEE'I SUP/'E Yof the r>/ f tt:f( bt.J JIOCKING, SIPVINfr '(tml other Chair-s. ('(PL'TACIh FUIIRITl r lth\ !rjS7AS'7’. l A7Zs; TOILET TA -13 LEC, lo il' Jdfj /<7\ i \ i<(■ ~ Ac. Tu short EVERYTHING in ther hue. All of which they are offering at rcniarkblv low prices JROJJ G zV.H El- OLD FL RNITURi'* repaired, and UPHOLSTERING of every description neatly executed. fl’tfjjiU art Blooms iv'est sie’e of Bloniiheosi Rf., few doors below OUrcr's. ♦ —»—■> Fisk’s Patent Metalic Burial Cases. OCTAOON CASE. CLOTH COVERED, PLAIN BRONZED. 1 have the above named Ca-e.-, of varci':- p:i f t: rti? and -iyle of finish. Thev are extensively used, ami posse-': valuable advantage- over all olio, r Collit-s, for transportation, depositing in vault.-, or for ordi nary interments. They are made of the most imperishable materials, also enamelled inside and out, to prevent ru-t or cotTosiGli ; ami wti-m.prop, riy cemented we have the gratifying reflection that the bodies of our deceased loveu or.i’s enelosed in them, nre free t’rom irruption of water or depredations of vermin, and may, without offensive odor, be k< pt, obiialiug the necessity of hasty burial,s, or if desired, transported to a distant land. Theabove ‘'tle'.-igon t'-i-e" i- a new -tyl'’ of Metalic t'as 's of beatitiful form, finished in perfect resem blance of higldv polished Roseweo'l, ami is lice Irom ocotrueiions expressed by some concerning the shape ami appearance of some other styles. Ordetsfrom abroad repeetfuilv solicited :>ml promptly filled. _A E-L. ZS.. ZF'OZI.IX nniFoi coni iiftiihi inv HiLlyiil MMIII iWiLLii EDalton, Greougia, WALKER & McLANE. 11l it, Proprietor# of the Pelton Hearn Aorilhj Worh's rv#pflctftdii/ notij // the p>thhc that then are pr< pared to fill ail order# for “Gv 3 *sfsw COTAGE BEDSTEADS, LADIES WORK STANDS. ('EiEEf LO CEGE: V ' l FT - 1 7; L /: C Wardroabs, Tfashslands. Des ks. AV hat•u ot s. /ve., t c ve , At short notice, uli oi HLI’ERT' >E, \\ Univ Al ANSI IIP and FINISH, at very low prices \\ holesale or Retail FOR, CASH. Specimens or their furniture may be seen at the works, adjoining tlie Foundry or up stairn over A. M. Norris & Co. I T Dalton, Ga., July 5, ISGO ly. ‘ ” v vi - , L. S, SALMON s, A. B. .MATHEWS, DOCT. J. N SIMMONS SALMONS, MATHEWS & CO. ■H SPM m ■! SM, —.— - . "(A' i JL.b ' A'"~ AVIlitoli:• 11 Street, .Xtlaiitn, (teo., ARE NOV. pr< pared to oiler to the Trado as good a selection of e'. ery style ami description of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods as can bo found in the Htr, at prices that will meet the views of purchasers. CARPETING.'" FLOOR AND OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS I At prices ranging from twenty-live Cent'- to two dollai- per ’.aid. Me al.-o have a l. ige stock ol Ladies' Dre,-.- Goods, Rich Silks, Bareges, Organdies and Jaconets, . Muslins, with and wit lout flomm Al.-o, a large ,'ine <>! be uitiid-mall printed Jaconet .Mn.-lin-and Bril- I Hants, plain and fig'd MJjiie Silk.- ami Robes for b: i<lal occasions. Also, a complete stock of Mourning j Dre-.v Goods. Also, ■ targe stock ol I iinghams ami I’rint* of every quality and style. Our stock of Em- I broideries is large and of t'ie lalc t -iy!es, as also our stock of all qualities of Gloves, among w hielimav be ! found the well known Alexander I,id Gloves, of every shade of color. Our -took of- Bleoehed and Brow n I Sheeting and Shirting, Planters' Linen and Cotton Ades, is full titid complete. \Ve have also r, large stock of Boots and Sho s of till ipuiiiies, among which may be found a fine lot. of Ladies’ Kid and Congress Boots, made in Philadelphia exprcsMy for out' trade. Also, a large stock I of Umbrellas and Para-ols, all of which will be sold at. wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices FOR (’ASH. All Orders Promptly Attended To, April 12, 1860. Grreat Shoe and. Leather] BIMICK, WILSON & Co., Peach-Tree Str., Atlanta, Ga. ATTE are. daily rec'izing from our manufactories BOOTS AND SHOES of every variety and sttlve, all of V V which w. have immufaetured EXPRESSLY FOR THE RET Ai L 'i'll ADE of tiiis market, ami guaran tee them equal to any manufactured in the State, and sup' ri'ir to anv thing .-old in thi- market. Our stock comprises the large-t tr Sortmeitt. of Boots and Siioes ami Leather of any hou-e in this city, and will be sold I at prices as low as those who keep an inferior quality of Goods. At all times on hand a lat-’e stock of i Gents’ Wilier Proof Pump ole and Light STIT CH BOOTS, MADIC IN A r rTuAX r J\A. Ladies’, Mis-cv’, Childr en and Infants’ SHOES, Latest Styles. Also, Mens’, Bovs' ami Youth’s shoes. 3,000 prs. Extra Ib a-y Double Sole Oak Ru set BROGANS, which w« guarantee superior to anvlbin"'ever told in this market. 5,000 lb-. Hemlock Sole Leather, for sale at Chai ic.-ton Prices. 100 doz. FRENCH CALI' SKINS, j'l.-t, received from tlie Importers, and for sale nt a Commission on New York Prices. Boot Trees, Lasts, I’-g', Shoe Thread, mid everything connected with the manufacture of BOOTS AX'D SHOES. 1 We guarantee to sell lower tin: n any I louse in this City. Those wanting anything in our line, will find it to their interest to call on us before purchasing. Our motto is Quick Sales and Short Profits. "W"llssoEii 00., April 26th, 1860—Jy At the sign of tin Big Boot, Peach Tree Street, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Carbs. CLARKE & LEWIS, M'holtsalc and tail Dealers in all kinds of lAKMFirs& KVIIdYEIUS | v Chitlei-v, • - Also, Carriage Hardware, Sprimis, Axles, Spoken sols: ./w.vts ron Fairbank’s Scales, a\T 2SEEAV Yi’lfK PRICES. B’each-Tree Stru ts Atlanta, bu. March 10, 7560— ly. A. I L. GO V IXT OA r , WHOLESALE AM) ItltTAI I. DEALER IN Family and Pianttition Groceries, ’ Uwrokef tilock. faefi-Trei ircul, /;.; .Kz Qm.o I /’lurch I's, 1860—ly. T. R. RiPLEYT" Crockcry, Esrihenwcre and 6 X-II X-ff A , .Also, deal! r in Ulli'ss, Waled and iirilltinn In U ', Lamps and Laxteiins q/’ ull kinds, Taui.e Cutlery, l.i'itNixu Flcid, Coal, Kekosexe, Fine Ott.s and Alcohol, i Wholesale and Hot ail, ] ll'hilthuli sir., rlihinla, ha. Alarch W, 1860—ly. I G. Vs. HLNMCLTT J. A. Hunnicutt Taylor, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALERS 15 Drugs, Medicines. Painls and Oils. WINDOW GLASS, FANCY GOODS, hold B-'oiS, D. r h tul Instruments,kfc. Sir'll ol'Grolden Eaylc, Corner of Ifecfttur and lieacI i eac h- r l\'c e Streets, zXaXiXRAAai&AAz £SW“So!e Proprietor.- and Manufa.'iurers of 7V/?;- /wr’s Elixir. March 31,1860—1 y. MABS"EY & LANSDELL, V. IIOI.F.SAI.E AND RET.'.IL DEALF.R? IX Dru £ s, Medicines and (’liemiea’s I'ERFL’MERY & TOILET ARTICLES, Squints, Surgeons’ Instruments, Garden Seeds, .xc> : Three Doors South op Beech & Root's Store, .81hmia,................. hee-rg-ia. March 31, 1860—ly. Miss Berry, i'S now permanently settledin Atlanta, and amhoun . co' to the ; Indies&f ffstflon find 7'ielnilti, I That .-he ha.-amtwt ex"’ii.-ite stock of ' SPRING DUMBER MILLINERY, ; Attd i.- prepared to furnish them with the latest , and most approved styles of bonnets, from ;Jstosls. ; Pi t'.-oiis would do w.-ll to give her a call before pur chasing elsewhere. April 26,’60 —ly ’ HARDWARE AND STOVES" XT j Z 3 3’. > i.cofs» Ravrfyon, (illbei't & Jhirr, ] WHITE 11 tLL STIt. [TLA ETA, GEO., IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH HARDWARE, [ AM) DIRECT DEALERS FROM ! /X F oil goods in the line. Iron. Steel, Nails, Ca?t --: ' / ing-, Chain-, Hoes, Ar’r.s, and Agricultural Im- I plements, Carpenti r- ami Itim-ksni' l b Tool;:, Bittld j ing Materials, Belting; Rope, Metals, Tin plates, and ! material for Tinners. ALSO— ; HOUSE rURNISIIIHG GOODS, I Stoyes and (rl'ates “f every deserip- I tion, Plated, Planished, Brittannia, Japan, and plain ; Tit: Ware at low prices. March la,’60 —ly ABiHITT & 880., 1 Wholesale Grocers, Produce and ! COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ('XCCUPYIXG the well known Ware Hou-e on 3 Mitchell, near Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Geo. j Strict attcm ion given to the sale of all kinds of I Produce on eon-igninciit; liberal advances made ou I shipments when desired, either tn Groceries, CASH, ! or by accepiancu, payable m Atlanta or Augu-ta.— I They have a full and complete stock of N. Orleans Groceries, Coffee, Salt, .Mola.-.-cs, Candles, refined Sugar-, ike. Ac., all new’ and carefully selected, which are offered low lor Cash. Orders respect fully solicited, carefully and promptly executed. A. X. ABBOTT. 2-i'tWlS L. ALIiOTT. Atlanta, Ga., Jin. stb, 1859—Ty COX, HILLVCoT E’raels-Tj'ee M., JJasihs, fta E I WE NOW IN STORE, AND TO ARE H I RIVE. I 50 Hhd-. N. O. Sugar. I 300 BU-. A B & C Sugars. 10 “ Crushc'd and powdered do. 200 Bag- Rio Coffee. 25 “ Java 400 Keg- N::il.=. 300 Boxe- Candb s. 10t) “ Tobacco. 1000 I*.maid- Snuff. 150,000 Spani-h, German arid .American Segars. 75 Bbls. Old Rye Win key. 200 “ Rectified „ ' 30 Pks. Cressent, Cognac and Tlcnnesse Brandies. I 50 Bids. Domestic limn, Giii and Brandy, 500 Sacks Salt. 100 Boxes State and English Dairy Cheese. 100 Bbls N. O. Molasses. ho Caskets Champaign Wine, various Brands. Soda, Starch, Oysters, Pickles, Sardines. Broom-, Buckets, Tub#, Churns, Ac., Ac. Al! of which will be sold very low for cash or to | prompt paying customers ox short time October' 13 th. 1859—1 y. (3. S. IIl(i(TINS~ WATCH fhgffiwsm, Tg" *« ■■ ■■ Tk -' W'■■ ■: 1 Jail on , - - - - G eorg ia . JU" Shop removed to the Store formerly occu pied by J. L. Cohen, second door below his oldstand on Hamilton Street. % \ ’Ol I D respectfully announce that ho has per * v mimcntlv located in this place, and will do all work in his line of business at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Ho will keep on hand a choice selection of Clock-, Watches and Jewelry; al-o a va riety of Musical Instruments. Repairing of every description executed at the shortest notice, and war ranted. March 29, 1860,-lv. Grass JUST received and for sale bv blunt a king. Aug. 25. 185 ; jfflisttlhncous DRU(tTT&IIEDICINES. >£u R E ME D I ClNgy | J PAI N T S JlfeAx Obi Drug Store of Block iV Dowdy W E have moved our Drugs to the old Rank ' tt house three doors from the corner of Biunt ‘ A Kitm. Ottr Drugs, Chemicals, &e., ate fresh and I pure and warranted. Nothing inert or impure will Ibe fioh) bv us—we ask any arti-le returned if not, t .n-miine and perfectly satisfactory Our faei.ities I L're -m.-h »b-’t wv can and will sell as low as any house ! in Dalton, although we have not “bought for cash.” I C d) ami tr’-u- am! we warrant safitta'-tion to all.— i wLim'.';,<i'"omi!im' *o -upp'v|’’hi -iriatis Os thia ; ,-md other eotmH. s and with great satisfaction. V e | have eotitinimd constantly to rep'cnLh our stock and I Wil' continue to do s”, ami therefore guarantee fresh, ] mire and genuine articles of every kind | Dr .Black, having retired from the practice'>llll bs I able to devote all his time to the Drug Store, and will attend to tlie orders and pres’-ripti'm.s of 1 hy sieians with care, and thinks, without much vanity, he is as competent as a DR. JMtrS A. BLACK • - ..WOOL2OX U. DOWDY. Dalton, Ga., Sept. 20, '60 —ly- " “ So. i- • A- n BiVjtl . A-. , p g; o Hr ’• e "“.a . Y Ico C A g CQ il i ~ ®§' czd X i b £ M !j I S 3 >7 PS E Spih eg gsa u « § 3 a s A w . Ph s Ba ■ Cg 2“ CXA *• tr - 8 O O i Ft 1 I" T- g J 3 © S " fe* S S__ - £ VICTORY ’• i THE KN ABH PIANO AGAIN TRI UMPHANT! CzlH’L F. BAR’HJ I 1 ASconstantlv on F.andjat his PIANO DEI OT 1 i on Whitt'liall Street, Atlanta, Georgia, an as sortment of the celebrated Piano Portes of Knnhn xfc Co., ■ • IK. ru, 1; A LTI MO RE. M ARYL AN D, which are unsurpassed in volume and richness of Tone, durability aiid workmanship. In addition to theabove, a vari'-ty of Instruments from the best Northern Factories, cun always bo Ut’.nd at his E-tablisbment. The Piano, during the late Fair at Mmitgomery, Alabama, took tlie premium over all Instruments on exhibition, amongst which was, also, a Driggs Patent I’iitno. I'i.ino Fortes Tuned and Repaired, and/Tuning by the vear done at reduced prices. rj/- Those who wish to call on me, will phase recollect, that there are two Music Stores close to o-ethcr on Whitehall Street, and that the firstone ?o tlie rielit in coming from the Railroad is mine. Sep. 27,’60-”t. CARL F. BARTH. iIB6O.’“FALL’TRADE!, ® Cij on pi' than Jg v er. DEMEMBER THAT J. L. COHEN, is now te ll ceivinghis Stock of Fall and Winter Goods— j a portion of which has been received by Express du ! ring the past week. „. lie takes!h : smethod to inform Ins friend and the i nubFc '••vnerallv that iie has taken great pains to se- Icet hisTood- in market, and intends to let the pub ■ lie generally share with him the benefits A his Cash Wtrchasen. I ip- -took will be comolete. and will be sell cheap ler than ever. A fine lot of Ladies Shoes, Prints and ! Traveling Dress Goods, now in store, and lot; sate I verv cheap for e’Cli. . i (live me only one trial ami Iwm wtirrant i tion. J ' ] Aug : 3'\JSCo. OTIf'E is hereby given that the Co-partnership 1N heretofore exisiiiig between the undersigned in the mime of FINCHER A liARBEN, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. ” . I INCHEL i« authorized to settle ail debts due to and bx the fitm. Au- 10tb 186". J- W. FINCHER. * '' N ' P - H.’.RBBN'. _ jN otice. T WOULD respectfully iiffonn the friem’.s ami J customers of the iti e firm of I ixctiEii A Habben, that 1 have bought the entire interest of N. F. JLir bi:n in the goods, notes and book-accounts. There fore the business will not be changed in any wav, but will be continued by myself just the sttme as if he had remained in the firm. In giving this notice, 1 beg leave to retu’2 ; my thanks for tlie liberal patronage of our many friends, and solicit a continuance of the same. 1 expect to have a large and well selected stock of Goods early this fall. J. Y ■ I INCIIER. Aug. 16th, 1860.—2 tn. " jdMESIkfITEUSON & CO.. BOOKSELLERS S STATIONERS AND DEALERS IN TAPER PANGEVGS, OIL AKD PAPER C' /,' /' TA J XS, GA X ES, A R TIS TS NA TE RIALS, AXB J'AXCY GOODS GEX ERALLY, MASOXIC ROOKS. FOREIGN BOOKS IMPORTED TO O'iDER, "W3a.itol3.fill Street, FIRST DOOR NORTH OF BEECH A ROOT’S, .Utiinta. heorgid. r'W” Teachers and Country Merchants supplied at Charleston prices, and all orders promptly attended to. Aug. 3"th ’6o—ly. j. r. BUTLER.] ["’• ®- PETRM. BUTLER & PETERS, (Euecessors to High, Butler it‘ C 0.,) FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF TENNESSEE PRODUCE; COTTON, GROCERIES, &C., Corner of Forsyth Street and W. A A. K. R., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. tTgT Good Tennessee Money taken at Par for Produce. July 19-’.6o—ly