North Georgia times. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-1868, November 22, 1860, Image 4

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The Pauline Grape. This grape is becoming to cieatean excite- ! *wei»t among grape-groweis. Only two mom Its ago the Fit Id and Fireside said : | What is the /'attZ/ae grape ? Wea'enot I certain that we know a peison that ever had seen a person who has s> en the Pauline grape. At the late Vine Giowei's Convention a Ai ken. South v arolina, the I’anitne grape was highly appteciated tor the table as well as for wine, so much even that it is proper to say a few words about it. Its origin, like that of manv others of our native grapes, is lather mxsterioiis. It has for many years been raised in the vim yaid of Mr Catadeuc and in that of Hr McDon ald, who, however, never coll <1 recol ect how or whence they obtained. It was, however, i too tine to piss unnoticed, and nameless through the world, as it unquestionably is one of our very finest grapesiu the Sou h. — A tew grape giowers therefore concluded to name it Pauline in honor of Mr. Caradeitc’s daughter, as a token how highly they appre dated the untiring efforts of Mr. Catadeuc in promoting the ciiitnre of the grape in the ; South--the pel feet success of w hich is now proved beyond a doubt. I bis was in Septem her. 1557, and seems strange indeed that dis tinguished borti. ti turi-is should not have known it befou- now. In the i-ataiogue of Mr Redmond, former ly the pioprietor of the Franklin N irserv. a correct des. up: on is given of if in 1557. and in copyii git 1 can but add a very little: “ llns fine new Sou hern grape may be briefly d. sriibed vs fallows: Brain-lies quite large, shouldered, compact, berries of medi- : um size ; color adaik brownish crimson very transparent l>efore maturity—not quite, so much so when fully riiie; flavor exceedingly sweet and juicy, a linn skin and no pulp: the most iiiscious of all our nat ve g ape-; k-aves large, scarcely lobed. rough, of a yd lowish tint, and somewhat convex \ oting bran.lies and leaves have a peculiar rusty appearance, which renders it easily r.-cogniz ed from any other; wood, re-1, with large j prominent eyes, not disposed to rot. Makes i a delightful Madet ia-c lored wine, and is the I best hardy table grape we have in the South.’’ ; 1 his giape has never been known to rot. • The skin is so thin that when over ripe it i is sometimes stung bv wasps and bees Some I persons, judging from the thin skin, and the ■ absence of pulp, have considered it a foreign grape. It has, however, so manv character istics peculiar to our native grapes, as hardly to admit of any doubt of its American origin. But this as it may, it is a grape that is deseiv ing of the most extensive cultivation.— Ala. Paper. Selecting of Seed Corn. Mr. Maunsel White contributes the fol lowing article to the New Orleans Delta. It should be a matter of careful consideration and experiment with every corn planter, to get a variety suited to the soil and climate in the first place. Having got a variety tol erably well adapted to the circumstances of his cultivation, then his selection of seed should be directed to the improvement of points in which he may find the chosen sort sufficient. In the general mixture, of which White is making trial, he may have his trouble well rewarded by falling on one or more very good crosses among so many.— We shall be glad to hear of his success: “ For some years past I have been experi inenting with Indian corn, with a view of testing the various descriptions, so as to ob tain a kind exactly to my mind 1 have tried every kind that has been recommended as prolific ami otherwise suitable : Tuscarora. Bread. Flour, Baden. White Flint, Yellow- Flint. Sugar, Peabody, besides samples from the Patent Office, and the common Yellow Flint '■ reole, so as to det' rmin -. from actual experiment, the one best suited to soil and climate I prepared my land for these vari ous seeds, carefully k< pt. each variety dis tinct, and had the cultivation, duly attended to; yet no results commensurate with the case and iub-.r bestowed lewarded my en deavors Despairing ot any special success, I directed, uii the gathering of last year s crop, the selection of the choicest ears of each vaiiety i>idi<eriminately to be put away for Seed 1 again took especial pains in the pr< piration of the land tor seeding, com menciiig on the 13th February my season’s planting, without any particular regard t the color or description of seed. The svaso; has not been very favorable, the drought up to this date continuing almost without inter mission, yet the plan: has flourished, and the subscriber sees at this moment four hundred acres covered with a crop averaging pet stalk from two to twelve ears 1 The number of stalks having the larger number are of course few —still there are many with four or five fine, healthy ears, and three arc quite common. If these should mature—and they look as if they might—the subscriber intend to take the most prolific for seed, and thus test by experiment the result of such selec tion. If any planter wishes to make a simi lar trial, some of the seed will be given him on application, for we ail know the impor tance of having corn tliat will be both good and prolific under fair cultivation ” To the Ladies. f'T'HE subscriber has just returned from New JL York with a very choice assortment of fine J’as/t ion a blc Jc wclry, buch ns has never before'>een offered in this city, to which he would most respectfully call the e-peeial attention of the Ladies. He flatter.- himself that for the amount of stock it is unsurpassed in beauty. He has also a new and beautiful vai icty of Gold and Silver il'cifchts, fine French and American Horfts, &e., Ac., which cannot fail to please. JTjf" Come and examine my stock—mv terms arc libei al. ' 0. S. HIGGINS. Dalton, Ga., Sept. 20th, 1860. KO It "\\ T ILL be sold at private sale the following prop- V* erty in the city of Dalton: The house and lot on Thornton Avenue, at present occupied by Mrs. M. M. Swift; the hon e and lot on Gordon street, at present occupid by E. B. C. Chri-tian ; the house and lot on King street, at present occupied by W. H. Dowdy; the store house on Hamilton street adjoin ing J. Cohen k Go’s. tin shop on the west. All of the above property will be sold at verv low prices for cash. J. £. HELVERSTON, Adm’r. Aug. 9, ’6O. M. M. SH IFT, Adm’x. <jr-VLIXJSm.itlx’S. AATE wou ld respectfully inform the public that wc I v V have located ourselves at Tilton, Ga., where wc are prepared to do any job in our business, with promptness dispatcji. Guns of any description made to order. Persons from a distance sending guns or pistols to be repaired, w ill meet, with neat and quick work. Send your orders to Tilton Depot \V. AA. R. It. Wu warrant ail of our work. MARTIN A CARROL. Tilton, June 7th, 1860.-1 y ER LAWS HE. BEALEIt in Clocks. Watches. Jewel) v. Silver Plated Ware, Table and Poo.krt i’utlerv, Razors and Scissors, and sole agent f,,f y, Tobi- i as’watches. Watches cr.refullv repaired. ■ t'3’* Whitehall Street, Atlanta, March»l -1 y. ~ ' I IHisffllancous SCHEDULE Os Georgia R. R, Passenger Trains. Augusta to Atlanta, 171 Miles— Fare, $5 GEO. YONGE, Geu. Supcr’t. I Leaves Augusta nt 0.30, A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 9.15, “ Leaves Augusta at 2.30, I*. M, Arrives at Atlanta at 11-15, “ Leaves Atlanta at 8.1 o' “ Arrive at Augusta at 5.56, A. M. Leaves Atlanta at . . .9.05, “ Arrives at Augusta at 6.go’, P. M. ATHENS BRANCH. Leaves Augusta at 0.30, A. M. Arrives at Athens at 8.10, “ Leaves Atlanta at 5.40.’ P. M. Leaves Athens at 11.00, A. M. Arrives at Augusta at 6.20* I*. M Arrive-at Atlanta at 11.15, “ No trains on Athens Branch on Stindav to connect with Trains leaving Augusta at 12.3" Satur day Night, and Atlanta at 8.10 Saturday Evening. This Road runs in connection with the Trains o the South Carolina and the Savannah and Augusta Railroads, at Augusta. Atlanta and Railro. Atlanta to Wes-Point, 87 Miles—Fare,....s3 50. GEORGE (•. 11l LL, Superintendent. r>AV PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atl nt i, daily, at 10.10, A. M. Arrives, West-Point at 3.10, P. M. Leaves Wsst-Point, daily, at 3,i c, p. J[, Arrives at Atlanta, at 7.3 s p. »(, NtGWT PSSENGKR TRAIN. j Loaves Atlanta, sf-ily, at 0,30, A. M. Arrives at West-Point at 5.-jg’ y[ Leaves West-Point, daily, at 3.15, A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 7.59 y This road eoim -ets with the Montgomery A West- Point Road at West Point. Western & Atlantic Railroad. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles—Fare $5 JOHN W LEWIS, Superintendent. n.VV PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 10.20 A. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 7.on’ p. Jf Leaves Chattanooga at 3.25 A. M Arrives at Atlanta at 1.40’ p y EVENING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, nightly, at 7.51) p. y. Arrives at Chammooga at 6.30 M Leaves Chattanooga at’ 3.00, P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at J 1, (5’ A. M. This Road connects ea« h way, with the Rome Branch Railroad at King-ton, the Ea-t Tennes-ee and Georgia RailrCad at Dalton, ami the Nashville A. Chattanooga Railroad at Chattanooga. Rfirarr of Alineral I’oisons. DR. J. BOVEE BODS’ CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES. HIS fAll’Eltr.iL, It'SA’E BUTTERS, ; For the cure of Incipient Consumption, Weak Lungs. Weak Stomachs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, General”ol : Nervous Debili y. Piles and all disea-es requiring a 1 Tonic, are unsurpassed. They are made of a Sherry \\ ine, and aside fron their medicinal proper ties, they are a most wholesome and-delightful Bev- JddS It/'AXDy CATHAIITK 1 . Is a sure remedy tor <'ostiveness, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. They are pleasant to the taste; sure in their operation ; and as a Cathartic, rA-reli/ effcetuMii, a»d posiliedji supercede s of so nauseous ami disagreeable to tl.i 1 -to. IBS IMPERIAL GIN BITTERS Acton the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary (Irguits, and are a superior remedy for Dyspepsia, connected with Liver Complaint in all its forms. for ftmalt Obstrndions. They arc truly valuable, made of pure Holland Gin. pleasant and agreeable to the taste, and may bu weP termed a necessary A’AJ/. IA R (’C) VP. I A'/n V HIS CATHARTIC SYRUP, I-ot lutaut-, ( nihl en ami Delicate females, is ecr tainly one of the most d<--irab!e ami valuable Medt cities in the wot ld. It i- apm sect snl/xtihit) for f <zZ "niil. acting on the Liver, removing all obstructions in the Bowels, curing (’ostiveness, Indigestion and . Dyspepsia. Although it is as sure and effectual in ■ it< operations as Calomel, yet it is delicious to the i taste, th t children will cry for it, and as it is gentle, i innocent and harmless as the dews of Heaven. i Thousands of mothers throughout tlie land will hies.- | the discoverer of this invaluable Medicine. CHARLES WIDDIFIEI.D .t CO., riiopniEToßs, 78 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. Su'd in Dalton, Ga.. by Black Dowdv, Agents. Also sold by Druggists generally. April 12, ’s'l—l-. T<T otico. 0 months after date applicat'on will be made j Lto .he court of Ordinary of alkcr Countv, for j leave to sell the re d estate belonging to the estate of : A ex. foul er, deceased, for the hem lit of the heirs | and creditors of said decea-.'d. I Nov. 15—2 m. WM. M. CARTER, Ex'r. 2XT otico. !''WO mon'h- after <1 .to application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Walker county, for leave to sell the land ami negroes belonging to the estate of D vid Lowery, late of said countv"de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Lowery. FRANCIS J. GROGAN, Adm'r. Nov. 15, 1860—2 m. / x EOluTia. MERIIA )'COC'.V7'}’~\VhTw?-. ' ■ James L. McEntire, has petitioned the Court of Ordinary of said County, for lette's of Administra tion with the w ill annexed of John C. McEntire late of said County deceased, and for probate of deceased will in so’umn form. The e are therefore to cite the legatees, deviscc and heirs at law of the said John ('."McEntire de’d, to ap eara» the Court of Ordinary to be held in ami for si! County <m the first Monday in March next, and show cause (if any they have,) whv the will of said de’d should not be set up in solemn form, in eon*ermity to the statute in such eases made and provided, also all persons’ interested to show cause (if »ny the' have,) why letters of administration with the will annexed should not be granted to the I app'icant. Given under mvband at offiec, th : sNov 7th 1860 ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord'y. fj EORGIA. DA DE E. I). ’ L Giaham applies to me for letters of administra tion on the estate of A. J. Townsend, late of said county, dec'd. 'lliis is to cite nil ami singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ami appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters of adminis tration should not be granted. Witness my official signature, Nov. Sth, 1860. Nov. 15, ’tin—3o<l. J. G. JACOWAY, Ord’y. / 1 EORGJA, DADE coU.V'/j'.—wi.mmas, -JI Martha A. Shambling, (formerly Martha A. Meadows, Guardian of’ the persons am! property of Elijah 8., Satilla Ann, Anna E. and John W. Mead ows, applies to me for letters dismissory from said Guardianship: These are therefore to cite and notify all and sin gular all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the fir.-t. Mondav in January next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted to said applicant. Given und'T my hand and official signature at I office in Trenton, this Novemberßth, 1860. Nov. 15,’60—30d. J. G. JACOWAY, Ord’y. / BAbßßit.t. D.IDt: 808 .VTl'.- x J \\ berewi Archibald Sbninblin applies to me for letters of (zu u'dianship for persons and propertv of Elijah 8., Satila Ann, Annuli E and John B. Meadows, minors, residents of said county : i 1 hese arc therefore to cite and admonish all ami singular lhe kindred and creditors to be and appear ; at my olficc, on the first Monday in Januarv next, o I show cause, if any they can, wily .-aid letter- should : not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this I Nov. Bth, 1860. ’ J. G. JACOWAY, Ord’y. Nov. 15, IB6o—4fi<], BLANKS Os all k indx kept canxlunthj on. hand, and fv sal‘. at thin Office, Notices. Whit livid Hheritl’s Sales. I ILL be sold before the courthouse door, in the t ' city of Dalton, within the legal hours of sale on the Ist Tuesday in Dceember next, the following property, to-wit: Two lots in Tilton, No. 1 and lot No. not known, 1 adjoining No. I on the east end, said lot formerly occupied by Wm. K. George, levied to statisly two ft fa- from \\ bitfield Superior Court, one David Delk vs. 11. I’. Burns, and one Arthur Blakley vs. Humphrey I’. Burues. Also, one house atid lot in Tilton No. not known, ■ b it. formerly occ pied by H. I’. Burues, and levied on to satisfy one h la from \\ bitfield Superior Court, Courtney & Tenant vs. 11.1’ Burues principal, and Sami Burues, garnishee. a Also, the following Books of accounts, notes and ti fas Ac., and all levied on by order of court, to satisly the three above stated (i fas to-wit: line on M Bone fort-id 75 One on Aras Cox forsio 72 I ” E T Reetl “ 896 One on Ja< Owens slt ’• J W Spivy 25 Vtli “ Jas Nelson 21 32 Credited by SI 21 iCredite l by S 5 A Sj One 011 R W Phillips 1 s<t|&‘ by $5 I “ A\\ Green and One on L K Ogle 250 L C Dover Ju 50|Crcdited by si 25 Credited by 375A 350 La 1 8 One on 0. Wilson 15 7F’|one on J Walker 522 “ L Brineefield-4 95 Credited by-S4AI 33 ! “ Cha’s Dupree 1 73 One on J G Faith 805 M Bone 2 251 “ J A Masters 15 sp “ Tbos Jones 2 67; “ SamlGeorge2o 00 “ J G Faith 2 60 “ John Sloan 12 11 ' Credited by 100 1 “ J F Edwards 32 00 One on I) Fll WalkerHOo; “ 1) N Cook 500 j “ L C Moreland I _ •* •' Faith 16 00 :All T Ander-on 30 OOj ~ “ 1) Elerson 550 “SO Carpenter 26 26- “ Orin Holden 20 28 j •• W S Spivy 737 i “ J J Owens 160 “ J M Odam fi Bo[ “ R W I’hillipslti 94 “ Il Pickard 1 00, “ Jas Owens 19 35 | “ L Br.ncefield f> 801 “ J J Hicks 818 “ Henry Wil-on 5 55: “ W M Lacy, 300 “ Jas J Hicks 13 72 Credited by 25cts “ Chas \\ ood 22 40-One on W Holcomb 3 00 ! Credited by 9 65 iCredited by $1 on One on W T llenton 6 45|One on R Hendricks4B 00 “ Al’ Sloan 2 9ti|Credited by §lO A “ J J Gilbert 3 49,bv ?2‘J <>o “ GW Maylie'd 6 75:One on •) W Mayfield2 60 “ John Pepper 1 -1": “ Early Faith 22 25 “ Joh Osborn 161 I “ Win Faith 10 00 “ John Osborn 18 90 Credited by §3 10 Credited by 12 00 IA 5 00 One on T Pilgrim 9 98iOne on J G Faith 945 “ R Hendricks 8 71| “ A Faith 21 76 - R Pin! ips 23 751 “ Jas Walker 18 55 l Credited by §l6 A1 25 jCredited by 2 39 j One on \\ Strickland 1 45-Oneon A J Johnson 8 00 “11 S Devenport 26 O9| “ C C Mooney 200 “ J Whitaker 29 86 “ G E Martin 5 95 “ J S l ala'nan 8 97 Credited by 1 00 1 Credited by lumber jOne 011 W B Hawkins 160 iI 00 and by 127 | “ F Lockard 18 72 1 One on W K GeorgeOO Ooi “ S George 35 00 “ J A Mayfield 19 7oj “ J J Marlin 22 06 “ E Moore 75jCiedited by 7 55 “ R Hendricks 13 O9jOne onA -I Thompsons 95 “ W B Hawkins" 53i “ T F Pullin 39 49 Credited by 3 00 by 7 50 15 00 Aby 9 50 Also, one Justice Court fi fa, R L Hall vs. Sami Jones, fort hree dollars principle, and one receipt giv en by James Nance, L. C., for note on Jas Mitchell, amount not named in receipt, al! of the foregoiii" named claims respondent offers to deliver unto court in has discharge, or io the she. ill’as required bv the statute in such ease provided, and respondent further answers that at the time and before said claims were placed in his possession the said defendant Humph rey P. Burns, was indebted to this respondent bv note in the sum of seventy three Dollars and seventv cents principal, besides interest from 17th of Feb ruary, iB6O. Also, the south-half of lot of land No. G 5, in the 13;h dis. and 3d see., and levied onto satisl’v one ■J ustices Court fi fa, from 627 <li.-t G. M., AC Leak vs. Jas Mitehell principal and W. P. Mitchell, securi ty. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. FRED COX, Sh’ft'. Also, one negro Bov Jim, as the property of Sa rah A. Edwards, to satisly two Ju.-tice Court fi fas I from the 822 d Dist. of Cass County, in favor of E. |B. Pressly vs Sarah A. Edwards. Levy made ami 1 returned to me by a Constable. Property pointed out by V. Thompson. Also, three C.ty lots on Thornton Avenue No 71 90 feet front, running back three hundred feet, and 73 and 72. as the property of P. (J, Met >weu ibr the purchase money of said lots, to satisfy one fi fa from Whitfield Superior Court, B. E. Green for the use of tiie Dalton City Co. vs P. (J. McOwen. Property pointed out by B. E. Green. Also, one house ami lot in the town of Dalton No 135, on Speneet Street, as the property ofS. MeDan iel, to sati.-iy one Just ee Court fi fa, from 872 Dist. G. M. Jes.-e B.shopvsS. McDaniel. I’ropertv point ed out by J. A. Glenn. Levy made and returned to me by a e-mstab.e. i Also, •!' acres of lot No 223, in the 12 Dist. and ! 3rd sect.on, as the property of Huss A Hallman to I satisfvtwo Just ee Court ti fas from 872 d Dist. one : Joseph Fincher vs Hus.-A Hallman and one A. 11. I Broyles vs Hus< A H.dhuan. Property pointed oit by B. Hallman. Levy made and returned tome bv I a constable. Also, two lols in the town of Dalton, No 31 and ■ 36, on Selvjdge street, as the propertv ot Jno. P. Love, to satisiy four Justice Court fi, three in fa ! v>r o! John Glaze, Beater, vs said Love, one in favor ot P. Landon vs Jno. P. Love. Property pointed out by Jno. P. Love. Levy made and returned to I me' by a constable. Also, one house and lot in Dalton now occup'ed by defend.'nt, as the profierty of 11. Goode, to satis fy one Justice Court fi fa in favor of A. C. Leak v» 11. Goode. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. 1 Also, the brick yard lot, No not known, levied on as the property of R. K. Ford, to satisfy one Justice Court li fa in favor of M. R. Banner for the use of A. J. Wood vs R. K. Ford Property pointed out by sa d Ford. Lew made and returned to me bv aeon stable. Nov. .Ist, 1860. D. W. MITCHELL, I) Sh’lT. Also, one house and lot and in the town of Tunnel Hid, containing seven acres, on the South side of the Rail Road, as the property of W. T. Austin, also, two housesand lots in .-aid town of Tunnel Hill, one occupied by John Chandler and one by W. L. Smith, situated on the North si le of the Rail Road, contain ing on<'acre each, ana one vacant sto chouse on the South side of said Rail Road, levied on as the prop erty of C. Austin to satisfy one fi fa from Whitfield Inferior Court, C. W. and J. T. Moore A Co. vs U. Austin A Son. Property pointe') out bv C. Austin. Nov. Ist, 1869 JOHN SANSOM, D Sh’lf. Murray Sheriil’s Sale. AY ’ILL be sold before the Court House door in { t T the town of Spring Place on the first Tuesday | in December next, within the legal hours of sale, I the following property, to-wit : Lot of land No 133, in the Bth District and 3rd I s c ion ot -aid County, levied on as the property of i George W. Nicliels’y an attachment li fa from j Mur.ay Superior Court in favor of John Morgan, for i the purchase money of said lot. Also, the -tore house in the town of Spring Place, I in which J. F. B. Jackson is now selling goods, the number is not known, to satisfy two li fas, levied on I as the properly of John S. Beall, one fi fa in favor of Borune.-and Brown, and the other in favor of force and Conlev A Co. vs Beall and Farnsworth. Nov. Ist, isoo, t. t. McMullen, sh’tr. Also, the South half of lot of land No 279 in the I loth, district and 3rd, section of said County, and one I gray mare and two black mules and two hundred I bushels of corn more or less, levied on as the prop erty of A. Mellann. to sati-fy ali faisued from Mur ray Superior Court in favor of Paul E. Brunegar vs A. Mellann and Augustus A. Mellann, security on Also one lot of land No 176 in the 10th district of I said County, levied on as the property of ’George B. I May, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Murray Superior Court in favor of Edward Trewhitt vs G. B. Mav. Nov. Ist, 1860, E. F. COFFEE, D Sh’lT. State of G-eorgia, Catooas Count y- Elvira Allen, 1 Libel for Divorce, in Ca rs toosa Superior Court. Alonzo Allen. ) IT appearing to the Court by the return of the Sherill' that the defendant is not to be found in this County, and it further appearing that he resides without the litnils of this Stale, if is on motion or dered that service be perfected by public.itiou ; and 1 that defendant f iling to appear after lour month’s I publication in the North Georgia Times of a copy ! of iliis order, judgment may be taken by default, and the cause p oeeed against him. DAWSON A. WALKER, J. S. C. C. C. Jtlhe 1 Ith, 1860 —Im. IN < jfico. \LL persons are hereby notified hot to make o -give credit in any mm.nir to P. C Claiedy I on the join' account ol myself anil Peter E. J- f.lnre I dy, or us copartners, as the said Claredy has p:oved I unfaithful and tint nisi worthy ; therelore, I will not ; bv liable to pay any Contract or liability tliat he may I make in any wav. 1 Juno IB6o—tf JONATHANSSEFIN. Kcgal IJotbcs. / 1 EORG/A, WALKER COl ’.V/’K—Whereas V X Rob’t. 11. Caldwell, ap] lie- to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Jefson Green, late of the State of Louisiana, deceased, (owning real estate in said county.) These are therelore to cite and admonish all and singular the persons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and oflieia signature, October 15th, 1860. Oct. 25,’60—30. T. R. A. lIASI.ERIG, Ord. / s EORGIA, WALKER COUNTY.—Where- ; * I as, George Bridgman applies to me for letters ol Guardianship ot the persons and properties of Francis D. Barker, John G. Barker, Janies K. P. Barker, Rachel A. Barker, Thompson B. Barker and Wm. B. Barker, minors, residing in said eonntv. Mliese are therefore to cite and admonish till per sons concerned to be and appear at my olllet’, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they can why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, Oc tober 16th, 1860. Oct. 25, ’6o-30d. T. R. A. IIASLERIG, Ord’y. / 1 EORGIA, WALKER COCNTY.—Where " I as Giles Lowery, applies to me for letters of Administration on the state of David Lowery,deed. These are therefore to admonish all ami singular kindred and creditors,to bv and appear at my office, withn the time prescribe by law, to show eat'se ifanv they can, why said letters should | lo t i )c granted. Given under mv hand at office, this Sept, 2Sth, 186". ’ T. R. A. IIAZLERIG, Ord’v. Oct I—-30d. / A EORGIA, WALKER COUNTY.—Where- VX as, I’. B. Bird, administrator of the E- tate of D. H. Phellers, decc-e ed, applies to me I'm-letters of disinis-ory from Estate. These are therefore, to cite and adtnoni-h all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my Oilice within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they can, why said fitters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office, this the Ist of October, 1860. Oct. 1, ’6O-6Od. T. R. A. IIASLERIG, Ord'y. / a EORGIA. Walker County,— Whereas, \ I Jerome B. Hunter, Executor of the will of John Shahan, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion from said executorship These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the persons interested and concerned, tube and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law and show cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand as Judge of said Court, this Bth day of August, 1860. Aug 16-6111. T. R. A. HAZLERIG. Ord’y. L GEORGIA. WALKER COUNTY.—Where ' B as Denison Brown, administrator of thr estate of Thomas Brown, dec'd, represents to this Court that he Tats fully administered the estate of Thomas Brown, dec’d. These are therefore to cite all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my ollie", on the fir.-t Monday in March, 1861, and show cause if anv they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this August Bth, 1860. T R. A. HAZLERIG, Ord’y. Aug 16—-6 m. /“I EORGIA, WALKER COUNTY.—Who-e --as, Augustus B. Culberson, administrator of Thomas M. Underwood dee'll., represents 10 the Court in his petition J ily fVed and entered on re cord, that he lias fully administered Thomas Under wood’s estate. Tins is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if anv thev can, why said administrator should Hot he discharged from his administrauon, and receive letters of Dis mission on the first Monday in Januarv next. T. R. A. HAZLERIG, Or’dy. June sth—Gm. / 1 EORGIA, WALKER COUNTY.— Where- V J as. Thomas E. Patton adminis ictor of William Eathisdeceased, represents totheCo it in his peti tion duty filed and entered on record, that lie' has fully administered William Mathis’ estate. 1 iiis is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any thev can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of Dis mission on the first in .1,.n0 v next. T. R. A. HAZLERIG, Or’dy. June sth, 1860—6 m. / EORGIA, WALKER COUNTY—\\ here- VI as, m. M .Atwood, administrator de bonis non 1 ol Berry Atwood, ded’d, represents to the Court in his petion duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Berry Atwood's estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause if anv they can, why said administrator should not be discharged iioni his adininis'ration, and receive letters of Dis mission, 0:1 the first Mondav in October next. T. R. A. HAZLERIG, Ord’y. June 18th, 1866.6 tn. j { 1 EORGIA, Whitfield County. - Wlmre | VI as Lawrence E. Wilson, executor of John Wil | son represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed l ami entered on record, that lie lias fully discharged his tru.t a - - said executor. This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said executor -hould not be discharged from his executorship and receive letters of dismission en the second Monday of Jan uary, 1866. J. p, FREEMAN, Ordi’y. July 19-’6O—6m. BXEORGL4, DADE COUNTY.— Whereas, VT Leroy Sutton having applied to me to be ap pointed Guardian of the persons ami property ol James Sutton, Matilda H. Su ton and Sarah C. Sut ton, minors, residing in said county. This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at tlii- office on the first Mondav in November, and show cause, if any they can, why said Leroy Sutton should not be entrusted with the guardianship of the persons and property of said minors. (liven under my hand and official signature at of fice, this Sept. 25th, 1860. Oct. -1, ’6O-40d. J. G. JACOWAY, Ord’y. 1 1 EOA’GIA WHITFIELD COUNTY.—To all whom *1 it may concern—Whe ‘as, L. W. Earnest of said State and County; ] plie to me for letters ot ad ministration on the Est.. e of Martha J. Hamilton deceased, late of said County and State; these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of sa d deceased to be and ap pear at my office within the time proscribed by law, and show cause if any they can why letters of ad ministration on the Estate of said deceased should not be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 26th day of April, 1866. J. I’. FREEMAN, Ord’y. Administrator’s Sale. UNDER, and by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary, of Walker County, Geo., will be sold before the Court House door in the town of La fayette, between the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next: Lot of land, No. 11, in the 9th (list, of the 4th sect, of Walker County. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of the estate of James Lucroy, deeeased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. Oct. 4, '6O-tds. J. C. DYER, Adm’r. State of Oeorgia, AVliit fielcl County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Sept. 28th, 1860. Whereas, Wesley IL Stansell, of said county, has made application in due form of law to be ap i pointed Administrator of the estate of Job S. Swift, I deceased, late of said county. These are therefore to eile and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of -aid decease'!, to be al mv office to .’how cause, if any they have, on the first Monday in November next, why said applicant shall not be ap pointed administrator upon lhe estate of said de ceased. Witness my hand and official signature. Oct. 1, ’< 0-3'M. J. I’. FREEMAN, Ord’y. ll’iii! lit id C'oroneWs Sale. \\ t IKL bo sold before the Court House door in ’ ’ the City of Dalton, on the first Tuesday in December next, the property to wit: 6111' house and lot, in the Ci yof Dalton, No. not known, formerly occnp.ed by M.G. Joi v, to satisfv one .fustic ■ Uouv . fi fi in favor of J. N. «V J. M. Cornan vs. M. G. Jolly md others. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. Oct. Ist ’fib—3od. A. KEITH, Coroner. Smte ol Georgia, Whitfield Countv. W O months after date application will be made I to the llonu.iible Court of O dinarv of said county, for leave to sell a negro girl named Eve, ulmuG twenty years of age, belonging to Wm. M. & : A J- I’ittman,.minors, and wardsto the undersigned 0"t. 4, ’6O td LW. EARNEST. Guardian, (farbs. PITTS & COOK, DEAU'.HS IN BA AIItER. and Alanufatlui trs ol SASH. DOORS & BUNDS ; . B.uniln>’ Dressed, and ( til ing Tongued and Grooved at usual prices. IU3?” They are also su eessors to Joseph Winship A: Co. in the manuth.Hire of Cotton Gins and Threshing Machines. Simp near Win.ship’s Iron Works, on tha WCstern \ Atlanti.* Itail Road, Atlanta, Ga. June 2], ]B6U —ly. ISAAC WINSIIir. K. WIXSIHP. GEOIUiE WI.XSHIF. • Winship’s Iron Works. A7’/vJA’7'J, GEOUGJA. L&R.WfXSHtP & £O. A | AN! FACTI KERS ol' Steam Engines and boil -17 JL ers, Cireulir Saw Mills, 011 the most approved plan, Turning Lathes, Sugar Mills. Kettles, Mining Machinery, Mi l Work, of all descriptions, New Styles of Iron Railing for fence and Cemetery Lots, Bridge Casting's and Bolts, Gin Gearing from 9 to 12 feet, latest improved Horse Powers, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings made to order at short 110- I ice. Having experienced workmen, a large and well as sorted stock of new Patterns, and our facilities bein ,r superior to any Foundry in the State. We feel con fident of giving it entire satisfaction, to those who may favor us with their orders, both in regard to prices, and qua'ity of our wo:k. Foundry and Machine Shop, on Wcst -rn & Atlantic Rail Road. March 21,’59-19 Sli MS win t\ HB ! F ’3 Hf // /h ] * "Il Atlantu* jiai ch iu, hi)—iy. TITZES greatest: reduction EVER MADE IN STANDARD o £ □ o >—* t i SEWING MACHINES. After this date, I will sell the improved B rtliolf Family Sewing M 1 chines at a Reduction of §20,06 from former prices. P. S.—The New Straight Needle Machine is now out. A. LEYDEN, Gen’l Ag’t, March 10, ’s9—ly Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Blacking Wcrsk. I T this Establishment may be found the most ox \ tensive and varied assortment of PATTERNS for Merchant and Custom Mills in the State, embra cing the latest improvements for Mill Gearing found anywhere. The experirnee of the Suj.erintendent (J. L. Dunniilg) has be-n equal to any of his age in Mill Building, and from this fact can advise those who want advice. Steam Engines, of different capacity, are made at our Machine Shop, of good Material and Workman ship. And as cheap as any Responsible Builder North or South. Now, if our friends want any Machinery, of modern style, come and look and let u.v have a talk. To Lumbermen, I would s ir, if you want a Saw Mill at all. get a Circular Saw Mill. There is no mis take about their advantage—not any. We make them on .short notice, and so do others; but we mean to have those of our build good enough, if not the best yet made. Terms cash: or. in other words, pav and l>e • J. M. DUNNIXG, marl 1 -1 y. Atl arta Machine Co. WJL M. WILLIAMS, (SUCCESSOR TO j. E. WILLIAMS.) GENERA L ('OMMISSION MERCHANT, And especially for the sale of Bacon, Lard, Fcatli ers, Tennessee and Western Flour, Grain, Produce generally. Boreal nr Sti'ccl, Letters of inquiry in relation to the markets Ac., answered promptly. April 7th’59—6111. \v ash i\<; r<>\ u \ i,l. By B. 11 SASSBEN, (st’CCESSOII TO J. J. THRASHER.) .Atlanta, - - - - Gcoi’g’ia. F' R. SASSEEN. former proprietor of ‘-Sas seen House,” at Dalton. Geo.; also, "Sup. per House," at Calhoun, Geo. Old fiiends. take not ice hereof, ami govt rn yourselves accordingly. June 30th, 1859—1 y STIIE enterpri ing pro prietor of Chesnut Grove Whiskey, (The Purest Medical \gent ever Known,) ure, Healthful and invigorating, at the same time a mild de licious beverage. It is calculated to do away with the vile ..rugged stuff that is palmed off on the community, and which is injurious to body and mind.. In addition to the certificates beneath, he has receiv ed a Diploma from the STATE AGRICULTURAL S(ICIETA , and additional testimony from DR. JACK SON, of Boston, who testifies under oath to its abso lute puritv. CERTIFICATES. PuiLviiEi.riHA, Sept. 9lli, 1858.—We have care fully tested the sample of Chesnut Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that it contains none of lhe poisonous substance known as Fusil Oil, which is th.) characteristic and injurious ingredient of the whiskey in general use. BOOTH, GARRET A CAM AC, A ual at It ieal t 'hrmitdit. New York, Sept. 3d, 1858. ] have analyzed a simple of Chesnut Grove Whiskey, received from Mi. ( haile- \\ barton, Jr., ol Philadelphia, and hav ing carefully te-ted it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely free irom poisonous or deleterious sub stanees. It is an umiMinlh pure and fine II noted quail yof whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, Aardfttieal Cheinixt. Boston, March Till. 1859.-1 have made a chemi eal analyse of commercial samples of Chesnut Grove 1.5. OVo ' , " ,VC!S b '’ '■‘•'•e from the heavy -..1'"“,. ’ ! 7 lUI< J l ,l ' l ' l, ‘e t l.'’ pure and unadulterated.— lhe hue flavor of this Whiskey is derived Irom the Oram used in manufacturing il. Respcetfuilv A, A, II A) i'.s, M. |)., State Axxaacr, Ac. 16, Ronlxtfni Street. For Sale by C. W/l A RTON, Sole Principal Agent, No. 116 Walant Street, I’ltileulelphia. rm-sale also by BLACK DOWDY, Drug gist and Apothecaries, Dalten, Ga. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Fever and Ague, from Which mankind suffer over a large part of the globe, is the consequence of a diseased action in the system, induced by the poisonous miasm of vegetable decay. This exhalation is evoived !»y the action of sdlar heat on wet soil, and rises with the watery vapor from it. While the sum fs below the horizon this va por lingers near the earth’s surface, and the virus is taken with it through the lungs into the bjuod. There it acts as an irritating poison on the iiffiftrnal viscera and excreting organs of the body. I W liver becomes torpid and fails to secrete not only but also the bile from the blood. Both the virus and the bile accumulate in the circulation, and produce violent constitutional disorder, lhe spleen, the kid neys and the stomach sympathize with the liver, and become disordered also.' Finally, the instinct of our organism, as if in an attempt to expel the noxious infusion, concentrates the whole blocd of the body in the internal excretories to force them to cast it oitt. The blood leaves the surface, and rushes to the cen tral organs with congestive violence. This is the Chill. But in this effort it fails. Then the Fever follows, in which the blood leaves the central organs and rushes to the surface, as if in another effort to ex pel the irritating poison through the other great ex cretory —the skin. In this also it fails, and the sys tem abandons the attempt exhausted, waiting for the recovery of strength to repeat the hopeless effort another dav. These are the fits or paroxysms of Fk- VEn and Ague. Such constitutional disorder will of course undermine the health if it is not removed. We have labored to find, and have found, an an tidote. Ayer’s Ague Cure, vv hich neutralizes this malarious poison in the blood, and stimulates the liver to expel it from the body. As it should, so it does rare this afflictive disorder with perfect certainty. And it does more, or ratlict does what is of more service to those subject to this infection. If taken in season it expels it from the sys tem as it is absorbed, and thus keeps those Who use it free from its attacks; keeps the system in health although exposed to the disease. Consequently it not only cures, but protects from, the great variety of af fections which are induced by this malignant influ ence, such as Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Head ache, Bilious Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitations, Painful Affections of the Spleen, Hys terics, Colie, Paralysis, and Painful Affections of the Stomach and Bowels, all of which, when arising from this cause, will be found to assume more or less tiie intermittent type. This ‘‘Ague Cuke” removes tho cause of these derangements, and cures the disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the excretories to expel the virus from the system; and these organs by degrees become habit sd to do this their office of their own accord. Hence arises what we term accli mation. Time may accomplish the same end, but often life is not long enough, or is sacrificed in the attempt, while this “ Ague Cure ” does it at once, and with safety. We have great reason to believe this is a surer as well as safer remedy for the whole class of diseases which arc caused by the miasmatic infec tion, than any other which has been discovered; and it has still another important advantage to the pub lic, which is, that it is cheap as well as good. PREPARED nr DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWE LL, MASS. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is en tirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this sec tion, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a Purgative Medicine. For Costiveness; For the Cure oi- Dyspepsia; For Jaundice; For the Cure of Indigestion; For Headache; For tiii; Cure of Dysentery; For a Foul Stomach; For the Cuke of Erysipelas; For The Files; For the Cure of Scrofula: For all Scrofulous Complaints; For the Cure of Kheumatism; For Diseases of the Skin; For the Cure of Liver Complaint; For Dropsy; For the Cure of Tetter, Tumors, and Salt rheum ; For Worms: Fon the Cure or Gout; For a Dinner Pill; For tub Cure of Neuralgia: F 01: I’urifyjng the Blood. Thev are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and being purely veg.table, no ham car. arise from their use in any quantity. Price 25 cents par Bax; Five Boxes for SI.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States, men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these reme dies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The agents below named furnish gratis our American Almanac in which they arc given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cun-. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with othei preparations they make more profit on. Demmr Ayer’s, and take no others. The sick want the lies aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by For sale in Haiti n, B, Ga. by lackA: Dowdy Pr u gists. Oct. 22, 's9— lt ~HOWAHO SO cTa fJON/ PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution estal>li.died b;/ Special En domment for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted, with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. r |''llE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of tin 1 awful destruction of human life caused bv Sex ual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon tin unfortunate victims of such diseases bv quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a Chari l Amo: Act worthy of th« ir name, to open a Di-pensary for the treatment of this class of diseas les, in all tlieir forms, and to give Medical Anvici ; Gratis to all who apply by letter with a deserqition i of their condition (age occupation, habits of life, &e. I and in eases of extreme poverty, to Furnish Medi i cine Free of Charge. It is needless to add th»t tin i A soeiation commands the highest Medical skill o' the age, and will furnish the most approved moderi treatment. The Directors of the Association in their Annual Report mon tic treatment of Sexual Diseases,expres.- the highest satisfaction with the success which ha attended the labor of their Surgeons in the cause ol Spermatorrhma, Seminal Weakness, Gonorrha'.i. Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism, or Self-Abuse Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, &c., and ordei a continuance of the same plan tor the ensuing vear. Valuable Reports on DpermatorrlKva, and othei Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Rem edies employed in the Dispensatory, sent to the as fiieted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address De. J. Skillin lloi giiton. Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order of the Directors EZRA 1»: HEARTWELL, Pre-ident. Geo. I-Aißcnii.n, Secretary-. [ j ni lv. I NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Atlanta, Geo. W. W. WOOnRUFF & CO.. 1 iave < | en. (1 a large and splen jH. s ' f \kofCARJHAGESin At BgSwJr? aiifa, of every vaiiety of style. Ons > st ’ n g Os COACHES! “W- 0 L I IST S ! ROCKAWAYS! | Phaetons, 131-etts! Slide Seat, Top and No Top v® BTJGQIIES! Buggies! Hacks and Jersey Wagons! eBuTYI ron J'ltinlation Wagons Q'J HARNESS! WHIPS, &CJ I All of their stock made tip to order, and warranted to VtTlY''"* ’’ est America. YDD 7 T heir lone experience in the CA RIII A( lE BUSI N ESS in Gris- Georgia, where the" will keep :l laage stock, enables them to of *el ' 1,, 1m-emeiits, Loth in il- qu tll'y find price. I’ ' ‘ jT??" t’OME EVERYBODY and see "’ir stock, or send yout- orders and you shall be supplied as low as you can buy XB-WK/ Now York or anvother market. KliZI July 19 60—ly.’ HOSTETTER’S STOMACHBITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence ta physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upea this point will speak mere powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter's SiotuScTi Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach nearone million bottles. This immensenmoubt could never have beeii .’til'd bitt for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of lhe country where the article is best known,- who not on!* recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangement# and the diseases resulting therefrom. . This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in lhe way of triim peting the qualities of the Billers, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which it destined to be its enduring as time itself, Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters have prove'! a Godsend to regions where fever mid ngue and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To b« able to state confidently that the “Billers” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter front the stomach, purifies the blood, mid imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone mid energy indispensable tor the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, mid other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, mid soon restores them to a condition essential tn the healthy disclimge of the functions of tiature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily ns per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it astitiiulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as il is to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, mid nyuvenaiing generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men mid women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements mid genera! debility ; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abmidoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There m-e certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of lheui sink under the triah Tho relation of mother and child is so nbsorbiugly tender, that the mother, especially if .-lie lie young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant Io recupe rate thi energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exiimisting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer lhe Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians. because it is agreeable to the t.-iste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, Io wit : siitferefs from' fever and ngue, caused by malaria. diarrh(cn, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, mid nil diseases or dermigements of the stomneh, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, mid nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hostetter's» Stomach Bitters, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the melanic cap covering the cork, mid observe that our atfiograph signature is on the label. ttic Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, ana dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. SCOVIL & MF.JD, No. Il 1. Chatres Street, X. Orleans, General Wholesale Agents for tin Sou,b ern States, to whom nil orders must be addressed. Sold by Black & Dowdy Dalton, Ga , by Carso, A Pulton, Cleveland Tenn.,by Wm Rarues. Atln- «, Tenn., and by McFarlan & Ernil. Knoxville, T".i. Nov. 25 ’s9—ly. DR.” M’LANE’S Celebrated American Worm Specific, OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OP WORMS. fFHE countenance is pale and leaden j colored, with occasional flushes, or a cir cumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and some times bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; ap petite variable, sometimes voracious, with a knawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequcntly tinged with blood; belly swol len and hard; urine turbid; respiration oc casionally difficult, and accompanied bv hiccough ; cough sometimes dry and convul sive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. M’LANE’S VERMIFUGF Will certainly effect a cure. The universal success which has at tended the administration of this prepar ation has been such as to warrant us >4 pledging ourselves to the public to RETURN THE MONEY in every instance where it should prove inef fectual : “providing the symptoms attending the sickness of the child or adult shoulc warrant the supposition of worms being th« cause.” In all cases the Medicine to be givetf IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIRECTION!, We pledge ourselves to the public, that Dr. M’Lanc’s Vermifuge DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURt in any form; and that it is an innocctC preparation, not capable of doing slightest injury to the most tender infant. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. P. S. Dealers and Physicians ordering from others thaw Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly* snd takf. none but Dr. M'Lane's, prepared by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Fa. To tho.-*« wishing to give them • trial, we will forward per mail, post paid, to any part <w the United States, one bo* of Pills for twelve three-ceni postage stamps, or obe vial of Vermifuge for fimrteen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must be ac companied by twenty cents extra. For sale by Druggists and Country Store Keepers gcuerally. O?*’ by BLACKS DOWDY. Druggist an ApotliecaiicH, Dalton, Georgia. janl-ly. Grass Se'd rUST received and for sale bv BLUNT A KING; Aug. 25, 165