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City plans ‘town
hall style’ meetings
in 2014
Dunwoody city officials are planning
a series of quarterly “town hall style”
meetings in 2014 to hear residents’ con
Mayor Mike Davis said meetings will
be held in each of the city’s three elec
tion districts, and each session will be
led by the City Council members from
the host district. The initial meeting
would be led by the mayor, he said.
A memorandum from Davis describ
ing the meetings said they would be
“highly structured and based on an in
clusive meeting model which captures
and fosters ongoing community dia
logue and participation.”
“We’re learning as we go,” Davis told
council members at their Oct. 14 meet
Last summer, residents proposed the
Dunwoody Charter Commission rec
ommend putting a requirement in the
city charter that city officials hold sim
ilar “town hall style” meetings. Resi
dents packed several of the commission’s
meetings to suggest changes to the city.
project wins award
The Georgia Planning Association
presented Dunwoody city officials the
group’s 2013 Award for Outstanding
Plan Implementation for the city’s Proj
ect Renaissance redevelopment initia-
tive, the city announced Oct. 11.
Project Renaissance is a public-pri
vate development of about 35 acres in
the Georgetown area of the city that is
to provide single-family housing, a com
mercial area and parks.
“The awards committee was highly
impressed with the city of Dunwoody’s
aggressive steps to transform a fallow,
foreclosed property into a community
centerpiece and catalyst,” Eric Bosman,
president of the Georgia chapter of the
American Planning Association, said in
the press release.
“Project Renaissance is an excel
lent example of a community affecting
change through active resident involve
ment, proactive planning and strong
The city broke ground on the first
two park areas and multi-use trail sec
tion this spring and says it anticipates a
grand opening of these first facilities in
The city’s private sector partner, John
Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods,
has begun site and utility work in the
private development and anticipates ver
tical construction in the near future.
“We are extremely honored and
pleased to be recognized by the GPA as
the sole outstanding plan implementa
tion category award recipient for Dun-
woody’s Project Renaissance initiative,”
Dunwoody Mayor Mike Davis said in
the release.
City Council candidates report
wide range of campaign dollars
Candidates for Dunwoody City Council have raised amounts ranging from zero
dollars to nearly $9,000 to finance their campaigns, according to filings with the State
Ethics Commission.
The Sept. 30 filings show Heyward Wescott, who faces two other candidates for
District 2, had raised the largest amount, $8,934. David Davis, one of three candi
dates in District 1, reported no contributions or expenditures in the campaign.
District 1, post 1
David Davis
Henly Shelton
Denis Shortal
District 2, Post 2
William A.J. Mercier
Jim Riticher
Heyward Wescott
District 3, Post 3
Sam Eads
Doug Thompson
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www.ReporterNewspapers.netl OCT. 18 —OCT.31,2013 | 3