Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, July 4,2018 I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I 5B
Dawson Events
Fun Run, scheduled for
Saturday, Aug. 25 at
Rock Creek Park.The run
starts at 8 a.m. Register
online at
The Dawson County
Library is hosting Adult
Craft Night on the last
Tuesday of each month.
Registration is required;
call the library at (706)
344-3690 to sign up.The
library is located at 342
Allen Street in
The Amicalola
Regional Farmers
Market is open from
3:30 to 7 p.m. each
Friday at Veterans
Memorial Park, 186
Recreational Road in
Dawsonville. If you are
interested in becoming
a vendor email Clark
MacAllister, county
extension agent, at
Dawsonville City
Council meets at 7 p.m.
the first and third
Monday of each month
at the Dawsonville
Municipal Complex, 415
Hwy. 53 East. For more
information, call city
hall (706) 265-3256.
Authority meets at
5:30 p.m. the third
Monday every other
month unless otherwise
scheduled at the
Dawsonville Municipal
Complex, 415 Hwy. 53
East. For more informa
tion, call (706) 265-3256
Dawsonville City
Planning Commission
meets at 5:30 p.m. the
first Monday of each
month at the
Dawsonville Municipal
Complex, 415 Hwy. 53
East. For more informa
tion, call (706) 265-3256.
Dawsonville Historic
Commission meetings
are held at 5:30 p.m. the
third Monday of every
other month unless oth
erwise scheduled at the
Dawsonville Municipal
Complex, 415 Hwy. 53
East. For more informa
tion, call (706) 265-3256.
Dawson County
Board of
Commissioners meets
at 6 p.m. the first and
thirdThursday of each
month at the Dawson
County Government
Center, 25 Justice Way,
Dawsonville. Work ses
sions are at 4 p.m. on
the second and fourth
Thursday of each month
at the same location.
For more information,
call (706) 344-3501.
Dawson County
Board of Education
has regular meetings at
6 p.m. on the second
Monday of each month.
Monthly work sessions
are held at 5 p.m. the
Tuesday preceding the
regular board meeting.
Both the regular meet
ings and the work ses
sions are held at the
Board of Education
office, 28 Main St.,
Dawsonville. For more
information, call (706)
Dawson County
Board of Elections
and Registration
meets at 9:30 a.m. the
third Wednesday of each
month at 96 Academy
Avenue, Dawsonville.
For more information,
call (706) 344-3640.
Dawson County
Health Department
offers dental services
for Medicaid and
PeachCare children
between the ages of 30
months and 18 years.
For more information,
call (706) 265-2611.
Dawson County
Humane Society
meets from 6 to 8 p.m.
the firstThursday of
each month at the ani
mal shelter next to Rock
Creek Park, off of Hwy. 9
South. For more infor
mation, call (706) 265-
Dawson County Park
and Recreation Board
meets at 6:30 p.m. the
secondThursday of each
month at Rock Creek
Park, in the Community
Room unless otherwise
posted, 445 Martin
Road, Dawsonville.
Dawson County
Planning Commission
meets at 6 p.m. the third
Tuesday of each month
at the Dawson County
Government Center, 25
Justice Way,
Dawsonville. For more
information, call (706)
Etowah Water and
Sewer Authority
meets at 4 p.m. the sec-
ondTuesday of each
month (except in
October, the meeting is
the thirdTuesday) at the
administrative office
located at 1162 Highway
53 East. For more infor
mation, call (706) 216-
Free BINGO for seniors
will be held beginning
at 9:30 a.m. every
Wednesday at Ingles in
The United Way of
Dawson County board
meets from 4 p.m. to 5
p.m. the second
Wednesday of every
month at the Dawson
County Chamber of
Commerce, 44
Commerce Dr.,
American Legion
Post 247 meets regu
larly at 7 p.m. the sec-
ondTuesday of each
month at 671 Lumpkin
Campground Road,
Suite 50, Dawsonville,
GA 30534.The post also
hosts Bingo at 7 p.m. on
Monday and Friday
nights at the same loca
tion. Join in for prizes
up to $1,000 for bingo
winners. For more infor
mation, callTommy
Stokes, post command
er at (706) 525-1238.
North Georgia
Barbershop Singers
meet everyTuesday at 7
p.m. at Cumming
Baptist Church. For
more information, visit
a meeting at 115 Church
St. or call (770) 377-1294
or go online to
Dawson County
Friends of Recovery
(DFOR) meets monthly
at 2 p.m. on the third
Tuesday at the Dawson
County Library.The
group strives to
increase public aware
ness of the programs
and benefits of Drug
Court, DUI Court, HELP
Court and Family
Treatment Court.To get
more information, con
tact CarlaTurner at (931)
273-9323 or by email at
NAMI Family Support
Group meets from 6:45
p.m. to 8:15 p.m. the
second and fourth
Thursdays of each
month.The group is
open to all adults 18 and
older who have a family
member or friend living
with mental illness. For
more information, call
Ovie Hughie at (678)
341-9414 or email nam-
Get your pets fixed
for free if you are a
resident of Dawson
County and a client of
DFCS, or an active mili
tary family, you auto
matically qualify for the
program.You will need
to bring proof at the
time of your appoint
ment.To set up an
appointment, call (706)
216-8387 and ask about
the free spay/neuter
The Dawson County
Historical Society is
open the second
Wednesday of each
month from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. For questions, call
(706) 265-3985 and
leave a message.
The Dawson County
Republican Party
meets at 7 p.m. on the
thirdTuesday of the
month at Bowen Center
for the Arts at 334 Ga.
Hwy. 9 in Dawsonville.
To get more informa
tion, contact Chairman
Bill Minor at williammi-
Hospice of Northeast
Georgia Medical
Center needs caring
individuals and groups
to volunteer their time
to help serve patients
coping with terminal ill
nesses. Volunteer roles
include visiting patients,
relieving caregivers,
sewing, clerical work or
special projects. For
more information, call
(770) 219-8888.
GeorgiaCares at
Legacy Link is offering
services to help screen
and enroll for Medicare.
For more information,
call (770) 538-2650.
The National Alliance
on Mental Illness
Forsyth Dawson
Lumpkin Chapter
(NAMI FDL) holds sepa
rate support group
meetings for family
members and another
for adults with mental
illness from 6:45 p.m. to
8:15 p.m. each second
and fourthThursday of
the month at the
Forsyth County Senior
Parents of preschool
children who suspect
developmental delays
may have their children
screened by the Dawson
County School System.
The screening covers
five areas of develop
mental growth including
motor skills, adaptive
behavior, social/emo
tional skills, speech/lan
guage and cognitive
skills. Parents must be
residents of Dawson
County to be eligible.
For more information or
to initiate the screening
process, contact Early
Childhood Coordinator
Shari Chastain at (706)
216-5812, ext. 1961.
Free English classes
are held at 7 p.m. each
Thursday night at
CrossPoint Church. For
more information, call
(706) 265-6262.
Home School
Enrichment Co-op
offers classes in art, cre
ative writing, Spanish,
band, cooking, music,
sewing and physical
education. Classes will
be held at Lighthouse
Baptist Church, 329
Harmony Church Rd.,
Dawsonville. If you are
interested, contact
Ginger Haney at (678)
North Georgia
Homeschool Alliance
invites all area home-
schoolers to attend
"Thursday Live" events.
Students research the
month's theme and then
make their presenta
tions on stage, from 1
p.m. to 3 p.m. every
fourthThursday, at
Concord Baptist Church
in Cumming.
Membership in the alli
ance is free to home-
schoolers. For more
information, visit www.
northgeorgia home-
Boy Scout Troop 422,
chartered with the
Etowah Lodge F&AM
222, meets at 7 p.m.
each Monday at the
lodge, located off the
square in Dawsonville.
For more information,
visit www.bsatroop422.
com or call (404) 569-
Cub Scout Pack 422
meets every other
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
at the Etowah Lodge in
Dawsonville. New boys
are welcome to join. If
interested, call (706)
265-8054 or visit www.
Daisy Girl Scouts
meet at Bethel United
Methodist Church the
second and fourth
Thursday of each month
from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Girls from all schools
welcome. Call or email
troop leader Adrienne
Baker for additional
information at (404)
944-9668 or rasbak-
The Dawson County
Adult Education
Center needs volunteer
teachers and tutors to
assist students of all
ages who are preparing
to take the GED test. In
just two hours each
week you can help
someone who is trying
to get a job, support
their families or enroll
in college by gaining a
diploma. For more infor
mation, call (706) 265-
Dawson County WEE
Books Program Inc.
meets the firstTuesday
of each month at Fire
Station No. 2, on Hwy.
53 East, at 4 p.m. For
more information, call
(706) 216-4872.
Dawson County
Chamber of
Commerce meets the
secondThursday of each
month at 10 a.m. for a
monthly board meeting.
The chamber member
ship luncheon follows at
11:30 a.m. Business
After Hours event at
various business mem
ber locations are held
the fourth Tuesday of
each month. For more
information, call (706)
International in
Dawsonville has a new
venue.The group meets
at 8:30 a.m. every
Tuesday at Winds of
Peace Fellowship
Church, 1550 Harmony
Church Rd. For more
information, call chapter
president Ed Combs at
(404) 641-8102.
The Dawson County
Woman's Club meets
at 6 p.m. the first
Monday of the month
January through May
and September through
November at the Bowen
Center for the Arts. For
more information, visit
The Georgia History
Book Club is refining
its name to: Georgia On
My Mind.The club
meets at 3:30 p.m. the
third Wednesday of each
month at the Dawson
County Library.The club
read books by Georgia
authors (fiction and
non-fiction) and/or
about Georgia history.
For more information
and to see what we are
currently reading,
please contact the
library at (706) 344-
The Photo Critique
Group meets at 6:30
p.m. every fourth
Thursday at the Bowen
Center for the Arts. The
free group invites novic
es to professionals to
share ideas and up to
five photos for positive
critique.The Bowen
Center for the Arts is at
334 Hwy. 9 North in
Dawsonville. For more
information, call (770)
North Georgia
Mounted Search and
Rescue is a non-profit,
volunteer based, opera
tional team serving
Dawsonville and the
surrounding counties. It
is a growing unit that is
continuously training to
provide search and res
cue services.The group
meets monthly in-class-
room or for field train
ing exercises.The group
is looking for dedicated
people who enjoy learn
ing and improving com
munity resources.
Members are mounted
and non-mounted. For
more information, email
or visit www.ngmsar.
Retraining assistance
is available to unem
ployed veterans through
the Department of
Veterans Affairs and
Department of Labor.To
learn more or apply, call
(800) 827-1000 or visit
Veteran and active
military bricks are
available for the Walk of
Honor at Veterans
Memorial Park. Call
(678) 779-2584 or email
com for more informa
The Page Turners
Book Club meets at 1
p.m. the firstThursday
of each month, at the
Dawson County Library.
The book club is for
anyone interested in lit
erary discussion.
Membership is free and
all are welcome.
Dawson County
Chapter No. 970 of
Vietnam Veterans of
America meets at 7
p.m. the second
Monday of each month
at the Dawson County
Board of Education
Development Center.
Weekly gatherings also
take place at Billie's
Heavenly Biscuits, a.k.a.
"The Bunker" on Hwy. 9
North each Friday from
8 a.m. to 10 a.m. For
more information, call
Chapter President Bill
Martin at (706) 809-
Dawsonville Post 247
American Legion
meets the second
Tuesday of each month.
The group also holds
bingo at 7 p.m. Monday
and Friday on Lumpkin
Campground Road, near
the outlet mall. Look for
the signs. All veterans
are encouraged to join.
Etowah Masonic
Lodge No. 222 meets
the first and third
Tuesday of each month
at 7:30 p.m. at East First
Street in Dawsonville.
For more information,
call Raymond Duncan,
W.M. at (706) 216-6450.
A comprehensive guide for all residents of
Dawson County, featuring attractions, local
resources and more. Awesome Dawson keeps
residents new and old up to date with all the
changes occurring in the fast growing county.
Magazine inserted in August 29th publication. In racks
throughout Dawson County including restaurants and
attraction sites for a full year.
^Online - More than 35,000 unique visitors per month
Promoted in our social media through emails to our local
subscribers and our FB^antl Twitter followers.
j-c: 1 *
m3 £3
Ad reservation deadline is Friday, August 3rd.
For information, call Jennifer Lyness at 706-265-3384
or email at