Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, November 21,2018
Kaylee Sticker signs NLI with Clemson University
By Bob Christian
After verbally committing
in early May, Lady Tigers
basketball player Kaylee
Sticker, senior, formally
signed her National Letter of
Intent with Clemson
University last week.
“It’s a pretty enormous feel
ing” said Sticker at the Nov.
14 event. “A very emotional
day, for sure.”
Sticker has been featured as
a starter for the Lady Tigers
since her freshman year.
As a sophomore she became
the team’s leading scorer and
pushed the team to an Elite
Eight appearance in that
year’s state tournament.
She continued to lead the
team in scoring as a junior,
despite missing six weeks of
the season due to injury, aver
aging 17.5 points per game
and scoring her 1,000th career
point late in the season.
Over the course of her
career she has been named to
the Georgia Athletic Coaches
Association All-State Girls
Basketball Team, as well as
selected to the 7-AAA All-
Region Team.
“They’re as excited to get
her at Clemson as we are
excited to send her,” said
Lady Tiger’s Head Coach
Steve Sweat.
“But I want to remind
everybody that she is still a
Dawson County Tiger for one
more year.”
Sticker’s parents, Heather
and Brian, were on hand for
the event and both made sure
to recognize, not only their
daughter’s accomplishment,
but the contributions of the
coaches and mentors that had
assisted Kaylee along the way.
“You have made her not
only a good basketball play
er,” Brian said, “but a young
woman that we truly admire.”
Bob Christian Dawson County News
Kaylee Sticker, senior, flanked by her parents Heather and
Brian, signs her NLI for Clemson University.
Charity holds first Fishing
with Military Heroes
Bob Christian Dawson County News
Amy Stevens took home the top prize for total
weight and the third place prize for largest fish.
By Bob Christian
Veterans 3 Guns and
the North Georgia
Crappie Anglers teamed
up over the weekend to
put on the inaugural
Fishing with Military
Heroes fishing tourna
ment for local area veter
ans that featured more
than 30 anglers taking
part in the day-long
“This is our first time
for veteran’s,” said event
organizer Josh Thornton.
“We do a Children’s Fall
Classic that we have
done for years, and we
take out the Jericho
House, Big Brothers, Big
Sisters, boys and girls
clubs through out the
year, but this is our first
year for this event and
we plan to continue with
Paired with members
of the Crappie Anglers
who provided boats and
all needed fishing equip
ment, the teams began
fishing in multiple loca
tions on Lake Lanier at
0600 on the morning of
Nov. 20.
Despite the near freez
ing temperatures of the
morning as the day went
on it turned into a near
perfect fall day.
“It was definitely cold
this morning,” said
Crappie Angler President
Woodie Malone. “But
that’s when the crappie
bite the best.”
The teams had the
opportunity to participate
in two events during the
tournament: a total
weight of their seven
largest crappie and then a
category for the largest
single fish.
Malone and his crew
of Amy Stevens and
Janice McConnell were
among the first groups to
return to the dock at
Bolding Mill Park and
quickly set the mark as
the team to beat with a
seven fish weight total of
6 lbs, 14.2 oz. Stevens
led the way for the team
with a personal catch of
lib 2 ounces that turned
out to be the third largest
fish caught on the day.
Over a lunch provided
'Our mission is
trying to prevent
suicides. It
started right in
Dawson County
and it is
nationwide now.'
Craig Ehle
Veterans 3 Guns
by Jim ‘N Nicks
Community Bar-B-Q and
courtesy of event sponsor
Clear Comms, Craig
Ehle explained some of
the history behind
Veterans 3 Guns.
“Our mission is trying
to prevent veteran’s sui
cides. This is a non-profit
based out of Dawson
County,” Ehle said. “It
started right in Dawson
County and it is nation
wide now. We have
teams in Alaska, Maine,
basically everywhere but
After lunch, Clear
Comms CEO Robert
Neidlinger gathered
everyone together to
announce the winners of
Giving Stevens all the
credit, Malone’s boat
held on to their early
weight lead to capture
first place overall in the
total weight category.
They were followed
closely by the largest
team on the lake consist
ing of Chip Gibbs,
Steven Hartwell, Dan
Solla, Bill Martin,
Blaine Martin, and
James Pruitt who com
bined for a total weight
of 61bs 5.8 ounces.
Hartwell’s personal
catch of lib 6.2 ounces
was good enough to cap
ture the top prize as the
largest fish as well.
Rounding out the day
in third place in the total
weight category was the
team of Rick Hall,
Jeremy Halladan, and
Adam Hall with their
seven crappie tipping the
scales at 51bs 12.6 ounc
Slipping into second
place, just ahead of
Stevens, in the category
of largest fish was
Dennis Satterfield with
his catch weighing in at
lib 5.4 ounces.
For more information
on Veterans 3 Guns and
their mission to prevent
veteran suicides, visit
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Photos by Bob Christian Dawson County News
Above: Junior Jasper Gibson directs the offense against the Flowery
Branch Falcons on Nov. 15. Below: Junior Jasper Gibson directs the
offense against the Flowery Branch Falcons on Nov. 15.
plan in the third-period
and was finally able to
slow down the Tigers,
limiting them to just 11
points in the third, but
the Falcons offense
could not break
through a smothering
Dawson County
defense and continued
to trail big at the end of
the third as the score
moved to 69-18.
Although the
Falcons continued to
take advantage of
every scoring opportu
nity and added seven
more to their total the
Tigers played a posses
sion style game to run
down the clock and
finished out the period
with a solid 73-25 vic
tory to start the season.
“For about a week
now I felt that they
were ready to play,”
Pittman said after the
game. “It was nice to
see the energy.”
The Dawson County
Tigers faced off against
squads from Landmark
Christian and Cumberland
Christian Academy in the
Tiger Tip-off Classic on
both Monday and
Tuesday night of this
week. Results were
unavailable as of press
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