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Wednesday, November 28,2018
Public hearing to outline how grant
for new senior center will be spent
ByAllie Dean
The Dawson County
Board of Commissioners
will hold a special called
meeting next week to dis
cuss the Community
Development Block Grant
that will be used to con
struct a new senior center in
The county was notified
Aug. 24 that they would be
receiving the $750,000
grant and the board of com
missioners voted Nov. 1 to
accept it. The U.S.
Department of Housing and
Urban Development allocat
ed the funding to Georgia’s
Community Development
Block Grant program, which
is administered by the
Georgia Department of
Community Affairs.
The hearing will be held at
5:30 p.m. Dec. 6, just before
the regular meeting at 6 p.m.
The hearing will be open to
the public and is a forum for
officials to discuss the
approved activities for the
grant, including the plan for
how the money will be spent
and the amount of money
that will benefit low and
moderate income persons,
according to an ad from the
The new center is planned
For the Dawson County News
Wakefield Beasely and Associates were contracted to design the new center, which
will break ground in 2019.
to go in next to the existing
Margie Weaver Senior
Center. The county was
given donations amounting
to around $944,000 by Betty
Ann Burnett on behalf of the
Pauline Ivey Trust in 2017,
sparking the vision for a new
Senior Services Director
Dawn Pruett said earlier this
year that plans are to break
ground for the new facility
in 2019.
The current concept plan
shows a new 4,800 square
foot expansion to the right of
the existing center. The sin
gle-level building will be
connected to the existing
center with a covered
Planned for the new facili
ty are a multipurpose room
for lunch and special events,
a game room with comput
ers, a movie room, a com
mercial kitchen, lots of stor
age space, a conference
room and an Alzheimer’s
respite care room.
The current Margie
Weaver Center will contain
all of the recreational activi
ties for the seniors, including
art, jewelry making and
exercise classes. The exer
cise class will move up from
the basement into the current
dining and event space on
the main floor of the center,
while the arts and jewelry
classes will be able to take
over the former exercise
room, giving both programs
a much needed expansion.
The hearing will be held on
the second floor of the
Dawson County Government
Center, located at 25 Justice
Way in Dawsonville.
Early runoff voting runs through Friday
From staff reports
Early voting started
Monday for the Dec. 4 runoff,
which will decide two state
wide races in which neither
candidate received a majority
of the vote on Nov. 6.
For the position of secretary
of state, Republican Brad
Raffensperger will compete
against Democrat John
Barrow. The secretary of state
position is currently occupied
by Robyn Crittenden, who
took office after Brian Kemp,
Georgia’s governor-elect,
stepped down.
Voters will also be able to
decide between incumbent
Republican Chuck Eaton and
Democrat Lindy Miller for a
position on the state’s Public
Service Commission.
In Dawson County, voters
will go to the Dawson
County Board of Elections
Office at 96 Academy
Avenue to cast their ballots
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Nov. 26-30.
On Dec. 4, they will have
to go to their assigned polling
place. Voting will be held
from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dec. 4.
If you have any questions
about your voting location or
status, visit My Voter Page or
call the elections office at
(706) 344-3640.
Arrest Reports
Nov. 19
Brian Keith Hunt, 38, Jasper: Driving
while license suspended/revoked, improp
er backing.
Stephen Lee Pirkle, 33, Dawsonville:
Nov. 20
Nicole Michelle Blackwell, 30,
Gainesville: Failure to comply.
Nov. 21
Sean Bute, 48, Cumming: No registra
tion, driving without license.
Benny Joe Carlisle, 25, Dawsonville:
Hit and run.
Catherine Ann Chumbley, 27,
Dawsonville: Criminal damage to property
in the second degree.
Skylar Amon Hopkins, 35, Atlanta:
Probation violation/felony.
Dustin Gene Satterfield, 27, Dahlonega:
Battery/family violence, two counts crimi
nal trespass/family violence.
Misty Ann Skeen, 39, Demorest: Two
misdemeanor probation violations.
Nov. 22
David O’Neil Manning, 69,
Dawsonville: Move over law, open con
tainer violation, DUI/alcohol.
Nov. 23
Jimmy George Holtzclaw, 56,
Cumming: Removed/falsified I.D. of
license plate, driving while license sus
pended/revoked, no proof of insurance,
suspended vehicle registration, open con
tainer violation, no brake lights or work
ing turn signals.
David Leon Hutchins, 54, Dawsonville:
Possession of firearm by convicted felon.
Adan Molina-Ruiz, 36, Dawsonville:
Public drunkenness.
Amanda Jeanne Sparrow, 34, Cleveland:
Serving county sentence.
Jeremy Earl Yates, 34, Cumming:
Driving while license suspended/revoked,
failure to wear seat belt.
Nov. 24
Lance Leon Ellis, 42, Dawsonville:
Obstruction of officer, contributing to
delinquency of a minor, interference with
custody, bench warrant/failure to appear in
Wendy Michelle Kar, 35, Dawsonville:
Failure to comply.
Travis Burl Picklesimer, 36, Gainesville:
Possession of a controlled substance,
criminal trespass/family violence.
Marilyn Yvonne Thomason, 57,
Dawsonville: Theft by shoplifting.
Nov. 25
Kristen Renee Contigiani, 28,
Alpharetta: Too fast for conditions, DUI/
alcohol, failure to maintain lane.
Tony Lamar Fields, 59, Dahlonega: Two
counts theft by shoplifting.
Jeffrey Davis McClendon, 54,
Cumming: Probation violation/felony.
Erin Marie Meadows, 34, White:
Serving county sentence.
Megan Tacy, 28, Dawsonville: DUI/
Nov. 26
Blake Lloyd Frady, 26, Dawsonville:
Charges pending.
Zacharia James Frederick, 37,
Dawsonville: Charges pending.
Joseph Harris Travis, 29, Blue Ridge:
Charges pending.
in October that the county knew of
nothing else going in on the property
for sure, and again on Monday said
that there were no new updates.
Also heard at the Nov. 20 meeting
was a request by Corey Gutherie on
behalf of Tanco Investments to
rezone three acres of land on War
Hill Park Road from RA, or residen
tial agricultural, to RSR, or residen
tial sub rural, for a three-home sub
The land is owned by Kevin
Tanner of Tanco Investments and is
located one mile down War Hill Park
Road on the right.
Gutherie said that current plans
show that the home with road front
age would have its own driveway,
while the two other lots would share
a separate common driveway.
The rezoning would be in compli
ance with the future land use plan
and the applicant is not looking to
vary from county subdivision regula
tions, and county planning staff rec
ommended approval.
The planning commission voted
unanimously to recommend that the
board of commissioners approve the
rezoning. The application will go
before the board of commissioners at
6 p.m. Dec.20.
The next meeting of the Dawson
County Planning Commission will
be held at 6 p.m. Dec. 18 in the sec
ond floor assembly room at the
Dawson County Government Center.
All meetings of the planning com
mission are open to the public.
Harold "Speedy"
Harold “Speedy” Evans,
85, of Cumming, died
Nov. 21,2018.
Speedy was a member
of Friendship Baptist
Church. He owned and
operated Harold Evans
Garage and Wrecker
Service and started the
first wrecker service in
Forsyth County. His pas
sion was restoring classic
His parents, George and
Maureen Evans; and
brothers, Billy Evans,
Buddy Evans and Charles
Evans, preceded him in
Survivors include his
wife, Dot Evans of
Cumming; daughter and
son-in-law, Tracy and
Keith Roper of Cumming;
grandchildren, Brandi and
Brad Dorsey of Cumming,
Evan and Cole Roper of
Cumming; great-grand
children, Braxton,
Braelen, E. J., Harper and
Henley; sister, Evelyn
Tate; sister-in-law, Emma
Evans of Cumming; and a
number of nieces, neph
ews; various other rela
tives also survive.
Funeral services were
held at 3 p.m. Nov. 25 in
the funeral home chapel
with Rev. Ricky Byrd,
Rev. Paul Carter and Rev.
Ruel Martin officiating.
Interment followed in
Friendship Baptist Church
The family received
friends from 11 a.m. to 2
p.m. and from 5 to 9 p.m.
Nov. 24 and from 11 a.m.
to the hour of service Nov.
In lieu of flowers, the
family asks that donations
be made to K.A.R.E. for
Kids, Inc., P. O. Box 211,
Dawsonville, Ga., 30534.
Ingram Funeral Home
of Cumming was in
charge of arrangements.
Dawson County News
November 28, 2018
Guy H. Rouse
Guy H. Rouse, 92, of
Dawsonville, died Nov. 22,
Born Aug. 21, 1926 to
the late Duffy and Matt
Rouse, he had been a resi
dent of Dawsonville for
most of his life. He was a
member of First Baptist
Church of Dawsonville.
His wife, Carlene Carter
Rouse; and three sisters,
Louise, Rowanda and
Charlotte, preceded him in
Survivors include his
daughters and son-in-law,
Cecelia Rouse, Tracey and
Curly Denier, all of
Dawsonville; son and
daughter-in-law, Greg and
Kathy Rouse of Daniel,
Wyo.; sisters and brother-
in-law, Marie Justus,
Dianne King, Lana Sue
and Ron McDonald;
grandchildren, Camilla
Watson, Cassandra
Holbrook, Justin Barr,
Kyle Barr, Leslie
Escamilla, Cheryl Chittick;
seven great-grandchildren;
a number of nieces, neph
ews; various other relatives
also survive.
Guy loved good times
and a celebration of his life
will be held from 4 to 6
p.m. Dec. 3 in the Gordon
Pirkle room at the Georgia
Racing Hall of Fame in
Bearden Funeral Home
of Dawsonville was in
charge of the arrange
Dawson County News
November 28, 2018
Jason V. Waters
Jason V. Waters, 42, of
Dahlonega, formerly of
Dawsonville, died Nov. 18,
Jason was bom March 7,
1976 to the late James and
Betty Waters. He worked
in residential construction
and enjoyed hunting, fish
ing and camping. Mr.
Waters was a member of
Antioch Baptist Church.
Survivors include his
wife, Kimberly Waters;
children, Davidson Waters,
Harley Waters, Victoria
Waters, J. W. Waters,
Christina Henry, Steven
Henry, Danny Beavers,
Hailey Barrett; sisters and
brother-in-law, Shirley and
Tim Davis, Debra
McCook, Pam Williams,
Connie Barrett; brother,
Ricky Waters; various
other relatives also survive.
Funeral services were
held at 5 p.m. Nov. 23 in
the Bearden Funeral Home
Chapel with Rev. Jason
Hamby and Rev. Rodney
Pilcher officiating. The
family received friends
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Nov. 23.
In lieu of flowers the
family requests that dona
tions be made to assist
with final expenses.
Bearden Funeral Home
of Dawsonville was in
charge of the arrange
Dawson County News
November 28, 2018
Fresh Cut Fraser Firs
Cut your own Cypress or Pine, &
cut Fraser Firs! Handmade wreaths!
276 Woodland Lane, Dahlonega
(4 miles North of the traffic light at Walmart)
Hours: Tues-Fri: 3pm - Dark Sat: 10am - Dark
Sun: 1pm - Dark Closed Monday
^ Daws o n C o u nty N e ws
A Metro Market Media Publication
Established in 2015 by the merger of Dawson Community News and Dawson News and Advertiser
30 Shoal Creek Road i PUBLISHER | Stephanie Woody
Dawsonville, GA 30534 GENERAL MANAGER | Brenda Bohn
PHONE (706) 265-3384 EDITOR | Allie Dean
FAX (706) 265-3276
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