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Wednesday, December 5,2018 I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I 7A
Recycling bins placed in
new locations in Dawson
By Allie Dean
You may have noticed three recycling
trailers at new locations around Dawson
An initiative by the county public
works department and Keep Dawson
County Beautiful has placed the trailers
around the county on a trial basis to
determine if the volume of recycling in
the county goes up and if citizens are
using the service properly.
Public Works Director David McKee
said Tuesday that at the end of 60 days
he hopes to go before the board of com
missioners to update them on the results
of the trial period.
There have been no county-owned
recycling trailers located outside the
transfer station since the Dawson
County Board of Education asked for
them to be removed earlier this year as
part of their efforts to increase school
safety and cut down on the number of
visitors outside school buildings.
“Recycling didn’t go down when the
trailers were removed,” McKee said. “It
went down initially and then went back
up because people started taking their
recycling to the transfer station.”
McKee said the trailers weren’t put
back out because the program was being
abused. He said the county was consis
tently being billed by Advanced
Disposal, who processes the county’s
recycling, for contaminated items that
were placed in the recycling but had to
be thrown away.
Public works had to account for that
extra cost, which McKee said he hadn’t
budgeted for.
“The issue is the trailers are
unmanned. At the transfer station the
employees can say that something isn’t
recyclable,” McKee said. “For example
a jar of peanut butter-it’s recyclable, but
it has to be soap and water washed.”
Another issue is manpower- the recy
cling program was started by KDCB but
is the responsibility of the public works
“We pick the trailers up and manually,
piece by piece, take the items out,”
McKee said. “It takes four or five man
hours doing that every time we swap the
trailers out.”
After a request the trailers have been
put back out again. McKee said he
hopes to tell the board of commissioners
that there are no issues with keeping the
recycling trailers out; if the trailers are
not abused, they’re likely to remain.
“Pay attention to what you’re recy
cling and make sure it is clean and
washed, and put it in the trailer and not
beside it,” he said.
The three new locations are at fire sta
tion no. 2, located at 145 Liberty Drive
next to the Tractor Supply; at fire station
no. 4, located at 245 Emma Terrace; and
at the River Park Canoe Launch, located
off Hwy. 9 S next to the Etowah River.
Trash bags and trash items will not be
picked up from the trailer locations and
leaving trash in or at the trailers will be
considered illegal dumping.
Items that can be recycled include
cardboard, paper, aluminum cans and
plastics numbered 1-7. Items that are
non-recyclable include soiled food
items, Styrofoam, broken glass or glass
items. Glass can be taken to the transfer
station to be recycled.
Rep. Collins named top Republican on committee
By Megan Reed
DCN Regional Staff
U.S. Rep. Doug
Collins, R-Gainesville,
has been named ranking
member of the House
Judiciary Committee, a
role that will make him a
key player in preventing a
possible investigation of
President Donald Trump.
“The Judiciary
Committee’s jurisdiction
runs deep and wide, and
I’ve been commit
ted to advancing
the conservative
agenda as a mem
ber of the com
mittee since day
one,” Collins said
in a statement.
“It’s been an
honor to legislate
with my House col
leagues and earn their
trust. As ranking member
of the House Judiciary
Committee, I look for
ward to the hard
battles and noble
work before us.”
Collins said one
priority of
Republicans on
the committee will
be defending
Trump against
threats of an inves
tigation, a move that the
Gainesville Republican
said would be an “over
reach” but has been allud
ed to by Democrats.
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Dawsonville, GA 30534
Thank You
Good Shepherd Clinic
Business Sponsors
Kay Parrish
Executive Director
Good Shepherd Clinic
Good Shepherd Clinic
- of Dawson County
The clinic strives to make Dawson County a better
place by providing health care for those who have none.
Chairman's Club
Associated Credit Union
Foothills Community Bank
Event Sponsors
Medical Plaza 400
Anchor Sponsors
Anderson Family Medicine
Atlanta Gear Works
Best Blueberry Bonanza
Dawson Vision Center
Platinum Sponsors
Etowah Water & Sewer Authority
Kristie Myers, Norton Residential Group
Gold Sponsors
Ball Wealth Management
Bearden Funeral Home
Dawson Insurance Group
Foothills IGA Market
Fox, Chandler, Homans, Hicks & McKinnon
Glazing Rubber Products
John Seibel Photography
Kevin Tanner, State Representative
Silver Sponsors
All Animal Veterinary Hospital
Calibrated Resources
Dawson Eye Group
Dawsonville Distinctive Dentistry
Image Perfection
Bronze Sponsors
Abba House
Amicalola Propane
AML Computer Services
Debra Osgood, CPA
K.C. Fuller & Associates
Lanier Dental Partners
Lava Hair Salon
Leibel Law
Medical Plaza 400
Northside Hospital Forsyth
Keith Lacy, Northwestern Mutual
KM Homes
Lori Martin, Norton Residential Group
United Community Bank
King Consulting & Development Advisers
NxtLevel Advisors
Park West Charitable Foundation
Premier Solutions
Roger D Slaton, State Farm
Talk of the Town
Woolfson Eye Institute
John Megel Chevrolet
Longhorn Steakhouse
Townley Construction Company
Tripp & Co Jewelers
Mike Liberatore, Berkshire Hathaway
McKenzie & Company
North GA Premium Car Wash
Papa's Place
Talk of the Table
The Wells Team, Keller Williams Partner
Top Cleaners
True Value, Hwy 53
Dawson County News
Disharoon Automotive
Prominence Pharmacy
Smoke Signals