The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, December 02, 1893, Image 4

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THE RED AND BLACK. Red and Black. RESERVED FOR OUR SPECIAL AGENT, I). W. McGRfiGOfi, ATHE/iS.Gt., In instructed to give to Clubs our Lowest Kates on ulI our goods. All orders and enquiries for Athens and district for Sporting and Athletic (ioods of our make are referred to him. A. C. SPALDING A SONS., NEW YORK. E. 1. SMITH & CO- HEADQUARTERS FOR FINESHOES EVERY PAIR OUARANEED. Corner College Ave. and Clayton Street ATHENS, GEORGIA. MADDOX DRUS. PHOTOGRAPHERS SPECIAL PRICES TO Students and Clubs. WOKK GUARANTEED. UK) K.tut Hroml Street, A thru*. (ieorj't;i. |,f»ok t«» your Interent You cun money by luiving your shorn Repaired at tli«* New Hoot anil Shoe Shop on Jack •Aon Street. under the Hotel Toomur. Wp (iuiirnntee t«» do Iietter work for lost* money thnn any one in the eitv. We uee nothing hut the Heat IsOuiaviHe Oak Sole Leather. \N V II Al l*Kt l\ St'l'T. DR. Cf}A WFORD, THE DRUGGIST, < OI.LEGE AVENUE. £ A. UNIVERSITY JEWELER, Now in Northern Markets FOP JJ0LID/\y Q00D5. PERSONAL i HAS. STEBN & CO. CLOTHIERS Ft RNU.HERS AND H ATTERS. 229, Street. r.VTROM/K COHEX WHEN YOU WANT CIGARS. TOAGCCOS, ETC. He DeaU in Choice Articles Only. Lynn Van Horn Gerdine taught history to the Sophomores and Freshmen during the absence of Prof. McPherson. Hale A. Conaway handle elegant pianos and organs. Make special prices to students on pictures, frames, easels, etc. Prof. White visited several sec tions of the state last week in the interest of the Farmers* Institutes. As president of the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, he is doing a good service to the farmers of the State. He issues periodical bulletins from the experi ment station, at Griffin, to the farm ers of the state. If you want the best Student and Electric Limps call at “Huggins’ Chins House.” Walter Akcrraan, son of the late Attorney General in Grant’s Cabi net, a graduate of Princeton nnd brother to Joe Akerman, of class '94, spent sometime recently on a visit to his family in Athens. Will McDugald, a popularex-’94, has returned to his home in Colum bus. llev. l>r. Young, the newly elect ed pastor of the First llaptist church, was the guest of Dr. Riley, on the campus, for several days after the former’s removal to Athens. The grandest display of Xmas goods in China and Fancy Glass ware at “Huggins’China House.” The national week of prayet was duly observed by the University Y. M. C. A. Prayer meetings were held on the campus every afternoon, led by the different ministers of the city ninl the chancellor. The Lucy Cobh girls lent their presence to the meetings on several afternoons, which fact acted like a magnet towards making the boys turn out. Geo. Hillyer, of '93, and John Hill, boys well known in Athens and in University circles, are pur suing courses of study at Columbia college, N. Y. Students buy your Oil, Lamps, Chimneys and wicks at “Huggins’ China House.” Mr. K. O. Cochran, editor-in-chief of the Magazine, has recently been elected President of Phi Kappa and will no doubt make a good officer. Mr. W. W. Chandler, *93, spent a few days of last week at the Augus ta Exposition. If the University had many such friends as Hon. N. E. Harris, of Ma- | con, it would soon rank with the great Northern colleges. Wedding, Dirthday and Xmas presents at “Huggins’China House.” In President W. A. Fuller, Phi Kappa has had a faithful and effi- : cient officer. Billie Armstrong represented the Athens Chapter of the Chi Phi fraternity at the recent convention in Washington, D. C. All the best Kerosene Lamps made can be found at “Huggins' China House” on Broad street. Mr. Moses Guyton, of the Junior class, who has been sick for the last few days, has about recovered. Every member of the Demosthe- nian Society should be present Sat- j urday. The speeial order for that j day is for lectures to be delivered by Prof. Rutherford and Dr. Riley. {Judging from the past these lec tures will he instructive and benefi cial. It seems as if the negro, Lewis, on Harvard’s foot-ball team, cast a “dark” cloud over it. Yale with | her sturdy Anglo-Saxon boys gave Harvard and her Africano-Ameri- can center, a well deserved defeat. GILLELAND’S Oyster! louse «/ 105 Broad Street. ALWAYS ON HAND. OPEN UNTIL 12 O'clock Every Night. C. W. BALDWIN & CO. LEADING DEALERS IN Fine Foot Wear. Corner Clayton St. and College Ave. ONE DOOR FROM POST OFFICE. CHAS. MORRIS, POPULAR PRICE clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, 218 BROAD STREET. RAPHAEL Jke Jailor, College Avenue. McDowell & son, FINE Confectioneries, Fruits AND CIGARS. COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, C,A. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOK ATHENS BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. CITY DRUG STORE, R. C. ORR & CO. WE WANT YOUR Prescriptions. BEST DRUGS USED. CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Telephone 112.