The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, December 03, 1893, Image 2

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A 1). \\ * In instri' k THE RED AND BL4CK Publlihed Weekly During The Term, aiibtrrifjtimi, on< dollar and fifty cent* per year. HulriMTiption*. advertisement*, and all coiomunleatlona relating to tlie businesH management of tlie paper should he Kent to the Managing Editor. Thi. Hki» Anii Blai k will Ik* devoted to matters of Interest to the students and friends of the University, ami grad uate*' siihseriptlonn and communica tions are especially solicited. All member* of the University are in vited to contribute to its columns, hut the editors will not hold themselves re sponsible for the opinions advanced therein. Matter for publication must he ac companied by author's full name and may be handed to the editors or ad dressed to Kko And Black, Athens, Ga. KDITOKs: S. li. Vow, ’ill, Chief Editor. I*. It. Lest« r, (Law) Managing Editor. 1*. L. Fleming* *1. II. A. Alexander. MW, W. T. Bacon, *94, S. L. Olive, ’lift, I Lies, ’95. U dTLdNTd «SPECIAL NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR RIDING OX THE >» ‘ATLANTA SPECIAL.” •»»/SE-A ADA R 0 AI R-LlNE.««<- NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN Short Link "HE NORTH AND SOUTH. Bktwkkn Atiikns, Ga., am> Atlanta, Ga. WksTKKN AMI Sot THKII.V POINTS. We nounct from Vow i in the University too great 11 t:ix upon regret very much to an- the loss of Mr. S. B. Yow, our Board of Kditors. Mr. k eneiinihered liy two courses which he finds his time for him to do justiee to other work. In Mr. Your we had a faithful and ar dent worker and a writer of no mean ability. Wo fear that we’ve a task before us lo till his position. We take pleasure in announcing the election of lliles ’95 to the Board of Kditors. Among the puMieationa in the University Tig Uh> ami Black claims a place, and asks that the. students who cure for higher educa tion and a knowledge of journalism, however limited the opportunity may he, contribute to its columns and assist it in accomplishing its purpose, which is the general ad-! vancement of the University and the interest which should he taken in college life. Kvcry student is urged to send in communications and try for a place on the Editors Board. Beginning with ’94 several new additions to the Board must he made, among which is Editor-in- ehief, owing to the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Yow. harly after the opening of next term at least four men will lie elected, ami later on in the term five others to fill the places of the present i. mliersof the Board who will either graduate or leave the University at the close of the col legiate year. Now these men must be elected aceording to merit, consequently every man has the same chance as his adversary, provided he proves his efficiency as a writer, for none others will he granted a hearing. Juniors, your elass is represented, but there is still room. The Sopho more class should by all means be represented on the Board by two or three men, while the Freshmen should exert every means to prove the interest of “young America" in college affairs. VIA ATLANTA. Short line to New Orleans and Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana, Through Pullman Bullet Sleepers between Athens, Ga.,aml Portsmouth, Va., offering a variety of routes liy rail and water or all rail to Balti more, Philadelphia, New Vork. Boston, Providence and the East. SHORT LINE TO Charlotte, N. (., Wilmington, N C., Raleigh N. (’., Norfolk, Ports mouth, Petersburg and Old Point Comfort, Va. THROUGH CAR LINE TO CHARLESTON, S. C. Making the entire run in daylight, a great comfort to ladies. No transfer, affording unbroken travel by short line to Columbia, S. ('., Sumter, S. C., ami Eastern South Carolina. QUICKEST AND BEST FREIGHT ROUTE Between Athens, Ga., and the North and East. Shortest and quick est freight route between Athens, Ga., and the West and Southwest. Call on all agents of the Seaboard Air-Line for rates, schedules and other information. II. W. B. GLOVER, O. \. SMITH,, Traf. Mgr. I)iv. Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. T. J. ANDERSON, Pass. Agt., Norfolk, Va. To fail should not discourage any J one, since the misery in that case will have plenty of company. And to win will be all the greater honor. So those who intend contesting should commence writing their es says at once. Let every student en ter the contest in order that we may have our best man to sustain] our reputation for ocakers at the annual ceremt J. W BROWIi Wholesale and Ketaii Dos, OROeKfMr, CHINA, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TIN WARE. SILVER PLATED WARE. STOVES, GRATES, \\ ood and Willow Ware, and Housefur nishing Goods Generally. 227 BROAD ST., -:- ATHENS, GA CALENDAR. DRINK DELICIOUS TODAY’S GAME. This afternoon the ’Varsity team meets the Furman College eleven in I Augusta on the exposition grounds. ] The team, as on other occasions, must face overwhelming odds. The ! Furman team has equal experience I with our men and average nine j pounds heavier. But with all these odds against us our men are confi dent of victory, still they realize! nothing hut the hardest kind and most skilled work will bring victory to the Bed and Black. Should on men return from Augusta with a second victory to their credit, we should not fail to meet these with open arms and the heartiest con- j gratulations for protecting our col ors against such great odds. On the contrary, we should feel j none the less grateful towards them, in the event of defeat for a more manly contest, and a hearder strug gle for supremacy has not been Sooth dealing directly with the Consumer. witnessed on the gridiron this sea son than this one will be this after noon. (j sire ill ■ „nl> Mtimif.icturcN%f Olothin ,r in ilie AN'NIVERSAHIAN. There are no doubt, m college many boys who desire to contest for the position of Aonirersariao in | their literary societies. Every year some put off w riting their speeches till it is too late to learn them well, and by so doing lose their opportu nity of winning the place. Now it would be well for all who intend to contest, to begin preparation at once. And every member of the literary societies should try. It is no disgrace to lose in an honorable competition for the highest oratori eal gift of the college. As the old saving is, "the more, the merrier.” 1 WdSfllNQTON, D. C. BALTIMORE, HD. COR. SEVENTH AND E. STREETS. Factory 213 W. GORMAN. sT Freeman JeWelry Go. DldnOMD 1 HERCH/INTS. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. I Cures Headache and Exhaustion. EISEMANBROS. ONE PRICE : MANUFACTURING CLOTHIERS.