The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, February 17, 1894, Image 2

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of •I* wilt that At Drm. in • name Kjrali Ure, * affirm, oarefui both ai fa»or ol THE RED AND BLACK. THE REb AND BLrtQK glory. Our inexperienoe and inef- Publiitinl Weekly During The Term, tii'ieney in many respects, do not aolini'ription. one dollar and fifty eenta nheil inmdi glory upon college jour- per year. nalisni, wherefore our only remuner- ) Huhscrl pilous, advertisement*, and all a tion cornea from the toils we go DICK HARRIS, Artist, The Tonsoria! eommunlrationa relating to the business thr t(J , ecuro interesting CureS Headache ana Exhaustion first class work. Visit parlors for bu I , | - \ courtcouft attention mlicet f<>r our rcmlern. »n»ni»K»*mrnt nf the pnper fihoald s. nt t*» the .Managing Kdilor. Tiir Kk!> Ami. Black will lie devoted ^*«» reiterate our desire to to inatUTN of inter«*Kt to the utmientn make the l uiversity the leading and friends of the TTnivenuty, mid "rad educational center of the State an I tiftfe*’ *nhmiiptfoils and rommnntcii- ev ,.,, ,,f the South. * re especially solicited. W „ m)>)>ea | to 01ir alumni to semi the hoys here instead of elsewhere, N. ndU5ER BROAD STREET. REPAIRS WATCHES AND JEWELRY THE MOST STYLISH HATS, OF AM. I.KSfUIPTH.NS. All nieinlMTN of the University are in vitcil to contribute to itN minimi*, hut liters will not hold themselves r. where the ad vantages are less; to \ y\ \ L OK GLASSES. -Nil KHT LINK OK- RponHil.lo for the therein. Matter for publication iniiKt he ae- eoinp.inied l.y nuthor'M full iiiiiiie and may he handed to the <»ditorM or sul* dreHted to Kki. Ami. Hi.ack, Athena, (in. f'lay ton St. oppoaite Pout-office. CENTS’ FURNISHINCS nions advanced the students to aid us in our ef forts; to the merchants and citizens of Athens to assist us in standing / W RRHIA/N R; RClNR And U i° most complete line of Young . f m WW • DflUwwIi U Ol// fU Men'a Clothing in the city can be found at ki.itoua: W. T. Hacoti, ’i»4, KdItar-in-Chief. I*. K. Ltatcr, (Law) M.tinging Kditor. A. \V. SU’pln*iiM, Local iluaiiicHH Manager. II. A. Alexander, MU. Green .Johnson.'IW. aloft, for the enlargement of the college adds not only to the growth and interest of the town, hut is an incentive to immigration and finan cial success. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in J.J.C Mc Mahan's, ( HINA, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TIN —— WARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, The atmosphere around tlie old STOVES, GRATES, I*. I,. Fleming, *91, D. C. Harrow ilrd, ’W. “Yahoo" floats with melodious i Wood and Willow Ware, and ilouaefur- W. P. flarhln, '!»• W. W. t’handler’im.; strains of mnaic and song on every! nisldng Goods Generally. BROAD 8T., ATHENS, GA »re some excellent singers in college and nearly all of them room at the j “Yahoo.” And when they assemble j 117 CLAYTON STREET. , { niiiiiun oi muni," j T A. ltl, I.. B. VVarrrn. Law. Krirlny and Saturday night. There , J72 II. o. Moreno. M. are some excellent singers in college ■ We have endeavore 1 from th first to impress the student body 011 t(u . l.ench out in front and start with the fact that Tiik Hki» a*i> | “H« m e Sweet Home," every stu- lii.ACK is intended to represent the ,,, room drops Ins hook, interest of the University and that I Hicii ) liH head and enters into a most, is is a students' enterprise. profound meditation, thinks over HARRIS & LEE, Boot and shoe repairers. FIRST CLASS WORK. SPECIAL PRICES TO STUDENTS. PAL/AER & KINNEBREW. DRUQQI5T5. Carry a Full Lille of Cologne ind Toilet Articles. CLAYTON STREET. Now the position of Tub Kkdand Hi Atm resolves itself into this; is ins by-gone and happiest days, and if he hasn't th GEORGIA *. A iILROiiD bCtiliDULIiS OFFICE GENERAL'MANAGER auouxt*. Oa., Feb. lltb. ISM. ui„ will be operated All train, ran by »0lh Commenolsg Feb 11th tbe following set the paper really worth publishing, u . ar „ ,.« MnoV |, e restrained. Assem- or if not, ran it he made so? Is it |,i e and sing oftener hoys; for when heart of a lawyer “endian Tuns. The ech.dale, are eubjee* UKA1I IKHV cbaoite without notice to the - nblit. READ UP. the will of the students that tile paper become a potent factor of our college or shall we allow it to drop by the wayside and suffer it to he said that out college, the University of Otwrrgia cannot support a weekly you strike up some sentimental j song as the above named there is a certain influence or something else (almost indescribable) that pone- j trates down ami touches a lender chord of each listener’s heart and lends to refine, to elevate and above There is hardly a preparatory at i it causes reflection, school in all New Kngland and the | | Vo n ‘T|bt iprx*. ( o" pm;. I to pm II ss a in ,S 34 p,l p pc V S on. 12 04 SO ,.ni li 14 am s 14 poi IX 83 an. W -4 pm paper? tl.v Mail 2 XI pm IX St poi 14 4S pu West that does not issue one. If the efforts of the present Board are not meeting with the approval of your body, then it is the duty of the college to dismiss us and elect our successors. We are at your bidding. If we are to succeed we must have your support in both tub- s.-riptious and contributions. 8ome are objecting to the price of subscription, others think the pa per self supporting and therefore it should be given to the students free of charge. In this they are grossly mistaken for half the amount of ad vertising in our sheet avails us naught. Railroads do not pay for their notices except an occasional courtesy is extended to a member of the lioard, whereby an effort to secure an advertisement may he made. ,-J -. Bask Ball Season.—1). W. Me- \ (iregor yesterday received his first i supply of new base hall goods. He i* agent here for Spaulding ami the other leading manufacturers. n X4 pm 14 «S * 41 pm X 44 MB 4 Vi pm l OS mu. ? *>1 pi: 1 10 7 Os pa ; lx an, 7 X0 p v l SS mm 7 *0 pm I 4s « i OS pru I X pit S'ram No SI. TmTIO'8 Train No 8». U ▼ Mmi(. N ight Kupr* *a Train No. 12. 7 40 Mia . August*. . < 8 |»oi 1 20 pm ft 1 ft Mill 7 bb mui Mlair l 03 pu 4 62 *u» 8 IX uni Grow to 8 pm 12 ftft pm 4 41 mi 7 01 Mtn HcrseliM 12 44 pm 4 2D mu H 4 llh 9 * 8 mui llsrlrm 9 3* p'D 12 34 pm 4 20 am »• 8-7 on * 47 am . Dcs iug tf 2ft pu 12 2ft pm 4 lO MU) 0 29 >m X 02 Biti ..Th m*on. a on rua .2 Mi pui 8 58 Mm * 10 m Repairing badges and resetting stones can he done at C. A. Soud- der's on short notice, and much cheaper than sending the work DO R R J i§ I 4* urn 1 M pm X <7 poi X XI \ a X 47 pm 8 ''8 |»u J 8(> pui 8 47 pQ) 4 «'*> p . 4 22 pa- I 4ft pu. II Paw 5 :z ptr V 4 pm 6 63 pn 4 (.8 pui r> i A pm V XI am . MeMUt C*n rk v H tin . Nor«tootl Bam X it am 4 .»4 am • 10 1ft an (Jon r oiol 11 ic *m 7 50 pm \ I IT am 7 48 put .1 :i:« am 7 XX -ill x3 an 3 - 'i a iii 3 8ft am 3 ',6 aot 9 lu am 7 pui 11 ox *i:. X 67 am ^ pm 10 4ft am 10 XV am (} To 5 hi pm lo xx am 8 J am X XI am 10 ft* aui Huckoi’*.-. ’> 0 i pji x ft8 am I M au. i 4- j Ui 1 61 pm t 4 pa. X pm X 8.* pm X 63 pu. 8 oil pa. 9 -X put 9 4 . pm 11 OH a . M ■'diaon .! ft .S3 pm' U 42 au I 41 aut •11 X4 am Butla<Ua ft 8* put. X K3 am I VH au 11 8T am social Oir-lej o pa 07 am I 14 an 11 67 ao Covington IX 17 pm IX XX pm ft 01 put ' 8 4ft am 2 f»4 aui 4 40 put 1 8 2l au .2 31 pm 4 2> put 9 "J am (2 iv pm 1 2 4H pm tone M in. 4 10 put 7 ft; mu. 2 oo ugt 4 0o pu 7 41 »n. 1 47 put H 00 m 6 ftl oi ft 44 n ft Ito pot ft IX put • 00 pm 8 A pm 7 82 am il 3ft put 8 44i 7 XU mu. 11 AlCfCi (in'J'vVj FINE TAILORING. T X am S s pni 7 ‘Jx mii 4 W ptu. *IMB 4 11 ih BIB . Uxiuiut... I l. 4,i biu ,. ss Warranto .1 SI am ix 4i _ . ..Murbald 1 OS am is lx am, culrartio ■ ...10. 4 anil. bO an -parta 10 4> am a 43 pu, Damr.01 . 0 iX am U ,x pm Carra io .o am ,) oS i a UiUaUgriH, 1 'n am Ij V pm .. Hrowna .. o7 am 1 - 1 pm . dwldoeca . < , it am a S3 pn Jamea X lo am X SS pm ..Bacon. ..1 8 3. an, s IS X IS pm .Barnett 7 48 pm 11 S7 am 8 .7 pm sbaroa 7 SS pm, 11 So ami 8 4 pmj. Hillman. t is on « io i ui | io pm *'aah We would have you uinjerstand The Ureeat Stock j r Men's Pmuisli- this is not a private ana), for >ng» in tne sute. 3 ,|„ •ditora. While the editor's lllHHYM'l m' work benefits him in a number of Al H A It I it A It 1. ‘ • ways, still his place is not, in every — dealers is— respect, an enviable one. Guns. Pistols. Ammunition, Cutlery Ac. Ninety-nine parts of his place is agents fob klki tric razor. composed of hard work and one of i4ti and 2o0 Broa.1 SL Athens, Gs, Trsmoi I 41 am ..... J14 01 pm b MO pui 9 88 pm - 40 pm 9 60 pm 9 7 pm X i 9 *»ui X 28 pm 9 88 pm X 4 • om 2 oo pm X Du ioi 1 I ft . | rn I 45 pm x 15 Min 4 40 pm 1 84 pin V ut in 4 XX p • l u> pm ? 3 Mm 4 oo pm 2 47 pmTTumnTFoinl 4 tO pm T 2 89 pm . * oodville X 64 %ui o ftxpru .. 8 04 pu. BaJrdttovB | j 6o mui ft 68 pm 8 14 pm I 28 p .SteptiMOM. 8 86 pm .Crmwlord 8 83 pm Ihiolap. 8 58 pm Winter*. 4 " pm . ' bMDt. (TniooTroTli .a'MlO* w bll^PlMIQl x G-5 *m ft ♦<» pm x 81 am ft 82 pm 2 Is »m 5 1. pm j...... ... . X ol am 4 5* pm . ... i 5 mo 4 64 pm I 4" s ’ 4 4 2 «3 pm,.... 1 4J poi .... 1 3* i»n| ... ▲II «to* moMfua Dmilj exoep: 11 ood 12, which do not rot on .Saodaj. SleepingC%f« betwreo ftvUuu *od Chtrleeioo 4ugi«tt m d AIiaoU, August* sod Umod on .Night -.ipr*es. TH0S. W. GREL ', J*)h. W. WIilTE, a. 0. JACK^O* * Wmmsumc I*'sxsU l og pMueagsr Ageit (Hm’l rreight sod Pmm 4i*Mtat4 *9*. tffia. 1