The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, February 24, 1894, Image 2

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V V 1 THE RED AND BLACK. THE REb AND BLACK Tbq February number of the Macon & Northern Railroad Co. Published Weekly During The Term, University Magazine has just been subscription, one dollar an<l fifty cents issued. Among the leading articles per year. is one from the pen of Greene John- SulwerlptIons, advertisements, and all HQn> „„ the o< il()ri ,. B of To-day” and <-oinmiini<‘ntionM rchitint; to the . . - n , . . alno one from the pen of I)r. Kilev, management of the paper should b« 1 J sent to the Managing Editor. i enllll “ d A Hionrough Educationi- Thk Krn Ann Black will he ilevoted The Ifcinsnd of the Finies. W ith to matters of interest to the students the next issue the Magazine goes and friends of tin- I'niversity, ami gr;ul- into the hands of a new set of edi- N. E- HARRIS. Raoalvar. Schedule In effect Not. 12th, 1893. HARRIS & LEE, BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRERS. FIRST CLASS WORK. SPECIAL PRICES TO STUDENTS. nates* subscription* and communica tions are especially solicited. All members of the University are in vited to contribute to its columns, but the editors will not hold themselves re sponsible for the opinions advanced therein. Matter for publication must be ac companied by author's full name ami may be handed to the editors or ad dressed to Rmi Ami Black, Athens, (la. K.nrro ns: W. T. Ilaeon, '94, Editor-In-Chief. 1*. It. Lester, ( Law) Managing Editor. A. W. Stephens, I Business Manager. II. A. Alexander, 'U3. flreen Johnson,’Wb P. L. Fleming,'94, IM'. Barrow 3rd,'94. W. p. Harbin, '94 W. W.CliamlIer’90. T. A. McGregor. 'HI, L. B. Warren, Law. II. C. Moreno, ’tut. We publish in to-day's issue a letter from representative Hainer, of Khodc Island concerning the fu ture poatul rates on fraternity and college publications. The bill in <|iicsti<m is a most commendable one and slioubl re reive the hearty endorsement of every member in Congress who is a representative of the more noble ideas and higher life among nnr col lege boys. Still we must not trust to w hat we think they ought to do, but instead let ns, as an institution, facuity and students, petition our tors chief of which is Mr. B. B. Bower, one of the most popular members rf the Senior class. ^ m ONLY THOSE MUSCLES. O gymnast maid! I, curious swain, Would like to bear you say. The muscles that you mostly train, Now tell we which arc they? The gymnast maid, no whit dismayed, Now answered with a shrug, ( And every dimple she displayed) “The ones best for a bug.” —Univ. Courier. The University of Pennsylvania has arranged four baseball games with Vale, three with Harvard and three with Princeton. In the early days of Yale College, and until 177(1, the names of the graduates were arranged not alplii- helically, but in order of the social rank of the family to which they belonged. i'ovi t rnm> from first pagk. ing their support of the bill. May I also ask that the answers received from such members, favorable or unfavorable, be, so far as conveni- reprcsentalive* in Congress to ad- l,lt ’ *‘‘ nl lo ,ne bt ' re ■" order that voeate the measure and give college " ' • m!l ' know the support upon publications at least the advantages Northbound Trains. Hoathbound Trains No. 2 No l 1>*U/ HTATIONS. Daily. A. M Lt Ar P. M. P. M. 6 45 . Macon .. 6 45 6 55 U. 1). A S June 6 86 7 02 Chalk Cut.... 6 26 7 <7 Van Burea.. 6 22 7 20 Morton... « 031 7 81 Grays.. Bradley . 5 58 7 41 5 43 1 48 Way Bid* 6 41 7 65 Bound Oak 5 38 8 0S» Hillsboro 5 In 6 30 4 53 8 87 . . Montioello 4 51 0 56 .. Machea 4 8'J 8 59 Hhady Dale... 4 22 2 17 Godfrey 4 11 0 4 2 .. Madison,. 8 46 10 04 .. Florence 8 26 10 21 Farmington 8 10 1 > 23 ...Bishop 8 03 10 87 Walk uuvilie 2 54 10 44 Sidney •J 47 10 61 .. V, bitoball. 2 40 11 to ...Athens . 2 8o| A M. r . ▼ P M DICK HARRIS, The Tonsorial Artist, Employs polite Barbers ami guarantees ' first class work. Visit his parlors for I courteous attention BROAD STREET. THE MOST STYLISH HATS, -NICEST LINK OF- Connections at MadiHon with Go. K, it.- it Mscod with Southwestern Dmnon sod Mair Stem Division of C. of Ga. and G. S. A F. # for all Florida point*. Por farther information concerning rates, schedules etc , apply to J. 0 McM ASTER, Ag’t, Athens, Ga J. W. BY'KNs., Ticket Agent, Macon, Ga S. C HUGE, Snp’t. M<%«on. Qs CENTS 1 FURNISHINGS I Anil the most complete line of Young Men’s Clothing in the city can he found at J.J.C- McMahan’s, 117 CLAYTON STREET. PAL/AER & K1NNEBREW, DRUQQ5T5. Carry a Full Line of C ologne Toilet Articles. CLAYTON STREET. nod GBOBG1A t.illLROAD SCHEDULES. OFFICE GENERAL MANAGER. auqusta, (»*., Keb. 11th, IBM. Commencing Feb 11th the following act olea will be operated All trains, rno by 90 th u. The schedules are subject change without uotioe to the public. W endian Time. read do wi re ad UP. allow n tin- Police Gazette and other degrading papers which are circu lated as Hfcoud-elaas mail matter. On behalf of the Kditorial Stall of Tut: Crimson White, we ileair know the which we can rely and at the same time give us an opportunity to pre sent facts to opponents or to those who may be lukewarm, establish ing the justice of the measure. As the bill is soon to receive con sideration ami is meeting with some to express to the students of the 0 !T 0 * itio ", 1 be *P el ‘ k prompt- University our heartiest thanks for the very clever and generous man ner in which they have thus far co operated with us in our work. Know ing the many difficulties under which we had lo begin, they have not with-held an expression of cheer or approval, find better still, they have willingly and promptly re sponded to every call for financial aid. We greatly appreciate all this. It is very encouraging lo see the your subscription and that sow is eagerness with winch they look the time to do so. for the appearance of our little A blue mark across this indicates ness on the part of its friends. After receipt of this will you kindly give me your own views upon the subject as soon as possible, and oblige, ^ ours Respectfully, K. J. H.vinkk. What the Signals Indicate. A red pencil mark across here signifies that you have not paid manifested in devouring its con- college, that if you care to have a tents. Out of all the boys at the students’ enterprise succeed, that if University, only one has thus far re- you have a friend whom you would fused to subscribe. Can any of our like to have know more about the contemporaries boast of better sup college, send in your subscription port? If the alumni will do half as and the address of your friend and well, we entertain no fears of fail he too will get the paper. Mght 1 I).y 1 Train | t'rain ! D.,y Night No. 11. " xprev*. | Mail. No 27. STATIONS No 28. Mail. Express 5 00 pm 11 80 pm il 68 am 7 40 am . . Angus’.*. . '* 2' pm 1 20 pm 6 15 am: 6 34 prr H 54 po. 12 21 pm . Belair l 03 per 4 52 am 5 5 > pm 12 04 am 12 83 pin 8 13 am .Groveto- 8 pm 12 55 pm 4 41 am 6 04 pm 12 16 am 6 14 pm 12 26 an. 12 54 pml 8 18 am . Harlem . 3 34 pm 12 84 pm 4 20 am ft 24 pm 12 85 am 1 08 pm 1 8 47 am ..Dealing . d 25 px 12 25 pm 4 lo am 6 42 pm 12 52 am 1 2i pm 3 02 am ..Th moon. 8 08 pa i2 Oi pm 8 58 am 6 52 pm 1 03 an. 1 81 pm i 7 01 per. 1 10 am 1 42 on» 3 21 am Canrk 7 50 pm 11 47 am 8 85 am 7 0v pm 1 13 am 1 51 pm 3 28 am . Norwood 7 48 pm il 39 am 8 26 am 7 22 pm 1 85 am 2 U7 pm 3 42 am . Bar* *t 7 29 11 28 an 3 lo am 7 40 pm 1 4s an, 2 21 pm 3 54 am Ora VI 7 * fin'll 03 am 2 67 am - «X) pm 2 o7 am 2 47 pm 10 15 an Umcp Joint * 01 0:0 10 45 am 2 82 aoi 2 21 in 3 08 pm 10 29 am O-eei ;:!> ro 6 81 pai lo 29 am 2 21 am 2 44 am 8 80 pm 10 52 am Bucku^oo <> 0S jm 9 f-8 am 1 53 am i 6ft an 3 47 pm 11 06 am M ‘riison.. 5 53 pm 9 42 an 1 41 am 8 11 am 4 06 p i 11 24 am . Rutledge 5 86 pm 9 22 aui 1 * 6 an 8 28 am 4 22 pm 11 87 am Social Circle 5 22 pm 9 07 am 1 14 an 3 48 am 4 45 pm 11 57 am Covington 5 01 put 8 45 am 12 54 am - 4 '-ft am 11 po. 12 17 po. . .Conyers. 4 40 pm 8 21 an. 12 81 pui 4 21 am 5 1(8 pm 12 23 pm Lithonia . 4 28 pui 9 09 am i2 lit pu. 4 41 am 5 4 pm 12 46 pm •'tone M’tn. 4 10 pui 7 51 am it oo ngt 4 55 au> 5 58 pm 12 5 : > pm . Clurkston. 1 7 41 am il 47 pui 5 03 am 6 08 pm 1 04 pm . Decatur .. 8 5l pm 7 82 am 11 86 pm 6 30 am 6 1.5 pm 1 15 am . . Atlanta 8 40 pm 7 20 an. 11 15 pm 12 00 am 11 13 pm 5 .SI am 6 80 am 7 • 3 am 3 58 pu . iladdocxs.. j 24 am 4 58 pm 8 20 am 4 6u I in Macon. . . 6 3/ ant 9 45 pin 7 8u pm (l 25 ata 2 15 pm Barnett . 1 OO pm 9 So an. * 6. ,ln •%••••••• 7 42 pm 11 47 am 2 i7 pm . >haron . 1 45 pm 9 15 am 6 40 pm 7 55 pm 11 5u am 2 4 > pm . Hillman ... 1 34 pin 9 Ot air 6 43 pn 8 25 p m 2 20 pm 8 10 pm Washington 1 05 pQi * 8 am 6 <JU pm —l *— 8 83 pm 2 69 pu. oodviile. 9 54 am 6 59 pm ••••••••• c 40 pm 8 04 pm Batrdstowo 9 50 am 5 58 pm 3 28 pm 8 63 pm Dunlap... 3 ol am 4 5* pm 3 88 pm 8 68 pm W inters. 9 5. an. 4 54 pm 3 4*> pm 4 to i m .. A* hens 8 4'J an 4 4o p i 1-2 01 pm Whit** Plains ;;;;; ;; \ 3i pn Trim Mo. 12. 7 56 bid 7 16 am 7 01 am 6 4. aui 0 8b tm tiilS ui » lu m 6 00 m 5 51 m 6 44 n 6 80 put 6 10 pui 1 Q\j pm lire from a fiuaneial standpoint. Crimson-White. Take receipts for vour subscrip- TH08. w. green, '.aaarai Mtitger tlOU. All »ty* nine ran Daily except 11 and 12, which do not run oo .’Sunday. Sleepi"gCara between AtlauU and Charleston, August* a d Atlanta, Augusta and Macon on Night ci JOE W. WHITE, A. G. JACKSON Travelling Pooaenger Agent. Gen’l Freight and Paaa. Agv Aounav*. Ga.