The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, March 31, 1894, Image 3

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THE RED AX1) BLACK. Red and Black. OUU SPECIAL AGENT, GILLKLANI >'iS CHAS. XIOKW1S, popular prick Oyster I Louse Clothier, * Hatter * and * Furnisher. 218 BROAD STREET. 105 Broad Street. 0. \Y. McGftEGOfi, ATHEf/S, G4„ wmn m murnm ... . . . . . Visit our store. It is the Is instructed to give to < lubsour Lowest l:l| .^ Rt in t \ w south. The beat ami Kates on all our goods. All and enquiries for Athens and district for Sporting and Athletic Goods of our make are referred to him. A. G. SPALDING & SONS., NEW YORK. E. I. SMITH & CO- HEADQUARTERS EOK FINE SHOES EVERY PAIR GUAHATEEI). Comer College Ave. ami Clayton Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. FINEST QLOTHINQ I anti moat artistic Furnishing GootU at easy prices. LOCALS. ALWAYS ON HAND. OPEN UNTIL 12 O'clock Every Night. C. W. BALDWIN & CO. LEADING DEALERS IN Fine Foot Wear. Air. Henry Hillyer, who was forced to retire from college several weeks ago on account of weak eyes, lias returned, much improved. The Junior essays were handed in on last Wednesday. The Semiors of the biological de partmeut will hereafter certainly confer a favor on the “Yahooites" hy not permitting one of their vic tims for dissection to remain alive a night in New College building, more especially if it happens to he of the canine race. I’rof. Charhonuicr spent several days in Augusta this week, on luisi ness. Mr. I>av ’!>!, paid a business visit to Augusta ibis week. i ... ... , „ , < omer l layton St. ami ( ollcgc Ave An Atkinson club has been organ- i ONE door KUOM POST OFFICE i/.ed in college with Mr. lien Yow, 'll I, chairman. Iicell enrolled. Many memliers have .I0SKPII MtNDKIt, FlflE * f/\IL0RI[!G, Ijo, Allliough the weather was very inclement last Sunday night, there was a large number of college hoys present (of course) at the Caster exercises in Sci.ey-Slovall chapel. I)r. Young conducted the services. We are gelingout of drill “slick" Diamond J^ercKarxts l, " 8WC * ,k The Senior orations delivere I on last Wednesday evening were thrill ing pieeesof oratory. The gentlemen not only showed power of composi tion and rhetoric, hut great skill of delivery. No douhl, the faculty Mr.John Hill, of Columbus, fath er to Mr. l’orrv Hill, is in the city I for a few days. Kdwiu Davis has been at home in t (ireeneshoro lliisweek, attending In business in liters. Miss Hill, of Columbus, sister of I’erry llil , lias been in the city this week. Millie Wilkins, nl Waynesboro, is in the city, lie came up to he at the opening of the Allienieiiin Club I louse. Mr. W. S Cothran was called home on are "ii i of the serious ill ness of his si- r. She has now so far lecnviTi'i licit he has returned to his coll go "III 1 ies. Mr. H. M on account of the illness of his mother. He lias etururd, as she is now oiil'of danger. Mr. Lee Wellhouse is at his home in Atlanta, attending the wedding of his sister. Suits Made to Order. Students Work a Specialty Mi Dowki.i. Hri■ .himo, t'oi.I vor Ave. Special Discount to Students. I UK (’LAYTON ST It ITT TAILOR 5HOP. Suitn tuude to order, ('loauing unit Repairing neatly done. Work guaran teed. Special rate* to students. No tt (’layton street. .1 a< kmon the Taii.ok. IIASKLTON tY DOZIKIt, DEALERS IN PIANOS, ORGANS HMAI.I. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Davis was called l...,nc j ^ RT|ST >S MATERIALS, ETC. II. Com Davis, Restaunmt, IACKSDN STHKK'I' Meekett and Knland both played — I.ook to your interest You can save money by having your Siloes Repaired at the New Boot anil Shoe Simp on ,):u k son Street, umler the Hotel Toumer. \Vi- Guarantee to do I»«-111 work for levs was puzzled much to know which in the Kpiseopal choir Sunday, and two speeches were the best. with l*rnfs. Stratum, Ilerty and was nil Hooper the Master music usually line. How III;lIIv Itasc-hall lias been in winter quarters for a few days on account of the cold weather, but the hoys money than any one in the eity. "e are rallying In the cause again. Tnree broken hy tin uae nothing hut the Best Louisville Oak ... , ■ , , Sole Leather. U N.II.u iuiic.m it. different teama practiced on the I he weather haa broken up ground the same evening last Wed- University of Georgia boating GET YOUR iicftflay. for MimeiiiiR 1 . RAPHAEL poor girls’hearts were I k o I "N I ( /e> p • Kaster weather. J LV.vS J Ca I I VJ 1/ y the •lull ~D RUGS, 1 ‘K ESC RIPTK INS AIITK'LKS at Aidi«*iiM-r-ltiLM'li ItrewiiiK Uoniiumy AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. JOHN J&. SOTTlSrHHJDHIHt, SUCCESSOR I'D E. It. M 'll NKlDKIt, I.MI’OUTKU WIIOLKSAI.K VNI) RKT v 11. DKALKK IS cMWfoh'-'-Som'inu flNI; " INI;s - RKAM.IKS. WlllsklES. GIN. IIIIITKII. A.. CUWFOR sow. f. MINKKAL WATKIIS, TOBACCO, CIGAliS, ETC. STII F NTS PATRONIZE Agents for Veuv»*-riir»|tn»t PoiiMinlin Urliaiia Wine ( ^ A U ^ ’ 601 AN I* 802 liftOAl* STREET. McQuien & Carter, BAEBERS, ATHENS BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. < 'in Under Baldwin's Shoe Store. .. IS THE PLACE FOR I IIE STUDENTS TO BUY TAKIR PETER WEIL, MR. W. D. BOWDEN SHllKS MADE A Ul-.l'AlItT.D. BOOIv J AND J TnTIONEiKT. Is ™ K M " ST '*«»«■« ALL WORK PROMPTLY DOSE. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. *~R XJ S ZLvX -A- JST Uppusite V^eT^lnwG., EXTORTIONS IN PRIQEJ THERE, In Town. Give him your Patronage. College Avenue, CITY I)KU<; STOKE, R. C. ORR & CO. WE WANT YOUR Prescriptions. BEST Dltl Gh USED. EFULLY COMPOUNDED TrltpliuM 11’2.