The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, April 14, 1894, Image 4

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THE REI) AND BLACK. Red and Black. OUR SPECIAL AGENT, 1). W. MoGftBGOR, ATHENS, GA., !• Inatrueted to give to Club* our Lowest Hates on all our good*. All orders anti en.pilrlea for Athens and district for Sporting anti Athletic Goods of our mako are referred to him. A.G. SPALDING & SONS, NEW YORK. E. L SMITH &. CO, HEADQUARTERS FOB FINESHOES KVK.RY PAIR GUAHATK.K1). Corner College Ave. and Clayton Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. (|B<D3bj| ])J)a Diamorvd Jlerckarxts ATJLAWai'iX, ©A, Is4H»W to ytnir Interval. You ran wvo inonry by having your Sluwn Unpaired at the New Boot and Mum* Shop on Jack ton Street, under tin* Hotel Toomer. We tluarantoe to do better work for Ichh money than any one in the cl tv We UM nothing but the Bent Louiaville Oak Bole I seat her. \\ . N. H.u inu i\ 8riT. GET YOUR DRUGS, 1 *KKSC K11 ’Tit INS ANDTOILET ARTICLES AT CRAWFORD S DRUG STORE. STUDENTS. PATRONIZE McQieen & Carter, BARBERS, Under Baldwin’* Shoe Store. PETER WEIL, SIIOKS MADE/REPAIRED. ALL WORK PR»U«r I'LY IH>NK. Al.\ \V#KK Gl'ARANTKKI). tUpt"« NTKKKT, 0|<t«<site Taliuadtf". A Uriglitaell'* A CHAS. MORRIS, POPULAR PRICE Clothier, * Hatter * and * Furnisher. GlLLELAND’S 218 BROAD STREET. WiMEN 108 ATLANTA Vinit our store. It in the best and lar^eat in the South. The riNEST tLOTHINQ anil must artistic Furnishing Goods at easy prices. 12 O'cloek Every Night. LOCALS. Dr. F. B. Young conducted the services at the Y. M. C. A. rooms last Friday night. His talk was very interesting and instructive, lie also delivered an able sermon at chapel on Sunday. Mr. 1*. K. Lester, of the staff, after having been absent from college several days, returned last Saturday just in time to fill his place on the suceesHfiil nine. The Sophomores contested for speaker's places on last Wednesday. The successful contestants were: Bacon, Chandler, Clurk, Holden, Hurt, Morton, Neal, Pittman, Uvals and Stephenson. The boys are had at work prac ticing for field day, and no doubt j the swift running, high jumping, etc., will surpass that of many years ere this. Jim Bulner, ’95, spent several days with home folks in Macon last week. Miss Hattie l'liitiuy returned to her home in Augusta a week ago. She is now visiting in Richmond, where she will remain for a month, thence to New York. She has many friends in Athens who wish her a must enjoyable lour and will long for her return to the Classic City. Barrett l'hini/.y returned from Augusta Saturday after having spent a week within the borders of that charming city. The modern Tillmanile saloon was very short lived in Athens. The A. B. section of the Sopho more class has presented a college pin, with their colors, to Prof. Bar- row. He will not hereafter wear the black and yeliew, but will be adorned with white ami blue. You should not fail to see the wonderful work by l’rof. Zera Semon, the world renowned ventril- oquial and sleight-of-hand perform er. His performance last night at the Opera House was simply mira culous in the extreme. He will be here all the week. Mr. C. F. Dodd, ’95, on his return home from New York, spent several days here with his brother last week. Ho will enter college again next fall. Mr. C. C. Carson, ’9fi, visited relatives at Harmony Grove last Th ursday. Mr. J. V. Stubbs, *9-4, says he enjoyed that sermon last Sunday at chapel more than any one that has been preached there during his whole college course, but to save his life he couldn't swear who de liverod it. C. W. BALDWIN & CO. LEADING DEALERS IN Fine Foot Wear. Corner C'layton St. and College Ave. ONE DOOR FROM POST OFFICE. JOSEPH MINDER, FI [IE * J'HILORIflG, Suits Made to Order. Students Work a Specialty McDowell Building, College Ava. Special Discount to Students. THE CLAYTON STREET TAILOR SHOP. Suits made to order. Cleaning and Repairing neatly done. Work guaran teed. Special rate r . to students. No U Clayton street. Jackson the Tailom. “ HASELTON & DOZIER, DEALERS IN PIANOS, ORGANS SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ARTIST'S MATERIALS, ETC. Dr. Boggs has been in Washing ton City for a week, and examina tions have been the order of the day in his department. Students will soon commence to study finals, as ihey begin in about six weeks. II. Cobb Davis, Restaurant, JACKSON STREET. RAPHAEL Oscar Turner, of Atlanta, come over last week to attend the wedding of a relative and spent several hours among his former college acquaint ances. Jke Jailor, College Avenue, iTOIEiltSr ~R. SCHUSTEIDERi, SUCCESSOR TO E. R. SCHNEIDER, IMPORTER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN UNK WINKS. BRANDIES. WHISKIES, (JIN, DORTER. ALE. MINERAL WATERS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. Aimm* for \ eave-nimuot Puuanlin Urban* Wine Co., Anheaaer-Bu*rh Brewtac Company 601 amp S02 Broad Stkkkt. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. CITY DRUG STOKE, R, c. orr & CO. WE WANT YOUR ATHENS BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. IS THE PLACE FOR THE STUDENTS TO BUY TAEIK BOOK J AND JTdTIONERT. Prescriptions. BEST DRUGS USED. CAREFULLY COMPOUND®) Telephone 112. MR. W. D. BOWDEN IS THE MOST COURTEOUS -NO- EXTORTION5 IN PRICEJ THERE, ’bus im:jvisr In Town. Give him your Patronage. [ TH J THE UNlVERSltv Ur mEOWum i