The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, April 21, 1894, Image 3

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r-fY A • w Ij THE RED AND BLACK. Red and Black, wmm w *Tt*» T A IIUU UIIM WIMU " ] Visit, attire. It i. the t».»t and rr* / 'Jkl OUR SPECIAL AGENT, ®. \V. McGREGOR. ATHENS, GA., I, instructed to give to Club, our Lowest Kates on all our good*. All orders and enquiries for Athens and district for Sporting and Athletic Hoods of our make are referred to hi in. ' SPALDING & SONS., NEW YORK. E. I. SMITH & CO.. HEADQUARTERS FOK j Visit our store. It is the best and ; largest in the South. The FINEST tLOTHINQ and most artistic Furnishing Goods at easy prices. THE RARGAIN. Why dost thou sleep so soundly, thou men of the Glee Ulub? GILLKLAND’S Ovsterl louse %J 105 Broad Street, FRESH OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND. OPEN UNTIL 12 O'clock Every Nlglit. C. W. BALDWIN & CO. LEADING DEALERS IN FINE SHOES EVERY PAIR GUARATKKD. Young Cupid and Mercury were together . one day, The Northern league began play- And Cupid proposed to trade, j 0 j, Thursday. Baltimore and St. “My bow and quiver against your purse,” Lon|f WQn from Nl , w . York and And quickly the bargain's made. roipeo tively. Other games And now tlirougli the world together W( , rt , poxtponed on account of rain. ’Tis not the same now as of old. Brown University defeated Bh "- Fine Foot Wear. The god of the thieves 'tis who carries ton University last Monday by a the bow, iC ore of 40 to 0, tWr < ' ,l *> tun Ht ' *' Avu And women are won with gold. , , . ONE DOOR FROM POST OFFICE. y,ir Ifrel. The two games played bet ween U. of Vn. and of Vermont resulted LOCALS. in a victory for each. Became of pressure brought to “Say old man, got any i,„. ir f ro ,„ several sources “Jass" Dorsey has finally consented to Barry “No, money is very tight.' |, aV e his hair cut soon. “A striking feature: The fist.” “ .,, , , ■ .• l’rof.—How would you punctuate There will be an exhibition game * ru,t 3 1 of baseball today, between Seniors this sentence ... and Sophs. Wake up Seniors or “Alice a beautiful girl is walking ow. Harry loose changt .loSKI'll MINIIKI1, FlflE * TVLORIflG, Suits Madeto Order. Students Work a Specialty Ml'DoWKI.I. Itlll.lllSO, Coi.i.kok Avs. you'll come in hanging to the tail eml, in the series. Hurrah! for Georgia. She is pul I Corner College Ave. and Clayton Street, j ||f , f or | io th medals iu the Southern ATHENS, GEORGIA. down Broadway.” Kieshie “I’d make a dash alter Alice.”—Kx. Her lips wi re uplifted, llel eiieek oil Ills breast, Her head touched the button, And lie did the rest. l'.x Jyiwmaji JasJalvii |i), iamoBd JVIerckat\ts ATlaAirJTA, 'UH. ; league. Savannah first ami Macon last. Profs. McPherson and Hooper are now hoarding at the popular Victo ria Hotel. Mr. Cabell 1 lavis promises to bring a mascott on the field when the lawyers play the Sophs, that will so unnerve the young collegians that the favorites will have a walkover. Silil ,. at u , hl , moth Come along Cabell, let's see what ■die looks like. lie who courts a maid lias ge' A hard lot, we aver, For lie must ask her for bei "paw And then ask her pa for her Kx. Said love sick young Pat to his mother, Itotli her eyes are so pretty. The one wants to look at the other. - '— Ex. * oe Sophs, looked somewhat un nerved when the game was called Thursday afternoon. Mr. A. E. Thornton has left col Look to your interest You can save lege on account of bis eyes. Good- money by having your Shoes Repaired | lV(> g coll- at tile New Root and Slo»< Shop on .lack- sun Street, under the Hotel Toomer. I The most striking compliment you Guarantee to do better work for less ,, ,, . money 'than any one in the city. We can PAY I UK Kk.. AND Bl.A< K is your use nothing but tin- Rest Louisville Oak subscription. Sole Leather. W. N. Halmar, Suit. GET YOUR DRUGS, PKESCKIPTK >NS ANDTOILLT ARTICLES AT CRAWFOROS DRUG STORE. STUDENTS. PATRONIZE McQueen & Carter, B .A. IE& B IE IEU S, Under Baldwin'* Sin** Store. PETER WEIL, shoes maim: a repaired. ALL WORK PROMPTLY DONE. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. CLAVTOS vtKKKT. Ogpuaite Talma-lire Ac britfiitwell's The young bachelors of the town will give a picnic next Tuesday. Author’s arms were still around her, Several minutes bail gone by Since the lirst kiss had boon given, And lie had sworn for her to die. “Darling," gently lisped the maiden, Red as roses grew his face, “If you never loved another How then learned you to embrace?" Joyously lie pressed her to him, Whispering in her ear in haste; “Foot-ball trainers, while at college, Made us tackle 'round tin- waist. ' Ex Special Discount to Students. THE CLAYTON STREET TAILOR SHOP. Suits made to order. < leaning and 1 Repairing neatly done \\ ,.rk guaran I teed. Special rates to sideots. No V . ' ' la- ton street. JacksontiikTaii.ob. IASKLT0N A DOZIER, DEALERS IN PIANOS, ORGANS SMALL MUSIC AL INSTRUMENTS, ARTISTS HSTESISLi. ETC. II. Cobb Dams. Restaurant, JACKSON 8THEBT. RAPHAEL JKe Jailor, College Avenue. CITY DRUG STORK, R, C. ORR & CO. WE WANT YOUR Prescriptions. RENT DRUGS USED. CARKFl LLY COMPOUNDED Telephone 112. MR. W. D. BOWDEN IS THE MOST COURTEOUS ’BUS MAN EXTORTIONS IN PRICEJ THERE. In Town. Give him your Palronag e. vTOIEilfcT R. SGHUTEIDER, SUCCESSOR TO F.. R. SCHNEIDER, IMPOKTKK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEALER IN FINE WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, GIN. PORTER. ALE, MINERAL WATERS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. .Wont* for VcuVe-THoquot P'jfwardlf) Trauma Win#? (V»., Anli**<iw« r-I»iis* li Brpn inu 1 "fn|»i*ny 001 a*I> x02 Bkoaii 8TBRBT. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ATHENS BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. IS THE PLACE FOK THE STUDENTS TO BUY TAEIK BOOKJflNMTdTIONERT.