The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, April 28, 1894, Image 3

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/ I t> THE WED t — ) IHLACIC Red and Black, wwbw in aujmita Oi l! SPECIAL AGENT. 1). W. McGREGOll, ATHENS, GA„ Visit our store. It is the host and largest in the South. The HNE5T CLOTHINQ and most artistic Kurnishing Goods at easy prices. Gilleland's Oysterl Louse I < >C VIS There is a good number of the ( boys spending the latter part of this j Dr. lliley will entertain the Me week with home folks, owing to the niors from now until commencement two holidays. with a series of lectures on Aiueri \\'e cannot say that Mr. W. 1> can literature. Kllis’ memorial address came up to Four days of rest iu succession is our expectations, but it was very All orders and enquiries for Athens and enough to demoralize the average good. No doubt something more F 105 Broad Street in .'i ALWAYS ON HAND. iluj OPEN UNTIL li instructed to give to Clubs our Lowest Kates on all our goods. 12 O’clock Every Night. in which he reviewed old war student. Some of the boys put in lively would have been much more the lime on linuls. interesting to the larger part of the Shirley llrooks spent memorial audience, but the quiet and calm and field days with home-folks. way J. F. Lewis, who is remembered ... , , .. heroes, received the hearty applause as one of the honor men of re- ' 1 , ,, . of the “old Confederate Veterans.' spondee! to the toast, 1 lie Press, at the University club, at Savannah, Mr. Claude Fleming is spending Wednesday night. He is one of awhile iu Augusta. the most promising young newspa- Mr. G. P. Hunt ’96 has been yery E. I- SMITH & CO- per men of the state. „ ick w|lh a ievere atUck of Ule district for Sporting ami Athletic Goods of our make are referred to him. A.G. SPALDING & SONS., NEW YORK. HEADQUARTERS KOK FINE SHOES EVERY PAIR GUARATEEI). Corner College Avc. and Clayton Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. l>r. Hoggs is in Savannah. lie “Grippe," but is rapidly went down on Wednesday evening eing. to be at the meeting of the Univer sity club at the DeSolo that night. in lliJa Diamond JVIercKar\ts iA'djLilrfii'iA, XliX. Jidtu Harrington’s brother from West Point has been visiting him Prof. Harrow responded to the W( ,,. k toast “The University’’ at the meet ing of the University club inSavan- Tom Bo KK« '•*«»' nah Wednesday night. » Hst ,,f tl "’ »«*»Ultion , . ... much of bis time in the field, and Louis \Y arren spent inetuonal day ... . . . . . ' J can tell von the number of stamens at Ins home in Macon. . ... ■ , and pistils that a Jamestown weed “Ecce” Stephens spent Thursday has, provided he is armed with his guide hook. lo The strains front the apartment of meet his classes this week on ae- th „ < ik . 0 c | nb make lllt! n i g |,t air count of illness. hideous around Yahoo. Some of the hoys repaired to the i i* icn j CH an! j„ iettt o„ a „d ,,. V eral country on memorial day to spend 0 f t |, H | M ,ys attended the recent one u in rural quietude. Mitchell’s bridge The fraterni It is not known definitely yet; ties will soon ho arranging for when finals will commence, but theirs, probably about the first of June. with home-folks in Atlanta. Prof. White has been unable C. W. BALDWIN & CO. LEADING DEALERS IN Fine Foot Wear. Corner Clayton St. and College Avo. ONK noon FROM POST OFFICE. .I0SKIMI MINDER. FlflE * T/\/L0R/flG, Suits Madeto Order. Students Work a Specialty McDowkli. Ill II.IHXU, Col.i.kok Avk. Special Discount to Students. THE CLAYTON STREET TAILOR SHOP. .Suits miulu to order. Cleaning ami He spends Repairing neatly done. Work guarnn teed. Special r.tept to students. No It Clayton street. Jackson tiikTaii.ob. II AS ELTON & DO/.IKR, DKAl.KItS IN PIANOS, ORGANS SMALL MI'HK Al. INSTRUMENTS. rtKTIST’5 nATCRIALS, ETC. •onvale class, ness Lee Langley, of ’!>:! Law Look to your Interest. You ran save . hours , , • money by having your Shoes Repaired P'" I Uw Hours lurt on bust at the New Hoot and Shoe Shop on Jack- last Monday, son Street, under the Hotel Toomer. We Guarantee to do better work for lest. ITie baseball teams seem to retro- iloulsv'iUe Oak 8«de in skill of playing, the more Sole Leather. W. N.'nKt i’, SrrT. games they play, the more errors they make, and higher the score get your runs. drugs, prescriptions AND TOILET ARTICLES AT p CRAWFORD'S DRUG STORE. Some of the hoys “cut" the me morial exercises to attend finals. Big Smith says it goes against the grain of a proud man's nature to drill iu the green squad while by-slanders persist in guying him. Miss Carrie Lane, of Macon, is visiting Miss Aunabelle Heesu of this city. II. Com Davis, Restaurant, JACKSON STWItKT, RAPHAEL e Tailor, STUDENTS, PATRONIZE McQueen & Carter, barbers, Under Baldwin's Shoe Store. PETER WEIL, SHOES MADE & REPAIRED. ALL WORK PROMPTLY DONE. all work guaranteed. CI.AYTON STKKK.T, Opposite TalmadC * Brightwell’s TORT 1ST IR,. SCBBTSTIEIIDIEIR,, SUCCESSOR TO K. R. SCHNEIDER, IMI’OUTKK WHOLESALE'. AM) RETAIL DEALER IN FINE WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, GIN, PORTER, ALE, MINERAL WATERS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. Atfenu for Veuve-4Jltoiuot PonnArdin I'rbrna Wine (Jo., Afilieii*er-Hiiftcli Brewing (oinptny 601 a.mi Broad Sthkkt. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ATHENS BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. IS THE PLACE KIIK TI1E STUDENTS TO HUY TAKIK BOOKJ flNb JTdTIONERT. -Nt»- EXTORTION5 IN PRICEJ THERE. College Avenue. CITY DRUG STORE, R. C. 0R.R & CO WE WANT YOUR Prescriptions. BEST DRUGS USED. CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Telephone 112. MR. W. D. BOWDEN IS THE MOST COURTEOUS ’BUS 2s£ JlIsT In Town. Give him your Patronage.