The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, May 11, 1894, Image 3

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THE RED AND BLACK. Red and Black. OUR SPECIAL AGENT, fi. W. McGREGOR, ATHEflS, GA„ Is instructed to give to Clubs our Lowest Kates on all our goods. All orders and enquiries for Athens and district for Sporting and Athletic Goods of our make are referred to him. A. G. SPALDING & SONS., NEW YORK. WHEN IN ATLANTA Visit our store. It is the best and largest in the South. The FINEST CLOTHINQ and most artistic Furnishing Goods at easy prices. LOCALS. E. I. SMITH & CO- HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE SHOES EVERY PAIR GUARATEED. Corner College Ave. and Clayton Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. -J| Prof. Wilcox will attend com mencement at Yale this season. Let everybody goto Madison and cheer up the 'Varsity nine. H. 1’. Lester has been absent from the city for the past few days. Geo. Hurt has taken many pretty | river scenes with his camera. The commencement speakers have j not as yet been selected. Dr. Hoggs is absent from the city, i but will probably be back on Mon- j day. The infant child of I’rof Sylvanus Morris has been very low for several | days. C. I). McCutchen is still confined j next fall, to his room. His friunds hope to j see him out soon. Mr. Carson has been quite ill this week from effects of sore throat. 11c received a pleasant visit from our venerable friend the Kev. Dr. Lane. Sam Olive, one of the most popu lar boys of the Junior class before Christmas, come up from his home at Lexington and spent several days the first of the week with friends here. He is studying law, and will be admitted to bar some time this summer. The cadets are well pleased at the special order read on last Mon day charging the hour of meeting for drill from 4:30 lo5:H0 o’clock We are sorry to note the with drawal of Mr. Stephenson 'IMi, from college. He will perhaps return GlLLIiLANI >’S Oyster! louse 105 Broad Street, FRESH itfSTRES ALWAYS ON HAND. OPEN UNTIL 12 O'clock Every Night. C. W. BALDWIN & CO. LEADING DEALERS IN Fine Foot Wear. Corner Clayton St. and College Ave. ONE I)OOK FROM POST OFFICE. JOSEPH MINDER, ‘ FlfiE * TVLOfHflG, Suits Made to Order. Students Work a Specialty M< Dowki.i. Hi ii.oino, Coi.i.icuk Avk. The whistling negro attracted much attention on the campus By permission of Chancellor, the Thursday. His imitation of a mock Sophomore class debate which was ing bird is perfect. to take place this morning,has been postponed until fourth Saturday,two ! | weeks hence. i 1 ])& The Yahooites now have too ter to cool their palate* through weary warm hours of study. The very instructive talk of Dr. Young, at the First Baptist church last Sunday, showing the ill effects Special Discount to Students. THE CLAYTON STREET TAILOR SHOP. . Suits made to order. Cleaning and graphs, taken with Ills “Hawkeye.” j Repairing neatly done. Work gunrau- •e-wa Among the pictures are scenes from ^uid. 8| rates to students. Noll . , . , . clay ton Street. .Iai khon tiik 1 Attain, di the Die campus, the river mid the recent ] IIASKLTON & DOZIER, George Hurl is exhibiting a eo! ection of thirty very good plioto- Diamond Merchants of<Hc«hoiu.. mind »„d body ' of mail, should Do <i warning to all college men. iX'i'TATJ'm, (QiL Look to your Interest. You can nave money by having your Shoes Repaired at the New Boot and Shoe Shop on .J;ick- Kon Street, under the Hotel Tooiner. We Guarantee to do better work for Ickh money than any one in the city. We use nothing hut tin* Beat Louisville Oak Sole Leather. W. X. Uaudkup, Sppt. GET YOUR DRUGS, PRESCRIPTK INS AND TOILET ARTICLES AT CRAWFOR'FS DRUG STORE. STULENTS, PATRONIZE McQueen & Carter, BARBERS, Under Raid win’s Shoe Store. PETER WEIL, SHOES MADE & REPAIRED. ALL WORK PROMPTLY DONE. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. CLAYTON STKKKT, Opposite Talma,l«e A BrightwelPa class ball games. George intends to carry bis camera to Madison ^ Saturday. At last the Glee Club is doing something. Hchorsals under the | direction of Dr. Campbell are held in the Chi Phi club rooms every 1 Saturday at noon. There are about i F. Hi ley is absent this lwonty . five voi(!e , it| lhu or j Bll| „ tion, and the rehsrsalH foretell ex cellent results. A joint entertain- The free cocoa at McDowell A incut with the Thalians will lie Sons’ store will certainly be adver- j K' veH commencement. Billie Arm- tised well among the college hoys, r lro "«’* “f 1 . 00 "" vice-,.resident has , . 1 ' been filled by the election of Henry ill about a week hence. I here are 1 |i rnw „ Dr. B. week, he is attending a meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention some sampling from early dawn 'till dewy eve. Prof. John Morris lias been lee. taring to the Senior class this week on American literature in the ali- sceuce of Dr. Kiley. Brown. The Thalians are earning a new play for their commencement per formance. There will be no min strels this tune, but the entertain ment will far surpass any yet given by our splendid dramatic organisa tion. HEALERS IN PIANOS, ORGANS SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, -RTIST’S rwr ERIrtLS, ETC. II. Com Davis, Restaurant, JACKSON tITKBttT. RAPHAEL e j an or, College Avenue, # • CITY DRUG STORE, R.C.ORR &C0., JOZEUJST DD. SCZEiZUTIEIIDIEiR,, SUCCESSOR TO E. It. SCHNEIDER, I.MPOIM’KR WIIDI.KSALK AND KKTAIL DKALKIt IN FINE WINKS, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, (JIN, DORTER, ALE. MINERAL WATERS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. _ Agents for Veilv«4'Iicquot PoniiardIn I rkm.t Wine Co., Afdi<*iiH«T-Kux h Brewing Company l—' F - K - I f") T I O Cl 001 A.MI 802 lino a I. STKKKT. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. 1 ^ O'-' 1 I WUI j O- WE WANT YOUR ATHENS BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. IS THE PLACE FOR TIIE STUDENTS TO BUY TAKlIt BOOK J AND JTdTIONERT. -NO- EXTORTIONS IN PRICE./ THERE. BEST DRUGS USED. CAREFI LLY C0MD0I NDED Telephone 112. MR. W. D. BOWDEN IS THE MOST COURTEOUS ’BUS UL .A.1ST | In Town. Give him your Patronage.